Prep Handbook 2024-2025

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King’s Ely Prep Information for Parents

KING’S ELY 2 Contents Head’s welcome 3 Introduction to Year Groups and Houses 5 Contact list 7 The school day – overview 8 Beginning of the school day arrangements 9 During the school day 10 End of the school day arrangements 11 Communication 13 A-Z of additional important information 15

Welcome from the Head

I am delighted to be the new Headmaster of King’s Ely Prep School, and it gives me great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to you. As a member of our school, whether as a pupil or a parent, you are a member of a distinctive community, where the lasting impression will be one of warmth, kindness, and friendliness. I strive for every one of our pupils to be happy. Happy children, who want to come to school, will find something to embrace and throw their energies into. Happy children will thrive and succeed.

We aim to provide a first-class education, where every child is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential within a broad range of academic, cultural, and sporting opportunities. A forward-thinking curriculum, exceptional pastoral support, with a broad enrichment programme, combined with a vibrant weekly and flexi-boarding community, make King’s Ely a special place to be.

We believe that our high expectations, and strong values-based education helps each pupil to grow up fully rounded, with humility and confidence, combined with a strong sense of responsibility and consideration for others. We endeavour to uphold the values of respect, kindness, loyalty, and honesty, which are central to all that we do.

King’s Ely Prep School is, quite simply, a very special place. I look forward to seeing you over the coming days, weeks, and months. I share this handbook with you, to be used in conjunction with our website as a point of reference. If you need further guidance, please do not hesitate to contact the school reception. However, should you wish to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. My door is always open.


The aims of King’s Ely

Energy, Courage, Integrity

In the context of a secure, stable yet dynamic environment, rooted in Christian values, King’s Ely aims:

1) To provide and maintain a culture of integrity and trust in which childhood and youth are honoured and people of all races, faiths and backgrounds feel valued and respected;

2) To promote self-knowledge and develop skills for life through an open-minded approach to education;

3) In every context to provoke high expectation, strong self-esteem, and high achievement;

4) To meet individual needs be they educational or pastoral and to allow each pupil to find a voice;

5) To cherish the heritage and history of our city and our school and to live the truths for which they stand;

6) To promote personal and social responsibility for self, the school, and for our local and wider communities;

7) To seek and embrace the challenges and opportunities life presents thereby enhancing personal development and leadership skills;

8) To foster creativity and independence of mind and incite a continuing love of learning.


Introduction to your child’s Year Group

Years 3 to 6

Key Stage 2 Co-ordinator: Dan Everest

Years 3 and 4

Years 3 and 4 have their own unique area of the school, this allows us to provide an appropriate level of support and care as they start their journey at King’s Ely Prep. Class sizes vary but usually they have between 14 - 19 pupils in each. Each form has a class teacher who supports pupils academically and pastorally. Teaching & Learning Support assistants work in the classes in various capacities throughout Years 3 and 4. Academic progress is monitored by the Key Stage 2 coordinator. From Year 3 all pupils are supported by their Heads of House. In addition,Year 3 students have Year 8 buddies to support them at playtimes.

Forms are in mixed ability groups. In Year 4 Pupils are set for Maths and English. Both Years have specialist teachers in Games, Art, MFL, DT, Music, Computing and Drama. Pupils have PE and two Games sessions each week. There are two lunchtime supervisors who are responsible for supervising the children while they are at lunch in the Monastic Barn and during playtimes. Year 3 and Year 4 pupils are guided back from lunch together.

Years 5 and 6

Pupils in Years 5 and 6 move on to class bases in the centre of the school building. Class sizes are usually between 15-20 pupils. For registration, pupils meet in mixed ability form groups which will also be their groupings for Science, Geography, History, DT, Food Technology, Computing, Music, Art, Drama and RS. Pupils are set for Maths and English. Pupils have PE and two Games sessions each week. Teaching & Learning Support assistants support pupils in classrooms. Pupils are escorted by teachers to lunch in the Monastic Barn, but are trusted to walk back in small groups, within the sight of members of staff. Whilst these are the middle two years of our Prep provision, we recognise that they are the top two years of primary education and we tailor their experience to reflect that.


Years 7 and 8

Head of Year 7: Alastair Ray and Head of Year 8: Edward Davis

These pupils have embarked on their secondary education; we style their experience so that they are the most mature year groups in a Prep setting, with specific pastoral guidance suitable to their age. Academically they are in their Key Stage 3 years of education. They look after the academic development of their pupils. Pastoral matters are addressed and supported by the pupils’ form tutor and House Master/Mistress. Pupils are set for subjects and will be taught by specialist teachers including a number of whom teach in both the Senior and Prep phases of the school. Like Years 5 and 6, they have games on a Wednesday afternoon,

Introduction to the Houses

Every child in Prep is a member of a House. These serve to provide a special community for the pupils, nurturing a family feel across all age groups. The House structure is integral to the support that we offer your children. Houses take part in competitions throughout the year and meet together in house groups during the week. The Houses are overseen by a House Master/Mistress, often referred to as a HsM. They play a key role in overseeing the pastoral care of the pupils.

The four day houses are:

Goodwin - HsM – Olivia Petherick

Queen Emma - HsM – Richard Oliver

Queen Philippa - HsM – Dan Parratt

in addition to their own games afternoon on a Friday. Some fixtures are on Saturdays. Increased opportunities for responsibility are given and there are greater expectations of pupils taking responsibility for the management of their daily arrangements. In keeping with their age, they make their own way in groups to and from lunch.

Heads of Year liaise with Laura Roberts, the Deputy Head Academic who oversees all academic provisions in Prep. Pastoral Matters are overseen by Andrew Marshall, First Deputy Head.

Saunders - HsM – Amanda Kippax

Our boarding pupils live in two boarding houses – Priory House for both boys and girls, and Walsingham House for boys.

Our boarding choristers are part of the Houses too – the girl choristers in Priory, and the boys in Walsingham.

There is a separate handbook for boarding parents.

Priory House

HsM – Nikki Hughes


HsM – Loveday Perceval-Maxwell.


Contact list

We hope that any member of staff can help you. The first port of call is normally your child’s form tutor or HsM who has day to day responsibility for your child and will be in the best position to be aware of circumstances that can help you. However, there are specific people who can help you depending on the circumstances. Staff email addresses use the following format: and

Miss Claire Robbins King’s Ely Prep Secretary (01353 660730).

Mrs Deanna Cheung

Please use this number for contacting Prep regarding late arrivals and absences.

PA to the Head of King’s Ely Prep

Mrs Heidi Jackson King’s Ely Prep Receptionist and Activities Coordinator (01353 660734).

