Kids X- Press Magazine - Fall 2016

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Illustration by Margaret Sun

Award Winning

Fall 2016

What’s Happening AT Welcome to our fall edition of Kids X-Press magazine! We are so excited to bring you plenty of new things to discover. We are extremely grateful that our KXP On-Call Reporters met and interviewed some wonderful folks this year incluiding Walter Scherr and Henrik Lundqvist, with many more to come. Piggy, our Kids X-Press Spokespig, started his own membership club and has begun his virtual tour stopping at places of interest. Perhaps your place will be his next stop.


Dedicated and committed partners to Kids X-Press have worked with our children on so many projects. Through the generous support of Entergy, GEMS from the YWCA had the opportunity to craft letters to their favorite celebrities asking them to devise ways to reverse climate change while kids from the William Boyce Thompson School in Yonkers asked superheroes to use their superpowers to save and clean the earth. Frank Fraley, environmental hero and President of SHARE, was our featured interview in our spring edition. BASF has just celebrated their 150th anniversary! Creating chemistry across the United States and around the world for 150 years is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations BASF! BASF’s 6th edition focused on how students can proactively play a role in the application of chemistry in correlation to everything we do in our lives. In addition to NYPA’s Renewable Energy Magazine with P.S. 25, The Bilingual School in the Bronx, Kids X-Press received a special invitation by New York Power Authority to visit the Power Vista Visitors Center and work with the students to create a specialized magazine devoted to the new STEMsational Summer Camp. Students participated in science and engineering experiments while developing their critical thinking about energy usage and energy conservation. KXP On-Call Reporters were enlightened by their interview with Harry Francois, NYPA’s Western New York Regional Manager. He shared his wisdom and experience with our KXP Reporters. In this edition, you will find dazzling artwork from students at the HS for Law Enforcement and Public Safety. HSLEAPS also created their own magazine this year providing students with information that would prepare them for state examinations, the NYS Regents. The magazine included Common Core work written by the students and study tips to guide and help with a better testing experience. This magazine was a tribute to the academic excellence of these students and provided an opportunity for the school to showcase their students. We hope you enjoy reading this edition. And, please remember that we look forward to receiving your writing, artwork, poems, song lyrics and more for publication. Your contributions are truly the heart of our mission! Greetings humans….. my name is Piggy and I am the official Spokespig for Kids X-Press

Marsha Tom Executive Director

Table of Contents Regulars Piggy’s Mailbox Piggy’s KXP Club Membership Permission Slip and Game Solutions

7 13 28

2-5 Kiddies Student writing, poetry and artwork 8 KXP On-Call Interview with Walter Scherr 10 Bilingual version


Piggy and Billy the Bull Unite Against Bullying


KXP On-Call Interview with Walter Scherr

18 Henrik Lundqvist Foundation 20-23 Teens Student writing, stories and artwork 24 2016 Touch the Sky Honorees 27 Piggy Strikes for Kids X-Press Thank You To Our Sponsors

KXP On-Call Entrevista con Walter Scherr 12 Family VETogether

28 Welcome to the Fall Edition of Kids X-Press ENJOY!!!

Tweens 14-17 Poetry, student writing and artwork


Henrik Lundqvist Foundation


Symbolic Self Portraits

Kids X-Press Magazine is published quarterly by Kids X-Press, Inc. Kids X-Press, Inc., is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote literacy. We encourage children of all abilities, and from all ethnic, social and economic backgrounds, to express themselves, and we provide them a forum through which they can communicate to the public the world from a kid’s-eye-view.

Vol 14 Issue 3 - September 2016 Executive Director: Marsha Tom Design & Production: Gabriela Madrid Program and Production Manager: Lauren Stevens Interns: Michael Luckett, Elis Madrid, Matthew Gordineer, Kaitlyn Luckett Editorial Consultant: Donna Bernaschina Marketing Consultant: Ellen Morgenstern Piggy’s Designer: Sharnice Mickens KXP Photographer: Sandy Aitchison Founders: Michele Bellantoni, Christina Cirillo, Nivia Viera Publisher: Nivia Viera, 2004 -2015 © 2016 Kids X-Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Kids X-Press and the Kids X-Press logo are trademarks of Kids X-Press, Inc. To contact us, write to:

Kids X-Press, Inc., 470 Mamaroneck Avenue - Suite 300 White Plains, NY 10605 914-368-0155

In 2012 Kids X-Press received a Pyramid Award from the New Jersey Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and recognition for excellence in science education by the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, as a component of the overall BASF Science Education program.

Kids X-Press, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that is not affiliated or otherwise associated with any school district, government, religious or political association. Any comments, views and/or opinions expressed in any article herein are solely those of the authors and illustrators and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kids X-Press, Inc., its sponsors or affiliates. Kids X-Press, Inc. makes every effort to ensure all the works published in Kids X-Press Magazine are original. Kids X-Press, Inc. does not take responsibility for any misrepresentation of authorship.


GAMES REVIEW Fifa’16 By Kids X-Press Reporter Nathanael Acevedo Hey everybody! I am going to talk about FIFA 2016. It is a very popular game for the PS4 and Xbox One. FIFA‘16 is the best game in the universe! It is a soccer game where you can dribble the ball, sprint, and kick pass a skill move. You can build your own team of soccer players to take it to the next level.

Soccer is a sport about trying to score points. You have to have gold players like, Lionel Messi. I remember my first time playing the game and I have loved it ever since. I even scored a goal. Soccer got better for me with FIFA‘16, the best soccer game ever. You can play it on your phone, tablet, PS4 and Xbox One. Thanks for reading about my favorite game, enjoy.

My School in Minecraft

CheeRleading By Kids X-Press Reporter Nastassja Afram Hi, I’m Nastassja. I’m going to talk about cheerleading. I cheer for the Razorback’s football team. My coach’s name is Gabriella. At cheerleading practice I tumble. We have pompoms for the squad. Our uniforms are red, gold and white. They have gold stars too. Our competitions can be very hard. My cheerleading mates are so trusting. Once, we marched in a parade. When we’re done with practice we have a cheer girl’s slumber party at my house. At the slumber party we have makeovers with lipstick, blush and mascara. We also go shopping at the Bay Plaza Mall or the Palisades Mall. Our football team, the Razorbacks, is so nice. When we won the game we had a victory after party. At my coach’s house, we have fashion parties where we dress up like a princess or a movie star. Even though cheerleading is hard it is still fun.


