t has been another busy year here at Stroud, and the pages of this annual review reflect much of what makes our School so special. The children have been making fantastic strides academically, but we are about so much more than that. Our children have fundraised, contributed to Pupil Voice Committees, taken part in a huge number of different clubs and activities, performed on stage and on the sports field and taken their learning outside the classroom and far beyond the reaches of the school. Our children continue to have a magical school experience that is full of joy, wonder and laughter and it has been a pleasure to reflect on some of the magical moments within these pages.
have also enjoyed reflecting on some of my own highlights from this academic year. My first was undoubtedly the Reception Sorting Hat Ceremony! I loved seeing the children’s faces as they listened to the Sorting Hat reveal what he knew about their character, likes and dislikes and then pronounce which House they would be joining. also loved the cheers that erupted from the other pupils each time it was revealed that another of the Reception children would be joining their House. Our three Houses: Stroud, Zeals and Highwood – forever affectionately known as Greyhounds, Bulldogs and Terriers – have become even more firmly embedded in the life of the school this year. We now have regular House Meetings for Reception to Year 6 and of course our whole school treats – also firm favourites of mine! We howled with laughter at the Panto in Southampton – Oh yes we did! – and scrambled, climbed, played and picnicked with our friends at Moors Valley. am sure that the visit to Paultons Park, yet to come as write, will also be a fantastic way to celebrate everyone’s hard work this year.
Another highlight for me this year has been watching the Year 6 children grow into their prefect roles; and what an amazing job they have done. They have led and supported the Pupil Voice Committees, helping children
across the school to have their say and reporting back to me and then to the rest of the school each term. They have proved to be outstanding ambassadors during some of our open events, ably touring visitors and sharing all that they are proud of about our school. The prefects have carried out their different duties with confidence; with Sports Captains giving up weekends to assist the sports staff, and Library Prefects creating a haven of peace, quiet with some serious games of chess! Our Heads and Deputy Heads of school have helped in assemblies, hosted guests, awarded the Tidy Pterodactyls and, of course, spoken in our end of term assemblies. I have been incredibly proud of all the Year 6s this year, and no more so than for their performance of The Wind in the Willows. Talk about highlights! It was a spectacular performance – the first with just Year 6 –and think that they rose to the challenge of taking the lead superbly.
And of course, could not write about highlights of the year without mentioning our ISI Inspection success. After a year of much change, was thrilled that we received such affirmation for the many things we are doing so well. No inspection will ever truly be able to capture all that makes a school great – but we felt that our report captured the hard work and dedication of the whole staff team, the warmth of our community, and the amazing zest for life that our children display every day. It was a wonderful stamp of validation and provides an excellent platform from which we can continue to build.
And as I write, there are still many more magical moments to come with Sports Week, Intrepidus Week with residentials for Years 4 to 6, the SSA Summer Celebration, our Y6 leavers event and our end of term celebrations. We will certainly all be ready for our summer break – it has been a simply fantastic year!
Rebecca Smith, Headmistress
Stroud – established in 1926 by Headmaster Mr Frank Woodall, and originally occupying Stroud House in Grayswood, Surrey – is currently 98 years young. As we look forward to our centenary year, we are incredibly grateful that good fortune has brought us this far.
recently came across an old copy of the Stroud School Review from what was then thought to be the Golden Jubilee year (it was thought the School had been founded in 1927, until the school reconnected with the daughter of the founding Headmaster who set the record straight). In this 1977 copy of the Review the Headmaster, Mr SangerDavies, reflected the school’s eventful history.
Under the Headship of Mr Woodall the school had grown to the respectable size of around 28 boys by 1936, when school was taken over by Mr and Mrs Molony. Despite the advent of the Second World War, the number of boys on roll grew and the school was successfully steered through this challenging period. In1946, the school relocated to Zeals House near Mere in Wiltshire, which was owned by the Chafyn family, who later became the Chafyn-Groves (I am sure you recognise the name!) In 1948, the decision was made to transfer the pre-preparatory department from Gillingham to Zeals, and the numbers steadily rose to around 60.
In 1953, the School relocated again to Highwood House in Romsey – our current site. The Sanger-Davies family took over the school in 1960, and in 1975 the decision was taken to admit girls. In fact, we were visited recently by an Old Girl, Mandy Keegan, who became Stroud’s first Head Girl in 1982! Under the leadership of the Sanger-Davies and Dodds family, the School went from strength to strength and in 2012, with an incredible legacy in place, the Sanger-Davies family made the decision to sell the school to King Edward VI, Southampton. This move has no doubt secured a strong future for our school in what has become an increasingly challenging landscape for smaller independent schools.
Back in 1977 Mr Sanger-Davies wrote, “...we thank God for having brought us safely through our first 50 years, and we stand on the threshold of a future high with hope, and full of exciting achievements.” Stroud has seen plenty of change in its 98 years and once again stands on the threshold of a new chapter, as we become King Edward VI Preparatory School in September. The legacy of all those who came before is that we retain a strong family feel and a passion for delivering outstanding opportunities, exceptional pastoral care and academic excellence for all. These will remain the foundations upon which we build. We stand committed to innovation and progress, nurturing a diverse learning community, and fostering creativity and inquiring minds. And we will carry, proudly, the spirit of Stroud as we move closer to celebrating our centenary year, stronger than ever.
Our House System, which is built from our children in Reception through to Year 6, aims to develop and build on a sense of pride and belonging. This is achieved through all children being assigned a House where they are valued as individuals and supported by staff to collaborate in teams. As well as this, they are assigned a House Family. Each House Family includes children from Reception to Year 6 who are supported by staff members and house prefects.
Children are placed into one of three Houses when they start their journey at Stroud – Zeals House (known as the Bulldogs), Stroud House (known as the Greyhounds) and Highwood House (known as the Terriers).
Our House System is an integral part of life at Stroud. Children excitedly earn Housepoints for their House through demonstrating our core values: Aware, Ready and Kind. All children participate in half-termly House competitions, challenges, performances and other engaging House events. All children, as well as staff, embrace the excitement, togetherness and entertainment that these House events bring.
In addition, all children feel a sense of pride, belonging and a community feel within their House. There is also great camaraderie when cheering on their peers during inter-house games, sports fixtures, biathlon and school sports days!
T he children have worked so hard this year to raise money for many fantastic charities.
Each House has supported a charity over the year – Highwood Terriers have supported The Honeypot Children’s Charity for Young Carers; Zeals Bulldogs have supported Alfie’s Wish Charity, supporting children with cancer; and Stroud Greyhounds have supported Simon Says Child Bereavement Support Charity.
The year started with a representative from each charity coming into school to run a House Assembly to enable the children to learn about each charity and the fabulous work that they do. Different events over the year have helped to raise money for each charity and this year, we held a ‘Break the School Rules Day’ which was specifically for raising money for the different house charities.
A team of children have formed a ‘Charity and Community Pupil Voice’ committee and they worked extremely hard to help plan and run our different charity events. Their first event was a cake sale to raise money for the victims of the floods in Derna, Libya and the earthquake in Morocco. They also planned a successful Children in Need bring and buy sale, helped to collect in donations for Bag2School and raised money for Red Nose Day.
We supported three local charities at Christmas (Romsey Opportunity Group, Baby Necessities and Romsey Food Bank) with our ‘Tree of Wishes.’ Each department Christmas tree was filled with gift tags, upon which gift ‘wishes’ were written. These wishes were requested by the three charities as items they thought would help them over the festive period and beyond. Children in every department had the opportunity to visit their ‘Tree of Wishes’ and take home a ‘wish’ that they had chosen.
For Children’s Mental Health Week, children ‘Dressed to Express’ to raise money for the Children’s Mental Health charity Place2Be.
What a busy year! We should all be so proud of the tremendous amounts of money that have been raised for different charities.
After a school restructure, following the decision to close our Year 7 and 8, we were very excited to introduce our new and exciting curriculum subjects for September 2023.
The new enhancement to our curriculum puts us ahead of the curve in terms of our offering as a prep school. We are fully committed to ensuring that our curriculum prepares the children for the varied opportunities that they will come across as they move on through their schooling and into their adult lives. It has always been important to us that as well as helping our children to become kind and compassionate young people, we also empower them to be the game changers and changemakers of tomorrow. A determination to help each child thrive, a strong family feel and a sense of fun and remain at the heart of all that we try to achieve here at Stroud.
This year, we added Engineering into our curriculum from Years 3 to 6, with ‘Science and Engineering’ lessons taught by the class teachers.
Science continues to engage and excite our children with a vast array of practical investigations which provides context for essential scientific knowledge. With the Junior Science Room and Upper Prep Science Laboratory, the children can learn in a space dedicated to this subject. With the support of Mrs Haigh, our Science Technician, teachers ensure that high quality teaching and learning of Science happens in every year group.
Engineering challenges children to create innovative solutions to problems using the knowledge and skills learnt in Science, Technology and Maths. It promotes the important life skills of problem-solving, resilience and collaboration – most projects are tackled in groups. We believe Engineering is highly relevant to today’s challenges and will help to develop our children’s sense of environmental and humanitarian responsibility.
This year was practical, engaging and great fun, and projects have included: earthquake-proof structures in Year 3, Rube Goldberg machines in Year 4, erosion defences in Year 5 and wind turbines in Year 6.
“ For as geography without history seemeth a carkasse without motion, so history without geography wandereth as a vagrant without certain habitation. He who studies one without the other will understand neither. Who despises both should live like the mole under the Earth. ”
~ John Smith, 1624, The Generall
Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles.
This year has seen the launch of our exciting new Discovery curriculum. This is a curriculum in which the subjects of History and Geography have been combined to create a coherent curriculum which allows the children to make more meaningful connections between a place and its history.
Many would argue that human history cannot be properly understood without knowing the context in which it unfolded. Each era is embedded in a geographical context, such as what was available to eat, the climate and the physical geography of a place. A good example of the connection between the two subjects has been seen in Year 6, where pupils have studied American History – including the history of Native American peoples – and combined this with a study of the Americas in Geography.
One of the things of which we are most proud is that Discovery is a subject which celebrates and promotes diversity. Our new curriculum ensures that History teaching does not promote the subconscious bias that every notable historical character was White British and that every notable historical event was instigated by White British men. Our topics, such as the Indus
Valley Civilisation, the Shang Dynasty, the Kingdom of Benin and the Native Americans thus give a broader picture of world history and celebrate the contributions of a variety of cultures. In addition, topics which focus on aspects of British history have been reviewed to ensure that the contributions of people of all ethnicities living during a particular era have been celebrated.
