September Issue

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03. Hello Readers, Since the sucess of the Summer Issue, we have now decided to go full-on digital. This is to help prevent more pressure on schools at these uncertain times. It also helps avoid paper waste and helps you read our great magazine on the go. Oh, and we are now publishing monthly so we can keep you up to date more often. This issue is packed with advice, tips and more. Due to the current circumstances, we don't have our popular diary dates section as things are changing daily. However, do take a look at what our advertisers are doing. This magazine is fully interactive so if you want to find out more just click on the advertisement to go through to their own website. This has been a very excited and scary decision but one we feel that you, the readers, schools and advertisers will love Don't forget to subscribe to receive this magazine via email - see page opposite for details and click page to link through. We also have a great website which has lots of places to visit with the kids.

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Autumn Garden Tips

Mr Men Cooking Video Making your home cosy Recipes to warm the heart Books to read Education Feature


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KidAround Magazine is a digital monthly publication by Trew Publishing Ltd. PO Box 12777, HALSTEAD, CO9 4WN | 01245 206577 |

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Disclaimer: The copyright and contents of this magazine, including artwork, adverts, logos and articles, when generated by the KidAround team remain with Trew Publishing.Views expressed in editorial and articles are those of the contributor or advertiser and not necessarily of the publisher. The listings, content and advertising in the magazine are for information and advice only. Inclusion does not imply a recommendation from Trew Publishing or its staff. All advertisements and editorial content are accepted in good faith and on the basis that the advertised goods and services are as stated by the advertisers.

Section Title New Head Appointment at Colchester High School Colchester High School are delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Karen Gracie-Langrick as Headteacher of Colchester High School from September 2020. An experienced senior leader, Ms GracieLangrick has been at Leighton Park School, a co-educational independent school in South East England since 1997, taking on the role of Deputy Head in 2014. During her time at the school she has led a number of successful initiatives on STEAM; ethical leadership and outdoor learning to name but a few. With Ms GracieLangrick driving the school’s IT strategy, Leighton Park was awarded the Education Business Award as ICT Facility of 2018. Under her stewardship the school was also identified as one of the top performing schools at adding value at GCSE by the DfE. A passionate historian, Ms Gracie-Langrick gained a degree in Archaeology at Reading and a Masters in Archaeological Heritage Management. She is also a keen musician and sportswoman. Ms Gracie-Langrick said “I am absolutely delighted to be joining Colchester High School and look forward to further developing the School’s ethos of “Building A Bright Future for All” through an enriching and forward thinking curriculum combined with small classes and high quality teaching. Mr David Young, stepped down at the end of August, after 10 years as Head, to take up a new role in the Education Team in Cognita, working with a number of schools within the Cognita group as a Mathematics Adviser.

Autumn Look's

And it's all about the fringe. Here's some flattering styles to try out. The French chic style seems to be the number one choice.

Recycle Week 21st - 27th September 'Thanking the nation: 'Together - We Recycle'

Here's some tips on how you can get the kids recycling by CBeebies. Junk Rescue - How to get kids recycling Did you know that 12.7 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans every year? Plastic now inhabits every corner of the world and has even been found floating around the Arctic. The more we can all do to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill or in our oceans, the better. If you’ve got small children, sorting out your recycling can seem like an impossible task – but the good news is that it’s something you can get the whole family involved in. Here are some ideas to help you make recycling part of your family’s routine… 1. Make it easy Do everything you can to take the effort out of doing the right thing. Make sure your household bins are easily accessible, and help everyone identify them by colour matching them with the outdoor bins. Children love being given responsibility – assigning them a recycling duty like collecting paper will make them feel really grown-up and important. 2. Be Resourceful Get creative and encourage children to find other uses for recyclable materials. Making your own musical instruments is always a winner, especially as they’re something you’ll use again and again. You and your child can make your own music shakers, just like they do 4 • September 20 •

in Junk Rescue! All you need is a kitchen roll tube, paper and 3. Learn Together It’s likely that sustainability will be a big part of all our futures, so helping little ones to understand the importance of recycling will set them up for life. Talk together about why we recycle and think about things like “Where has the recycling lorry driven away to?” “What happens to all the plastics?” or “Why are the bins different colours?” Don’t worry if you don’t know all the answers – finding out together will help you both to be mindful of waste, just like Logan in this clip. 4. Make a game of it Recycling doesn’t need to be boring! There are lots of ways to make it fun for the whole family. You could create a game (such as ‘guess which bin this goes in’), make a picture out of recycled materials, or even pretend to be dinosaurs while you stomp on your cardboard recycling! 5. Reward Yourselves Set up a family reward chart and decide on a treat for everyone to enjoy when you’ve collected a certain amount of recyclable items – or make it a competition between family members. You could even try and go a whole day without throwing something in the bin. Whoever generates the least amount of waste wins!