If I made my school in the game Minecraft, I would build the library, the classroom, the gym, the auditorium, the reading room and the playground. At my real school we don’t have a pool, but I would put one into my Minecraft school. I would also build my house next to the school. I would also build clones, so the people in my school could learn many things. I would build a science lab and a computer room too.

Kids X-Press Family VETogether By Kids X-Press Reporter Isa Colon

Hello, my name is Isa. My grandma has friends that are veterans.

Illustration by Isa Colon

Illustration by Nathanael Acevedo

By Kids X-Press Reporter Hector Soto

GLOSSARY: Invisibility: To be invisible Elasticity: To be able to stretch like a rubber band Eagle Eyesight: Awesome eyesight Supersonic Hearing: Really good hearing Superagility: Easy to dodge things High Voltage: Can’t get hurt by electricity

Illustration by Stella Rose Apicella

My Home

A Dream Wedding

By Kids X-Press Reporter Arriana Howell

Hi! I am going to tell you about my idea for a dream wedding. My dream dress colors are pink and white and they will feel silky. My bridesmaids will have long dresses. My dream wedding is going to be by a pond. Also, my dream wedding is going to be in the spring.

By Kids X-Press Poet Joseph Santiago My home is where I do homework. My home is where I sleep. My home is where I eat spaghetti. I hear my dad driving to work, I see my mom going to school, My sister goes to college. So what am I doing? I’m at school with Mrs. G. and Mrs. R. But when I am home, I’m never alone. Someone is always with me.

There is going to be a big cake with two layers. The music is going to be romantic and there is also going to be a lot of dancing. Before I go out on the carpet I will need to get my makeup done. I will have my maid of honor hold the ring. In addition, there will be a big table for dinner.

Illustration by Arriana Howell


When I grow up I want to be a chemist. I would like to design special health potions. I would also make chemicals that could give a person the power of invisibility, elasticity, or high voltage. I might also make chemicals to give people eagle eyesight,supersonic hearing, and superagility. As a chemist I could help save people from danger or harm.


Kids X-Press X-Press Reporter Reporter Maxwell ByByKids Maxwell Ma Ma

We visited Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s house and library in the Hyde Park, NY. He was president for 4 terms from 1933-1945, that’s 12 years! He died a few months later after being re-elected for his 4th term. He died of a stroke on April 12, 1945. We learned about his idea, “the New Deal.” We also learned about polio, a disease that paralyses your legs, making it impossible to walk. He got it in 1921 at the age of 39. He had crutches and a wheelchair. He fought it off. He bought a pool in Warming Springs, Georgia and made it into a polio treatment center. Then, he mastered the 2-point-walk, where you hold somebody’s shoulder with one hand and a crutch in the other. Franklin Roosevelt thought that polio would hurt his political career, so he made everyone keep it a secret, even the news! In November of 1940, he became president of the United States because his competitor couldn’t compete, so Franklin Roosevelt became president for a 3rd term. We visited his presidential library and they told us all the good things he did, like the New Deal. The New Deal was aid to the Great Depression. The Great Depression was an economic slump from 1931-1940. It was the worst economic slump in the USA. The New Deal helped people find jobs and improve the economy. We visited the gift section where all his gifts were placed. These gifts were given to him by people all over the globe. We saw a cathedral that took


1 year to finish, and it was made out of wood. After that we went to his house and learned more about polio and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt helped Franklin Roosevelt through polio, by helping him see and hear. He needed her because he couldn’t walk so she was his eyes and ears for all the people around the country. Then we went to the Rose Garden. He loved it so much that he wanted to be buried there. So Franklin Roosevelt was buried there. The USA flag marks the location of his body. The Rose Garden didn’t have any flowers because it was winter. It was a good day and I learned so many things.

Fish in Danger By Kids X-Press Reporter Elijah Florian I would love to be a marine biologist when I grow up because there are many great things in the ocean that I want to protect. I want to protect clownfish and butterfly fish. A butterfly fish is what I am studying in school. It has yellow and black stripes, while the clownfish has white and orange stripes. I also want to protect great white sharks and tiger sharks because my brother likes sharks. Around the world they make shark fin soup. I tried it and it tasted so, so, so bad! The goblin shark lives deep in the ocean and when it bites, another set of teeth come out. The coral reefs are also endangered because the temperature of the ocean is rising. People can protect the oceans by not throwing trash in them or by keeping others from throwing trash in them. They can also stop using nets to catch endangered fish and sharks. This is why I want to protect the oceans.

Illustration by Elijah Florian

Franklin Delan0 R00sevelt’s H0use and Franklin Delan0 R00sevelt’s Libraryand Library H0use

Piggy and Billy the Bull Unite Against Bullying

By Kids X-Press Reporter Ariana Valle

By Kids X-Press Reporter Chiara Ochoa

All parents and principals, if a child is teasing someone please tell their parents. It is important that grown-ups stand up for children that are being bullied. Bullies are mean and take other’s lunch money, snacks, money, and things that are not theirs. I will stand up for people who are getting bullied and I will tell the principal. Billy the Bull is a bull that does not like bullies and he is nice to people. He likes to stand up against bullies and he likes people who stand up against bullies too. Don't curse at people or say mean things. I like Kids X-Press because we get to talk, learn new things, draw, and more. I pledge to never bully and stand up for people who are being bullied.

I am going to stand up for people who get bullied. If I am ever bullied or witness bullying I will tell the adults around me. I don’t want bullies to hurt people’s feelings. So if I see bullying, I will tell an adult that he/she is being bullied. It is important to not bully anyone because you can hurt someone’s feelings by bullying them. Billy the Bull taught us not to harm anyone. Billy the Bull also taught us that it is not nice to curse at people or call them names. I pledge to stand up for all people who are bullied. I pledge to not be a bully. I pledge to be the change. I pledge to treat others the way I want to be treated.

I pledge to help a person when they need help. I can raise awareness on bullying. How? By talking to my friends, host a dance to bring people together. I can prevent bullying by telling someone that is bigger than me like a parent, teacher, or any adult. I really like Kids X-Press because it is so much fun. Billy the Bull taught me to stand up against bullies. Billy taught me that when it comes to bullies you should give them a warning to stop, to tell a principal or responsible adult. Bullies can be bad, mean, loud and they call people names. I pledge not to be mean, not to be a bully, to stand up against bullies and stand up for those who are getting bullied.