Most of all, Discovery is a subject which immerses children in their studies.
As Confucious is famously quoted as saying: “I hear, and forget. I see and I remember. do and understand.” At
Stroud, we believe that when learning is brought to life and children are truly active participants, they will fully engage and thus understand. As such, throughout the course of the year, our children have been on multiple trips and participated in numerous experience days. From our Year 1 pupils engaging in role-play as soldiers and nurses at Florence Nightingale’s hospital, to Year 5 pupils travelling to Palace House, Beaulieu (in full Victorian costume!) to apply for jobs as housemaids and footmen, our pupils have been truly immersed in their Discovery studies.
This year, children from Years 3 to 6 have had specialist teaching in Art, Craft and Design.
By combining the current Art and Design Technology subjects, we have been able to have longer lessons and plan exciting projects to inspire the children and develop their understanding of how these creative subjects fit into the real world.
Year 4 concentrated on proportional drawing and painting skills, after studying Joan Miro’s ‘Suspended’ mixed media sculptures and looking at forms of sea life.
Year 5 began the year researching the element of ‘Music’ in Cubism and Cubist artists.
This year was great fun and children have been learning the following:
Year 2 looked at the ‘The Seasons’ and learnt about the style and works of Van Gogh, including his paintings of irises and sunflowers.
Year 6 enjoyed Pop Art and designed and constructed an amazing variety of giant food sculptures, including doughnuts and pizza slices.
After focusing on observational drawing skills, the sculptures were developed using cardboard, newspaper and paper. Children used diverse types of wood and withies (flexible willow sticks) to create imaginative and sturdy structures.
Year 3 were working on the Ancient Egyptians — mixed media activities included: sketching 3D pyramids, painting names in Egyptian hieroglyphics, designing and constructing Egyptian houses and making papyrus paper.
We have always been passionate advocates of The Arts here at Stroud and this year Music and Drama has been specialist taught as ‘Performing Arts’ all the way through the school.
This academic focus on music, alongside creative drama and performance skills, has hopefully inspired our children, developing plenty of opportunities to build their knowledge, self-esteem and confidence through performance.
We have been busy with many performances and events, including a visit to Young Voices at the O2, our nativities, charity concerts, orchestra practice and of course, the Year 6 production of ‘Wind in the Willows’.
From September, alongside our continued focus on specialist-taught French and Spanish, we have introduced the children from Years 3 to 6 to WoLLoW – ‘World of Languages, Languages of the World!’.
The WoLLoW curriculum encourages children to be curious about languages, including their history, culture and diversity. It also helps pupils to understand the links and patterns between languages and better understand how language works, which will in turn support their English language development.
This year, Computing and Digital Literacy has been taught from Reception to Year 6 as a discrete subject by class teachers, in our age-appropriate computing suites. The subject is then further embedded throughout the curriculum.
Year 4 designed and made their own websites using Google Sites, creating home and subpages with information, pictures and links to share all the amazing things we do at Stroud!
Teachers have supported the development of children’s programming skills through the computing aspects of the curriculum, and the digital literacy aspects have helped our children understand how technology can be used to enhance their learning across all curriculum areas.
Year 3 learnt to code in Scratch. They learned how to send, receive, and attach pictures to emails and were introduced to computer networks. They also learned to navigate the applications in Google Classroom to allow us to use these in a cross-curricular way.
Year 6 challenged themselves using python to code shapes. They used ‘Flowal’ to create text programming outputs to design a working flowchart, making a mimic of a rollercoaster run safely.
Year 2 loved our Computing lessons. The highlight was using Scratch Jr: they loved making different animals move realistically using different codes. They also learned how to stay safe when using technology.
Year 5 learnt to read binary code and how this translates to numbers and words. They linked this to their topic on Space and found out how the Mars Rovers communicate.
Year 1 created lists and inserted pictures onto a document for creating rockets. They also created simple algorithms to program each other, which were then used to code the BeeBots.
To become fully immersed and understand space, children spent time using the VR headsets to explore inside the International Space Station and watch a rocket launch!
Mathematics has been incredibly exciting this year at Stroud, as problemsolving has become even more embedded within our learning, and children continue to become more confident, active, creative, and resilient problem-solvers, across many aspects of Maths. We have encouraged mathematical discussion and reasoning, and effective collaboration when solving problems, to communicate our thinking and learn from each other. We are not afraid of tricky problems, or of making mistakes, as these are an important part of the learning process - by unpicking them, we use them as an effective tool to become deeper learners and make solid connections. We continue to explore Maths in the concrete, pictorial and abstract form, and our children are familiar with a wide range of representations to support their learning and secure their understanding at a deep level.
any instructions and through using visual clues, we applied logic in various puzzles and games, explored shape, tessellation, and pattern in 2D and 3D form, and made some wonderful creations. Children enjoyed the fun and freedom to explore during the theme and developed their appreciation for Maths in the natural and everyday world, and its connections to Art, Design, Science and nature.
Our Year 4 children were also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to collaborate with some of our newly appointed, ‘Maths Mentors’ in Year 6, who supported them in their projects and discovery. Both younger and older children practised resilience together, which was modelled brilliantly by our Year 6 Mentors.
Our Year 6 Maths Mentors have also been supporting younger children in learning their times tables by running a times tables club and preparing activities and games to encourage children to practise these, whilst having fun with their friends. This has proved a popular club and has really boosted the profile of learning times tables, supporting children in reaching their personal goals and working towards their times tables awards.
This year during the International Day of Mathematics we celebrated the theme, ‘Playing with Mathematics’ and children enjoyed puzzling and playing creatively with Maths in diverse ways. We solved problems without
As Margaret Atwood once said, “A word after a word after a word is power” and at Stroud we want words to become our children’s superpower! This year we have celebrated and explored the power of words, through texts, discussions, oral presentations and through our writing. From the very early curiosity in mark making from our youngest children to carefully crafted essays from our eldest, we want to nurture children who believe in the power of their words. Our English curriculum ensures a whole-school climate that fosters self-expression, feeds children’s imaginations and instils in them confidence, a natural motive for writing and a lasting love of reading. We carefully and deliberately prepare children for writing by modelling the ideas, grammar or techniques of writing, whilst keeping high quality and engaging literature, and experience days, at the heart of their stimuli.
all things books on World Book Day, where children came into school wearing costumes, with staff adorning Where’s Wally attire as they hid themselves around the school, displaying some uncanny skills in method acting! Children were invited to take part in a ‘Design your own Book Character’ competition, and winning book character designs became the stimulus of the school’s Summer Big Write! At Stroud we believe that books really are for all of us, and not simply as an educational tool and World Book Day is fabulous for getting all our children and staff involved, whilst having lots of fun.
We understand the power of the spoken word here at Stroud. Communication is the backbone of our society. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change. Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in life itself, would be impossible.
All our children continue to take part in a termly Big Talk Big Write, where children are asked to independently write about a stimulus in any way they choose, applying ‘talk homework’ ideas and their learnt writing skills. It is a joy to wander from classroom to classroom and see the children in their most relaxed and comfortable writing positions, enjoying the freedom, autonomy, and creativity to write in any way they were inspired to in response to the picture. From budding authors to reluctant writers, the Big Write allows every child to succeed in taking complete ownership and direction of their writing.
We also played our part in celebrating
Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of communication. Glossophobia or speech anxiety, is the most common fear people have across the globe; however, public speaking is a vital skill to have and to hone. Our public speaking programme gently stretches all our children outside of their comfort zones in a safe and supportive environment and helps to teach them the power of informative and persuasive speaking. In our annual Public Speaking Competition for children in Lower and Upper Prep, am always in awe of the confidence with which our children at Stroud can deliver their speeches in what, for so many adults, would be considered a daunting setting. We believe that through these early experiences, we help to raise bold and expressive young leaders, entrepreneurs, and human beings who can speak out about their interests and views with confidence, and it is an event that we certainly look forward to each year!
“ We have had such a fun-filled year, and it has been a delight to watch you all grow in confidence and learn through new experiences. From climbing trees and getting muddy in Forest School, to letting our imaginations run wild at ‘I Wanna be’ Role Play Village for our class trip. It has been great to see you develop.
We also warmly welcomed Mrs Hurst, our Nursery Manager in the Summer term, who helped contribute to the children’s smiley faces each day as they came through the door. It has been so wonderful, and we are all so proud of everything they have achieved this year. Keep being you, Deer Class, and never stop smiling! ”
Miss Roberts, Mrs Graves, Mrs White, Miss Upton, Miss Moral Patron and Miss Watson.
We warmly welcomed the following children who started at the beginning of the Summer Term: Yasmin, Kiera, Rosie, Ioannis, Stefan, Charlie, Devon and James.
Clara “ I love to dress up as Cinderella!
Luella “ I had fun making lots of different magic potions in the Outdoor Classroom!
My favourite thing to do is colouring in beautiful pictures of different animals!
Finn F “ love to read lots of different stories in the book corner!
Iris “ enjoy doing lots of different puzzles when I come into the Nursery,
My favourite part of Nursery is getting to play with all my friends!
Alice “ loved learning how to play Hockey in PE this year!
Francesco “ love to save the day in Nursery by dressing up as Spiderman and rescuing everyone that needs my help!
Louis “ like to play with the toy farm, especially the cows!
“ like taking a book home from the library to read with my family!
Vira “ When I come to Nursery I love playing with the babies!
Jesse “ Forest School is the best, I love making big splashes in the stream!
love to colour in beautiful pictures for my Mummy!
I like playing with the cars, and building ramps and tracks for them!
Nhat “ I love building towers with the Duplo!
Hugo “ My favourite thing to do in Nursery is listen to amazing stories!
