5 Considerations You Need To Make When Getting a Kitchen Island

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One of the most prominent parts of a designer kitchen is the island. This kind of feature has always been at the centre of the kitchen design, for all those that wish to have it in their kitchens. A kitchen island is highly functional and adds a lot of visual appeal to the place. When you are planning out your kitchen island, you have to remember a few very important points: 

Purpose of the island – the first thing you have to consider in regards to your kitchen island is its purpose. That way you can proceed with the design process, which will guarantee the island is implemented the right way into the grand scheme of things. You can opt to have it as a social hub, in which case you will want convenient seating options for you and your family to dine on, or perhaps even use it as a home office space during the day. You can also have the island serve the functions of a meal prep area or extra storage. Some people also like the idea of having a sink or an oven on the kitchen island. These are important things to think about because they affect not just the island, but the entire kitchen design.

How much space do you have available? – a kitchen island needs sufficient space in the kitchen. Otherwise, you may be forced to abandon the idea, or perhaps go with a peninsula instead. Consider this: if there are no 3 metres in-depth at the very least, you will be hard-pressed to fit one. An island with smaller overhand and narrow cabinets is always an option, but you need to discuss matters with your designer if you don’t want to make a mistake with the overall idea.

The shape of the island – the most popular designs feature square or rectangular island shapes. They are the most efficient when it comes to features and utilisation of the available space in the kitchen. But those are not the only shapes that work for a kitchen island. You can also opt to have a T-shape or L-shape if the room is available. You should consider the position of all the doors and windows in the kitchen, as they can influence your decision too. Curved islands also work well for a kitchen of sufficient size, as they add quite the focal point to the room. However, you also need to consider your budget, as any odd shape will add quite a bit to the overall price.

Type of work surface on the island – the type of countertop you can put on the island usually depends on its shape and size. For instance, stone countertops come in slabs, which mostly support dimensions of 3m to 1.5m. Any joints that might have to be made beyond that will only spoil the look. Wooden surfaces are much more flexible and can be shaped into anything you need for the island. Another such option is Corian, as an acrylic material that comes in any shape and size you need.

Putting a sink on the island – if you are not going to use the island for cooking, you can maybe put a sink there. You have to remember that a sink is probably better for a larger island. After all, you don’t want dirty pans and dishes to overtake it.

When you want to implement a kitchen island in your space, you want to do it right. That is only possible when you consider all of the above points. © K&I Kitchens

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