Illustration by Chiara Ochoa

By Kids X-Press Reporter Adrian Mendoza


Piggy of Kids X-Press and Billy the anti-bullying champion are banding together to help children find their voice and combat bullying if, when and where they see it. With a common mission to help kids all over, they want to educate kids about what bullying is and how important it is that they stand up for themselves. Piggy had the opportunity to work together Billy during our Kids X-Press workshop during the summer and the results were awesome!



Scramble FASHION Help Piggy sort out clothes by unscrambling the words, and matching them up

dress leggings zipper model necklace headband handbag glasses silk cap slippers string backpack wallet sneakers

lngggsei aletlw rssipelp ezrpip elmod ekacencl ksersnea rsdes ebaadnhd ackbpack ahndbga klis apc sngtri ssesgla

Video Games Word Search


Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

8 3

6 2

4 5 9 1 5 9 2 3 2 4 9 8 5 3 7 3 8 1 4 7 6 9 1 8 8 4 9 5 9 3 4 6

Solutions on page 28

Mail Call! Mail Call! Send your letters to: Kids X-Press 470 Mamaroneck Ave. Suite 300, White Plains, NY 10605.

Hello Piggy! My name is Joseph. I am currently in 3rd grade at the wonderful School #18. Here’s a little bit about me: I love reading, I love playing video games... um that’s all I have to say about that. Here’s my school timeline: Early Learning Center from 2012 to 2013 Kindergarten. I went to School #1 from 2013 to 2015, 1st and 2nd grade. Last I went to School #18 from 2015-2016, 3rd grade. Enclosed is some of my classwork on my ocean study graphic guide. Oh! I almost forgot; I even won the PCCC Poetry Contest. Please include my poem “My Home”. Joseph Santiago Old Paterson, NY

Dear Piggy, My name is Iris Ma and I absolutely love your magazine. I am 6 years old and I’m a first grader. I love to draw. I drew pictures of Yoohoo and Yoohoo and friends. Yoohoo is a bush baby and it is endangered. I hope that everyone helps the bush baby not to become extinct. Thank you! Sincerely, Iris Ma, Irvington, NY

Hi Joseph, e is really Your school timeline sur nor to have your adventurous.What an ho our magazine! See your poetr y-contest poem in up the writing! poem on page 3. Keep

Dear Piggy, rk to a long time since I sent my wo Hi! How are you? It’s been but I’ve been so about sending you my work, k thin ays alw I . ess Pr Xs Kid the next issue s. I am sending five haikus for busy with my academic studie ase write I think you will really like it. Ple . ine gaz ma ess Pr Xs Kid of the poems are getting published. me back to let me know if my consideration. Thank you for your time and Hey Nauroz, Sincerely, llowers. ing Kids X-Press fo Nauroz Farhan We love reencounter ikus, allenge to write ha It must be a big ch Jamaica NY, ! and you wrote 5! page 16. You’ll find them on

If you have questions and/or comments for Piggy, write to: Dear Piggy, 470 Mamaroneck Ave. Suite 300, White Plains, NY 10605 or email Please be sure to include your permission slip. Thanks for writing!

Hi Iris, Your picture of Yoohoo is awesome! Do you know that bush babies are one of the smallest primates? You can see your picture on page17.

Dear Piggy, e the best guinea pig? Did you know that you’r Love, Angel Reyes Yonkers, NY Thank you Angel! I knew that, but it’s really nice that everybody reminds me from time to time!

Dear Piggy, My name is Lauren Sulaiman and I wrote an article about the women’s right to vote. However, this time I decided to write a poem about myself, which is called, “The Princess that Controls Me.” The main reason I wrote this was to describe how lucky I am to have wonderful things surrounding me. I will be grateful if you can publish this poem in your magazine. It will mean a lot to me. Thank You. Sincerely, Lauren Sulaiman Brooklyn NY Hi Lauren, How wonderful of you to write us again. Reading your poem, r, I can tell that you are a true believe . cess prin a happy girl and a real See it published on page 14.


KXP On-Call Interview with Walter Scherr KXP On-Call Reporter Jalen Sermon

Walter Scherr has been profiled in Fortune Magazine, The Wall Street Journal and Newsday. He is a career businessman who participated in the tech boom of the 1990s, produced a Hollywood film, and helped to set up a successful oil & gas company with his sons. Inspired by a meeting with Mother Teresa who told him to always “honor the caretakers”, he has long been a philanthropist, and through the Vera and Walter J. Scherr Foundation, all proceeds from this book will be for the benefit of The Center for Discovery.

Q: Who are you and what do you believe your purpose is? A: I’m Walter Scherr, a 91 year old man who wants to leave a legacy. This is my story, how a boy from Queens, New York who overcame a life threatening illness in the depression era, lived an adventurous life as a globe-trotting executive who witnessed and helped to foster the post World War II economic boom.

born to doesn’t matter. I’ve traveled to over 40 countries and all the business people I have ever spoken to all wanted to come to the United States, because our great nation is viewed as the land of opportunity where anyone may become successful.

Q: What life threatening illness did you overcome? A: Due to active tuberculosis I was confined to a sanatorium for more than six years. Most of my buddies were going off to war, some to never return. I didn’t begin my career until my late 20s. Maybe that was what drove me to success; the pressure to catch up with my peers who were already established and had already finished college. Q: What are you passionate about? A: I’m passionate about the United States of America, which is the only country, because of our founding fathers, the constitution, and the legal system, where heritage doesn’t hold you back. Where you were born or who you were


Walter Scherr and KXP On-Call Reporter Jalen Sermon

Q: Who had the greatest impact in your life? A: The group that had the greatest impact in my life is family, mothers, fathers, grandparents, caretakers, and all who instill the values and morals that you need to succeed. It is also important to have a mentor as you travel the road of life and business. So listen to the family that cares for you and always look for a mentor to guide you along your career and life path. Q: What are some companies you founded? A: By the age of 37, I founded Visual Sciences Inc. and Panafax, the first publicly traded facsimile company. At 66, I founded and sat on the board of Vecco Instruments, Inc. During our first year we had $30 million dollars in debt and $25 million in sales. Eighteen years later the market value of Vecco Instruments, Inc. was $1 billion. Q: How did you make your first million dollars? A: How I made my first million dollars isn’t really important, it’s the method and integrity of how much you earn, that is really important. A million dollars is not the be all and end all of life. You need to help others and bring them up to the level of happiness. Moral… the more money you give away the more God blesses you. Q: What is the impact you want to make in this world? A: I want my legacy to be that I cared about my family, my country, and God. And I believe that giving back – whether it is money or volunteering – is key to leaving a legacy that will be remembered. No one cares what you know until they know that you care. Let them know you care, and then they will want to know what knowledge you can share.