Finn W “ have had so much fun cooking lots of yummy things! ”
“ We have had a wonderful year with our incredible Reception children. They have taken us on all sorts of learning journeys, including learning about how babies grow and develop, exploring space and celebrating festivals that are important to us. It has been such a pleasure to see their curiosity, confidence, and creativity blossom over the year. ”
Mrs Humphreys, Mrs Hansen, Mrs Stapley and Mrs Germain
Sophie “ have loved learning ballet. I can do a curtsey. ”
Josie “ loved visiting the New Forest Wildlife Park. We got to see wolves – they were big and fluffy. ”
Annabel “ I have loved learning about numbers and all the different ways to make 5. ”
Hollie “ I have loved drawing and making things in the craft area. made a beautiful crown. ”
Summer “ love doing yoga. My favourite pose is tree pose. ”
Maya “ have loved playing in the kitchen with my friends. ”
Luke “ have loved playing with my friends, and I have enjoyed learning tricky new words. ”
Magnus “ love making cakes with Play-Doh. ”
Sophie “ I love riding outside on the big bikes with three wheels! ”
love playing with
Aryan“ love listening to stories, making Lego models and playing with the Colour Monsters. ”
Thomas “ like playing with the Lego because can make cool cars. ”
Everlynn “ I love Forest School and playing games and there’s a new bridge. ”
Sophia “ I like playing cafes in our kitchen because write the menus and I like being a chef. ”
Avery “ I like playing at making houses with my friends. ”
“ What a wonderful year we have had in Year 1. So many fantastic experiences. The memories will last a lifetime! ”
Walton, Mrs
Mrs Symmons, Mrs Carroll and Mrs Roberts
Martha “ I liked playing with all my friends and I love Maths as learnt new numbers and counting backwards. love English as like learning how to write lots. Show and Tell made me happy! ”
Aurora “ I liked learning all my stitches when I made my pirate flag. ”
Mila “ I loved going to Beach School because got my wellies wet in the water! I like TPA because we play games at the end. ”
Harry “ liked seeing the Lego McLaren car at Brooklands Museum. ”
Alexander “ I enjoyed playing sport games in PE because I love to play sports. I also love Maths as learnt new things every day. ”
Adrian “ My favourite thing in Year 1 was Show and Tell, because loved showing and talking about my things; I loved showing my origami! ”
Mehran “ like Art because I made things with new skills. enjoyed Computer Explorers because was always the first one to play on the computers. ”
Kian “ liked playing sports games and I love going to Beach School because love getting sandy and wet! ”
Ava P “ enjoyed going to Brooklands Museum because it was fun there and loved seeing the planes. I enjoyed Phonics because liked the adventures with Kit and Sam! ”
Quentin “ I loved playing with my friends, and enjoyed making my pirate flag. ”
Charlotte “ have enjoyed going on Concorde. It was so comfortable! I loved going to Marwell Zoo and Pizza Express was so much fun! love eating Pizza! ”
Anya “ I loved sewing my pirate flag because I love sewing and I learnt new stitches! love Gardening Club with Mrs Walton because love planting things. ”
Ava T “ liked going on school trips because they are so fun! My favourite one was Brooklands Museum. also loved my English lessons. ”
Tanisha “ I liked Art, Craft and Design. We made moving pictures and like how they move because it was surprising for me! ”
Rupert I loved learning about Yayoi Kusama in Art and creating pumpkins in her style. ”
Amber “ I enjoyed writing biographies in English, which was my favourite lesson. loved Florence Nightingale Day. ”
Ember “ liked PE because gymnastics is the best bit! ”
Elijah “ have really enjoyed PE this yearlike running the best. ”
Sophie “ like English. The lesson I liked the most was our Experience Day on the Train Ride! ”
Zayd “ In Rabbits class I enjoyed playing with my friends. My favourite lesson was writing. ”
Rafferty “ liked playing ‘sharky sharky’ on the playground with my friends. My favourite lesson was Maths because I like measuring things. ”
Daya “ enjoyed gymnastics in PE. also like English because we wrote our own biographies. ”
Jessica “ like handwriting because I like making my writing really neat. ”
Dara “ like Maths because I like solving problems. ”
Jesse “ Science is my favourite subject because I like recording my results and doing experiments. ”
Juno “ I like Science because we get to do actual experiments. My favourite experiment was the one where we made galaxy milk! ”
“ We have had a wonderful and busy year working with the super and enthusiastic Year 2 children. We have ventured out on many trips including Windsor Castle and Longleat Safari Park, and we had an exciting visit from a knight to start the year. The children have amazed us with their commitment and creativity to learning, producing work they are proud of. Every day we have watched the pupils grow and flourish in their own learning journeys and we wish them all every success as they move on to Year 3. ”
Kye “ have really enjoyed PE because we did gymnastics. My favourite trip was when we went to Windsor Castle because we learnt a lot about castles. ”
“ I loved going to Recorder Club because am usually the assistant. liked our trip to the Sealife Centre because I saw two different puffer fish. ”
Eliza “ I loved Music because we learnt about different instruments. My favourite trip was when we went to Wagamama’s because we got to make some Katsu chicken curry and we saw how to make a healthy smoothie. ”
Alice “ liked lunchtime because I talk to my friends and eat yummy food. also liked going to Gymnastics Club because learnt new skills. ”
Florence “ My favourite subject this year was Maths because I learnt my times tables. liked going to Wagamama because we got to make our own lunch. ”
Favian “ enjoyed practising handwriting because it helped me write neat joined- up handwriting. My favourite trip was to Wagamama because I got to make my own food and eat it. ”
Alexander “ I loved Maths in Year 2: we got to do lots of fun stuff like adding and subtracting in different ways. also loved PE because really like the activities we did. ”
Lucy “Art is my favourite subject because we used different techniques such as making a sea picture out of foam. liked going to Wagamama because we got to make our own lunch using chicken. ”
Sophie “ I really enjoyed my Art, Craft and Design lessons because we get to learn about talented artists. My favourite school trip was the Sealife Centre because we got to see lots of animals that we have never seen before. ”
Felix “ I loved Fridays because we get to watch other children doing assemblies and I loved going to TPA club. ”
Emily Ra I enjoyed Performing Arts because we acted different roles. I also liked going to Gymnastics club with my friends.
Emily Ro “ My favourite subject was Art, Craft and Design because got to paint different things. liked going to the Sealife Centre because we got to see so many different fish. ”
Viet “ I liked English. really enjoyed going to Film Club. ”
Mohammad “ PE was great fun because we learnt how to play tennis. liked learning how to write a newspaper article all about Grace Darling in English and making our own set of Top Trump cards about space in Discovery. ”
Skyler “ I really like Forest School because we learnt different things in the forest, and we had some free time. liked the trip to Windsor Castle because we saw a knight. ”
Thomas “ I really enjoyed English because we wrote a newspaper article. My favourite subject was PE because we learnt some football skills. ”
Rupert “ My favourite subject has been PE because we have played lots of games. have also really enjoyed doing some hard maths. ”
Alexander “ I enjoyed adding up different sums in Maths. My favourite subject is PE because I like running around and learning new sports. My favourite topic was ‘Deep Down Under’. ”
Jenson “ My favourite subject this year has been PE; we have been doing lots of fun things like Gymnastics. I have enjoyed English because we did lots of writing! I also enjoyed Art because I was creative! ”
Abigail D “ My favourite subject this year was English because have written lots of interesting things. I really enjoyed learning about ‘Deep Down Under’ and visiting the Castles. ”
Oliver “ really enjoyed our topic ‘Deep Down Under’. have enjoyed working on Scratch Jr in ICT and eating the Space food in Science. The apple was my favourite. ”
Abigail J “ have really enjoyed English because we wrote a story about travelling home from the moon. liked going to the Sealife Centre and also quite enjoyed Maths. ”
Chania “ My favourite subject this year has been English because I like writing and it is fun. My favourite trip was going to the Sealife Centre. have liked Year 2 because it was fun. ”
Charlie “ I have really enjoyed English because like to write different things and can learn to get better. My favourite trip was to Windsor Castle. My favourite topic was ‘Reach for the Stars’ because I got to try Space food! ”
Elizabeth K “ My favourite trip this year has been going to the Sealife Centre. have really enjoyed English because I liked writing ‘The way back home’ story. ”
Mordecai “ My favourite subject has been Maths because I have been learning about the 2 times table. My favourite trip was going to Windsor Castle.“
Ellis “ I really enjoyed Maths because I learnt new things. improved how fast I can run in PE! I really liked Science because I made a long circuit to light the light bulbs. ”
Mila “ enjoyed Art because it’s my favourite thing to do at home, so enjoy it at school as well. I have enjoyed Computer Explorers and Film Club. ”
Elizabeth M “ have enjoyed English because we drafted stories. My favourite trip was Windsor Castle and climbing the steps! My favourite clubs were Construction Club and Gym Club. ”
Rufus “ My favourite subject was PE because you get to try out different sports. I enjoyed Maths because we have learnt about addition and times tables. ”
Emma “ I loved Art this year because I used Posca pens and water colours. I also enjoyed English because we wrote a diary. ”