Mrs Vicky Jones

Mr Simon Kibler

Mr Andrew Marshall

Mrs Laura Roberts

Mrs Olivia Petherick

Miss Amanda Kippax

Mr Richard Oliver

Mr Dan Parratt

Mr Dan Everest

PA to the Deputy Heads and Cover Coordinator

Head of King’s Ely Prep (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

First Deputy Head – Pastoral Lead (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

Deputy Head – Academic Lead (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

Housemistress of Goodwin House (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

Housemistress of Saunders House

Housemaster of Queen Emma House

Housemaster of Queen Philippa House

Head of Key Stage 2

Mr Alistair Ray Head of Year 7

Mr Edward Davis Head of Year 8

Mrs Loveday Perceval-Maxwell

Mrs Nikki Hughes

Housemistress of Walsingham House (Boarding)

Housemistress of Priory House (Boarding)

Ms Catherine Evans-Buczak Head of Classroom Music

Mr Chris Parsons Head of Performance Music

Mrs Ruth McAlinden

Mr James Gibbs

Miss Nicole Duffield

Ms Michelle Parr

Director of Prep Sport

Senior Community Welfare Advisor and Prevent Lead

Community Welfare Advisor (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

School Counsellor

The Revd Dr Ros Lane Chaplain

A full staff list can be found in the School Almanack


The school day

5 and 6 Games for Period 6 and 7

7/8 adjusted on

3 and 4 games †Year 7 and 8 Games for Period 7 and 8

An overview
the school day: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08:25 – 08:40 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration 08:40 – 09:05 School or House Assembly / Form Time / Cathedral / Head of Year Assembly 09:05 – 09:55 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1* Period 1 09:55 – 10:45 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2 Period 2* Period 2 10:45 – 11:10 Break Break Break Break Break 11:10 – 12:00 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 Period 3 12:00 – 13:05 Lunch Lunch Lunch† Lunch Lunch 13:05 – 13:10 Registration Registration Registration† Registration Registration 13:10 – 13:55 Period 5 Period 5 Period 5† Period 5 Period 5* 13:55 – 14:45 Period 6 Period 6 Period 6* Period 6 Period 6** 14:45 – 14:50 Break Break Break Break Break 14:50 – 15:40 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7 Period 7† KS2 15:45 First collection First collection First collection First collection First collection 15:45 – 16:30 KS3 Period 8/KS2 Enrichment KS3 Period 8/KS2 Enrichment KS3 Period 8/KS2 Enrichment KS3 Period 8/KS2 Enrichment KS3 Period 8†/KS2 Enrichment 16:30 – 17:20 KS3 Prep/Clubs/Late Stay KS2 KS3 Prep/Clubs/Late Stay KS2 KS3 Prep/Clubs/Late Stay KS2 KS3 Prep/Clubs/Late Stay KS2 KS3 Prep/Clubs/Late Stay KS2 17:20 – 17:30 Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection *Games afternoon
from 13:45
Wednesday *Year

Beginning of the school day arrangements


• The school opens at 08:00. We are not in a position to supervise pupils before this time. Anybody arriving shortly before 08:00 must wait outside the main entrance. However, for parents who need to drop their children off much earlier, we offer a breakfast service at a small charge. In this case the children may be dropped off at Priory House from 07:15. They will breakfast with the boarders and walk with them to King’s Ely Prep. Parents are asked to book this service in advance directly with Mrs Nikki Hughes (Priory HsM) at NikkiHughes@

On arrival, the pupils go to the following areas:

Years 3-4 The Courtyard

Years 5-6 Outside on the Paddock area, after dropping off their bags

Years 7-8 The open areas of the Year 7 and 8 Block, with classroom access under the direction of staff.

The school day starts at 08:25.

• Should you need to speak to a member of staff having dropped off your child, please park in the Barton Road car park opposite the school exit, as there are so few spaces available in the school’s car parking area.

Because of the need for getting to Cathedral on Wednesday (KS3) or Thursday (KS2), we ask that pupils arrive particularly promptly between 08:00 and 08:25 on this day.


• Registration, in form rooms, begins at 08:25 until 08:40.

Late arrival

Pupils who arrive late must sign in at the main King’s Ely Prep office. It is very important that you inform Claire Robbins (01353 660730) if your child is unable to attend school for any reason such as sickness. We ring parents if a pupil does not arrive and we have not been informed about their absence.


During the school day

The school day starts in the following ways on specific days for different year groups:

Assembly – Morbey Hall and occasionally Sports Hall and Hayward Theatre

Form Time

We are delighted to present any awards or certificates to acknowledge your child’s achievements outside school.

An ideal time to hear the younger children read. Pupils from Years 5-6 should also have a reading book available. Form administration and pastoral interaction are key elements of this time.

House Assembly Houses meet within Key Stages or as a whole House.Year 8 pupils collect their younger Year 3 buddies to join all other pupils at their House base for whole House meetings.

Cathedral We meet either as key stages or as the whole of Prep. We walk to the Cathedral for a 08:45 start, so your prompt arrival at school is appreciated.

Form Time/Assembly


Pupils follow a timetable as shown on the previous overview. After Year 3 and 4, they are expected to organise themselves with their books for all lessons until the next break, unless they are going to a subject such as PE.


A menu is available on the school website each week. Pupils make their way to lunch in the following way.

Year 3-4 Walk to Lunch for 11:45. Year 3 and 4 are escorted back.

Year 5-6 Walk to Lunch for 12:15. They return in groups.

Year 7 Make their own way for 12:20 and return in groups.

Year 8 Make their own way for 12:25 and return in groups.

All road crossings are supervised by a member of our trained Custodian staff.

All pupils must have coats available. We walk to lunch, whatever the weather!

Some activities for all ages and practices (for older pupils) take place at lunchtime.

Afternoon school begins at 13:05. All pupils in Year 3 and 4 have an afternoon break. Pupils in Year 7 and 8 with an additional lesson have some flexible time during the afternoon so that they can re-organise themselves, go to the toilet etc. It is not an official break time, however.


End of the school day arrangements

Home time and after school activities

The official end to the teaching day is 15:45 for Years 3-6 and 16:30 for Years 7-8, except on Wednesdays, when those who are not involved in matches can leave at 15:45.

Once they have left the school site they are asked not to return without permission. Please inform staff in advance if your child is to be collected by someone other than the person known to us. We ask that parents observe the no parking areas and do not leave double parked vehicles unattended. If you have to collect your child at any other time, please come to reception and inform the duty staff who will help you. We ask that you do not attempt to enter the building to find your child. At the beginning of the school year you will be given the opportunity to inform us if your child will regularly walk home independently, cycle or travel by train.

Year 3 and 4

Children line up outside their classroom looking smart with all they need to take home. Teachers will take their class to the Year 3/4 gate to meet their parents or the person picking them up.

Year 5 and 6

Children return to their form rooms and those leaving at 15:45 are led out to you via the exit close to the Year 7 and 8 block.

Pupils staying for Supervised Prep, Enrichment and Activity Sessions in Years 3-6 There is a Homework, Enrichment or Activity session, supervised by teachers from 15:40 – 16:25. If necessary, pupils are able to remain with us, supervised, until 17:20 – 17:30. Some activities run from 16:30 – 17:20. Others, along with Team Practices run from 16:30 – 17:20.


Pupils staying for Supervised Prep, Enrichment and Activity Sessions in Years 7 and 8

For those not involved in activities and team practices, pupils can attend a prep session which runs from 16:30 – 17:20 in the Year 7/Year 8 classrooms. Should you need to collect your child from prep during this time, please go to reception and inform the duty staff who will help you. We ask that you do not attempt to enter the building to find your child. Unless there is a specific arrangement with activities run by outside providers, pupils staying after the end of the teaching day can be collected from outside the link area between 17:20 and 17:30.

