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Visual Art Contributors

Jessica Henderson

Jessica Henderson is a senior Biology major here at King’s College. Art has been an outlet for her as soon as she could pick up a pencil. She loves drawing portraits and her favorite medium is colored pencils.

Sean Crane

Sean Crane is a junior computer science major. He enjoys reading, writing, drawing, and playing games. He hopes to one day create a manga himself.

Andrew Bowden

Andrew Bowden is a soon-to-be graduate of King’s College with a degree in Mass Communications. He is a photographer and graphic designer and enjoys spending time outdoors both while working and relaxing. Andrew specializes in nature photography and strives to find a career that allows him to do what he loves as a main source of income.

Isabella Gibbon

Isabella Gibbon is an Environmental Studies major with a minor in Criminal Justice. Other than photography, her other hobby is dancing. She hopes to one day use her photography skills to help people understand the importance of Earth.

Tabitha Kenzakoski

Tabitha Kenzakoski has been interested in photography for many years and has mainly focused in fashion and beauty, but she also loves the simplicity and beauty of flowers. Tabitha is a Mass Communications major and she has been photographing for over five years and hopes to pursue a career in fashion photography.