“ What a brilliant year we have had, Year 3! From Lyme Regis and earthquakes, to growing cress and the rotten Romans; we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you. Your curious and committed attitude to your learning has been a real pleasure! ”
Ines “ This year have loved Discovery, English, Science and Art. My favourite thing in Art was making Egyptian houses. In Science loved our cress experiment and observing our cress grow. ”
Harry D “ In Year 3, I loved learning about Tutankhamun because I loved the Tutankhamun Exhibition and seeing all the replicas. I have also enjoyed Maths because like solving problems. ”
Bror “ have loved going on school trips to Lyme Regis and the Tutankhamun Exhibition. ”
Lucas “ I really enjoyed our trip to Lyme Regis because we found loads of fossils... and when say loads, mean LOADS! ”
Grace “ In Year 3, have enjoyed Art, particularly working with my partner on my Egyptian house. also enjoyed English this year, especially the Big Write. ”
Eleanor “ I really loved Maths this year. also enjoyed PE because we learnt tennis and gym. I also loved the bleep test, and the Gym and Dance Display was so fun! ”
Alexa “ One of my favourite experiences this year was the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Dorchester; I bought a Tutankhamun pen which was amazing! ”
Frederick “ Year 3 has been amazing! I have loved my journey through with my classmates – it has been so much fun! ”
Emily “ In Year 3, I loved the Gym and Dance Display, the hockey matches and Games lessons! ”
Maximilian “ I loved learning about fossils in Year 3. have also loved growing cress in the classroom. Meatballs at lunch is my favourite! ”
Konstantinos “ I loved World Book Day and Sports Day. always love lunch! ”
Keith-Alexander “ I loved sports this year, particularly rugby and football. also loved making an Egyptian house in Art. ”
Forest “ In Year 3, I enjoyed playing matches in hockey and football. I have also enjoyed Maths, especially lengths outside in the playground. ”
Freya “ In Year 3 loved the Gym and Dance Display, cross-country, matches and all the clubs, especially Acro! ”
Oliver “ have really liked all the lessons this year as they have really got my brain working. really love lunches at Stroud! ”
Max “ I love cross-country because running is one of my favourite sports. I enjoyed Maths because I find it fun, and I always try hard with it. ”
Florence “ This year loved the Gym and Dance Display, netball, cross-country, PE, matches, spellings and especially all the teachers! ”
Harry T “ In Year 3 have loved cross-country because I love running. I have also really enjoyed Maths because have loved learning about the hundreds column and doing fractions. ”
Sahaj “ I loved the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Year 3. I enjoyed learning with all my friends, and I really enjoyed World Book Day as well! ”
Sally “ In Year 3 I have loved matches and our Sports Day. have also loved making my Egyptian house in Art. I have loved being in Robins! ”
Edward “ loved playing a range of different sports. Art, Craft and Design was amazing – we got to design our own Egyptian houses. ”
Orlaith “ Playing netball, hockey and doing crosscountry has been fun this year. also had such fun going to the Tutankhamun Exhibition and seeing his tomb. ”
Jensen “ loved seeing my sentences up on the board in English. Maths has been fun, and we have learnt all about multiplication and division. really enjoyed learning about plants in Science. ”
Jack “ I have loved matches this year and all the athletic sports. have also enjoyed Maths, especially learning about perimeter! ”
Gabriela “ I loved Science and Engineering and Art. We made dens in Engineering to see if we could design an earthquake-proof shelter. I also loved our cress experiment in Science. ”
Callum “ I loved getting to play matches this year. There was a lot of running around and it was hard work but fun! ”
Vihaan “ Lyme Regis was so fun – I found so many fossils! Our guide taught us everything we needed to look out for! also love PE lessons which keep me really fit! ”
Qianmu “ The Tutankhamun Exhibition and Lyme Regis were such fun trips; I even went back to Lyme Regis with my family! have also loved Art this year. ”
Harrison “ I have loved Maths and Science lessons this year. I now know how to add and subtract using column method. really enjoyed growing cress in our Science experiment – we grew mine in the fridge! ”
Amaan “ I loved visiting the Tutankhamun Exhibition. I loved looking at his death mask and looking at the mummies! ”
Olivia “ Cross -country and matches have been a highlight for me this year. also enjoyed learning column addition in Maths and making Egyptian houses in Art, Craft and Design! ”
Georgina “ In Year 3, have found it interesting to learn all about Tutankhamun. We even got to go on a trip all about the story of his discovery. ”
Junior “ Matches have been so fun, especially football, rugby and hockey. have also really, really enjoyed Maths! love it! ”
Gabriel “ Fossil hunting at Lyme Regis was my absolute favourite, following by seeing the gold treasures at the Tutankhamun Exhibition. I also loved watching French videos in Languages. ”
Amaya “ In Year 3, enjoyed writing about Earthquakes in Discovery and English. also loved matches and got ‘Player of the Match’, which felt amazing! ”
Harry “ Our trips have been so fun this year, especially Lyme Regis and the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Dorchester. ”
Leisha “ In Year 3, I really loved visiting Lyme Regis. I was so proud when found my own hidden fossil. ”
Sienna “ I really enjoyed our map work, drawing maps of our school site in Discovery. I also enjoyed the Tutankhamun Exhibition and making clay bugs in Art, Craft and Design. ”
Arthur “ love the lessons in Year 3, especially Art, Craft and Design as love to experiment with different colours. ”
Anh “ love Performing Arts. We watched Beowulf and produced our own actions to go with the story. have also really enjoyed Maths. ”
“ It has been such a pleasure to work with all the amazing children in Year 4 this year, as they have grown and gained independence and resilience. The pupils have all worked so incredibly hard and they have done us proud in all their achievements across the curriculum. We have shared much fun in our learning, through our Anglo-Saxon and Tudor Topics, visiting the fascinating Butser Ancient Farm, and the astonishing Hampton Court Palace, to bring our learning to life. Our Year 4 Show was a fantastic way to end our Tudor topic, and our young performers hugely impressed with their acting, dancing, and singing, as well as their courage, confidence, and independence. The end of the year saw our highly anticipated residential trip to Hooke Court, where the children showed wonderful support and encouragement of each other, and super teamwork, to make the trip an enormous success and achievement for all. ”
Eliana “ have really enjoyed Art and Design and drawing jellyfish. loved being a narrator in the Year 4 Show as we told the whole Tudor story, and it was a lot of fun! ”
Georgia “ This year in Year 4 I loved performing as Elizabeth of York in the Tudor Show because it was a lot of fun! I also loved going to Butser Ancient Farm because daubing was very messy! ”
James “ I enjoyed sports this year because became more familiar with a range of sports. loved football and hockey and have improved in both. also really enjoyed Maths this year as well because like being challenged and creative. ”
Oscar “ have really enjoyed Games this year especially rugby fixtures because we got to take-on other schools, and I loved being part of a team. loved playing King James IV of Scotland in our show because of the humour in my character. ”
Matilda “ really enjoyed Art and English this year. In Art we painted turtles and I was proud of mine. In English we authored our own poems inspired by Maya Angelou and loved writing creatively. I also loved my role in the Year 4 show, because it was a big part, and I liked the funny dancing! ”
Leonard “ have really enjoyed Maths this year and particularly having fun with tessellating 3D shapes on The International Day of Mathematics. also really enjoyed rugby this year in Games, and think I have really improved my tackling skills. ”
Poppy “ am proud of our Year 4 Tudor Play because we worked hard on it, and enjoyed being a lady in waiting. have really enjoyed netball this year and I have improved my skills and done well in fixtures with my team. ”
Lottie “ enjoyed Art this year because our theme was ‘Under the Sea.’ I also enjoyed Maths and the fun activities on ‘Pi Day’, and loved going to the Year 4 Maths Competition. Computing has also been a lot of fun, learning how to code with Scratch. ”
Sylvia “ I really enjoyed Games this year, especially cross-country, because love getting muddy and running! I loved the whole-school trip to the pantomime because it was funny! have also really enjoyed being creative in Art. ”
Sam “ This year I really enjoyed ‘Pi Day’ because we got to do loads of fun mathematical activities like shape construction. I also loved being the Cardinal’s Assistant in our Year 4 Show because it was a lot of fun acting with my friends. ”
Anna “ loved visiting Hampton Court Palace because loved learning about the Tudors and History. I loved playing The Queen of Cleves in our Year 4 Show because she was a confident and strong character. ”
Hugo “ Here at Stroud, they give you so much support and so many opportunities. My favourite opportunity this year was the Year 4 Tudor Play. loved being the Lord Chancellor in the show because it was a key role and I had fun with the character. ”
“ I am proud of the Year 4 Show that we performed this year, and I loved presenting my talk in the Prepared Talks final. also enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace and the exciting activities that we took part in. I loved making the mirror hanging in Art, Craft and Design. ”
Helena “ In Year 4 have really enjoyed Art because loved doing the sea-life paintings. really enjoyed all the aspects of our Tudor play, including the music, acting, and dancing. have also loved the sport this year, especially gymnastics and tennis.
