Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid

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Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid

Designing your kitchen doesn’t have to be just a dream. But before you make that dream a reality, you must consider several factors. Neglecting or ignoring seemingly trivial details can lead to costly and unwanted consequences. Not only that, modern kitchens are integrated into houses these days with particular attention to helping homeowners meet their daily routines efficiently. If you want such a kitchen, you need to pay close attention to your design to avoid mistakes you’ll regret.

White Isn’t Always Right Many homeowners settle for white kitchens. Although it’s not a bad choice, you should still consider other colours and materials that could help create a dynamic and layered look.

Designing Outdoor Kitchen with Only One Season in Mind When you design your outdoor kitchen, you should figure out how to use it for all seasons. Don’t forget to design your cabinetry so it can be used throughout the year. It must withstand varying weather conditions and, if possible, won’t need to be winterized.

Neglecting Small Yet Important Details Don’t ignore or neglect small yet significant details. Don’t forget about your ceiling or your cabinet hardware. You should also avoid centre aligning your island ink across the range because it would lead to crowding if you’re cooking and someone is using the sink simultaneously.

Designing The Kitchen with Only Mind Cook in Mind Generally speaking, a kitchen layout only considers one main preparation area close to the sink. If you have this design, it’ll not be easy to have several people work in the kitchen preparing a big feast, or perhaps they just want to help. If your friends or family also love to cook together, your kitchen design can accommodate them. Think about adding a smaller sink and a bigger countertop close to the stove.

Upper Cabinets Are Not Always Necessary Many homeowners are scared to lose their upper cabinetry. Upper storage isn’t always functional and can make your kitchen look cramped. Did you know that you can get more storage below your drawers?

If you have upper cabinets, ensure they’re deep enough to accommodate large plates. The kitchen cabinets should reach the ceiling if their height is below 11 feet.

Ignoring Your Family’s Personal Needs You should consider your household’s personal needs when creating a kitchen design. Consider how you prepare your meals and how much storage you need. You should design and assign your drawers for specific uses, so everything is well-organized. Consider your daily routine and habits so you can plan your storage solutions appropriately. Don’t just rely on images for inspiration. Your wants and needs are essential, too.

No Balance Between Personal Style and Resale Value Many homeowners focus on the resale value when they design their kitchens. But you must always remember that you have no problem selling a beautiful home. Although only some have the imagination to create amazing designs, you can still choose inspirational designs. Just make sure to make a bold decision in the right places. Avoid making your kitchen feel flat and cold. Add some texture to it, such as wooden lower cabinets.

Not Prioritizing Lighting Avoid having too much-recessed lighting. Making lighting mistakes can significantly impact your kitchen’s entire space. You should devise a strategic lighting plan wherein recessed lights are placed where they should be. It’s also best to pair them with accent lighting. With the right lighting plan, your kitchen won’t feel oversaturated and harsh, and it can help highlight the beauty of your kitchen. ©K&I Kitchens

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