School buses

Pupils who return home by minibus should go to the minibus area, in time for the bus to leave at 17:30. Further details about the bus arrangements are given elsewhere in this booklet.

Late Collection after 17:30

At 17:30 any child not collected will be taken to the Monastic Barn with the Priory boarders by a member of staff. They can then be collected from there or from the Priory when the boarders return from their Tea. Should you know that your child needs to stay after 17:30 they can join Priory House for Tea.

There is a small charge for this service. Parents are asked to book this service in advance by emailing Mrs Mrs Nikki Hughes (Priory HsM) at NikkiHughes@ Pupils should be collected by 18:30.


A varied activities programme is offered to pupils in Years 3-8. After school activities normally run from 16:30 – 17:20, with a few now available earlier to younger children.

All activities run by King’s Ely staff are free, but may be limited in number. Others run by outside providers may incur a charge. Details are sent at the end of each term for the following term. All correspondence about activities should go to the Activities Coordinator, Heidi Jackson at or on 01353 660734. After activities pupils should wait in the link area where duty staff or the activity leader will supervise them until they are collected. In some cases, activities are planned to run beyond 17:20. Specific arrangements are then put in place for collection of your child by the member of staff or the outside provider.



There are various ways for the school and parents to communicate with each other.

• The Pupil Planner – This is an important book in which pupils must write down their preps. Messages can also be written here by parents and staff. Please check it daily. Year 7 and 8 pupils will also be guided to an app version of this. They have a school notebook in which they can record information given to them.

• Telephone – Until 15:45, if messages are urgent it is best to telephone Claire Robbins on 01353 660730 or Heidi Jackson on 01353 660734 in the school office, who will take your message or contact staff on your behalf. From 15:45 parents should contact the duty phone on 07392 866254 to speak to the key member of staff on duty at reception at this time.

• Email – Staff check their emails at least at the beginning and the end of each school day. We aim to reply to all emails within 24 hours. Some guidance notes are given later in this booklet.

• Text – When possible, for example to indicate the arrival of a residential trip, or the significantly late return of a sports team, we are in a position to send an SMS to you. Please ensure that we have your correct mobile numbers.

• Almanack – This important diary is a useful point of reference for parents and pupils. It contains details of routines, rules and forthcoming events. This is sent to you electronically and in printed form.

• KingsPost – Letters and bulletins are usually sent to parents via KingsPost (the King’s Ely email delivery system). Please ensure the office always has an up-to-date email address for you. Normally KingsPost are only sent on Tuesday and Friday unless there are exceptional circumstances.

• Prep News – This weekly newsletter, also sent out by KingsPost, celebrates events within the community and highlights birthdays and other forthcoming events.

• Team selection is published via Socs and can be viewed by parents at a new password each year will be shared with parents. Pupils are able to view the team selections via the screens in the Year 5 and 6 corridor or the New Block screen.

• SharePoint – Prep details are found on this, the School’s Intranet.

• My School Portal and Website – ‘My School Portal’ holds particular information pertinent to parents such as reports, attendance rewards, handbooks and school correspondence. (Indeed this booklet will be housed there as a PDF). Specific log in details will be sent to you from a member of the admin team. In addition, the school website contains a huge amount of useful information.

• School Sport Website (SOCS) – To view all scheduled fixtures for Sports please visit Socs via Here you will be able to see the details of the fixtures, their location and key timing information. It is also possible to view team selection on this site using a password which will be shared at the start of the year. Any cancellations of matches will be shown on Socs and also emailed to parents.


Telephone contact after 17:30

Unless there is a specific arrangement with an activity leader or games teacher for a sporting fixture, at 17:30 all pupils who have not been collected will go with Priory, firstly to the Monastic Barn and then to their boarding house. If parents need to contact the school after 17:30 regarding a collection issue,

they should call the Priory duty mobile number, 07551 157509. The duty member of staff will also be contactable on the Priory landline number, 01353 661596 when they have returned from tea. The House Mistress can be contacted on 07341 730047.

Communication and meetings with staff to share an issue related to your child

While Parents’ Evenings provide a formal opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher, staff are always willing to meet to discuss any aspect of your child’s progress. If you have a quick query, staff will do their best to help you there and then. It may be, however, that a mutually convenient meeting time will give both the parent and the member of staff the best opportunity to meet and help a specific situation move forward. Please contact the relevant teacher through the school office to arrange a convenient time. Please understand that a teacher is not always in the best position to give you quality time if you see them spontaneously at the beginning of the school day. We want meetings to be as useful to you as possible and the general business at the beginning of the day is not always conducive to this!

We welcome communication from parents in any of the forms mentioned above. Of course, we appreciate the busy nature of your days and we would want you to feel that you can contact us in a way that is helpful to you. While email is often the chosen and most appropriate method of communication we would ask parents to consider a couple of points that are expressed in the spirit of ultimately helping you and your child most effectively:

• Please understand that receiving an email of concern just before teaching a lesson is not conducive to a member of staff having the necessary mind-set to work with the children. If a teacher can be given the opportunity to call back to discuss an issue, it is often the best way to help you.

• While emails can be sent and delivered almost instantaneously, it is not always easy, nor appropriate, for staff to respond, beyond acknowledgement, on the same day. Fact finding, in order to respond appropriately, can take time.

• Often, arranging the opportunity to talk in person with a member of staff can remove a great deal of unnecessary anxiety for a parent trying to piece together aspects of their children’s schooling that concern them. The characteristics of a two-way conversation can often put minds at rest much more quickly and misunderstandings, that can arise though the misreading of tone in an email, are alleviated.


A-Z of important additional information


If your child is going to be absent because of illness, please inform the School Office on 01353 660730 or by email (, ideally before 08:25. If, for whatever reason, you have not been able to make contact before that time, please do so as soon as possible afterwards.

Permission for absences from school for other reasons are not normally given unless written application has

been made to the Head of King’s Ely Prep, well before the requested absence. It is requested that application for non-medical absence is not made, unless the cause is particularly urgent. The school discourages student absences during term time for holiday purposes.

Please note that if your child has been vomiting, they are expected to be absent from school for at least two complete days (48 hours) following the last episode.


Academic Matters

Reporting to Parents

At regular intervals throughout the academic year, formal feedback on your child’s academic performance will be shared with you in the form of a Grade Card,

Grade Cards

Pupils will receive Grade Cards at regular intervals. These report on Effort and Attainment. Tutors review the Grade Cards with their pupils. Targets are given as appropriate. For pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 Effort grades are shared with pupils, Attainment grades are only reported to parents. For pupils in Years 5-8, tutors review Attainment and Effort grades with their pupils.

There are 3 Grades for Effort: Exceeds Expectation (E), Meets Expectation (M) or Below Expectation (B). Where a “Below” grade is given, parents will be informed prior to the student receiving this grade and an explanation of where the student needs to improve will be discussed with both the parents and the student. Those students who achieve the highest Effort Grades in each Year group will receive a Head’s Commendation in an assembly.