Walter Scherr, a passionate and caring humanitarian who believes that the more you give away, the more God will bless you.

Q: Do you believe that your foundation is related to what you want for this world? A: The Vera and Walter J. Scherr Family Foundation is a living legacy and I have just written my autobiography, Walter’s Way, which is also a living legacy. All proceeds from the book go to The Center For Discovery. More information about the book and The Center may be found at Q: What advice can you give to someone who wants to be successful, but doesn’t know what to do or where to start? A: You can’t be successful unless you are passionate about the field you are going into. You should try to get the education and experience that will back up your ambitions and passion. Honestly, you’re not going to be successful at something you don’t like. Persistence and determination are necessary to succeed. Attitude is everything – attitude is one of the major keys to success. 9

KXP On-Call Entrevista con Walter Scherr Por el Periodista KXP On-Call Jalen Sermon

Walter Scherr ha sido imagen en la revista Fortune, The Wall Street Journal y Newsday. Es un profesional de negocios que participó en el boom de la tecnología en la década de los 90, produjo una película de Hollywood, ayudó a sus hijos a establecer una exitosa compañía de petróleo y gas. Inspirado en una charla con la Madre Teresa quien le dijo que siempre "Hay que honrar a quien te cuida", ha sido durante mucho tiempo un filántropo y a través de la Fundación Vera y Walter J. Scherr beneficiará a” The Center for Discovery” con las ganancia de su libro.

P: ¿Quién es ud. y cuál es su objetivo? R: Soy Walter Scherr, un hombre de 91 años que quiere dejar un legado. Esta es mi historia, un chico de Queens, Nueva York, que se sobrepuso de una enfermedad que le amenazaba la vida en la era de la depresión, he vivido una vida de aventuras como un ejecutivo trotamundos, que fué testigo y ayudó a fomentar el auge económico posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

No importa donde o de quien hayas nacido. He viajado por más de 40 países y todos los hombres de negocios con los que he hablado, quieren venir a los Estados Unidos, porque nuestra gran nación es vista como la tierra de las oportunidades, donde cualquiera puede ser exitoso.

P: ¿Qué grave enfermedad pudo superar? R: Debido a una tuberculosis activa estuve internado en un sanatorio durante más de seis años. La mayoría de mis amigos fueron a la guerra, algunos nunca volvieron. No empecé mi carrera hasta los finales de mis 20 años. Quizás fué lo que me condujo a tener éxito; la presión para ponerme al día con mis compañeros que ya se habían establecido y ya habían terminado la universidad. P: ¿Qué lo apasiona realmente? R: Soy un apasionado de los Estados Unidos de America, que es el único país, que por causa de nuestros fundadores, la constitución, y el sistema legal, la herencia no te detiene. 10

Walter Scherr y el Periodista KXP On-Call Jalen Sermon

P: ¿Quiénes tuvieron mayor impacto en su vida? R: El grupo que tuvo mayor impacto en mi vida fué la familia, madres, padres, abuelos, cuidadores, y todos los que te inculcan los valores y la moral que se necesita para tener éxito. También es importante contar con un mentor mientras viajas por el camino de la vida y los negocios. Por lo tanto siempre escucha a la familia que se preocupa por tí y busca un mentor que te guiará a lo largo de tu carrera y camino en la vida. P: ¿Cuáles son las empresas que fundó? R: A los 37 años fundé Visual Sciences Inc. y Panafax, la primer compañía facsímil que cotizó en la bolsa. A los 66 años fundé y me uní a la comisión directiva de Vecco Instruments, Inc. Durante nuestro primer año tuvimos 30 millones de dólares en deudas y $ 25 millones en ventas. Dieciocho años más tarde, el valor de mercado de Vecco Instruments, Inc. fué de $1billon.

Walter Scherr, un apasionado y cariñoso humanitario que cree que cuanto más das, más es la bendición que Dios te da.

P: ¿Cree que su fundación esta en relación con lo que quiere para este mundo? R: La fundación “The Vera and Walter J. Scherr P: ¿Cómo hizo su primer millón de dólares? Family Foundation” es un legado vivo y acabo R: No es realmente importante como hice mi de escribir mi autobiografía, “Walter’s Way” primer millón de dólares sino el método y la integridad de cómo se lo gana, eso es realmente (El camino de Walter), que también es un legado vivo. Todas las ganancias del libro irán lo importante. Un millón de dólares no es el principio y el fin de la vida. Es necesario ayudar al “The Center For Discovery” pueden buscar a otros y brindarles felicidad. Moraleja ... cuanto información sobre el libro y el Centro en más dinero das, mayor es la bendición que Dios te da. P: ¿Qué consejo le daría a alguien que quiera tener éxito pero no sabe qué hacer ni por P: ¿Cuál es el impacto que usted quiere hacer dónde empezar? en este mundo? R: Que no puedes tener éxito a menos que seas R: Quiero que mi legado sea, que me importó cuidar de mi familia, mi país y Dios. Y creo que apasionado en el campo que vas a seguir. Trata de obtener la educación y la experiencia devolver, si se trata de dinero o voluntariado, es que te devolverá tus ambiciones y pasión. la clave para dejar un legado que recordarán. Honestamente, no vas a tener éxito en algo A nadie le importa lo que sabes hasta que se que no te gusta. La persistencia y determinación enteran que te preocupaste. Haceles saber que son necesarias para tener éxito. La actitud es te importan y luego van querer conocer el todo, es una de las principales claves del éxito. conocimiento que podes compartir. 11

On August 27, 2016, Kids X-Press hosted our “Family VETogether� event to honor those who selflessly serve our country each and everyday. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema and Vet2Vet partnered with Kids X-Press to create a wonderful day of enjoyment for our veterans and their families. We are so grateful to our partners for supporting our goal of providing a great movie, great food and a solid preparation for a new school year ahead with backpacks filled with school supplies for our children provided by Living Word Christian Church. In addition, some of our youth attending VETogether shared some thoughts about their loved ones serving in the armed forces. We were pleased and honored that so many veterans celebrated with Kids X-Press on this special day.