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Tips to get your garden winter ready

As summer disappears over the horizon and the leaves gather their autumn colours, gardeners’ thoughts turn surprisingly to Spring! Essential jobs done now to keep the outside space looking great and have an impact on the new growth. So let’s have a look at a few important autumn tasks: 1. Take up and compost the carpet of leaves regularly. They will only smother your lawn and beds if you leave them. Compost them down and dig them in to your soil, this provides rich nutrients for new growth. 2. Prepare your autumn soil planting areas with a fertiliser as spring bulbs should be planted now. daffodils, iris, hyacinth, frascari, freesia,crocus and tulips to name a few should be planted now in large numbers ready for a stunning spring explosion. 3. Autumn is a great time to repair your lawn as the grass slows but the roots remain active in the still warm soil. Feed the grass with a flow release lawn feed for best results. You can now sow new seeds but remove stones and lawn weeds before doing so. Now is also a good time to scarify your lawn as it will be slightly damp. This removes unwanted weeds and moss and allows you to add new seeds and lawn food. This process also strengthens the roots as more moisture can reach them. 4. The heat of the summer sun is months away so this is a great time to plant new trees and shrubs. The Our little helper for the day next few months give them plenty of time to establish themselves before the heat returns. 5. If you have a pond, it's time to cover it with netting to prevent leaves falling into the water. Also tidy up a aquatic plants both of which will reduce rotting and increased nitrogen. Place a ball or float in the water to maintain a hole when the water freezes. 6. Carry out a wind check to see if a windbreak is needed or vulnerable plants are to be moved to more sheltered areas. Check out the fencing and posts to see if repairs needed which can be done before the cold weather hits. 7. Autumn is a great time for kids to be out in the garden helping with the chores. Now the weather is cooler and soil wet and messy - kids love it! They can help rake and compost leaves ready for the flowerbeds. Planting bulbs is also great fun, they can learn about the different types and watch the beautiful beds bloom they helped create. You can also ask them to be responsible for keeping the bird table topped up and keep an eye out and helping other wildlife such as hedgehogs. Fabulous healthy fun and not a gadget in sight. 8. Gardeners’ love the change in seasons and look forward to what each one brings, Autumn is my favourite. Trew Gardens is a family run maintenance business that helps keep gardens looking in tip top condition whatever the season. If you need a little hand to get your garden looking good or maybe you need regular maintenance. Let us know and we can help. Tony Norcliffe - Trew Gardens 07368 416103 or email:


Get the kids cooking with this video recipe by Mr Men.


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Get your home cosy ready for Autumn As the leaves start to change colour and the nights draw-in earlier, make sure you are welcomed with a warm and comfortable setting when you arrive home from work/school or a day of hard shopping. Here’s some tips on how you can achieve this without completely redecorating the whole house: Entrance You can make your home warmer before walking in. If you didn’t use the time during lockdown to spruce up the front door, now is a good time. Next time there’s a dry day, get yourself to a DIY shop and get some external paint. I used Rust-Oleum All- Surface paint (1) on my UPVC door which was originally white – I did go for the boring grey but now I know how easy it is I may be more adventurous and try out blue. Anyway, the end result was amazing – it needed 2 to 3 coats and went on really nice and easy. Once the door is painted and dry (usually 8 hours) treat your door to a lovely autumn wreath (2) which are widely available online or for a super impressive look, speak to your local florist. Hallway – get ready for the wellies It is that time of year when the wellies, raincoats and umbrellas need to be stored. If you don’t have room inside for wellies, there’s some great welly racks. I have just purchased one from ebay for £8.49+£2.95 postage (3) these are wall or fence hung in the garden or you can get freestanding ones which can go in or out of the home – I like the ornate metal one from Etsy for £39.99 (4). As for inside there some lovely storage solutions. Best budget buy - Shoe and coat stand from Wayfair currently on sale for £44.99 (5) Showstopper buy – I love the Cotswold Co Halway unit. But, it comes with a price tag of £529.99 ouch (6) Great space saver – the old favourite, Ikea Hemnes four drawer shoe cabinet £75 (7) Lounge Now’s the time to indulge in throws and cushions ready for snuggle ups with the kids. Also, please your nose with some lovely reed diffusers and candles - they don’t have to cost the earth, Aldi have their wonderful hotel collection with pomegranate being my favourite and at just £10.47 for a trio pack, it's a steel (8). I love the look of spiced pumpkin candle by Etsy (9) . Wood & spicy aromas all fill the air with autumn smells. If you’re lucky enough to have a wood burner – now’s the time to book and get that chimney swept (facebook and online are great places to find local sweepers). With the fire roaring and candles burning, don’t forget to ensure all fire alarms are working and batteries are replaced if needed. Spring cleaning isn’t just for Spring, Autumn is also great time 8 • September 20 •