Attainment Grades are awarded in English, Maths, Science (Y5-8 only), MFL (Y7&8 only). In Key Stage 2, there are four attainment grades: Excellent, Good,

Assessment Results Card, Parents’ Evenings, and a full Report. A schedule of these events will be available from your child’s Head of Year.

Acceptable and Working Towards. The Attainment Grade is based on classwork and the teacher’s formative assessment.

In Year 7 and Year 8, Attainment Grades are reported for English, Mathematics, Science and MFL in the stanine format. Pupils at King’s Ely are expected to achieve stanines of an average of 4 or above. Should they be receiving lower than this, parents will be invited to have a progress meeting with key staff to discuss how best their child may be additionally supported.

Y7 and Y8 Period Grade

Attainment Stanines Description of Stanine 7/8
Excellent 5/6
Good 4/5 Acceptable 3
less Working Towards
or 8/9
or 6/7


Pupils are put into groups “sets” according to the cohort in each year group. In the Michaelmas term, groups are fluid as we establish the ability profile of individual pupils within the cohort. The largest size of a set is around 20 but the “working towards” sets tend

Subject Bands


to be smaller. In Key Stage 2, pupils are put into “set” groups for Maths and English only. In Years 7 and 8, it is more complex and this is summarised on the table below:

Linked Subjects

3 Bands with 2 parallel groups in each Geography, Classics, RS, Geography

Maths 3 Bands with 2 groups in each (set according to ability) Science


3 Bands (pupils in the same band as their Maths set) but within the bands, groups are parallel

Maths, Music, ICT, DT, Drama/ Art, PE

Pupil progress is closely monitored. Should staff feel that a pupil will make better progress in a different group, parents will be informed.


In Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 all pupils are encouraged to read regularly and practise their times tables. In Years 3 to 5, pupils will also be set a Maths and English task to complete over the week. They can be tackled a little bit each day, or as time allows during the week. Pupils in Year 6 will be set subject-specific homework assignments as per their homework timetable. These will be topic-specific to consolidate / extend current learning in class. There will also be an opportunity for pupils to complete a half-termly enrichment project from different areas of the curriculum and a chance to showcase their creativity. These tasks will not be compulsory, but we hope that this offers the opportunity for parents to be involved (as much as they wish or work commitments etc allows).

In Year 7 and Year 8, two thirty-minute tasks are set four times per week. A prep timetable is issued to pupils at the beginning of the year.

Parents’ Evenings

We offer you the formal and informal opportunity to meet with us at Parents’ Evenings at various times throughout the year. These are key evenings for you as parents and ones which we value hugely as staff. Further details are sent via KingsPost.


Additional extras to pupils’ fees

Each year a number of exciting trips and excursions are planned for the students at King’s Ely Prep. If the trip is considered essential and is provided as part of the course of work, the fee will include the cost of the trip (with the exception of spending money and equipment). However, a wide range of other trips, tours, holidays or residential visits are also arranged. These are optional and will therefore not be covered by the fees. At the time of booking a place for their child, parents are asked to indicate their permission for the extra to be charged to their account by returning a reply slip which is normally generated electronically.

The school has a policy for dealing with the late payment of fees and should a student’s fees be in arrears, the school will decline to confirm the place of a child on the trip until the fee account is paid in full. Please contact the Head of King’s Ely Prep or the Finance Officer (Fees) at the earliest opportunity if you have information to share with us regarding the payment of your child’s fees.

BYOD – (Bring Your Own Device)

All pupils in Year 7 and 8 are expected to have a device available for their learning. Pupils will be guided to the devices that they are able to bring into school the recommended apps for the particular platform that they use. A separate publication will give all the necessary details.


Minibus services are available to bring your children to school en route from Downham Market, Huntingdon, Chatteris, Dalham, Cambridge Science Park, Trumpington, Bury St Edmunds and Swaffham Bulbeck. The route/timetables are on our website. Please contact Andreas Elia – AndreasElia@kingsely. org or on 01353 660700, if you are interested in your child using the minibus service. At the end of the day, minibuses pick pupils up from the bus parking bays at 17:30. If it is clear that a bus service from other areas would be of use to you and a sufficient number of other families, we would be very pleased to assess the viability of setting up such a route. Children’s conduct and courtesy towards the minibus drivers and all other passengers should be in keeping with our expectations of them at School. All children who use public transport should be aware that they are still an advertisement for our school while they travel.


Chaplaincy and worship in Ely Cathedral

Christian inspiration is fundamental to King’s Ely. The school recognises that pupils may come from homes which follow other faiths or have no strong religious affiliation. The Chaplaincy is fully involved with pastoral care of the school community.

We are blessed that Ely Cathedral is our spiritual home. King’s Ely Prep students worship in the Cathedral each Thursday. The Cathedral is a place of warmth and peace.

Our School Chaplain is Revd Dr Ros Lane, who is available to meet all members of the school community. Each year she provides the opportunity for pupils to prepare for Communion and Confirmation and leads the School Retreat. Her office is accessible to all students and can be found in Bishop Woodford House.

Charitable fundraising at King’s Ely Prep

As befits our ethos, King’s Ely is a keen contributor to charitable causes. We unite as a school to support a specific cause each academic year and from time to time children are invited to make a small contribution as part of a charitable event or day. In addition, we host specific fundraising events where children will be able to bring in money to spend (for example on stalls that we encourage children to run). Of course, we are also delighted to hear of any charitable events that your children have been involved in. Photographs and information that we can display would be gratefully received in support of your children’s efforts.



Above all other responsibilities we shoulder, is our shared responsibility to keep your child safe. As well as the rigorous Health and Safety policies and the maintenance of security at school, there is our statutory obligation and desire to follow rigorous safeguarding procedures.

The Policy covering this aspect of our care for your child is available to parents on the website, or in printed form, if requested. Along with stringent staff and volunteer recruitment checks, the Head of King’s Ely Prep, Simon Kibler, Andrew Marshall, Laura Roberts and Olivia Petherick, who are the Designated Safeguarding Officers at King’s Ely Prep, maintain appropriate records and liaise with external authorities as required. Should you wish to share a child protection concern, please contact one of these designated members of staff in the first instance.

Welfare and Counselling

King’s Ely offer a counselling service which is coordinated by the Community Welfare Advisor. They work with the qualified (BACP registered) school counsellors. All pupils may access up to six counselling sessions per academic year, free of charge. The counselling service is confidential apart from the rare occasions when there is a safeguarding concern which would be passed onto the Designated Safeguarding Lead. In Prep School, we welcome parents being aware of the counselling process and invite your input at the point of referral. Referrals may be received from parents, staff or direct from pupils. The school counsellors aim to provide a specialised, professional layer of support, complementing the pastoral support offered by tutors, teachers, housemasters and housemistresses.

Damage to and loss of school property

Any damage to school property as a result of inappropriate behaviour will be charged for. School equipment and Library books which are lost by pupils will also incur a replacement fee. Parents are informed in advance that a charge is to be made. Each pupil in Years 3-6 is issued with a Pupil Planner. However, if this is lost or defaced there will be a £5 charge for a replacement.