Kids X-Press Family VETogether By Kids X-Press Reporter Autumn Noel Laughlin

I am very proud of my dad for serving 22 years in the military. I am very happy he came back from Iraq alive and unharmed. He once came to my class at school dressed in uniform and he shared pictures of his tours overseas. All of the boys thought the planes in the pictures were cool. He left for his first tour in the Middle East when I was 2 years old. He left again when I was 3, and was gone all year when I was 4. When he came back home, we all went to Disney World. I remember when he came home earlier than expected. My mom took me to the airport without me knowing we were going to pick him up. I was so happy to see him. Now I am 14 years old and he is retired. I am very proud of my dad! My dad is and will always be my HERO!


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Oh Summer! By Kids X-Press Poet Alyssa Anicito

Spring has Sprung!! By Kids X-Press Poet Alyssa Anicito

Time is ticking on the clock, Waiting for winter and spring to come to a stop, Impatiently waiting for some sun, As we wait for the cold and crisp air to be done, Summer brings so much life for everyone, For those who bike, run and just want to have fun, Children and adults treat themselves to ice cream, As they all skip, dance and watch the sun beam, The beginning of flowers blossoming in the sunlight, While families are outside enjoying the flight of their kites, While, ever so quickly, the time will surely pass, With many picnics that fill the lawns of grass, As children capture the lightning bugs at night, Oh summer! What a beautiful site!

Slowly, I see leaves returning to the trees, I see hints of color blossoming in the fields, The ice melts forming the rivers and lakes And it's back to planting with shovels and rakes, The birds come out singing every morning, As I see their nests in the trees gently forming, People come out to enjoy the fresh air, Enjoying the splashes of sun on their faces and in their hair, They all sit outside and play in the park, As they are savoring the beautiful daylight The Princess that Controls Me and do not wish for it to get dark, By Kids X-Press Poet Lauren Sulaiman Outside seating begins to open at restaurants, I was born in a concrete jungle cafes and ice cream stands, by the king and queen. You can walk the shores of beaches and lakes to feel their cool sands, I was made with the sharpness and worth of emeralds that will make you bleed. Some will be looking for love to walk in their path, I am the glowing sensation While others enjoy fun times with their family, you wish upon each night. friends and a good laugh, I am the lightning that shocks you, Spring brings renewed hope of a good year, but you cannot feel. And I am the untamed waters With its blossoming beauty and good cheer, waiting to be heard, for my secrets are untold. Thank you for arriving as we see the cold and the grey go away, I am a princess. Spring you are oh so special-we welcome your stay!! I stand next to Shiva.


I stand next to Jesus. I eat silver and gold along with some money. I sit on top of the Burj Khalifa with my best friend Marilyn Monroe. I sway across the ocean and sea like a dove in the sky. I am a princess.

Spotted Revenge

Illustration by Ashley Brown

Once upon a time, on a deserted island, there lived a girl named Fufu. She had a secret though, the power of invisibility. It was the only way she was able to survive. She would sneak up on innocent creatures, and when they least expected it, pounce! Most of the time it was little birds, but sometimes she was lucky enough to get a small turtle. The only food that was easy to catch was insects. Her favorites were slimy worms and crunchy beetles, because she thought they tasted like spaghetti and meatballs. One day, Fufu decided to take a walk around the perimeter, to slow her heart down after chasing a parrot all day. When she heard a tiny growl, the only thought in her mind was FOOD! After all, she hadn’t eaten anything all day. She followed the sound with her keen hearing until she found what was a feast to her eyes, a baby cheetah cub she named Growl. She turned invisible and swallowed Growl without even chewing. Fufu started walking back home, tired as can be with a full stomach. She was so tired that she fell asleep without closing the entrance to her room. Fufu was very excited because a helicopter had seen her SOS from a long distance and would be coming there

in the morning. But, a mommy cheetah was also watching from a distance. Morning came and Fufu packed whatever she had (which was very little) and waited for the helicopter. Just as Fufu started climbing up the ladder, the mommy cheetah came running toward her. Fufu tried to climb the ladder faster, but she was too late. She didn’t even have time to turn invisible. The cheetah swallowed her whole, just as Fufu had done to her baby the day before. But luckily, just like in “Little Red Riding Hood”, the man flying the helicopter got an ax from his safety kit and cut the cheetah open. Out jumped Fufu. Having gotten safely inside the helicopter, Fufu was able to live happily ever after.


Illustration by Marcos Fuentes

By Kids X-Press Reporter Marcos Fuentes Tornadoes are formed when cold air and hot air chase each other. As the hot air rises, the cold air sinks. Tornadoes hit in big flat areas. They can be really large or small. Four tornadoes can even happen all at once. A tornado can pick up something that’s on fire. If it does, then the fire can burn the other things that the tornado picked up. Tornadoes can pick up many things and can demolish houses. Well, that’s all I know about tornadoes.


By Kids X-Press Reporter Ashley Brown



Illustration by Emilio Beltran

Messi is the best soccer player right now. He is 28 years old and has scored more than 1,028 goals in one league. His overall rating is 94. Messi is married and has one child named Thiago. Two of his best friends are Suarez and Neymar. Messi’s team is FC Barcelona and he plays in the La Liga BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria). FC Barcelona’s rival team is Real Madrid C.F. They faced off on November 21st. Barcelona won 4-0! The players on Messi’s team are Neymar, Luis Suarez, Sergio Busquets, Ivan Rakitic, Andres Iniesta, Dani Alves,Gerard Pique, Javier Mascherano, Jordi Alba, Claudio Bravo and more. The three best players on the team are Messi, Suarez, and Neymar. In my opinion, I knew FC Barcelona was going to win, because they’re my favorite team. The best soccer player in history is Pele. He is 75 years old right now. His overall rating is 95. He scored more than 1,585 goals in his career. This is why I think that Messi and Pele are the best soccer players ever.

Kids X-Press Family VETogether

By Kids X-Press Reporter Xavier Illa My name is Xavier. I am very proud of my dad. He is in the military. When I grow up, I want to be a soldier, just like my dad.


Illustration by Lacorrien Johnson

By Kids X-Press Reporter Emilio Beltran

By Kids X-Press Poet Nauroz Farhan


Illustration by Ardita Mekuli

A cheetah is a carnivorous animal. The average adult cheetah weighs from 46 - 160 pounds. Cheetahs aren’t able to roar. A cheetah is the predator to antelope, hares, and many more. They can accelerate to 75 km/hr (47mph) within two seconds. They run extremely fast, but running too long will fracture their bones, and those injuries could take their lives. Since they are mammals, they give birth. The mother carries the cub in her stomach for three months. When the cub is born, it doesn’t have its parent’s markings. It is born brown. As they mature, their fur changes color.