to get rid of stuff and purchase storage boxes – B&M sell a pack of 3 35L set for just £16 (10). If you want something a little nicer and still on budget, try Ikea Kallax range with 8 sections £45 and the wicker boxes £12 each (11) Try and keep a clean and cosy environment as you’ll be spending more time indoors. Plus, with Christmas (yes, I said the C word) fast approaching you will need to make space for the new toys that Santa (and your sweat and tears) deliver. Bathroom Set a spa like feel - ready to enjoy a nice soak in the tub once the kids are tucked up in bed. Invest in some storage. B&M sell a grey storage box for £15 (12) to put away all the kids bath toys, shampoos etc. Set the room with candles & reed diffusers and indulge in bath soak & oils (it’s not just for woman, they sell great products for men and my husband loves a good pamper evening). Place rolled-up towels in a basket, Amazon have them for £8.99+£1.99 delivery (13) to give the room a hotel look. Bedroom If like me, your bedroom has become the dumping ground for everything just to get it out of the way from downstairs, now is your chance to stop that. It is scientifically proven that keeping your bedroom clean and clutter free can help with better sleep which leads to a healthier mind. Have a good clear out of clothes no longer needed (take to your local charity or sell online). Once you have decluttered, turn your bedroom into a warm, restful haven by adding some thicker textiles to the bed. Knitted throws (12) give an instant warmth feel, many high street retailers have them. I found one at Dunelm for £50 which looks amazingly cosy. Treat yourself to some nice crisp new linen – white matches most colour schemes and with the right accessaries creates a calm and tranquil like feel. A vase of flowers on the bedside adds to the natural warmth of the room. What a perfect place to enjoy a cup of tea in bed on a Sunday morning. Garden Just because you may not be out there so much now, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Keeping it tidy (see tips on page 9) and well-lit can make it feel warmer when you are looking out in the evening. If you have lights – check bulbs are working and replace any broken lights. have fence/wall lights at £14.99 for a pack of four (15) which light up well. You can always treat yourself to a firepit and still spend time outdoors toasting marshmellows, all those throws you have purchased for the house can come in useful outside too. There are many different styles online. I personally love this firepit/pizza oven from Amazon for £159.99 with free delivery (14)– you can have a great evening making and cooking fresh pizza’s and then sit outside keeping warm whilst eating them (15).


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Section Titlerecipes to Heart warming keep the family happy this Autumn!

Moroccan chicken Serves 4 An exciting way to introduce new flavours / cuisines to the family, this dish is easy and an instant crowd pleaser! • 4 chicken breast • 1 can chopped tomatoes • 60g dried apricots - chopped • 1 large red pepper – sliced into strips • 1 red onion • 3 garlic cloves • 1 tsp cumin • 1 tsp turmeric • 1 tsp cinnamon. • Fresh coriander - Preheat the oven to 180°c Chop the onion and place half into a tagine / crock pot. Pour on half the can of chopped tomatoes. Place chicken / rest of the onion, apricots, sliced red pepper and garlic on top. Season with spices now before adding rest of tomatoes, mix together and garnish with coriander Place in oven for 1 hour and 30 minutes Serve with Cous Cous and feta cheese / natural yogurt Top tip – Mix garden / petit pois peas and mint as a side dish to really bring out the Moroccan flavour or add chillies to the dish for a more spicy kick!

Carrot and parsnip soup with honey Serves 6 Nothing warms you like a bowl of thick soup with crusty bread, a must in the autumn months! • 10 parsnips • 4 carrots • 2 tbsp, runny honey • 1 tbsp. oil • 1 white onion

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• 1 pint vegetable stock • salt and pepper - Preheat the oven to 180°c Peel the parsnips and carrots roughly chop. Bring a large pan of water to the boil, add the parsnips and carrots and par boil for about 5 minutes. After par-boiling the parsnips and carrots, drain them place them on the baking tray and drizzle over the honey and oil. Add some salt and pepper and optionally a dash of cinnamon. Allow to roast for about 40 minutes or until they are soft brown / golden Add the vegetable stock to a pint of boiling water. Chop and sweat the onion until golden in the same pan used to boil the carrot and parsnips Add the roasted parsnips and carrots to the pan and remove from the heat, add the vegetable stock (make sure it’s cooled enough to ensure it’s safe for blending process). Add the mixture to a blender / hand blend in pan - blend until smooth. Or if you don’t have a blender simply simmer the mixture on the hob and when everything is soft mash the vegetables for a chunkier soup. Heat the soup on the hob and serve with crusty bread. Warming Crumble Serves 6 You can’t go wrong with a warming oaty crumble in the colder months, a firm family favourite! For the filling • 6 Bramley cooking apples, peeled, quartered and cored • 2tsp cinnamon • 100g Demerara sugar • 300g blackberries For the crumble • 50g plain flour • 100g butter • 75g unrefined golden caster sugar • 100g oats • 50g ground almonds. - Preheat the oven to 180°c In a bowl mix together the apples and berries with the sugar and cinnamon ensuring an even coating.Transfer the fruit into a baking dish. Mix together the flour, sugar and butter by hand or use a blender. Add the oats and almonds to the mixture and stir in. Place the topping on the fruit and place in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until golden on top. Serve with ice-cream or custard. Recipes by Emma Norcliffe.

