If You Are Planning For a Kitchen Island, Consider These Tips

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If You Are Planning For a Kitchen Island, Consider These Tips

With a good kitchen, you will always feel at home. It is the heart of the place, which is why everyone wants to invest time and money in a good kitchen. That is why designer kitchens are on the rise – they combine both functionality and beauty, which are the two things you want from a kitchen. One prominent aspect of designer kitchens of sufficient space is kitchen islands. If you can have one in your home, you should go for it, but only after you have considered a few important things. In this guide, you will learn more about these: Functions of the island – getting a kitchen island, simply because you can, is hardly a good reason to go for one. You need to consider what functions it will serve. Will you be using it to get food ready, to cook there, to have an oven or sink? Perhaps you want it to be a serving and seating area. Whatever you consider the island for, you need to determine its functions before the design process initiates. Only then can you move the ideas forward and put them into action with a kitchen designer. If you are more forward planning and shrewd, you can even have an island that incorporates a few functions.

Height of the counters – kitchen counters normally require somewhere between 36 and 42 inches. The ones at 36 inches of height accommodate table height seating, while the 42-inch height is more than enough for bar stools. It is even possible to have a 2-level island, with one side keeping low and the other one for higher seating solutions. Appliances – one more thing you need to consider are appliances on the island. If you want to have a sink there, you cannot possibly plan for too many appliances, although you can add the dishwasher there. It will save you some time and effort moving dishes from a pre-rinse session to the washer. A lot of people appreciate a microwave under the counter for washing dishes. If the island is of sufficient size, you can even have a cooktop there. Whatever the case may be, keeping some of the appliances within the island opens up other opportunities in the rest of the kitchen. Storage solutions – every good kitchen island needs some storage solutions – after all, that is one of the best reasons to get an island. Drawers are quite popular, but you also need to consider any special storage solutions. Maybe you want a place to keep all of your baking pans and other utensils. Or perhaps you need a concealed wine rack for all of your wines. Whatever you need may be, there is every chance to make many storage solutions out of your kitchen island, provided you plan well for all of it. Location of the island – every kitchen island needs about 42 inches of aisle space on each working side. Keeping that in mind, you can plan for its placement. The goal is to ensure easy traffic around it, without interrupting anyone working there. Also bear in mind that a kitchen island more or less outlines the traffic in the kitchen, so you want to be more considerate about its location. These tips are ideal for getting your kitchen equipped with a kitchen island. As long as you plan and consider the few important concepts outlined above, you can bet that you will make the most of the kitchen island. © K&I Kitchens

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