1 minute read

Cover and Divider Photo Credits

Front and Back Cover

Tabitha Kenzakoski

Inside Covers and Dividers

Josh Ulanoski

Submission Guidelines

Write what you know. Go beyond your comfort zone.

Give us something new and surprising. Read past issues to see the type of material we accept.

We only publish works within our genre. Avoid the typical features of our genre.

We take a minimum of twelve months to respond. Do not send your work elsewhere while it is under review.

Only send us your best work. If you do not hear from us after eighteen months, you may safely assume we are not interested.

We only publish works by [insert social group]. We support diversity.

We take pride in publishing debut authors. We accept 0.25% of unsolicited works.

We receive 1,500 works weekly. Our monthly print run is 25 copies.

This is a non-paying market. Contributor copies are $9.95 plus $6.95 S&H.

We look forward to your complete and utter submission!