Jake “ have really liked Art this year because of all the weird and wonderful things we have created. loved visiting Hampton Court because of the beautiful gardens and all the fascinating history there. ”
Sage “ really enjoyed doing our Tudor play because it was a fun performance for the entire year group. I also really loved Performing Arts this year, learning new songs and dances. ”
Mansimar have really loved Art this year because we made beautiful hanging models. also really enjoyed doing our Tudor play because loved doing the dancing and performing as Catherine Parr. ”
Ruby “ I loved working around our sea-life theme in Art this year and creating our jellyfish pieces. I have really liked writing creatively in English and especially the poetry inspired by Maya Angelou and the topic ‘Float’. ”
Felix “ I loved Games this year, because we learnt lots of new skills and particularly enjoyed rugby and football. also enjoyed our Year 4 Show; it was a challenging performance to put together and we worked hard on it and really impressed everyone! ”
Jack “ loved Year 4 because of all the exciting new topics, including sea-life studies in Art and our Tudor topic in Discovery, where we visited Hampton Court Palace, where King Henry VIII himself lived! also loved rugby and football because of all the new skills learnt. ”
William “ enjoyed Games –especially rugby – because this year we have started contact, which is fun. also enjoyed Science and Engineering. My favourite part was making a Rube Goldberg machine. Mine made a cup fall into a fake mouth. ”
Penelope “ love English! It has been incredibly fun. I loved the Public Speaking competition, even though I did not get into the finals. I have stepped up in Maths and it is so much more fun! ”
Harriet “ This year, really enjoyed Games because we got to do so many sports and I was in the A team. also enjoyed Science because we got to do an experiment on tooth decay, and we made Rube Goldberg machines in Engineering. ”
James “ really enjoyed Outdoor Education. We did Team Building and cool things with sticks and wood, like making a hedge out of broken branches and sticks. ”
Daniel “ I like the library because I get to read lots of books from my favourite author Jeff Kinney. ”
Zak “ This year, I really enjoyed Games because we get to learn different sports. At the start of the year, the boys did football and the girls did hockey. One of my favourite teams to play against is Pilgrims, in a cup match, because they are a good challenge. We came second! ”
Daniela “ can’t really choose my one favourite thing this year, but these are the things that I liked the most: horse riding, Public Speaking and finally, English. Oh, and don’t forget Art! really enjoy these things in school. ”
Rafael “ This year, have enjoyed all the amazing sport we have played at Stroud, which includes hockey, football, rugby, and cricket. I can’t forget our amazing Sports Day – athletics is always so much fun! ”
Evangeline “ I enjoyed Games this year because I really improved throughout the year, and now I feel more confident when I get passed the ball in netball. ”
Vaanya “ I have enjoyed Games because I participated in competitive games. I also enjoyed Outdoor Education because I loved being in the woods. ”
Tara “ have loved horse riding this year and I have also loved English and Maths. I got into the final of the Public Speaking competition. I also loved Art and Games, and Gym Club. ”
Elizabeth “ I have really liked Games because we swam in the pool and played netball and hockey. In Discovery, we made a bug-horse-dog in our Anglo-Saxon lessons. In English, we ate chocolate when we read The Great Chocoplot. ”
Jack “ really liked scoring lots of tries in rugby against other schools, but the sport I have most enjoyed this year is cross -country. have also enjoyed making things in Science – the best thing of all is getting messy! ”
Konstantinos “ I enjoyed Maths this year, but I also reached the final of the Public Speaking competition. It is wonderful that the school has a library because like to go there and read nice books at break times. ”
Emily “ This year, have really enjoyed playing hockey and netball in Games and building our Rube Goldberg machines in Science and Engineering. also enjoyed cross country running and came third. loved Sports Day. ”
Sebastian “ really enjoyed Science and Engineering because we made Rube Goldberg –simple machines or a board game of your own creation. ”
Myah “ have loved Art this year, especially our Sea- Life topic. It was my favourite lesson. I also loved Games. My favourite sport is cricket and so I loved the Summer term. ”
Henry “ I have enjoyed cricket this year because everyone gets involved. I have liked making new friends and doing group challenges in Outdoor Learning. ”
Isabella “ This year, I enjoyed Games because I enjoyed all the different sports such as hockey and netball. also loved English because we experimented with writing in different styles. ”
Lara “ This year, I enjoyed breaktimes because I spent time with my friends. also loved Science and Engineering. In Engineering, we made Rube Goldberg machines which was great fun. loved testing mine! Mine was to feed a dog; my dog, Oakley. ”
“ It has been both a pleasure and a privilege to teach Year 5. We have enjoyed a wonderful year packed with memorable experiences. From singing in a choir of over 9,000 at the O2 Arena to braving the heights on our residential trip to PGL Little Canada, we have lived life to the full! The children have been a delight, and we are so grateful to them for their commitment to learning. Most of all, we are proud that they exemplify our three school rules: they are aware of both themselves and others; they are ready to help and to make a difference; and most importantly of all, they are kind. ”
Eleanor “ This year I enjoyed sports, especially netball. I went to IAPS and we got into the cup, but sadly didn’t win. have loved all the hockey and enjoyed doing Trojans out of school. I have also loved gymnastics. Altogether, I have loved Year 5 and am so excited to make sure that treasure every single moment of school because next year I will be going into Year 6 and then moving onto secondary school. ”
Jennistaa “ This year especially enjoyed Performing Arts. also enjoyed performing our Year 5 pieces at the Springburst Concert. Another thing was also really excited about was performing in the TPA Show. Overall, Year 5 has been amazing, and am excited to see what will happen next. ”
Barnabas “ Since the start of the year have really enjoyed Maths, particularly long multiplication. also loved our classroom and the collaboration between us all. Year 5 has been so much fun, now we must all get ready for the last year at Stroud to come, Year 6. ”
Florence “ I have really enjoyed English this year because I have learnt so much about child labour; realising the horror of what they went through. It’s been really fascinating. I love that Year 5 is one big family. It’s been a great journey, and am excited for what’s to come! ”
James “ This year have enjoyed all my lessons, including Maths, but the highlight of my year was our trip to the O2 in London where we were a part of the biggest children’s choir in the world! It was made up of 9,939 children! It was an amazing experience, but the best part was spending time with my friends. We made it back to school at 1am in the morning! ”
Rory “ have really enjoyed rugby this season; the A team only lost one match. We were the first team to ever do it; it was a big achievement. Hockey has been great fun also, we played well and if we lost a match, it would always be a particularly close game. Maths was also super fun; love it because it makes you work hard and pushes you out of your comfort zone. can’t wait for Year 6! ”
Erin “ I really surprised myself this year at how much enjoyed my English lessons. Learning about child labour has really developed my understanding of how lucky we are! loved the experience of going to Beaulieu. We all dressed up as Victorians. It was so much fun Year 5 has been the best year I’ve had at Stroud, and can’t wait to move into Year 6 with my classmates! ”
River “ This year I have really enjoyed Art because we got to work with partners to create amazing models such as a cubist instrument out of cardboard boxes. Year 5 has been so much fun because we have had new responsibilities, and we went on unbelievable trips. It really feels like we are a family! ”
Thomas D “ really enjoyed Art this year because the activity has been so inclusive to everyone, even if art is not your strong point. Year 5 was so much fun and there was always someone to help me. Speech and Drama was amazing: I did my Grade 1 Speech and Drama exam. also enjoyed the amazing experiences of the O2 Arena for Young Voices and the trip to Beaulieu Motor Museum. ”
Charlie “ enjoyed football and piano this year. especially liked improving my defensive and attacking skills. I felt extremely proud when scored a hat trick on my birthday. In addition, I liked Art Club where made a house of lollipop sticks. I also learnt to play the Jurassic Park theme tune on the piano. ”
Taaj “ really enjoyed horse riding because I learnt so many new activities like riding over poles, trotting in a 20-metre circle, trotting without stirrups and much, much more. also enjoyed Performing Arts, especially when we went to Young Voices. had a lovely time with all my friends and had fun with everyone. ”
Alexander “ This year loved English, and Art, Craft and Design. In English especially enjoyed the Big Write; it was fun. In Art, Craft and Design, we made models of abstract instruments and mine was a guitar. have loved being at Stroud. ”
“ have really enjoyed sports this year. In hockey, was picked for IAPS. We won: it was so nerve- wracking but so much fun. After we did so well at IAPS, we went to Counties and got second place. That meant we immediately went through to Regionals. also played rugby at school which was great. ”
Sofiia “ I enjoyed Science because we experimented lots with solids, liquids, and gases. We learnt about water resistance and air resistance. In Year 5 we were all one big family. We work together and help each other. ”
Thomas R “ I have loved scripting advanced pieces of writing in English and have made such big steps on my journey forward in academic and non-curricular subjects. Art, Craft and Design and Performing Arts were extraordinarily fun, and I looked forward to them every week. In Art we made Cubist instruments and in Music we studied everything from The Pied Piper of Hamelin to The Victorians, linking to our Discovery lessons. As my years go by at Stroud, it keeps getting better and better. ”
Emma “ This year really loved Art, Craft and Design. loved making roses for Mother’s Day. created a cubism guitar with two of my best friends. My favourite trip of the year was the O2 in London where we sang loads of songs. We also went to the Isle of Wight. We are all friends in Year 5 and one big family. ”
Luke “ This year I have adored sport – mostly football. I particularly enjoyed dribbling and passing but I love all of football really. also enjoyed hockey, where in one of the matches we won 5-1! ”
Annabelle “ During Year 5 really enjoyed netball matches and playing against different schools. I loved English lessons, particularly learning about child labour and the Victorian era. This made us realise how lucky we are. I was warmly welcomed joining the school and know I’m going to enjoy the amazing learning experience Stroud has to offer. ”
Camden “ This year have really enjoyed the field trips. My favourite trip was the O2. There were 9,939 children singing. It was a long trip, but it was worth it. am thankful for my teachers taking me to the O2, and we are grateful to all the teachers. ”
Lucas “ This year really enjoyed sports, especially rugby and hockey. In rugby, the A team lost only once the whole season! It is a great team to play in. loved being a goalkeeper in hockey although it was a bit weird wearing so many pads. Maths was also brilliant! loved multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number and stretching my limits. ”
Brooke “ loved netball this year because was in the A team. We played against different teams such as Chafyn Grove and Canford and had a fun time. At Stroud we are aware, ready and most importantly, kind. will never forget you Stroud. ”
Hlib “ This year, really enjoyed playing in the football matches because I love being part of a team and representing Stroud against other schools. also loved my class because I have many friends. In fact, we are all friends! ”
Sebastian “ This year I have really enjoyed sport – most of all hockey: I loved playing matches against other hockey teams (I also love match tea!). In Year 5 I loved my class and do not want to change anything. ”
Violet “ This year, everyone has grown up so much. We all play and have a good relationship with each other, boy or girl! I have also really enjoyed Art lessons. We have done work on Romero Britto, made cardboard instruments, and done lots of painting. Year 5 is so much fun! ”
Rosalie “ have really enjoyed English this year because I learnt lots of new skills such as how to use colons, semicolons, brackets, and dashes. have loved being in Year 5: everyone is friends with each other. ”
Eva “ have really enjoyed Year 5, especially netball. We have learnt so many new skills and played a lot of fixtures. am grateful to the sports department for making all our games lessons so much fun. Year 5 has been a blast! ”
Alexander D “ I have really enjoyed hockey because we got to play matches against other schools. I also enjoyed going to Wellington for mini matches and to practise our overall skills. Also, I have enjoyed my piano lessons and loved how we are such good friends in Year 5! ”
Charlotte “ This year really enjoyed hockey because I was a goalkeeper. It is not as easy as it looks but it is lots of fun. Another thing I enjoyed was our trip to the O2 Arena to sing in the Young Voices Concert – it was an amazing experience. I loved it. ”
Mila “ Year 5 was great - especially loved Science as we did so many experiments and I loved the times we were in the lab. Year 5 felt like a big happy family: I am looking forward to what happens next. ”
Luca “ have really enjoyed Year 5 and one of my favourite highlights is football. finally made it into the A Team. love how everyone gets along. Year 5 was nice. ”
Alexander P “ This has been my first year at Stroud and have really enjoyed sports my favourite was rugby. I loved how we played against other teams. Stroud is a very warm and welcoming school that lets us go on amazing trips. I’m loving it so much. ”
Rosalind “ My favourite subject this year has been PE because I have had the chance to learn to play badminton.! My favourite bit of Year 5 is that we are all friends and a big family. ”
Mishka “ Year 5 has been such a memorable year. This year Art has been my favourite subject: we focused on a famous artist called Romero Britto. I also really enjoyed Spanish because it was a new language for me. ”
Hari “ I have loved every aspect of Year 5. One of my biggest highlights was the amazing trip to the O2 Arena to sing in the Young Voices Concert. I have also loved Maths; was one of the four people who got to the finals of the Primary Maths Challenge. ”
Annabel “ This year I have really enjoyed learning Spanish. It has been great fun! I have really loved Year 5 and all the fun we’ve had. never want it to end! ”
Primrose “ enjoyed Science as we did lots of fabulous experiments. In Engineering, we learnt about Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who made many famous bridges. We then made moving bridges out of Lego, and they worked! Even though I have only been here for a few months, it really feels like home. ”