Do you have a favourite recipe you would like to share? Email us at and we can share it out to our families. The best recipe will win a prize!


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BOOKS TO READ for children from birth to twelve

‘Tickle My Ears’ by Jorg Muhle. Published by Gecko Press Harry and I have really enjoyed reading this board book together. The story follows Rabbit through his bed time routine from putting on pyjamas to tucking him into bed. Each page is interactive which has been good fun and has held Harry’s attention for the whole story. It is now a firm favourite in our own bedtime routine and is a perfect way to introduce books before bed. It is suitable for babies of Harry’s age onwards.

‘Badly Drawn Beth 2: The Show Must Go On’ by Knife & Packer. Published by Orchard Books The cover of this book is very attractive and bright and shows a cartoon girl about my age. The illustrations in this book are the highlight for me - it is packed full of pictures which help you to imagine the funny situations but these might not be enjoyed by children who like to imagine the story in their own way. I could feel how embarrassed Beth was in the situations written about and this made it very funny!

‘Little Home Bird’ by Jo Empson. Published by Child’s Play International Ltd. Josh loved this book! Its brightly coloured, detailed pictures got Josh’s attention straight away. He was excited, wanting to discuss what he could see on every page. It was a captivating story, inspiring us to compare it to our everyday favourite things. It’s become a firm favourite book, with Josh often independently looking at the pictures, telling his teddy bears what’s happening. It’s great finding a new book that Josh can engage with over and over again. Fantastic read!

‘Seacrow Island’ by Astrid Lundgren. Published by OUP The Melkerson family are holidaying on Seacrow Island. Despite being unsure of their lodgings, each of the children love different parts of the island. Pelle adores all the animals, Johan and Niklas enjoy the sea and Malin finds pleasure in the peaceful sense she feels. Seacrow Island is a story about fun and friendship, there are different adventures in each chapter that become increasingly tense and interesting. Although I found the book a bit slow initially, I became more absorbed the more I read.

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‘Wilf the Mighty Worrier is King of the Jungle’ by Georgia Pritchett. Published by Quercus Children’s Books This book is really funny right from the start! The story is about WILF, his smelly little sister Dot and their not very nice neighbour Alan. Alan likes to try and invent things, and on this occasion it is a machine that makes animals able to speak! Alan tries it on his dog Kevin and it works! Because of Wilf’s Mum they end up on holiday in Africa with Alan and Kevin. WILF has to try and save the world from Alan and Kevin who try to destroy it with their new invention. They meet lots of new animal friends in their quest to stop the duo! This book is great and will make you laugh from start to finish.

‘It’s A Dog’s Life’ by Michael Morpurgo (Reading Ladder). Published by Egmont This is a great book! I could read it myself with a little help with the long words. It is a story about a sheep dog called Russ who lives on a farm. My favourite bits were when Lula, the farmer’s daughter, gave Russ lots of cuddles waiting for the school bus and also when Lula gets a pet pony. The pictures are really lovely.


Education Feature

Now the kids are back after what felt like an eternity, we have put together some information on how you can help kids settle back in, extra tuition if they are falling behind and we hear from local schools.

Supporting a child returning to school after lockdown - we turn to YoungMinds who share their tips for

supporting a child in the transition back to school life from their Parents Helpline advisors. After being off school for so long, it is only natural that many young people will be worried about returning to school. Here are some tips from our Parents Helpline team on how you can support your child to transition back to school life: Talk to your child about how they are feeling about going back to school and try not to make assumptions. Ask them if they are worried or feel scared about anything, but also if they are excited about or looking forward to something. No matter how your child feels, let them know that it is completely normal to feel a mixture of emotions and that everyone will be in the same boat. Have a look at more advice on starting a conversation with your child. Provide your child with as much information about their new routine and school day as you can. This will help them to prepare for any changes that have been made to the timings of their day, the layout of their classroom, their peer groups and playtimes. For younger children, it can be really helpful for them to visualise these changes – so ask your child’s school if they can send any pictures to help make things feel more familiar. Reassure your child. During the lockdown we have been told to stay at home, remain socially distant from others and wash our hands regularly. This means children may find it difficult to go back to school because it will be a huge change from what they have been asked to do during the pandemic. Talk with your child about ways they can stay safe at school, such as washing their hands before and after eating, and reassure them that the school are putting measures in place to keep them safe. Re-establish a routine to help ease into school life. During lockdown it is understandable that your family’s routine may have changed. Children are likely to have been waking up later or going to bed later. To help them get ready for school, try to gradually get them back into their usual morning and bedtime routines as they get closer to their return date. Don’t put pressure on yourself. The transition back into school is likely to take some time. Lots of children will experience ups and downs. Try your best to support, reassure and comfort them, without putting pressure on yourself to make sure their homework is done or they settle into a new routine straightaway. Think ahead. As well as reflecting on what has happened during the past few weeks, it is important to help children develop hope and a sense of excitement for the future. At a time like this, it can be hard to feel positive, but identifying the things that they can look forward to will help them to realise that the current situation won’t last forever and their feelings will change. Seek support if you need it. Transitioning back to school after being in lockdown is no easy task. You may find that your child struggles to get back into school or experiences difficulties while they’re at school. If this is the case, reach out to your child’s school as soon as you can so that you can make them aware of the challenges and work together to support your child. If you are concerned about your child’s mental health and you think they need professional support, speak to the school and your GP about the best next step. For more help and support visit:


Langham Primary School

Start Right at Brentwood Prep

The simple truth is – happy children learn best – so at Brentwood Preparatory School we focus on giving our pupils a positive start in their education; a positive beginning that will influence the rest of their lives. Our Vision Statement is ‘We enable our pupils to become the best version of themselves by developing Virtue, Learning and Manners’, and our multi-million pound investment at the Prep School is just one of the ways we are honouring that pledge. The final touches are now being put to the development in Middleton Hall Lane, which has seen new buildings erected; the refurbishment and upgrading of existing buildings, and improvements to external areas and landscaping. All this work puts us at the forefront of cutting edge educational facilities and means our new Nursery and Wraparound facilities are second to none. We see ourselves as privileged to be with children as they embark on one of the greatest journeys in life: education. It is in these early years that they begin to investigate the world with great expectation, interest and energy. It is in these early years that we can show them the world is indeed a feast for the curious and full of opportunities. From the age of three, we welcome children into a community that is small enough to feel secure, but large enough to offer a huge breadth of experiences. Pupils are encouraged to be enterprising and develop their own ideas. Whether they are taking part in the School Council, or joining in one of the many clubs, sports and drama activities, our pupils soon develop their own sense of responsibility. They learn to care about their work, to value their contribution to the wider school community and through many pupil-led fundraising initiatives, their eyes are opened to the world beyond school. Our School has the kind of facilities one would expect to see at secondary level. What this means is that children who come here very quickly find aptitudes, gifts and talents that may have been missed elsewhere. Academically, our pupils are high achievers; they are consistently at the top of the field at age 11 and a large proportion achieve scholarships at the same age. We encourage all pupils to have the confidence to stretch themselves, to celebrate their own achievements and to be generous about the success of others. Our staff teach with great energy, flair and sensitivity and because we keep class sizes small, our Form teachers get to know their pupils really well. Our Heads of Years, Matron and the Chaplain play central roles in taking care of the children and the House system enables each pupil to build relationships with older peers. Much has changed since we were founded in 1892, but our motto of Virtue, Learning & Manners remains and you will see that in droves when you visit us, so book a tour today with our Prep Admissions Manager, Mrs Laura Williams, Telephone: +44 (0)1277 243291. 14 • September 20 •

Langham Primary offers all the benefits of a village school within easy striking distance of Highwoods and north east Colchester. There is a real community feel where everyone knows each other. Every child is valued as an individual and has their time to shine. We are proud of our recent Artsmark Award, which shows our commitment to delivering a rich and varied curriculum full of opportunity. We would love to show you our school during the school day so you can get a real sense of the calm and purposeful atmosphere in our classrooms. Unfortunately, because of restrictions on visitors to the school at the current time, we are unable to arrange our usual open mornings this year. However, we’d love to meet you and are happy to show you around after classes have finished. Get in touch and we will arrange a time to show you around. For more information and to arrange a visit contact 01206 272266 or e-mail


Felsted Virtual Open Events “A happy, happening place” Good Schools Guide

Do you want the best start to school life for your child? Quoted by Country Life Magazine as the ‘County’s Premier Independent School’ and shortlisted by the Times Education Supplement for 5 awards over the past three years, including ‘Prep School of the Year’ and ‘Sport School of the Year’, a Felsted education has become the top choice for many families in the region. Our Virtual Open Events are an ideal way to gain a first impression of Felsted School from the comfort of your home. Find out why Felsted is one of the leading independent schools in the region for children aged 4 to 18. Whether your child is soon to start their educational journey, about to finish primary school, looking at sixth form options, or you are looking for a change, discover why many families are choosing Felsted for their children. Our safe countryside campus, caring teacher team, and broad curriculum, which includes Forest School, Spanish, Music, ICT and PE in the Prep School and both A Levels and the IB Diploma in the Sixth Form are just some of Felsted’s highlights. You will also have the opportunity to hear from key members of staff who will give an insight into life at Felsted and also how to start the admissions process. For those looking at 2021 entry, we are also hosting some small group visits so you can see our wonderful site in person. Book your place on, where you can also view our virtual tours. Contact the Felsted Admissions Team on 01371 822605, for further information.