Driving on the school site and parking

Please be extremely careful when driving around the school site. There is a 10 mile per hour speed limit, monitored by CCTV. A number of changes have been made in recent years to improve the flow of traffic around the school; however we would ask you never to compromise the children’s safety. To protect all children further, please ensure engines are switched off whilst waiting.

Naturally, the issue of car-parking affects the vast majority of parents. We ask that you help us to keep your children safe by sticking to the designated parking bays and using the drop-off areas solely for the purpose for which they are intended. At peak times we ask that parents do not wait for longer than it takes for a child to get in or out of the car.


In addition to the parking that we can provide, many parents find the free car park opposite the School Field a convenient place to deliver and pick up their children to and from school. Certainly, if you are likely to be meeting with a member of staff at the end of the day we would recommend that you make use of this facility, as we cannot guarantee parking spaces being available on site.

Disabled spaces are reserved for people that hold blue badges only, using these bays can cause significant distress to parents, staff and visitors that need them.

Please be aware that electric cars as quieter than conventional cars, so students may not hear them coming.



All equipment must be named. This includes items such as mobile phones, watches, calculators etc. Jonathan Riches, in charge of Lost Property, along with your child’s form tutor, are the first port of call when clothing or items have gone missing. Nevertheless we do expect older pupils particularly to conduct a thorough search beforehand.

Games bags are available from the school uniform supplier, Please ensure that the bag is clearly named on the outside. A bag will be provided to each child in their house colours.

We do come across unnamed hockey sticks and cricket bats. Children tend to have similar sticks and bats which are not easy to identify without a name.

Valuable items are brought at the owners own risk. Please ensure that such items are covered by household insurance.

Pupils require the following equipment for academic lessons:

• Blue fountain pen with spare ink cartridges or blue handwriting pen (Year 4 upwards)

• Pencil

• 30cm ruler

• Rubber

• Colouring pencils

• Sharpener

• Glue stick

• Pupil Planner

• Reading book – available at all times

• Protractor ( Year 5 upwards)

• Highlighter

• Pair of compasses (Year 6)

• A geometry set (Year 7 and 8)

• Scissors (Year 7 and 8)

• A laptop/tablet is required for Years 7 and 8additional information will be shared as a guide to parents.

• A Basic Calculator is needed for Years 5 and 6 and a Scientific Calculator is required from Year 7 upwards.


Storage of equipment, school and games bags and musical instruments

Brass and Wind instruments must be left in the Music cupboards next to the school office. Stringed instruments are left in the Music Department.

Year 3 and 4 – all equipment and bags are Prept in form rooms and the Year 3-4 changing rooms.

Year 5 and 6 – pupils are assigned a labelled box in which to store all of their books and folders. Year 5 have a cloakroom in which they can store their coats and school bags and Year 6 have pegs in their classrooms. Both year groups store their games bags near their changing rooms.

Year 7 and 8

Pupils will be assigned individual storage spaces for books and school bags. All pupils in Years 7 and 8 store their games bags and coats in specific areas of the Link Area.

FoKsE – The Friends of King’s Ely

FoKsE is the organisation which supports school projects and offers a network and social opportunities for our parental body. Each year group has a parental representative who will notify you about events such as coffee mornings and other social events. We hugely welcome the support that we receive from the organisation and we hope that you benefit from the enormous goodwill that is offered by the members of the committee.

Holidays in term time

Holidays in term time have a negative effect on all children, including those who remain in school. The school routine, which is so important to the stability of children, is unsettled and there can be a negative effect on the corporate discipline and identity of the school. We ask parents to ensure that holidays are not taken in term time. Holidays taken will always be categorised as unauthorised and no extra work will be provided for the child unless there are exceptional circumstances and the Head of King’s Ely Prep has offered explicit written authorisation for the absence.



No homework is set on a Wednesday evening as it can conflict with sporting commitments, but it is a useful time for catching up in busy weeks.

Year 3 receive three twenty minute homeworks per week, and Year 4 receive four.

In Year 5 and 6, homework increases to forty minutes four times a week, and can either be two short tasks or one longer one.

In Year 7 and 8, two, thirty minute tasks are set four times per week.

A homework timetable is issued to pupils and parents at the beginning of the year.

King’s Ely Senior –Preparing children for the move from

Year 8 to Year 9

We are very fortunate that, while the Prep and Senior sections of King’s Ely have distinct, age appropriate approaches and structures, we are still one school community. A number of staff teach in both sections and many facilities are shared. The KS3 stage of education spans Year 7 to 9 – therefore, when a child moves to King’s Ely Senior, they are already familiar with many of aspects of Senior school life.

That said, there is a need to prepare pupils properly for transition to the next step in their education. In Year 7, children and their parents are invited to visit King’s Ely Senior and in Year 8 the opportunity is given formally again. Informally, parents and pupils are always welcome to visit King’s Ely Senior and meet staff. Please contact us if this would be useful to you.


Trinity Speech and Drama Exams

In preparation for certification by Trinity, we are fortunate to be able to provide lessons for pupils who wish to attend. Should you wish your child to have Trinity lessons, please contact Matthew Cammelle at

Lost property

Mr Jonathan Riches oversees the management of lost property. He can be contacted at JonathanRiches@

There are two lost property cupboards in King’s Ely Prep. Named items belonging to pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 can be collected from underneath the plasma screen at the end of the main corridor. Named items belonging to pupils in Year 7 to Year 8 can be collected from underneath the plasma screen in the Link Area.

Please help us to minimise lost property by labelling all items clearly, permanently and in obvious places.

Health and Wellbeing Centre and Medicinal Administration

The Health and Wellbeing Centre is staffed by three qualified nurses and an assistant. The Health and Wellbeing Centre is open to all pupils from 07.30 –18.00 each day of the week with an on-call system outside of these times.

The Health and Wellbeing Centre is supported by a local GP practice in Ely, and our boarding pupils are registered with this practice to receive the appropriate medical care that they may need whilst living within the boarding community.

Our school nurses are supported by first aid trained members of staff in King’s Ely Prep, who may administer a first response to your son, daughter, ward if they experience a minor injury within the school day. More serious injuries will be managed by the nurses and of course, emergency services, if necessary. Minor illnesses are also managed by our professional team who will make every attempt to contact you if your son, daughter, ward becomes unwell during the school day.

The team in the Health and Wellbeing Centre aim to be welcoming and approachable whilst developing relationships with the School’s pupils and their parents. To contact the Health and Wellbeing Centre please email or 01353 622225.


Mobile phones and use of school’s ICT equipment

Pupils are given a Code of Conduct governing the use of mobile phones and the Acceptable Usage of ICT Equipment policy in their Pupil Planners. They are asked to sign these to confirm that they

understand our expectations, designed for their safety and protection. We ask that you also sign these to demonstrate cohesion in our approaches to guiding your child.