Jasjot “ This year enjoyed Maths because the lessons are getting harder so when get full marks, am happy. also enjoyed going to the O2 Arena to sing – got to dance with my friends. I loved Year 5 because we are all a family. ”
Juliette “ have really enjoyed all the after-school clubs, especially Gym Club. I have learnt lots of new skills like a back bend. I love Stroud because boys and girls play together. The staff and teachers are all so kind and generous and everyone at Stroud is aware, ready and, most importantly, kind. ”
Finlay “ This year really enjoyed playing rugby. loved passing, throwing, running and most of all scoring tries. It was fun because we got to work in a team and play matches against other schools. We’ve gone on lots of trips, and it feels like we are one big family. ”
“ This year I found English fun because we studied different topics. I enjoyed writing a letter to a famous sports star to explain that the company that makes their kit uses child labourers. We tried to persuade this star that child labour is wrong. loved being in Year 5: made new friends and we all felt like a family. ”
Alice “ This year I really enjoyed netball because we worked so well together, and I loved representing Stroud. also enjoyed English because learnt what a relative clause is! In Year 5 we are all friends no matter what! ”
“ What a wonderful year we have enjoyed – a perfect balance of challenging work, particularly for entrance exams, and great fun with our trip to France, Bikeability, WWII Day and the fabulous school play. The children have set a high bar for future Year 6 prefects, setting a wonderful example to the school with their focused attitudes, confident leadership, and supportive natures. Year 6 now move on to their next steps in education but will always remain kind and committed Stroudies. ”
“ Even though I wasn’t at Stroud for long, enjoyed every moment of it. One of my highlights would be the residential trip to the Isle of Wight in Year 5 as made the best memories! also loved my riding lessons as I have built up my trust in myself and Tully. am so grateful for all that Stroud has taught me and cannot wait to see what journey KES will take me on, but I will miss Stroud. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie! ”
“ I joined Stroud as a shy 4-year-old in Reception and now here am seven years later and have grown so much in confidence from all the amazing experiences have had during my time here. My favourite thing when I was younger was Forest School and later, the Year 5 trip to the Isle of Wight, watching the rugby at Twickenham and playing in the sports tournaments. I enjoyed every moment of my time here – my teachers were amazing, and have made some fabulous friends. will miss Stroud a lot and will always be proud to be a Stroudie! ”
Lara “ I have loved my time here at Stroud and have been introduced to many of my favourite hobbies, such as goalkeeping and cricket. Stroud has also given me so many opportunities, for example the maths challenges, IAPS sports tournaments and the Year 6 play. have also made such good friends and loads of long-lasting memories. ”
ImogenWilfred “ really enjoyed my time at Stroud. My highlights are many, including music and sport. Sport at Stroud meant that I had the chance to compete in many competitions including both hockey and rugby. ”
“ During my time at Stroud, from Year 3 to Year 6, I have enjoyed different varieties of lessons from Performing Arts and Art to Maths and English. When started at Stroud, was a timid eight-year-old girl in Covid, but have never looked back to my previous school. Stroud has so many opportunities. Flute was one and going to France was another, and have developed my love of cricket. The plays were amazing too, from Pirates vs Mermaids, where was a mermaid in Year 4, to Wind in the Willows, where I was a cheeky otter pup named Portia, in Year 6. Stroud and all my amazing friends have shaped me into the girl am now. The name of the school is changing next year so am truly the last ever Stroudie with the other incredible people in my year. I am so proud I went to Stroud, and it will always hold a special place for me. Always Forever Undaunted, always a Stroudie. ”
Martha “ I found Stroud such an amazing environment throughout the years, and I cannot wait to carry on my journey at KES. Year 6 has been so fulfilling, from the sport opportunities to getting involved with the production and having amazing teachers. Everyone at Stroud has helped me to develop my confidence. went from a shy little girl to a confident young lady. This is a big thanks to all the staff at Stroud and my friends. Just remember, I will always miss you. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. I am truly proud to be Stroud. ”
Noah “ These past two years have been amazing – from sport to Forest School to time in the classroom. I have no regrets about moving here in Year 5. I am going to be so sad leaving, but I cannot wait for secondary school. ”
“ This year was the best year so far. Sport has been so fun: we won the house football, but sadly we lost in the cup. Rugby was also fun, tackling, side-stepping, and scoring tries and getting so muddy! We always came back completely covered in mud. I am so proud that I got into KES with all my friends. ”
Thomas “ Since I joined Stroud in Nursery, have enjoyed all the opportunities on offer, including the clubs. We had lots of clubs to choose from every year and they were all amazing. Since Year 3 we have been going on residentials, from the Isle of Wight to France. am sad to leave Stroud, but am extremely excited to go to KES and know it will be just as good. ”
“ My favourite part of Year 6 was Discovery – which combined my two favourite subjects, History and Geography. These lessons were interesting and fun to learn. also really enjoyed sports, mainly rugby. In rugby we started kicking this year which I was really looking forward to. ”
Toby“ I started Stroud in Reception (Dragonflies Class) and still remember that day. Last year our residential to PGL on the Isle of Wight was great fun and really challenged me with some of the activities we had to do, such as climbing Jacob’s Ladder, which was really high! I have loved all the sports we did, especially rugby and hockey.
In Year 6 we were given more responsibilities, and we all became prefects. My role was Head of Charities which I really enjoyed, which included arranging fun activities to raise money for our school charities. will miss Stroud a lot but look forward to going to KES with many of my friends. We will be Forever Undaunted and will always have Stroud in our hearts. ”
“ have loved Year 6 and being in Eagles class. enjoyed horse riding, Speech and Drama and all the after-school clubs. We all enjoyed our trip to Normandy and we had a wonderful time. loved getting to know everyone in my class better and am glad came to Stroud in Year 5. thoroughly enjoyed the school play – Wind in the Willows –where I played Ratty! would like to say thank you to all the staff for making Stroud, ‘Forever Undaunted’ and a special thank you to my friends for guiding me along the way, plus making me smile and laugh. ”
Maximus “ This year, I have really enjoyed sports and English. love going on school trips, especially to the pantomime. Performing Arts was a highlight because we practised for our production of Wind in the Willows and even created silent movies. ”
Herbie “ loved Year 6, which started with a fun trip to Paulton’s Park and the many sports tournaments in football, rugby, hockey, and cricket. We enjoyed a two-day hockey tour in the Spring Term and went to France in the Summer. We also pulled off our Wind in the Willows production. What a fun year! ”
Jude “ I made many new friends since joining Stroud in Year 6. I really enjoyed my learning, particularly the Maths, where challenged myself to perform to the best of my ability. also really valued being able to visit the Wellbeing Centre each week. ”
“At Stroud
I enjoyed exciting lessons such as Discovery, Maths, Science, and a lot of others, but one of my favourites was Art. In Art, we studied ‘food art’ and made a papier-mâché doughnut. We then went on to designing and making fairy tale houses. had so much fun this year and will really miss Stroud. ”
Lucas “ I adored my time at Stroud, and have never had a sad day. Every single subject and trip, really enjoyed. I loved the range of activities from English to Maths to Speech and Drama. And football was brilliant. Our Year 5 residential to the Isle of Wight was off-thescale fantastic, Paultons Park was just dreamy and has awakened the thrill-seeker in me. I went on a hockey tour, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and loved the Year 6 play. I met amazing people and made some incredible friends and wish them all happiness in their new school. Thank you to all the fantastic teachers. I’ve been so happy at Stroud and am excited for the next chapter. I will always be proud to be a Stroudie. ”
Andrew “ There were lots of fun lessons at Stroud, including Art, Performing Arts and more, but really enjoyed ICT. In ICT, we have learnt to code in many ways, including Python and Flowol. We also went to Paultons Park to learn about how the rides were coded and the science behind the great rides. loved the practical lessons at Stroud. ”
Shanaya “ joined Stroud in Year 5 – was anxious but excited. Everyone was genuinely nice and friendly when I joined. The teachers were incredibly supportive and helped me through my learning journey. My favourite lessons were Performing Arts and Art. We also had loads of opportunities, for example we had a school play, a netball tour, a residential trip to France and more. I will miss Stroud a lot, but I am excited to move on to my new journey at KES: once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Edward “ joined Stroud at Easter and loved it from the first moment walked through the doors. have enjoyed being challenged and the sport on offer. Acting in Wind in the Willows was great fun, and am excited to move on to KES with lots of my new friends. ”
Ridhi “At Stroud, had a whole lot of opportunities, such as our residentials in the Isle of Wight and France. enjoyed many subjects, but my favourite ones were Games, Science and Maths. My favourite thing to do in Games was to be hockey goalie and also enjoyed our trip to Paultons Park – my favourite one ever. I will miss Stroud. I really will. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Alfred “ I have had so many amazing experiences at Stroud. The main highlight for me was the extraordinary trip to Paultons Park where we went on some awesome rides. also enjoyed sport this year: my favourite was rugby. ”
Orion “ I am so fortunate to have been here for the whole journey of Stroud: from Nursery to Year 6, my time at Stroud has never failed me. loved everything about Stroud. Even though am sad to be leaving, feel well-prepared for the road ahead. ”
Sophie “ was new to Stroud this year, but have really enjoyed English, my wellbeing sessions, horse riding and PE. In PE, have tried my best – that is all that matters. had the best time. The Wellbeing Centre was the best place for me because got to chill if I was stressed, and to play games. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Isabella “ I have been at Stroud since Reception, and have enjoyed every single day. One of my favourite experiences was the Year 5 residential, where we stayed on the Isle of Wight. But for me, nothing can top my sports days. cannot imagine leaving Stroud and I never want to. ”
Thomas “ When joined Stroud in 2022, was nervous, but soon learnt not to be and started enjoying it. I made great friends! The residential was great and enjoyed it so much! The move up to Year 6 was fun (especially as we became prefects!). The trip to Paultons Park was amazing! have enjoyed Stroud and, while excited for Sherborne, I am also sad to be leaving. ”
Daisy “ Running, jumping, throwing –Sports Day was a great highlight for me every year at Stroud. I love taking part in all the events! Another highlight for me were the swimming galas, as I love swimming! Stroud is a great school, and will never forget my amazing experiences during the 7 years I was here. ”
Maluke “ From Nursery to Year 6, have had the best time ever at Stroud. As Deputy Head Boy, really enjoyed my role this year doing things like meeting the governors, speaking about the school, and doing Tidy Pterodactyl. Hockey is the lesson have enjoyed the most – this season has been great fun. The boys got 6th in the cup and went to the Regionals! ”
William “ When I joined in Year 3, from Hong Kong and Dubai, had never lived in England before. Even though was extremely nervous moving to a new country, everyone welcomed me with open arms, which I will never forget. enjoyed all the sports, especially rugby – from IAPS to watching England at Twickenham. All my teachers have always been there to guide and support me. I will never forget my fun and wonderful time at Stroud! am looking forward to going to KES with some of my fellow Stroudies, and for all the rest wish you all the best! ”
Ripley “ have been at Stroud since Nursery, and all my time here has been amazing. I loved Maths and enjoyed the competitions. In Year 6 also enjoyed ICT, especially Python and Logo. The sport has been fun, but the best sport in Stroud is, without a doubt, rugby! Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Flora “ I had an awesome time at Stroud, from the Greek Day in Year 3 to the Paultons Park trip in Year 6 – can’t believe how time has gone so quickly. especially loved all the sporting opportunities, from Junior Wessex, IAPS hockey, netball, and cricket, and even a netball tour. love Stroud and will miss everyone here; I hope all the fun will continue at KES. ”
Anna “ I had the most amazing time at Stroud from the amazing Pirate Day in Year 1 to the terrific Paultons Park trip in Year 6. was proud to be part of the Under 11 IAPS hockey team. Another highlight for me was the whole school pantomime! My time at Stroud has ended but I will not forget my time here. I am ready to start a new chapter at KES but once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Jack “ Year 6 at Stroud was such an exciting year with all the amazing stuff we learnt. also loved the great sports we did here, especially the rugby season, and I am sad to leave this beautiful school. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
James “ have had a wonderful eight years at Stroud, from Caterpillars in Nursery to Ospreys in Year 6. I will never forget how kind every teacher has been to me. A highlight for me was the Year 5 trip to the Isle of Wight. It was so much fun, and we enjoyed so many activities there. It was an honour to go to Stroud, but everything must end, and am ready to start my next chapter at KES. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Thomas “ This year was a highlight for me because of all the wonderful options Stroud has to offer, and the kind staff who make it even better. The one lesson that really stood out for me was Art. really enjoyed Art: this year we made papier-mâché doughnuts and painted them. We also learnt about Pop Art which was fun. also loved Paultons Park. I love Stroud and would highly recommend it. ”
Jack “ From Reception to Year 6: loved it all. The children, the teachers and everyone in the middle, none of them have disappointed. loved the trips; they got better every year! Our trip to Normandy was spectacular! And Year 6 was topped off with our Year 6 play! So once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Thea “ Stroud and Year 6 was such a wonderful experience, and I will never forget my time here and my teachers as they helped me get through my years at Stroud. I have really loved Games and PE this year and am excited to do it at KES.