St Mary's Colchester

St Mary’s is an independent school in Colchester, Essex for girls age 3-16 and boys age 3-4. The school is proud to have charitable status, meaning all fees are reinvested into the school. Being truly independent, with no owners or shareholders, and overseen by a committed governing body who help ensure a high-quality education and happy learning environment is provided. Beautiful settings The Lower School and Senior School are both situated in impressive historic buildings, set within beautiful grounds. Academically outstanding The Lower School is ranked in the top 25 highest performing Preparatory Schools in England by the Sunday Times. Many girls achieve scholarships to senior school, and there is an impressive 11+ pass rate for those who choose to sit the exam. At the Senior School GCSE results are also regularly amongst the best in the country. In 2020, overall, 98% of GCSEs at St Mary’s were graded at four, or above. Such success is achieved by tailoring the education to suit the needs of each individual in small classes and by giving the girls the encouragement and support they need to aim high. A wealth of opportunities St Mary’s strongly believe that success in life comes from more than just impressive exam results. A brilliantly balanced education is offered in order to develop exceptionally well-rounded individuals. With a huge variety of clubs, enrichment activities, music and drama productions, visits and international travel experiences on offer, there’s ample opportunity to learn new skills and develop talents. There are numerous positions of responsibility available to the girls, which help develop their leadership skills, and foster team spirit through initiatives such as the School Council and School Houses. Positive environment For young people to thrive they must feel confident, relaxed and secure. Every child is known and understood at St Mary’s and the girls feel comfortable challenging themselves and asking questions. Before children even start at St Mary’s time is taken to get to know them and their families, and there are initiatives in place from induction programmes to buddy systems to help students settle in. There’s a very positive culture at St Mary’s and visitors often comment on how staff and students are always smiling. The school believes in instilling the values of respect and courtesy, and through its charity and outreach work, the students develop a strong sense of community. St Mary’s is a leading Eco School and the students get a strong sense of caring for the environment as a result. And as a global member of the Round Square Organisation, those who attend St Mary’s benefit from international links, which helps to broaden their horizons. In this positive environment young people develop the strength of character and the self-belief they need to make the very most of the life that lies ahead.

To find out more about the brilliantly balanced education on offer see

Giving your child the very best start at St Margaret’s Prep School & Nursery

At St. Margaret’s Preparatory School in Gosfield, Halstead, our specially designed nursery is at the heart of our school. Offering specialist teaching across the curriculum, combined with a home-from-home family feel, we give your child the very best start. Our Reception classes are beautiful, bright and spacious, equipped with everything a little learner needs to make every day special. A separate outdoor area, specifically for our EYFS children, allows for exploring and building new friendships within our seven acres of parkland. Helping every child to flourish Small class sizes continue into all areas across the curriculum, giving your child many opportunities to grow intellectually, physically and socially. We help them to discover the joy in learning new things and find out what really drives them, across a broad range of subjects and activities. From languages, science and maths, to sport and all aspects of the arts, we have something to suit every child. In its beautiful parkland setting, with peaceful grounds to play, explore and build life-long friendships, we make learning fun and exciting with Forest School, curriculum enrichment and a passion for outdoor learning. Plus our leading facilities like the new Discovery Lab, brings a stimulating approach to developing skills in technology and Computer Science. The truly preparatory ethos of St Margaret’s opens up a life of choices for their next stage. At the end of their time with us, all pupils leave for the senior school of their choosing, many being offered a scholarship, grammar school place or both. The perfect setting for little learners • Class sizes limited to 16 per year group, providing children the opportunity to develop at their own pace in a supportive and nurturing environment • High staff ratio, with specialist staff teaching French, Music, Drama Art and PE • Exceptional outdoor play opportunities with access to our seven acres of listed parkland, secure play areas specifically for early years children and adventure playground • Leading facilities including sports, music and art rooms, science and computing labs and library • Weekly Forest School lessons with a fully qualified, enthusiastic and experienced leader • Homemade, healthy meals prepared daily in our 5* rated kitchens • Wraparound care available between 7:30am – 6:00pm and holiday clubs Open Morning & Private Tours Book to come along to our Forest School Open Morning on Saturday 3rd October to discover how we can help give your child the very best start to their educational journey or call us on 01787 273 050 to arrange a private tour of our wonderful school & nursery.

