Ask Yourself These Questions When Designing a Kitchen Island

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A bespoke kitchen design often features a nice beautiful island in the room. And while this feature is one that you will fall in love with, due to the extra utility and options it provides, you need to know that the design process of the island is not an easy one. The fact that there is no set formula for this kind of design doesn’t help either. When you want to design a kitchen island, you will do well to start by asking yourself a few questions. Use the answers as guidelines on how to proceed with the implementation of this important kitchen feature.

1. What function will the island serve? Before anything else, it is a good idea to decide the main function of the island. Typically, you will want to use part of it for cooking purposes, with the other part having some space for eating. In any case, it is a good idea to determine where to put the emphasis. Are you going to do more of the prep work there or the actual eating? Maybe you want to create an all-rounded space, which serves multiple purposes. Always remember that any task you delegate to the island is one that will play a role in the overall flow of the kitchen. Think of it as part of a solution, because only then will you be able to get all of the details in place.

2. What appliances are you going to outfit the island with? In case you want to add appliances to your kitchen island, you should consider spacing and function both. For instance, if the island is going to feature your main sink, you should consider where to put the dishwasher. If your kitchen is big and you don’t have the fridge nearby, perhaps you will do well with a smaller, undercounter refrigerator. If there is going to be a stovetop, then you will also have to consider the hood on top of the island.

3. What height should the countertop be at?

Before you decide that, you should first determine the seating height. Are you going to have bar stools near the island? These require at least 36 inches of height. If you are going higher than that, then perhaps you can have the island feature two different levels. The lower side can be used for dining, and the higher one can be used to accommodate your bar stools. Use the step in-between to install outlets.

4. How much storage do you require? The need for storage largely depends on the layout of the kitchen. If there is sufficient space for cabinetry, then maybe you don’t have to bother with island storage. You can then think about adding a sink and appliances there. If you need to consider cabinets, add two 24 inch cabinets, and you will be set for most of your needs. Just make sure you don’t overextend the island, or else it will look too big.

5. How will the island fit the overall kitchen layout? Because the kitchen is a busy space, every part of it needs to be somewhat cohesive. The working side of the counter needs to function well with the opposite kitchen counter, and vice versa. Do consider having enough floor space on each end of the island, so that you can go around it without bumping into the countertop. Once you have answered each of these questions, you will have all it takes to start on the design of the perfect kitchen island. © K&I Kitchens

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