Acceptable usage of mobile phones and other digital technologies

If parents wish their child to bring a mobile phone into school they should complete the form provided at the beginning of the school year, giving the number of their child’s phone. Phones must be handed in at the beginning of the day and collected at the end from their tutor. They must not be used in the daytime unless permission has been given, and then only for routine communication. Unsanctioned contact with parents during the school day can lead to confusion and unnecessarily stressful untangling of situations due to staff on site not being aware of issues.

It is a privilege for pupils to use the school’s ICT systems. Unacceptable usage can be traced back to them. The world of ICT moves on quicker than any other aspect of our lives and we are grateful to parents for working in partnership with us to ensure that pupils are safe, sensible and age-appropriate in their use of ICT and the access it gives them to the outside world. It is important that we work together to ensure that children are absolutely clear about the importance of only making contact with people that you as parents are aware of. As a school, we reinforce the message that social networks have minimum age limits; in the case of Facebook for example, it is 13 years old, and with WhatsApp, it is 16 years old. We recommend that parents visit King’s Ely ‘My School Portal’: School Information/Digital Resilience for advice on digital safety.

If we are aware that phones, email or the internet have been used to damage the reputation of any individual or organisation such as our school, we will treat the situation as a very serious breach of school discipline or law and immediately take the appropriate action even if the communication has taken place away from the school grounds.

Valuable items are brought at the owners own risk. Please ensure that such items are covered by household insurance.



Instrumental music tuition and tutors

We are proud of our musical tradition at King’s Ely. It is wonderful that so many pupils choose to take instrumental and vocal lessons with us, and we are grateful for all that they contribute to the spirit and ethos of King’s Ely through their music. If you would like your child to take instrumental or vocal lessons at King’s Ely please contact the Music Administrator, Mrs Annika Hakansson on or 01353 653931.

Lessons are timetabled, where appropriate, on a rotational basis each week so that no one academic lesson is affected consistently for pupils. All 35 instrumental tutors are listed in the Almanack, and we offer lessons on all standard orchestral, band and keyboard instruments, alongside vocal, organ and music theory tuition. Some of our instrumental tutors work full time at King’s Ely whilst others visit us alongside other schools, and several tutors balance their teaching with professional performance commitments both locally and internationally.

We offer instrumental hire for most instruments, including smaller sized instruments for those younger pupils starting out. Pupils are responsible for remembering and getting to their music lessons on time and should inform their class teachers of these individual instrument or vocal lesson times. The time that the instrumental tutors have with pupils is precious, so we thank you for helping us by ensuring that pupils are certain of their lesson times.

Performance Music & Instrumental Tasters

Every pupil within the Prep School has one weekly classroom-based curriculum music lesson and a weekly ensemble opportunity as part of our ‘performance music’ initiative.

Years 3&4

Any pupils who already play an orchestral, band or string instrument will participate in the Y3&4 string or band ensemble each week on their instruments. They will continue to develop their ensemble skills during rehearsals and performances.

Pupils who do not play one of the above instruments have the opportunity to try a number of woodwind, brass and string instruments in small groups as part of our weekly ‘instrumental taster’ sessions. After they have tried all six instruments, pupils pick their favoured instrument for a further few free group lessons, after which they join either the band or string ensemble on these instruments and work towards a performance. If the pupil would like to then continue in the ensemble on their chosen instrument following this performance, they will need to commit to individual lessons. It may become apparent that a pupil has the desire to continue with a particular instrument they have tried at an earlier point in the year, which is also possible. For any queries regarding individual tuition, parents should communicate with the Music Administrator, Mrs Annika Hakansson on or 01353 653931.


Years 5&6

Any pupils who already play an orchestral, band or string instrument will participate in the Y5&6 band, rock school keyboard or string ensemble each week on their instruments. They will continue to develop their ensemble skills during rehearsals and performances.

Pupils who don’t play one of the above instruments participate in our weekly ensemble carousel, which includes both vocal and percussion groups. Pupils will continue to develop ensemble and instrumental/vocal skills throughout the year, building on their existing musical skills and understanding.

Years 7&8

Pupils who already play an orchestral, band or string instrument will participate in the Y7&8 band, rock school keyboard or string ensemble each week on their instruments. They will continue to develop their ensemble skills during rehearsals and performances.

Pupils who don’t play one of the above instruments participate in our weekly ensemble carousel, where they will continue to develop musical confidence, knowledge, and ensemble performance skills.

In the years 7 and 8 ensemble carousel, students will work on four projects across the two years, culminating in two performances across the year. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a dance group, percussion ensemble, vocal group and music technology group.


Groups & Performance Opportunities

The school runs a large variety of ensembles, some of which are invitational and some which are open and available to all. These groups extend the opportunities for both vocalists and instrumentalists, and we also offer clubs which specifically support pupils’ aural skills and understanding of music theory. For those pupils who are also choristers we offer a more extensive tailored theory provision. The list of ensembles is updated annually; this is listed in the Almanack, and printed copies are visible around the school.

Throughout the year there are numerous performance opportunities for these ensembles, including regular services in the Cathedral, Concerts, the House Music competition, and Summer Celebration, alongside more informal performance opportunities for soloists and our informal tea time concert series.

We are proud of our strong singing tradition at King’s Ely and pupils are supported to continually develop their vocal technique and repertoire throughout their time at the school. Through regular singing in lessons, weekly hymn practice and singing in Cathedral services, the school community continues to maintain a love of and enthusiasm for singing.


No smoking

All buildings and grounds at King’s Ely are smoke-free zones.

Prize Giving

We are delighted to congratulate children throughout the year for their achievements. At the end of the year, we hold a formal Prize Giving so that exceptional achievements can be acknowledged.

Rewards and Sanctions


Children are rewarded in a number of ways, based on good work, effort, behaviour and helpfulness. Some rewards are common to all ages; others are age appropriate.

In Years 3 and 4 the onus is on positive praise based on the individual child. Stickers and stamps are the main form of praise; these are given for good pieces of work, behaviour and helpfulness or politeness. ‘Star of the Week’ badges, pencils and certificates are given for good work, good behaviour and other reasons.

Children are given Merits for good work, conduct and behaviour, which they record on a Merit Card. When they have 5 Merits they qualify for a Good Result which they claim from their Housemaster/Mistress by taking their Merit Card to them. When they have 5 Good Results they will be awarded a gift voucher in an end of term assembly. Teachers nominate pupils for Head’s Commendations, which are awarded in our Monday assemblies. We also like to send children to other teachers in the team for praise and it is particularly important to use the Head of Year and HsM for praising children.

Pupils are also encouraged to share their accolades and achievements from outside school and the Head of King’s Ely Prep is happy to present certificates, badges, medals and cups in school assemblies.


Sanctions and other matters relating to Discipline

Disciplined behaviour is expected of our pupils as members of a school community. We have clear guidelines of which all pupils are made aware in Years 3 to 6. It may be necessary for a teacher to issue an initial sanction that requires a short period of reflection.