18• September 20 •

Colchester High School

In an uncertain world, one thing every parent needs to be sure of is an excellent and uninterrupted education for their child. Colchester High School is a small co-educational independent school, for ages 2½ to 16, where every child matters and inspiring teachers build in the children the confidence, self-belief and strength of character to achieve their full potential and a mindfulness for social responsibility which lasts throughout their lives. Our welcoming environment and combination of small classes and high-quality teaching allows us to give each child the individual attention they need to flourish. As a result, our pupils far exceed national expectations at every stage of their education. The foundations of this success are laid in our all-year-round Nursery, where our experienced practitioners engage each child with an individually targeted blend of free-flowing play and formal learning in phonics and maths. It is built on in our Lower School, where we offer a broad curriculum designed to build a strong foundation. And it is completed in our Senior School, where our subject-specialist teachers help pupils meet our high expectations. The progress of pupils is regularly and individually monitored to encourage exceptional progress and identify areas for development, ensuring each pupil achieves individual success. Our individualised focus reaches beyond the classroom to take in the worlds of sport, music, and the arts whilst encouraging a strong community spirit, global mind-set and understanding of others. As a school we strive for every pupil to achieve their very best in terms of academic achievement, but we also firmly believe that education should develop children’s character and prepare them for the future. We likewise pride ourselves on our close-knit school community where the children mix happily across the age ranges creating a true sense of family within the School. There is a happy and supportive atmosphere, where pupils are given the opportunity to learn from their peers but also to take leadership positions and act as positive role models. We are delighted to announce that this year, we will distribute 1-2-1 devices for every pupil from Year 3. Building on the momentum of our successful delivery of online learning for our students during the lockdown period, our pupils will continue to benefit from the use of technology to support and enhance their learning, inspiring creativity and collaboration and developing autonomous learners. Scholarships are available for entry into Year 7 of our Senior School in Creative Art, Music and Performance, Science and Sports with top performers also being invited to sit for Academic, English or Mathematics scholarships. It is an education focussed on “Building a Bright Future for All”. To see for yourself, please visit or contact admissions on 01206 217116.


11+ expert Anna Spurgeon BA (Hons) PGCE –

Anna Spurgeon is one of Colchester’s leading 11+ specialists. She has tutored more than 400 girls and boys to go on to successfully gain entry to both of the Colchester grammar schools over the last 20 years. She is a fully-qualified and experienced teacher, having previously worked in a number of leading local secondary schools, teaching both English and Maths, and her specialism is working with bright and gifted children. Anna prides herself on promoting a love of learning in her classes and stimulating the intellect of her students. Her classes offer a systematic and thorough approach to the 11+ curriculum and are delivered in an inspiring way that has resulted in exceptional pass rates over the last two decades and continues to do so. At the same time, Anna is aware that the 11+ process can be stressful for some children and makes it her priority to support the young people’s emotional well-being and mental health whilst helping them throughout their exam preparations. Anna also offers comprehensive support to parents as they guide their children through the 11+ process. Because she has been tutoring solely for the 11+ for over 20 years, she is extremely experienced in helping children gain access to the Colchester County High School for Girls and Colchester Royal Grammar School. The reason her students have such high pass rates, is not only due to her vast 11+ experience and knowledge, but also her style of delivery; her lessons are lively and engaging and children often say her lessons are their favourite activity of the week! She offers small group sessions where a thorough approach to the examination is delivered in a systematic way. Anna believes passionately that small groups are the best way to deliver 11+ tuition as a lively and engaging atmosphere can be created within tutorial sessions and children can be more effectively motivated by one another. Keeping groups small means children also have greater opportunity for one-to-one help with Anna if they are struggling with a topic. Anna Spurgeon’s lessons are highly-motivating and inspirational. The children gain in academic confidence, thriving in the energetic and positive teaching style utilised. They enjoy studying English, mathematics, verbal reasoning and creative writing, preparing them not just for the examination at the end but for a love of learning for life. Anna also offers assessments for 11+. For more information about Anna, her teaching philosophies and testimonials from previous clients, see her website at For more information contact Anna on 01206 738239 or 07500 339181, via email at or via the contacts section of her website at