I Would like to be a Veterinarian Illustration by Nora Sandoz

By Kids X-Press Reporter Nora Sandoz

Illustration by Iris Ma

When I grow up I would like to be a veterinarian so I can help animals. I will need to study all different types of animals. All animals have a special ability. There are animals that can soar in the grass and some that climb trees. Even though there are some strange creatures, I love to be around them.

Hey, talking about animals?, Mmm ...well, here I am, The cutest Guinea Pig you will ever see.


By Kids X-Press Reporter Ardita Mekuli


HENRIK LUNDQVIST FOUNDATION In November of 2015 Kids X-Press KXP-On-Call Reporter, Jalen Sermon had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing Henrik Lundqvist, goaltender for the NY Rangers. We discovered that not only was he a talented athlete, he was also a phenomenal humanitarian whose desire is to impact positive change for children throughout the world. We acknowledge the alignment of the missions of our two organizations and we believe that the HLF deserves a place in our magazine.

The Henrik Lundqvist Foundation was founded in 2014 by NY Rangers goaltender Henrik Lundqvist and his wife Therese. After years of serving others through Madison Square Garden’s Garden of Dreams Foundation, Henrik decided to create his own foundation with partners spanning from New York City to Sweden and the Dominican Republic. The Henrik Lundqvist Foundation strives to create positive change in the lives of children and their families throughout the world, through education and health services. Since its inception in 2014, HLF has given away over $180,000 in grants supporting children’s health and education and is making a difference in the world through HLF’s community partners. Through HLF support, 17 schools, totaling 326 NYC students, received healthful eating education programming and were supplied with ingredients to prepare low-cost, nutritious meals at home with the Food Bank for NYC. More than 75 patients and their family members have met Henrik Lundqvist during hospital visits to meet and spread cheer to sick children which included


one visit to deliver over 170 gifts, which Henrik and Therese Lundqvist distributed to patients on Christmas morning. Doctors, nurses and staff also speak of about how Henrik’s visits lift spirits and morale for everyone at the hospital. Over 200 students in the Dominican Republic have received school supplies for over 2 years and will learn in a clean and safe environment. Through the Garden of Dreams Foundation, 500 NY-area children and families attended a Rangers games in “Henrik’s Crease”, free of charge.

A very special part of HLF is the Ambassador Program. In 2015, HLF launched its first foundation-run program, the Henrik Lundqvist Foundation Young Ambassadors Program because of Henrik’s belief in the incredible power of young people to make a difference in the world. The HLFYA program, which spans an entire school year, requires selected participants ages 12-18 to complete a minimum of 15 hours of community service, organize 1 independent service project in support of children’s health and education and to team up with HLF on a service project. We are so proud to be able to share with you the good works of the Henrik Lundqvist Foundation and how he and his wife Therese serve as change agents to transform children’s lives.

“Being an HLFYA has inspired me to give my time, heart, and resources to people who have little. The Lundqvists’ example taught me that charity and helping those in need is a lifetime habit. I know I will continue giving back because thanks to my HLFYA projects, I saw how much my help can affect people’s lives. Being an HLF Young Ambassador inspired me to live a life of charity now I know that I can do it.” Stella, age 13 “My favorite aspect of the HLYFA Program was the independent service project. If I was not a Young Ambassador for HLF, most likely, I would not have done an independent service project on my own. HLF helped me plan the project and make sure I had everything I needed for it to be a success... The HLFYA program opened me up to the idea of small independent service projects that can make a big difference.” Sam, age 16



By Kids X-Press Reporter Yvonne Johnson

At times, acceptance could be placed in the category of follower. People may accept you so that you will follow and do things that they are interested in, without considering your interests. Being a leader gains you more respect than being a follower. Acceptance plays different roles in everyone’s life. Be the leader that you desire, if no one shows an interest in you. I chose to write on this topic to show teens that you don’t need to seek acceptance, for you are beautiful or handsome, no matter what anyone thinks of you. Remember, if you are not accepted for you, then you’re special. You have something that others might not be used to, which makes them depart away from you. You are not alone, because many people are going through the same problem.


The Closer You Get By Kids X-Press Reporter Doris Osei

Tony A. Gaskin Jr. once said, “the closer you get to excellence in your life, the more friends you’ll lose.” People love you when you’re average because it makes them comfortable. When you pursue greatness, though, it makes people uncomfortable. Be prepared to lose some people on your journey. I can relate to this quote because this year I’ve noticed that I’m losing friends along the way because they feel I do too much and need to relax, but in life we all see that for one to be successful you need to work hard. Hard work comes with a reward. At times it doesn’t, but just know that good things come to those who wait. I’ve learned that your friend may want you to be something you are not, but remember, you were born to stand out and not to fit in.

Illustration by Doris Osei

You might be a foreigner seeking acceptance, because you are new to your school, however, people decline your request because you might have an accent and do things that others are not used to. Maybe you’re a Spanish student, who only speaks a little bit of English, and you’re put in an English class, but you never know what to do. You try to find a friend to help you out, but nobody accepts you because they don’t understand what you’re saying.

Illustration by Yvonne Johnson

Have you ever wanted to be accepted in your life? Acceptance can be an important and cruel thing. Many people are insecure about themselves because they never get accepted. To me, acceptance is not so important. People are always trying to get accepted, so that they aren’t an outcast. Stand up for yourself if you are not accepted, for that is what makes you unique.

KXP StoryTellers

Once there was a little pig named Patrick, who really wasn’t that smart, but was very thoughtful of others. Every day, Patrick would wallow in the mud pile that was caused by frequent rainstorms on the farm in California where he lived. Until one day, a massive drought struck the state of California and the farm was low on water. This made Patrick feel a sense of responsibility for his friends on the farm who he thought might all die from dehydration. So Patrick, with his heart in the right place, left the farm to find the rain again and bring it back to his farm. First, Patrick went to Nevada, but it was too dry for any kind of rain. Then, Patrick went to Arizona, which was even drier than Nevada.

However, while on the road, he managed to meet an elder Native American motorist named John Raindrop. John Raindrop taught Patrick how to do a rain-dance and use that ability to save his farm. When Patrick returned to his farm, he performed his rain-dance until the sky became cloudy and dark. Without any sign of stopping, the rain came down and gave the farm all the water that it needed. Patrick was hailed as a hero to his fellow animals and soon realized that his mud pile was a mud crater due to the massive rain storm he caused. And so, from that day forward, Patrick lived his life in happiness and time continued on‌ THE END


Patrick the Pig

By Kids X-Press Storyteller Peter Lawless


Board Games Project Students at HS for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in NYC worked in teams of 6 to create an original board game. They were asked to create a concept for an original board game, and design the entire game from the board itself and its components, to the game instructions and the box that it comes in. This project took one complete marking period to produce.

