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Life after kingsleyPREPARING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER By Dawn Morgan, Head of Sixth Form

Preparation for life after Kingsley begins in Senior School with enrichment sessions delivered by Sixth Form staff on subjects such as personal finance and business enterprise. As soon as our students start their Sixth Form journeys we turn our attention once again to the reality of what we are preparing them for. The 18 months spent at Sixth Form is a short time in which to prepare for the toughest academic tests students are yet to face and at the same time contemplate their futures. Getting to know our students, either as new entrants or as existing Kingsley students, is a priority, and it is this insight that allows the team to deliver a bespoke service that enables all our students, whatever their strengths and passions, to strive to achieve their goals. Prior to joining the Sixth Form, students enjoy an off-site bonding trip with staff and current Sixth Formers, getting to know each other and finding out about what to expect when term starts. In September, students are placed in vertical forms and their tutor begins the process of finding out their ambitions and what drives them. Later in this term, we visit a UK university and apprenticeship search fair to expose students to the many choices available to them and to open conversations about future possibilities. A range of PHSEE and tutor group sessions focus on future choices, and this is developed in enrichment time when we invite various professionals in to talk about their careers. We follow the A-level Mindset programme developed by Oakes and Griffin. In Year 12 this involves looking at study habits and breaking down barriers to success by identifying future aspirations and developing ‘pull goals’ that inspire students to decide what they are working towards (rather than ‘push goals’ that are imposed on us by others). Students are encouraged to add to their achievements by completing an Extended Project Qualification (read more on pages 73-74) or enrolling on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS): free, certified courses in a huge range of subject areas from footwear design to marine biology. Participating in a MOOC shows potential employers and university admissions tutors that a student is excited about making the most of their opportunities and going beyond what is expected of them. In an increasingly competitive arena, students must set themselves apart and move out of their comfort zones. Leadership skills are developed in Year 12 with the early opportunity to join the Sixth Form Leadership Team (SFLT) as Assistant House Prefects. This exposure to the demands of leadership alongside rigorous academic study helps students to identify their strongest qualities in preparation for the next stage of their lives. Later in Year 12 students are invited to apply for a role on the next SFLT by submitting a formal written application and, if shortlisted, being put through a realistic and challenging selection process. The team consists of Heads and Deputy Heads of School along with Prefect roles in Prep School, Key Stages 3 and 4, sports, performing arts, communication and charities. The team assumes a great deal of responsibility including speaking at school events, organising fundraising for their chosen charities, undertaking work in the local community and attending conferences with their counterparts across the Foundation schools and further afield. Our Higher Education and Next Steps evening in the spring term brings together representatives from UK universities and apprenticeship providers to advise students and parents on requirements for entering specific fields, careers and institutions. We also try to demystify the student finance process and how to apply for university accommodation with that all-important en-suite bathroom! Specific advice for Oxbridge applications is available along with applications for medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, all of which must be submitted early in the cycle.


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ABOVE: Alumna and barrister Charlotte WheelerSmith talks to Sixth Formers at our Next Steps event

Our annual Next Steps event for Year 12 students takes place in June once AS-levels (if taken) are complete and we turn our attention to applications for university, apprenticeships or employment. Students hear from guest speakers about the process of applying to university or for apprenticeships, the benefits of a well-spent gap year, the value of work experience and what it is like to study abroad. The most uplifting part of this event is the return of alumnae to tell their stories of life after Kingsley, what happens after school, what to expect from university, work or travel and, crucially, how to survive if plans go awry and things don’t work out in the way you hoped. This June we welcomed back doctors, solicitors, ward sisters, marketeers, HGV drivers, civil service staff, fashion students, musicians and managers to share their experiences and top tips for life after school. Following on from this invaluable advice and inspiration we introduce Year 12 students to the practical process of making applications and writing their all-important personal statements. The summer is spent on work experience placements and visiting university open days, and evaluating choices ready for applications to begin in earnest as soon as Year 13 begins. When term starts we immediately re-focus and spend time during enrichment advising students on choices that suit their interests and match their likely attainment. Subject teachers have by now submitted references and predicted grades so we are able to direct students to choose a combination of aspirational and insurance options. An allocated UCAS/ apprenticeship tutor guides each student through their applications, all of which go through many quality checks to ensure excellence. We use the award winning Unifrog platform alongside the UCAS Hub to direct students to advice and tips for making applications. While we await outcomes, Year 13 students take part in a mock interviews event in which local business people give freely of their time to stage interviews and put students through their paces as if the situation was real. Feedback is delivered over tea and biscuits and we are always immensely grateful to the parents, friends and alumnae who make this real world exposure possible. In addition to preparing for academic next steps, we are keen to equip our students with some of the practical skills they will require as they leave us. In Year 13 Moving On Week we teach essential life skills such as how to work a washing machine, basic cooking skills, basic car maintenance and living on a budget. Fun sessions reinforce the importance of these skills and complement skills imparted by friends and family. Studying at Kingsley’s Sixth Form is a special experience. Relationships are based on mutual respect and students are expected to work hard on their studies as well as embracing the many co-curricular and enrichment opportunities that are available to them. We work in partnership with staff, students and parents to provide the best possible experience while ensuring that when the time comes to move on, students are not only ready but raring to go! Recent successes include apprenticeships at Siemens, Boots and Harrods, degree apprenticeships at Newcastle University and places to study music and modern foreign languages at Cambridge University. We are very proud of all our Sixth Form students and look forward to welcoming many of them back to impart their wisdom to the next generation of aspiring leaders and change makers.

Written by Mrs Morgan, Head of Sixth Form

'In Year 13 Moving On week we teach essential life skills such as how to work a washing machine, basic cooking skills, basic car maintenance and living on a budget.'