For Years 7 and 8, and very occasionally young children, lunchtime detentions are issued for academic and behaviour matters. For more serious incidents, school detentions and Head’s detentions are observed on Friday after school. Parents are informed of detentions by email. Our sanctions are equally clearly

laid out and displayed around the school. If we are made aware of potential poor behaviour it is important that we seek to understand both sides of the story. This creates the perspective which we ultimately use to deal with the situation. It is always prudent that we take into account the age and stage of the children involved. King’s Ely is a school which tries to move on from incidents as positively as possible for the good of all concerned. We hugely respect children who, having been sanctioned, make the necessary amendments to their behaviour. Please let us know as soon as you are aware of something that we need to follow up.




Parents and families are reminded that it is not appropriate to use social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, to comment openly on school issues. If at any time you have a concern or complaint, your first port of call should be your child’s teacher or tutor. If the issue remains unresolved then please consult the head of the relevant section of the school or the Principal of King’s Ely, John Attwater. If you are still dissatisfied then you should put your complaint, in writing, to the Chairman of Governors. The Formal Complaints Policy is summarised on the website.

Furthermore, any conversation that is not protected by a high privacy setting is open to the world. Any negative remarks on social media can be seen as defamation of character, harassment or libel, which means that those responsible for posting such comments could be sued by aggrieved persons or even prosecuted by the police.

The school also advises parents not to upload photographs or video clips of your child which include other children onto social networking sites without the permission of other parents.


We are very grateful for your understanding when we require you to wear a visitor’s badge on the school site. Ultimately, we are simply concerned with keeping your children safe.

School Ambassadors and senior positions of responsibility

All pupils inYear 8 will have been invited to consider whether they would like a leadership role in the school. After a successful interview with Mr Whymark they will be given the opportunity to be named as an Ambassador and invited to wear a badge. It is to this body that we look for volunteers to take prospective parents on tours for example. They are also expected to fulfil appropriate duties that help the day to day running of the school. Some students will be given targets to achieve in order to become an Ambassador. They will be expected to maintain an exemplary disciplinary record while they wear their badge. Additional positions of responsibility are then chosen from the pupils who have been identified and acknowledged as Ambassadors. In the first instance, a boy and girl is chosen to represent each house as a Head of House. Subsequent positions are appointed later in the year. It is important that pupils understand that positions of responsibility inYear 8 are not regarded as a badge of honour, simply as a reward for conduct inYear 7.We expect pupils who take on a responsibility to see it as their role to help with the smooth running of the school.


King’s Ely Sports Mindset and Values

The mindful approach and values in sport encourages pupils to participate positively at all levels, with learning not just focussed on results but the development of a wider skills set.

• To increase productivity

• Enhance problem solving and decision making skills

• The belief in your own ability

• To keep trying regardless of the outcome

• To be prepared to learn from mistakes

• A desire to improve, no matter the level you are at

• An openness to accept change and learn new ways

• Delivering your best effort at all times

Focus Confidence Learning Performance

• Taking responsibility for your actions

• Being a role model for others

• Inspiring and encouraging others to achieve their best

• Looking out for one another

• Showing empathy towards all

• Working together as a positive group

• Supporting others

• Allowing equal opportunities

• Showing team spirit

• Having self belief

• Trying your best regardless of the outcome

• Perseverance, even when things are tough

• Trying your best

• Having a positive attitude towards all experiences

• Being polite to everyone

• Listening to others

• Showing sportsmanship qualities

Passion Determination Respect
Kindness Teamwork

Physical Education programme

There is a comprehensive Physical Education curriculum in place at Prep. Within this, pupils have the opportunity to participate in a range of different sports and activities to develop their learning. The activities include Athletic Development, Athletics, Gymnastics, Tennis and Dance. For pupils in KS3 the activities also include Badminton, Boys’ Hockey, and Girls’ Rugby. Swimming is taught in all years with stroke development being the focus for pupils in years 3 to 6, while in years 7 & 8 the focus turns to water safety, lifesaving and water polo.

Major games programme Years 3-6

Pupils all have the opportunity to participate in the major game for each term. For years 3 & 4 this focusses on skill acquirement and preparation for small sided games. From year 5 a regular fixture programme is in place. Fixtures are predominantly played on a Wednesday afternoon, with both home and away matches occurring. Fixture details can be found on the school sports website (SOCS)

Michaelmas Term: Girls’ Hockey and Boys’ Rugby Lent Term: Girls’ Netball and Boys’ Football Summer Term: Cricket


Years 7-8

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 continue to play the major game, developing their skills and tactical understanding further. During the summer term pupils in year 7 & 8 have the option of Cricket or Tennis (limited places available). Once pupils enter year 8 they also have the option to choose Rowing for one of the three terms. The majority of matches for year 7 & 8 take place on a Wednesday afternoon, however there are occasional


We are proud of our ability to give the vast majority of pupils the opportunity to represent King’s Ely Prep against other schools. In arranging fixtures we have to allow for the fact that some schools do not have enough pupils to provide opposition for as many of our pupils as we would like, but our aim is always to give as many pupils as possible the opportunity to play competitive sport. For those pupils not selected in teams to represent the school there is the opportunity to play in a variety of King’s Leagues which run throughout the year. These in house Leagues give the opportunity for pupils to play in matches against other teams within the school. The majority of fixtures will take place during the school week on Wednesday afternoon, however there may be occasional exceptions to this with other days, including Saturdays, being scheduled. The Almanack will have the dates of all fixtures in and it is important to check this as availability for matches is expected if selected. Parents are always welcome to watch school matches and to attend match tea afterwards in the Monastic Barn.

Saturday fixtures as well. It is vital to check the fixture programme on to see when fixtures are scheduled.

Michaelmas Term: Girls’ Hockey and Boys’ Rugby Lent Term: Girls’ Netball and Boys’ Football Summer Term: Cricket, Tennis or Rowing

All of our school team selections are posted on SOCS, and the team selection contains information regarding all logistical aspects of the fixture. SOCS can be accessed at or via the school’s website, under ‘Menu’, ‘School Portals’ and then ‘Sports Portal’. By clicking on the date on the calendar, all the fixtures for that day can be seen. Team selection can then be accessed by clicking the small blue person icon adjacent to the fixture, the password will be sent out at the start of the school year. When a decision is made to postpone or cancel a game, this will be relayed, as soon as possible with the information being sent by email via the iSams system and being updated on SOCS.


Code of Conduct of parents at sports fixtures

Naturally, our sports teams are prepared to try to win. It gives us great pride when we are victorious against other schools which are trying equally as hard to beat us. However, we do not sanction a “win at all costs” mentality. The spirit in which our pupils play is of paramount importance to us. We want our children to play with a competitive attitude but their conduct must reflect well on themselves and the school. At any fixture, home or away, those playing and those supporting King’s Ely are asked to be mindful of the

Participation in sports/Off Games

If there is a medical reason why pupils are not able to participate in a sport session or activity, please complete an off games request via My School Portal. No child should turn up to an Off Games session without the proper procedure being followed. Notes for boarders are issued by the Health and Wellbeing Centre Staff, physiotherapist or King’s Ely Prep Matrons. If in the course of the day a child visits the Health and Wellbeing Centre, an Off Games note may be issued at the discretion of the medical staff.