GAME: GRADUATION Vincent Douglas Vincent Gao Stephany Cuadro Jordan Jones Nazihah Ali Cheyanne Koylass

GAME: ICE CREAM RUN Denise Lai Yogesh Lal Josephine Torres Philipia McNab Imani Mitchell Tiffany Hamilton

GAME: NEMESIS Justin McCarthy AJ Glenn Shaun Razak Rana Samuel Juneith McKenzie 22

Symbolic Self Portraits Illustration by Rahmel Walker

Illustration by Leroy Davis

Illustration by Justin Shivcharan

Illustration by Aaliyah Mary


Art Assignment: Students were asked to create a list of 20 or more characteristics and interests that define who they are and assign an image or symbol that represents each one. Their profile is then traced on a large drawing paper, and they must completely fill their profile with the images and symbols and completely color it in.


Dream Big Award

2016 Touch the

Allan Houston, Assistant General Manager, New York Knicks, General Manager, Westchester Knicks, Founder, FISLL & Allan Houston Legacy Foundation

As a man of faith and strong family values, Allan Houston lives his life with a determination to utilize his success as a professional athlete to help others while continuing to grow a variety of entrepreneurial interests. Recently appointed as the Assistant General Manager of the New York Knicks as well as the General Manager of the Westchester Knicks, Allan has been an international ambassador for the NBA, spokesperson for the National Fatherhood Initiative, ESPN analyst, and burgeoning book author. In the Fall of 2005, Allan was touted as one of the “purest shooters” in the NBA, finishing his career as one of the NBA’s all-time greatest long-range shooters. Allan is a two-time NBA All-Star, and finished as the 10th leading scorer in the league. But for all his accomplishments he is especially proud of being named one of The Sporting News’ “Good Guys in Sports” (four times) and helping Team USA bring home the gold medal in the 2000 Summer Olympics. Allan’s dedication to helping others is demonstrated through his Legacy Foundation, which has served over 1,500 across the country through original programs in fatherhood and entrepreneurship to facilitate individual and collective growth through initiatives that restore a strong family unit, provide economic empowerment through entrepreneurship, encourage education and life skills, and enhance spiritual growth. The “Father Knows Best” Basketball Retreat & FISLL Curriculum provides a unique combination of basketball and relationship building activities for fathers and children, and mentors and mentees emphasizing leadership, communication, and the importance of spending quality time together. Allan was named “Father of the Year” by the National Fatherhood Initiative in 2007, “Social Entrepreneur of the Year” by Tulane University in 2008, and received the President’s Council on Service and Civic Engagement Award from the Obama Administration in 2011. In 2015, Houston was honored by the Tennessee State Legislature for his extraordinary work in the community and with his foundation.

Dream Big Award

Fred Schwam, Chief Executive Officer - American Christmas, Inc.

Fred Schwam, 50, has been the owner and Chief Executive Officer of Mount Vernon based American Christmas, Inc. for 28 years. American Christmas is the leading commercial holiday decorating firm in America. The company designs, manufactures, installs, removes, stores and refurbishes holiday displays for office lobbies, tenant offices, hotels, restaurants, banks, theaters, department stores, retail stores, shopping centers, hospitals and television sets. Clients include Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, Cartier, Macy’s, Madison Square Garden and the McGraw Hill Building. American Christmas is headquartered in an 110,000 square foot building in Mount Vernon. The company employs 58 people full time and another 125 people seasonally. The company is proud to give back to the community by offering its services, as a courtesy, to many local, not-for-profit organizations. The employees of American Christmas have given back in a variety of ways, including serving dinner at the Community Service Associates Soup Kitchen in Mount Vernon. American Christmas has been covered extensively in the press and has received numerous honors over the years, including induction into The Business Council of Westchester Hall of Fame in 2015. Fred grew up in Nanuet, New York and currently lives in Armonk, New York with his wife of 24 years, Samantha, and their two children – Chad (18) and Jonah (15). Fred served on the Armonk Baseball League Board of Directors for 10 years (2003-2012) and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon, the Board of Directors for the UJA Federation of New York-Westchester Business & Professional Division and the Advisory Board of Directors for the Northeast Stem Starter Academy (NSSA) in Mount Vernon.


Sky Honorees

Dream Big Award

Dr. Taren Washington, Principal, William Boyce Thompson School Dr. Taren Washington has been an educator for twenty-six years. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a commitment to quality practices and student development that’s evident in the faces and voices of children. She embarked on a dream which has allowed her to make a difference in the lives of many. As an educational leader, she has initiated and supervised groups to promote self-awareness and leadership abilities. All of the partnerships have provided students with opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge in preparation for the real world. Under her leadership, students have been exposed to authentic learning experiences. Dr. Washington is a candid, sincere and straightforward person, whose professionalism shines through at all times. Her open-door policy encourages students, parents and staff to share their concerns and ideas. Creating conditions for a positive learning environment, academic rigor, and setting standards for shared ownership across the entire faculty help guide her leadership practices daily. After working ten years as an accountant in the public sector, she transitioned to education, having earned a Master’s Degrees in Elementary and Science Education, a professional diploma in Administration and Supervision, and a Ph.D in Educational Leadership. As an employee of the Yonkers Public School District, she has served on many committees and teams, all of which have provided her with a magnitude of experiences. Dr. Washington has received recognition from the Yonkers Police Department, St. John’s Hospital, the Lower Hudson Council of Administrative Women in Education, the NYS Department of Education, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westchester. A mentor to many, she is the principal at William Boyce Thompson School in Yonkers, NY. Driven by a mission to uplift the educational goals and directives towards higher achievement, Dr. Washington continues to work with all stakeholders to guide students toward academic growth and foster a culture that promotes motivated learners and curious minds.