Stroud has been like family to me. Goodbye
Stroud. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
Poppy “ I travelled through Stroud from Nursery (Caterpillars class) to Year 6 Ospreys and will always remember how amazing every teacher has been, from being in the science lab to acting in our performing arts building. Leaping and dancing about to calculating hard algebra questions, enjoyed every second of the adventure of being here. I am so excited to carry on my amazing education journey at KES but am extremely sad to leave this fabulous school. We have had netball trips, residentials in Year 4 and 5, and France in Year 6. Forever Undaunted – once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie! ”
Ioannis “A big thanks to my amazing teachers. Especially to my terrific TPA teachers who have taught me many new and creative dances and to my magnificent MFL teacher. Thank you for teaching me many unfamiliar words and phrases in other languages. As much as I would like to stay at Stroud, must take my next steps to KES, but once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie! ”
Harry “ really enjoyed Year 6 this year because we went to Paultons Park and enjoyed fun sports like hockey, football, and cricket. have had nice teachers over the years at Stroud. It has been cool to be Head of Wellbeing. I am looking forward to going to Embley but: once a Stroudie always a Stroudie! ”
Theo “ have really enjoyed rugby this year because have learnt so many amazing things and enjoyed going to Paultons Park to learn about forces. am sad to be leaving Stroud because I have made so many memories. ”
Linh “ I only started Stroud in Year 5, but the past two years have been the best years of my life. will never forget the laughter experienced. My teachers helped me realise that school is a pretty cool place. Leaving Stroud will be hard, and I will miss everyone. Stroud will always have a place in my heart! ”
Leah “ I had the most wonderful time ever at Stroud and I will never forget my time here. From learning phonics in Nursery to our trip to Paultons Park in Year 6; it has been an incredible time. I will forever remember the lovely teachers have had. Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie! ”
Heath “ I began Stroud in Nursery, starting as a Caterpillar and moving through a host of animals to become an Osprey. made amazing friends and created some wonderful memories. A highlight for me were the residential trips. The Isle of Wight was great and the fun activities in France will stay with me always. I have enjoyed being a part of school productions including Wind in the Willows. Stroud will always be a part of me, and I shall continue my journey, Forever Undaunted! ”
Sammey “ loved my time at Stroud from my amazing sports lessons to the Creative Art lessons. I enjoyed every single bit of my time here. One of my many highlights of my time at Stroud would be the fabulous residential to the Isle of Wight. am sad to be leaving this wonderful school and my great friends. ”
Ismene “ I really loved my entire time at Stroud, from spending time with my friends at our residential in France to day-to-day lessons. I have really improved in English and netball and will miss all my teachers and friends when go to KES! ”
Freddie “ had a wonderful time at Stroud. will never forget all my lovely teachers and my helpful friends. wish could stay. I loved all the clubs: TPA, Prep, Hockey and Choir. Remember, once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie. ”
“ Stroud: Where nature is our classroom. Farm, Forest, Beach and beyond - Our learning knows no bounds! ”
It has been another fantastic year at Stroud School the entire school have taken advantage of our natural spaces to expand their learning and support our natureenhancing initiatives. Our children from Nursery to Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their co-curricular Outdoor Education sessions, which have enabled them to take part in exciting outdoor learning opportunities both on our grounds and in our local area.
In the Early Years and Pre-Prep, our Forest School has been learning about animal habitats and the changing seasons, while Farm School has been getting children to know our animals by feeding the goats and collecting eggs from the chickens and ducks.
Our Beach School has explored the beach and headland of Lepe Beach, embracing the unique opportunities these offer for exploration and learning. This year, pupils from King Edward VI’s Sixth Form have returned to our Pre-Prep Forest School sessions, which has fostered collaboration skills in both parties by developing an appreciation of different perspectives, ideas, and outlooks. In Lower Prep and Upper Prep classes, children have been completing challenges set by the RSPB
(Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) by studying habitats, re-naturing, and the importance of biodiversity. Meanwhile, Year 5 has completed the Royal Forestry Society’s Junior Forester Award, learning about woodland management and how they can be ambassadors for our wildlife and natural spaces.
Further up the school, Year 6 has developed their map reading skills and learning about the science of hydrology in the school’s stream. Moreover, classes from Lower and Upper Prep have had termly team-building sessions, which have challenged them to collaborate and learn to adapt to overcome problems.
Alongside co-curricular Outdoor Education lessons, children have had a wealth of exciting and unique experiences both in school and through trips, to support the curriculum. Highlights include trips to Brooklands Museum to learn about the history of air and land travel, maths and chess challenge events with local schools, and field study trips to Kew Gardens and Hengistbury Head, to name but a few. While at Stroud, pupils dressed up and immersed themselves in their studies of the Romans, Tudors, Victorians, and Florence Nightingale. We have
built rafts and designed earthquake-proof buildings and got fully into our maths, partitioning numbers using chalk on the playground.
Down on the farm, Miss Godwin, our Farm and Equine Manager, is delighted to report that all the animals are happy, healthy, and enjoying all the attention they get from our children. Oreo the school cat has enjoyed a happy year of strutting around the school and finding cosy spots to curl up and nap. Our ponies are well and have enjoyed their interactions with the children. Tully especially loved being a part of our riding school. Clippy is embracing her retirement and enjoying all the extra attention (and treats) she now gets, doing more animal husbandry sessions. And Autumn, our new three-year cob has settled in nicely and can be found in the field playing with Tully.
Altogether, it has been another fantastic year for outdoor learning at Stroud, and we enjoyed lots of four-legged visitors, including new-born lambs and ducklings, goats and our pigs, Pickles and Chutney.
We look forward to watching the children flourish outside the classroom again next year.
T his year, we have begun each day with extended form-time which has ensured that pupil wellbeing takes a central role in our weekly timetable. During these morning ‘Wellbeing’ sessions, we have run whole-school assemblies, taught our PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and Citizenship curriculums and enjoyed other activities to maintain our keen sense of community across the school. Children have also had the opportunity to take part in a wide array of wellbeing activities, from journalling about their feelings to yoga, mindful meditation, to time with the animals. We have also introduced the “Colour Monsters” across the school, which provide an opportunity for all children to “checkin” each morning with how they are feeling – improving emotional literacy and communication of their feelings to staff.
Outstanding pastoral care also underpins all that we do at Stroud. In the classroom, this fundamental pastoral relationship is provided by the form tutor who has ensured that each child’s wellbeing, needs, and growth are carefully nurtured. In addition to the form tutor and Head of Department, the children are supported by Learning Support Assistants and staff who are trained in providing emotional literacy support.
Our Wellbeing Centre is a fabulous resource where children can talk, reflect, be listened to, and take time out. Our highly skilled pastoral team, including our School Nurses, ensure that every child and every family feels safe and supported at Stroud.
It has been another exciting, energetic, and innovative year for the Stroud Library. We continue to expand our book stock in all our bespoke library spaces in Early Years, Pre-Prep, and Lower and Upper Prep, with particular emphasis on inclusion, diversity, and multiculturalism, both of authors and titles.
Our over-arching aim and ethos is for our books to be both a mirror and a doorway – so our pupils can see their lives, experiences, and what matters to them reflected in their reading choices, and to also discover a world of possibilities, open to all, through the pages of a book.
Over the Summer we packed up our books (all 20 crates full, in strict alphabetical order!) and our vintage oak bookshelves and moved to our sunny new home in the old music room. Our more central location with all the Year 3-6 library books in one place has been hugely beneficial, with every class enjoying a weekly library lesson and many more children visiting of their own accord.