1. The referee’s decision is final and not to be questioned. Without him or her, the game could not be played.

2. Inappropriate displays of support that are designed to undermine and intimidate the opposition are not acceptable.

3. Respect for players and officials creates a positive experience for all involved.

While we understand that there are occasionally exceptional circumstances, children who are picked to play for a school team are expected to be available to play. We cannot expect those who willingly represent the school with pride to be disadvantaged by teammates pulling out at short notice for reasons other than illness or injury. If you need to request, on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, that your child is not selected for a fixture please email Mrs McAlinden. All pupils should be aware that when another pupil takes his or her place in a team, the replacement player will want to seize their opportunity to cement a place in the team!


Term Dates 2024-25

Michaelmas Term 2024

King’s Ely Acremont Term Begins and Nursery Opens 2nd September 2024

Fairstead House Term begins 2nd September 2024

Orientation Day for Pupils+ 2nd September 2024

All other King’s Ely pupils return to school 3rd September 2024

Exeat Weekend* 28th September & 29th September 2024

Mid-term holiday begins 18th October 2024

Mid-term holiday ends 4th November 2024

Exeat Weekend* 23rd & 24th November 2024

Term ends 13th December 2024

Nursery Closes 20th December 2024

Lent Term 2025

King’s Ely & Fairstead House Term begins 6th January 2025

Nursery Opens 6th January 2025

Mid-term holiday begins 14th February 2025

Mid-term holiday ends 24th February 2025

Term ends 28th March 2025

Nursery Remains Open 28th March 2025

Nursery closed on 18th April and 21st April 2025 for Easter

Summer Term 2025

King’s Ely & Fairstead House Term begins 23rd April 2025

Exeat Weekend* 3rd & 4th May 2025

May Day 5th May 2025

Mid-term holiday begins 23rd May 2025

Mid-term holiday ends 2nd June 2025

Term ends 3rd July 2025

Nursery Closes* 8th August 2025

All dates with an * are currently draft dates +Pupils’ Orientation Day

Orientation Day is for the following pupils:

• All new pupils joining King’s Ely Year 4 upwards;

• All pupils who will be in Year 7, Year 9, Year 11 (one year International programme) and Year 12;

• All School Prefects to assist Staff with Pupils’ Orientation Day.



New uniform can be purchased from Second hand items can be purchased from the Nearly New Shop on site. Only good quality uniform is accepted at the shop which generates a percentage that goes towards school causes. All requirements for different year groups are listed on the school’s website.

The term-time opening hours for the Nearly New Uniform Shop are 15:30-17:00 on Fridays. Their email address is The shop is adjacent to the main King’s Ely car park.

The King’s Ely uniform has been designed to be comfortable, practical and smart and students are expected to take pride in wearing it appropriately. Uniform is how members of the public will judge the school, wherever it is worn: in school, walking across the site or on public transport. Changes to the wearing of uniform may be required at specific times such as the summer months when Summer Dress is allowed when announced. However, pupils must always arrive and depart from school in full school uniform.

Pupils are given specific guidance in their Pupil Planners and classrooms regarding the wearing of uniform. All children must arrive at school and leave school in full school uniform unless they have been given permission by a member of staff of a specific activity to dress otherwise.

We ask parents to support us in promoting the reasons for wearing uniform properly so that all children can feel proud to be associated with all others who wear our colours. Children should be mindful of the fact that they are representing a school that has stood for centuries and will continue to do so after they leave. The visible appearance of pupils should reflect all that is good about the school and the children in it.

On Monday, pupils in Years 3 and 4 and on Wednesdays, pupils in Year 5 to 8, and on Thursdays pupils in Year 3 and 4 are allowed to come to school in games kit with a tracksuit, in order to reduce pressure on changing facilities and to maximise game time.


When buying shoes for school, be aware that your child must be able to walk in safety and comfort throughout the campus. Shoes should be plain black and polishable, not patent or suede. Heeled shoes should be avoided for all King’s Ely Prep students.


Years 3-6 must have a plain navy blue backpack or an official backpack from our uniform supplier, School Blazer.



Prep pupils should wear the regulation Prep coat. In Years 7 and 8 they should wear a plain navy or black coat.

Refer to core uniform list for specific items of school wear


Exaggerated hairstyles are not allowed. Hair should not be coloured and should be tied back if it is shoulder length or longer. Hair gel and other styling products should not be visible. Hair bands, scrunchies and clips should be neutral, navy, white or duck egg in colour.


The wearing of jewellery is not encouraged at Prep, however, pupils with pierced ears are allowed to wear single plain studs which must be removed or taped over for games/during sport at the pupils own risk.

Games Uniform

The uniform list states the regulation kit that is required for Games. Non regulation clothing is not allowed. We encourage all pupils to feel a sense of team spirit by dressing appropriately. Individual equipment that is needed is Prept to a minimum and listed in the uniform list.


Worries and concerns

Should you have cause to be concerned about an aspect of your child’s schooling we are keen to be able to deal with your worry as swiftly as possible. We particularly welcome, at the earliest opportunity, the chance to talk through any issue that gives you cause to feel aggrieved, so that you have had the opportunity to be frank with us and to overcome any potential misunderstanding. Although email may be a convenient way to make an appointment for a consultation with a member of staff, we suggest that worries and concerns are best discussed in person.

We request that the form tutor or the member of staff responsible for the situation that led to your worry be contacted initially and a meeting held. We hope that in the majority of cases, this face to face contact will allow for a worry to be addressed to your satisfaction.

Should that not be the case, and your worry remains, please bring the matter to the attention of your child’s Head of Year (if academic in nature) or the Deputy Heads, Mr Marshall and Mrs Roberts.

At any point, please feel able to share your concern with the Head of King’s Ely Prep, who will liaise with the appropriate colleague to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.

Should a situation arise where you feel that a concern is not being responded to appropriately, a formal complaints procedure is available to you, which we hope will lead to a quick resolution in the interests of all concerned. The Formal Complaints Policy is summarised on the website.

Withdrawal or moving on from King’s Ely

We are delighted that the vast majority of children who come to King’s Ely stay at King’s to enjoy the myriad of opportunities open to them here. However, if there are circumstances that lead you to change your child’s school, there is a formal procedure to follow.

Please make an appointment to discuss any potential changes of school in good time with the Head of King’s Ely Prep. For those relocating, or moving to another school, strong liaison between schools is required for up to two years in advance of a change.

All parents are urged to inform the Head of King’s Ely Prep in advance of a child taking an admission test for another school. The code of conduct between IAPS and HMC schools requires liaison between the schools before an offer of a place can be made and, for this reason, it is best that we are aware of your plans as soon as possible.

One full term’s notice is required in writing to meet the terms and conditions of the school. Whenever possible, before the final day of the term preceding the one which will be the child’s final term at King’s Ely, your written notice needs to reach the Head of King’s Ely Prep. Your notice will be acknowledged in writing and the Accounts Department will prepare the necessary final invoice for the end of the term concerned.

Please note that, should your notice not be received one full term in advance of your child’s leaving date, one term’s fees will be payable in lieu of notice.

Ely Prep Barton Road Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4DB
CBP2108 Uniqu ely King’s

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