Corporate Dream Big Award

Molly Johanna Borst, Science Education Specialist, BASF Molly Borst completed her Bachelor’s Degree in 2005 and Master’s Degree in 2007, both in Geoscience at Montclair State University. Having successfully launched Kids’ Lab (BASF’s educational program for children 6-12 years old) in North America at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, Molly joined BASF in April 2011. Molly is responsible for the development, management and implementation of BASF’s communitybased science education programs. BASF is dedicated to helping students from K -12 develop an appreciation of science and consider future science careers with BASF as an employer of choice. Since the partnership with Kids X-Press began in 2011, Molly has worked with the Kids X-Press team to develop a science education magazine. BASF will have published seven editions by spring of 2017. The BASF magazine gives Molly and BASF the opportunity to showcase the wonderful results of the community-based science education programs that have been positively impacting children throughout the education community for many years. Since then, the BASF Kids’ Lab has engaged more than 90,000 students in North America. Simultaneously, over 200,000 BASF sponsored, science-themed Kids X-Press magazines have been distributed worldwide. In addition, hundreds of middle school and high school students have been impacted by other BASF sponsored science education programs, such as the You Be The Chemist Challenge, BASF Science Academy and BASF TECH Academy. Molly is a dedicated supporter of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), and currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey. She is motivated by the love and support of her husband, Kurt, and her effort to make the world a better place for her son, Conrad, born in March of 2016.


2016 Touch the Sky Honorees

Student Honoree

Michael Luckett After being introduced to Kids X-Press, Michael Luckett began his internship working with Kids X-Press in 2014 as a high school student while attending Woodlands High School in White Plains, NY. Michael enjoyed creating the trivia and puzzle sections of Kids X-Press magazine for two years. As an eager and talented artist, he also provided magazine illustrations and helped with the program and production tasks needed to publish creative and informative magazines. His appreciation in working with children stems from his personal involvement with community work at his church, Youth Mission of Life, located in White Plains, New York. As the Christian Day Camp Junior Youth Counselor, he assists the YMOL Camp Director with sports time, and other youth group activities during the Christian Day Camp. He coordinates outings and events for youth throughout the year, and encourages the development of spiritual, musical, artistic, and technical gifts of children in the community and surrounding areas. He is recognized as a humble young man and a mentor to many children. He serves Youth Mission of Life church as an usher, clarinet player, saxophone player and vocalist in the church senior orchestra. Upon graduation in 2015, Michael began attending Westchester Community College, majoring in Business. He has a passion for healthcare and is very interested in becoming a radiologist.

Student Honoree

Ryan Joseph My name is Ryan Sergio Joseph, I am twelve years old and I am proud to be a HaitianAmerican kid. I was born on August 3, 2004 at Sound Shore Medical Hospital in New Rochelle. I lived in New Rochelle until I was nine years old and went to Jefferson Elementary School. I left in the fourth grade. I currently go to Cross Hill Academy in Yonkers. My favorite subject in school is math because it’s challenging and requires a lot of concentration. I think I am very hyper, but very energetic. I love to make friends, listen to music and play video games. I am also an Anime lover. I love Anime’s games including Naruto, Dragonball, Attack on Titan, Soul Eater and Full Metal Alchemist. One of my other favorite hobbies is playing football and when I grow up, I would like to be a football player. My favorite holiday has always been Christmas because I get to spend time with my family. I cherish the time that I have with them. The four of us are one family. I have my dad, my sister Zendaya and my brother, Gabriel. I love to play football with my dad and I like to help my siblings. I have been like their teacher, teaching them their ABC’s and 123’s, the animals and the shapes. I remember the work that I did with Kids X-Press. I wrote a story about how superheroes should come out of hiding and help the earth with recycling. I chose to write about Superman because he is strong, has laser vision, has frosty breath and he can fly so fast that he can rewind time.


Make sure that every child who wants to fly gets a chance to touch the sky. ~ Hugh B. Price, former President of the National Urban League

On July 9, 2016 Kids X-Press celebrated Piggy’s bowling skills along with the many that participated in “Piggy Strikes for Kids X-Press.” We are so grateful to Homefield Bowl of Yonkers for sponsoring this event and to Famous Famiglia Pizzeria for providing the best pizza for everyone. A fabulous, fun and successful day of bowling was enjoyed by everyone!


Kids X-Press Permission Slip

Fill out the permission slip below and have your parent or guardian sign it! I understand that my child’s participation in a Kids X-Press program or submission of original work to Kids X-Press, does not guarantee publication in the Kids X-Press magazine. I hereby assign to Kids X-Press the present and/or future copyright in all works created by my child for any Kids X-Press printed or online publications and/or in connection with any Kids X-Press program, throughout the world in any form and in any language. Kids X-Press shall have the right to use my child’s name, photograph, likeness and work with or without attribution for any and all purposes including entertainment, news, advertising, promotional, marketing, publicity, trade or commercial purposes. I understand that my and my child’s address and phone number will be kept confidential.

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Game solutions from page 6 Video Games -Word Search


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Corporate Partners/Supporters

American Christmas, Inc. BASF, The Chemical Company BNY Mellon Wealth Management Business Council of Westchester Entergy Massachusetts Entergy Michigan Entergy New Orleans Entergy Northeast Evercore ISI Kensico Cemetery Key Bank Leason Ellis LLP Madison Square Garden Company

Maier Markey Justic LLP McCarthy Fingar LLP M & T Bank NYPA O'Connor Davies LLP Rakow Commercial Realty Group Regeneron Santander Bank Target TD Bank Westchester County Youth Bureau Westchester Magazine Westfair, Inc.

Community Partners/Supporters

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Allan Houston Enterprises Berkeley College Business of Your Business Chicago Library System College of Westchester Connecticut Public Libraries Famous Famiglia Henrik Lundqvist Foundation Homefield Bowl Inspiria Media Iona College

New York City Department of Education Paterson Board of Education Pennsylvania Public Libraries Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Sharc Creative, Inc. Staples United Parcel Service VeeKast Westchester Library System Westchester Knicks Westhab, Inc. Yonkers Board of Education

Special Thanks

Anne Jordan Duffy, Joanne Fernandez, Christopher Galayda, Marianne Gordineer, Marsha Gordon, Tony Justic, Adam Kintish, Yuval Marcus, Ellen Morgenstern, Dave Richman, Joseph Riccardo, Jr., Dena Blount-Roper, Richard Stern, Kenneth Theobalds, Katie Theobalds, Douglas Trokie and Diego, Olaf, Uciel, Astor, Elis, Anouk and Molly Madrid

Your help and support have made it possible for thousands of children to share their views of the world through these pages, and through the many other great projects Kids X-Press has to offer! We hope we can count on your continued support, and we invite all to become a part of Kids X-Press! For more information contact Marsha Tom at (914) 368-0155 / Follow us on

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