Our breaktime clubs are well-attended, (over 60 children wracked their book brains to guess the characters hidden
around the library on World Book Day) and we cosy up for tales old and new in our ever-popular story time sessions, beloved by avid listeners of all ages.
Participation in Chess Club has really burgeoned, so much so that we have gone from two sets to 10! It is a joy to witness this traditional mind-game of skill and strategy become an integral part of all our vibrant library has to offer.
The book-rich ethos runs deep at Stroud, as evidenced by the library hosting our newly minted staff book club which is proving to be a wonderfully supportive forum for all things book, strengthening social interaction between staff in different departments and tempting us out of our reading comfort zones – always an empowering and enriching experience.
The relaunched pupil librarian scheme has been a huge asset, with our Year 6 Library Prefects embracing their new responsibilities and duties with gusto and diligence –they are exemplary ambassadors for books and reading.
We were delighted to work with our pupil charity
committee to forge a link with Mandiva Primary School in Zimbabwe, donating several boxes of library books to support their fledgling library. We hope to continue this bond in the future as it perfectly illustrates the transformative power of books to enrich lives and imaginations across the globe, while nourishing the essential life values of empathy and compassion in our pupils here at Stroud.
Once again, our whole community’s high regard for reading was evident across our Stroud family in the unstinting, generous support for our Usborne and Scholastic book fairs in the Autumn. Over £1,000 worth of books were purchased for our school library spaces, thanks to the overwhelming level of sales generated at the fairs.
The library is truly all things to all users: an arena for keenly contested board games, a haven for quiet and reflective reading, for seeking solace in a book, and for basking in the convivial atmosphere of listening to a riproaring story – all this and more takes place every week within its walls – if only the magic elixir of Stroud Library could be bottled!
We thoroughly enjoyed our Intrepidus Week. Early Years learnt about how they can be planetsaving superheroes while Pre-Prep went to RHS Wisley Gardens in Surrey and enjoyed a day at the beach.
Year 3 enjoyed a Roman-themed week, starting with a visit to Fort Nelson where they travelled back to AD42 and learnt all about the differences between Celtic and Roman ways of life. They also experienced a day of relaxation at the Roman Baths in Bath, exploring Roman clothing, handling 2000-year-old artefacts and getting creative by making mosaics.
Year 4 went on their first ever residential, spending two nights at Hooke Court in West Dorset. They took part in a wide range of activities including nature and river studies and country home-cooking.
Year 5 headed by ferry to the Isle of Wight, where they stayed at the PGL Adventure Centre. They enjoyed a week filled with challenges, teamwork, and adventure as well as an exploration into the past with a trip to Osborne House to enrich their work on Victorians. They showed excellent independence and resilience throughout the week, and they now move into their final year at Stroud, ready to lead by example.
Year 6 travelled all the way to Normandy to explore the landing beaches and historical sites linked to the D-Day landings and their WWII topic. They enjoyed an exciting day at an adventure park and used their language skills to buy items in a French market and order their own lunch in a restaurant. For our oldest children, the adventure of visiting a different country was an exciting end to their time at Stroud.
Across the year groups, the week was filled with adventure, teamwork, and excitement; a wonderful end to the year for the whole school.
Mr Parker, Mrs Beaumont, Mrs Kent, Mr Morgan and Mr Dowd
This has been a very successful year for sport at Stroud. We have participated in a wide and balanced fixture schedule, along with many tournaments and events. In addition, the children have been offered more triangular games and festivals at all ages.
We introduced the Physical Development Programme (PDP) for all children in Year 3-6 as an extension to the sports teaching. The PDP is designed to support physical conditioning and athletic development. It helps develop the fundamental abilities that underpin all our team sports, but also encourages a healthy and active lifestyle. Activities include circuits, cross country, SAQ, body balance, plyometrics, physical conditioning and functional movement skills.
A special mention to the U11 girls’ and boys’ hockey teams who qualified for the In2Hockey Regional Finals this year. The teams represented the school with immense pride, and we were the only school to qualify in both categories.
Highlights of the 2023/24 academic year are without doubt the U11 girls’ cricket team who won their IAPS Regional Cricket Tournament, and the Junior Wessex athletics team who won 13 medals and an athlete of the day award. The sports department and wider school are incredibly proud of all your achievements.
We look forward to the inaugural year as KES PREP in 2024/25 and our future success in all sports.
At Stroud we believe that school should be so much more than just academic lessons in a classroom or learning outside the classroom. We are hugely proud of our extensive co-curricular provision, both within the school day and after. Across the whole school, from Reception to Year 6, our children are offered a fantastic selection of clubs throughout the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.
Pupils have more than 75 co-curricular activities from which to choose. These, all led by volunteer teachers and outside agency staff, offer an array of exciting subjects and sporting opportunities: from Skiing to Choir, Climbing to Ballet, Golf to Drama, Archery to Mindfulness and Swimming to Arts and Crafts.
Break, Lunch and After-School clubs are of fundamental importance to our children as they allow them opportunities to enjoy socialising with friends, old and new, in an informal, relaxed setting, whilst enabling the learning of new skills and experiences in a safe and nurturing environment. Our club provision continues to go from strength to strength as we liaise with our families and children to ensure that we provide the richest variety of opportunities available. It is wonderful to see children gaining new experiences and trying out a hobby for the very first time that, hopefully, will stay with them for a lifetime.
The range on offer is extensive, including but not limited to; Farm Club, Gymnastics, Children’s First Aid, Swimming, Arts and Crafts, Football, Computer Xplorers, Body Balance, Tennis, Yoga, Junior Golf Academy, Adventure Club, Rugby, Choir, Dance, Netball, Snorkelling, Hockey, Sailing, Archery, Hula Skoola, Lego and Board Games.
Our SSA (Stroud School Association) events started with a wonderful and energetic Barn Dance, with live music from ‘The Woodsiders’ and a delicious hog roast.
Then followed a festive start to the Christmas season with the extremely popular Christmas Fayre. This included a vast array of stall holders, face painting, crafts and of course Father Christmas in attendance. Our next event was the SSA Christmas Party, which had more than 100 attendees, a live band and delicious food, hosted by Ampfield Golf Club.
The Easter Egg Hunt was also an enormous success, with over 100 children enjoying the trail around the school site, before returning to the dining room to claim their much-deserved prize of an Easter egg.
The SSA contributed to Sports Day and the wonderful Stroud Summer Ball. It was fantastic to see so many Stroud families, current and past, join us to celebrate as Stroud transitions to KES Prep, with children’s beautiful artwork on prominent display.
Thank you to all the members of the SSA for their efforts in ensuring these fantastic events continue to take place, and to Trish Tanner who runs the uniform shop on behalf of the SSA to raise funds for the school’s Hardship Fund.
And, finally, extra special thanks to Elaine and Shaun Barriball, whose son James will be moving to KES in September. Their support has been invaluable, and they will be very much missed by all the SSA team.
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work at Stroud for the last eight years. joined at a time of change but received a very warm welcome. In no time at all, really did feel part of the team. This is something Stroud is exceptionally good at - welcoming people into the fold and making them feel like they belong. As someone who advocates the inclusion of all, this was, and still is, especially important to me. I will deeply miss the amazingly dedicated staff, the wonderful children and incredibly supportive parents. I know that the work we have done together to make Stroud such a brilliant school will continue, and that can start my next adventure feeling proud of what has come before and excited about what is next.
I have had the pleasure of teaching at Stroud for 14 years. During this time, it has been a privilege to observe so many young children develop and grow. I love seeing all the amazing things my past nursery pupils achieve and all the progress they make during their time at Stroud.
Saying goodbye to all the lovely children and wonderful staff at Stroud will undoubtedly be hard, but have so many wonderful memories of so many happy times that I will take with me and cherish.
It has been a privilege to work at Stroud over the past 10 years. I was fortunate during my time to work across all the different areas of the school, getting to know the staff and children and being a familiar friendly face to all. One highlight was being able to learn all about keeping bees by starting a colony at Stroud. Many children over the years will have benefitted from trying on bee suits, investigating the school hive, and tasting the Stroud bees’ honey. Early Years and Key Stage 1 used to visit the hive in the summer which was a real joy.
I hope that my passion for science, sport, natural history and lifelong learning has rubbed off on many pupils over the years and that they develop a moral purpose to use their privilege to make the world a better place for us all. I am now pursuing my passion for biodiversity and conservation in a new career direction, but will always remember my time at Stroud.
It has been a joy and a privilege to be the first Year 6 Head Girl and Head Boy. Our names were announced at the end of the Summer Term last year and it was an amazing feeling; we were both surprised but filled with happiness. We joined Stroud in Reception and Nursery and were both quickly enveloped into the Stroud family –we had no idea that one day we would be leading others! Standing up in front of parents, teachers and pupils to give speeches can be daunting, but all the wonderful teachers have helped us overcome our fears and we have loved even the scariest moments of being Heads of School.
Our fondest memories of Stroud include performing Nativities in front of parents in Early Years and Pre-Prep, decorating the beautiful 15ft Christmas tree, going to Paultons Park, visiting the Beaulieu Motor Museum in Year 5 and the unforgettable residential trips to Tile Barn, Little Canada and Normandy. There are so many clubs that we have enjoyed and, when we look back on our time here, we realise just how many exciting opportunities we have been given.
The recent school play, The Wind in the Willows, was an amazing experience for our entire year group and an opportunity for us all to try out acting and singing skills in a real theatre. Year 6 has been the perfect end to our exciting journey through Stroud – ending with highlights like the play, the residential trip to France and being Prefects has meant we all end on a high and leave with precious memories.
We will be forever grateful for the experiences we have had at Stroud. We have loved coming to school, and we have developed a keen sense of the Stroud values: always trying to be kind to one another, being ready to take on what comes next and being aware of others around you. It is these values that we will take onto our next school and beyond.
Finally, on behalf of us all in Year 6, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has made our time at Stroud so perfect. The teachers who have taught us, the kitchen staff for making us lovely meals, the office staff for keeping our parents calm, Matron for drying our tears and giving us plasters, the grounds staff for keeping the school looking so beautiful, Mrs Smith for being an awesome Headteacher and, of course, our parents for choosing Stroud! We will be forever grateful to you all.
Once a Stroudie, always a Stroudie.
James and Anna Head Boy and Head Girl