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Therefore Go‌

September 2015

Hi there Thank you so much for your prayers for our family over the last month. Kai and Zoe are healthy and strong, and although Jaime and I might be a bit tired, we too are enjoying good health. That is something we are so grateful for. Increasingly I am coming to realise that, although sometimes things might not go as we expect, one’s health is always something to thank God for, especially when it comes to one’s kiddies. We really praise God that He has blessed our family with good health. Thank you also for praying for Selena Headley’s time with us in Andahuaylillas. She came to Peru to attend a Christian Development conference in Lima and later spent a week with us in Cusco. It was such a blessing having the company and the help with the children. Even more so, it was incredible to be able to have someone to speak with face to face about life and ministry. God really used her to help me gain perspective on the season that we are in and what it is that God is doing in our lives. As we wait on God to have His way in our lives here in Andahuaylillas, once again we would like to thank you for your faithful support for our ministry and our family. May we be fertile soil and bear much fruit to His glory and may you reap the fruit of your kindness and generosity.

Jesus el Buen Pastor... Jaime and I have had a number of opportunities to serve in our church over this last month. The youth and music ministry members had a retreat and Jaime was asked to lead two of the sessions, one on knowing God’s purpose for your life and the second on worship. Ana (the young mom I lead children’s church with) and I were also asked to share the devotion on the Saturday morning. After a long season of not doing much ministry, it really is lovely having some small opportunities to serve again. I must admit, however, that leading the Sunday School classes for the 3—6 years is quite a challenge sometimes, especially with Kai and Zoe in tow. Zoe is generally quite happy if I put her in her baby carrier and she basically “teaches along with me”. Kai is still a bit young for the class though, and unfortunately since there is no space for smaller children, her basically runs circles around the room (or under the table) while I am trying to teach. Please pray that God will give me grace, wisdom and favour with the kids and that the message of Who He is and His love will be planted deeply in their little hearts. Last Sunday we had our cell group meeting again. Keith, our cell leader was away on a ministry trip and asked Jaime to lead the group. Considering we have only joined the group relatively recently, it was amazing to see the confidence he placed in Jaime. Keith and his wife, Ruth, are American missionaries who have been in Peru for almost 20 years. They have been a great blessing in our lives these last few months and are becoming good friends.

Our Blueberries Our blueberries are continuing to grow and a few are flowering. Jaime continues to water and weed them faithfully every week. It is quite a thing to be in a project where so much waiting is involved, but we continue to trust God that they will bear fruit. Thank you for all the encouragement to keep on being patient.

Urgent Prayer Request... Many of your will remember that last year I obtained my Peruvian citizenship. Unfortunately when I did so I was poorly informed by the South Africa Embassy in Peru about the process I had to go through before obtaining it. As it stands there is a possibility that I could lose my South African nationality. My mom will be taking up my case at Home Affairs in the hopes that because I obtained my citizenship as a result of my marriage to Jaime they will not revoke my South African nationality. Please could you pray for the following: 1) That my documents will arrive in South Africa ASAP!!!! I posted the required certificates and their translations in mid-August and they have still not arrived. Please pray that my documents will arrive in the next week or so. 2) That God will give me supernatural favour with Home Affairs in SA and that my South African citizenship will not be taken from me. If my South African Nationality is revoked, it has quite big implications for travel, for my savings, inheritance etc. Apart from that, I am a South African born and bred and it is almost impossible to imagine having my own country reject me. Please pray that my mom will be lead to the right people who will look upon my case with favour. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!

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