Things to Consider When Choosing Your Designer Kitchen Worktop

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If you are going through the process of designing a new kitchen in your home, you will want to consider every part of it carefully. That is the only way to ensure you end up with a beautiful and functional kitchen. One of the major things you have to look into is the worktop area. This takes a substantial space and sees a lot of activity. It has to possess durability and look pleasant because it is pretty much the first thing anyone sees upon entering the room. There are a few factors that you have to bear in mind when picking your worktops: 

Your budget – since the kitchen is the most expensive room of your home, it definitely pays to consider your budget carefully. Knowing when you can cut corners and when to pay for quality is definitely a good thing. It is essential to get a few price points so that you can properly budget. There are expensive materials, and then there are cheap ones. For example, the price you pay for laminate is only a fraction of the price for natural stone, granite or marble. However, you need to carefully consider the drawbacks of each option and make an informed decision. If you get a cheaper option that doesn’t last, then it is obviously not good. The layout of your kitchen – another thing to keep in mind is your kitchen layout. Make sure the worktop goes well with it. If your kitchen has a lot of straight lines, then you will have an easier time picking your worktop. If, however, there are a lot of edges and/or

a kitchen island, then you may need to consider a large piece of worktop, which automatically ups the price.  How will you clean/maintain it? – This is often a consideration that many people don’t make and then feel sorry later on. If you feel like you won’t have much time to maintain the worktop in good shape, then you best go with an option that doesn’t require much maintenance. For example, if you go with a real wood surface, you have to consider yearly sanding and oiling. This means some extra expenses too.  How thick do you want it to be? – The thickness of the worktop area is another consideration you should make. It is true that there is less material put in thin surfaces, but they also hold a small impact. Too thick of a surface can easily take over the area, which isn’t something you want.  What material will the worktop be? – Last, but definitely not least to consider is what type of material worktop you prefer. You want to achieve the perfect blend of style and durability. You also need to bear in mind that the worktop material has to be chosen well in regards to the overall theme and look of the kitchen so that you get a consistent look. By keeping all of this in mind, you can hopefully pick a worktop that works well for your designer kitchen. Find out what options you have at K&I Kitchens by visiting online or contacting 020 7388 4985. © K&I Kitchens

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