How Do You Know You Have Found a Great Kitchen Designer

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How Do You Know You Have Found a Great Kitchen Designer?

If you have decided to update your kitchen to the latest bespoke trends, you are going to need a kitchen designer. Without one, you will hardly be able to advance the project quickly enough or see it complete to the level you desire. To end up with the right kitchen designer, you want to look for someone with experience. They should have attention to detail, a good understanding of the trends and a creative look on the matter. That said, several important qualities will tell you the right expert is on your side. Let’s see a few of them: 

Good communication – good communication is essential for two reasons. First, they need to be able to get the ideas from you and properly translate them to the contractor, regardless of what the project is. On one hand, they need to be able to communicate this to you, as a client, and also the contractor that is going to realise the project. If something along this communication line is not right, then the result is not going to be one that you like. If you have no problem communicating the important details of the job with your designer, then that is something you should like them for.

Knowledge on the matter – the designer needs to be someone who knows kitchen inside and out. When you explain your vision, they should be able to

grasp it immediately. What is more, they should be able to expand on it and add more to it based on their knowledge. It is not you who is required to know all about kitchens, it is them. Knowledge on the matter is perhaps the most important requirement for working with one designer or another. 

They are well organised – the kitchen design process involves so much more than discussion and creation of the 3d model. There are supplies and contractors to organise as well, which is not a straightforward process. The designer needs to be organised well enough to guarantee that things will be going along smoothly and any problems will be taken care of before they have had a chance to develop into major issues. Being organised also means handling paperwork, of which there is no small amount in the case of kitchen remodels.

They should have a few completed projects – while having the skills, in theory, works to some degree, it is always good to see their work in practice. The best way to do this is to check out some of their previous projects. While some designers are new and don’t have any such projects complete, it doesn’t mean you should rush to work with them. The idea is that getting a bespoke kitchen is an expensive endeavour, and you wouldn’t want to place your bet one someone’s good promises alone. That is why, when you are in communication with a bespoke kitchen designer, you should always ask them to show you examples of their previous work. Only when you approve what you see should you move along with the project.

Availability – many designers wish to take more work than they can handle, which can be problematic in so many ways. It could lead to delays with your projects. That is why it is important to ask them straight if they can do your project in the allotted time frame. Their availability will determine if they handle it.

These are all important qualities of a good bespoke kitchen designer, which you need to look for when you get in contact with such an expert. © K&I Kitchens

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