20• September 20 •

Oxford House School

Oxford House is a Nursery and Preparatory school for boys and girls aged two and a half to eleven years. Founded in 1959, this intimate and exclusive school offers every child a complete education that puts a high emphasis on traditional values. An outstanding curriculum inspires and promotes success both academically and creatively, allowing pupils to experience a window of opportunities. Small class sizes enable dedicated staff to channel and differentiate accordingly to each pupil. The school encourages high standards in behaviour and manners as well as in academic achievement. We are proud of all our pupils, many of whom go on to our local grammar schools. Activities in the Nursery are Montessori based and aim to develop sensory skills and dexterity as well as a firm knowledge of number and language. All children are given one to one help every day to become confident readers. The breadth of the curriculum is enhanced by a wide variety of activities. Pupils are introduced to Dance, Music, Science, Computer Technology and Cooking at an early age and are encouraged to develop a keen interest in nature and the world around them. Healthy eating and exercise also play an important role, with freshly prepared vegetarian/pescatarian meals served daily to ensure a healthy diet. A sensible balance of PE and sports allows swimming all year round with hockey, tag rugby, football and athletics in season. Over the years, we have been very proud of the pupils who have gone to senior schools and share in the School’s motto, “labore confecto gaudentes – joy in achievement”. Although exam success is only part of the story, you may find it useful to know that in recent years grammar school places offered to Oxford House pupils are unrivalled in the area. As well as grammar school success, many pupils have also had success in gaining scholarships for independent schools. Oxford House achieves a happy, safe and secure environment for your sons and daughters to learn and develop whilst providing a secure foundation for their growing success. We warmly welcome you to visit the school. Please call 01206 576 686 to make an appointment for a private tour.


Get Out and Get Active at Laser Mayhem!

All your kids have been at home for months playing video games. It’s time to get them out of the house for the real life thing! We are a fully outdoor activity center, catering from ages 7 years and above. We have been following all the government guidelines to keep you safe. Including PPE, social distancing, hygiene measures, etc. Covid-19 has been proved to be more difficult to contract outside and for the majority of children. With our events; you simply drive to our ample car parking, collect your anti-bac cleaned guns, play your event, and drive home. Of course, we can also accommodate a small outdoor party too! Ronnie – Business Owner “As a parent, I’ve seen the affect lockdown has had on my had on my children. Missing their friends at school has made my eldest daughter, who is confident and very social, become withdrawn and worried about mixing with other children. Kids need social interaction! They need to be outside and running around. We offer an incredibly safe environment, loads of space, and minimal touchpoints in a fun Covid safe environment. You can go from your car to the field. We are safer than the supermarket and as safe as a walk in the park.” 01708 688517 or visit

22 • September 20 •


24 • September 20 •


For Braintree Click here

For Chelmsford Click here

For Colchester Click here

What every new cyclist needs to know Have you been bitten by the cycling bug?

The increase in take-up of cycling over recent months has been phenomenal! First people started digging old bikes out from garages and sheds to make their daily exercise more varied during lockdown and then many people decided that cycling was a far better option for their commute to work than public transport. It also became apparent that it’s a pastime the whole family can enjoy together. No doubt you have seen this and, perhaps, are thinking of following suit. But, if you yourself haven’t ridden a bike since childhood, where on earth would you start in your cycling journey? Here are some things to consider when getting back into the saddle after a long time:

Which bike is best for you?

Your old BMX is probably not what you’re thinking of using to restart your cycling journey, so which should you choose? The best way to decide which bikes are best for you and your family is to think about what you will be using it for and where you are likely to be cycling. If you’re looking for speed, perhaps to commute to and from work in the quickest time possible or if you are looking to travel far and fast on your weekend ride, then a road bike, or racer, is probably the right bike for you. They are lightweight and designed for speed. A tourer is similar to a road bike but is slightly sturdier so if you are likely to use your bike for longer journeys where pannier bags might be useful, for example if you are fishing or camping, this is worth exploring. Alternatively, if you’re considering something a bit more adventurous and fancy biking off-road in your free time, perhaps on forest trails or over hilly paths, then a mountain bike is probably what you need. These have better suspension and thick tyres designed to grip in muddy or loose terrain. If you can’t decide or fancy a bike that you can commute to work on but ride off-road at weekends, have a look at the hybrid bikes. They are lightweight but also sturdy and comfortable and a good all-rounder. And there is a lot more choice than these three, too. If you have a long commute but still want to cycle either side of the train ride, a folding bike is lightweight and practical, or for people with back and knee problems, it’s worth considering a recumbent bike, where you sit in a reclining position. Your bike will be an investment so take the time to research what will suit you best. You can look online but I’d also suggest talking to the staff at your local bike shop to find out what will best suit your 26 • September 20 •

needs. When it comes to cost, like anything you mostly get what you pay for. If you’re on a tight budget, do look at second hand, reconditioned bikes. They save money and are obviously also better for the environment.

Safety measures

Once you’ve decided on your bike or bikes you need to look at safety. This also doesn’t need to cost the earth but do make sure you have the essentials. Starting at the top, helmets are not actually legally required but I do feel it’s important because, in the unfortunate event of an accident, it will protect you! If you think helmets mean looking silly, think again. There are some really stylish helmets on the market these days which means you can make a fashion statement while keeping safe. You can also buy helmets made of recycled materials, that can themselves be recycled at end of life. Visibility is also key. You must have lights on your bike and, if you are likely to be riding in traffic, consider one you can wear on your (stylish) helmet too. This will make you even more visible to 4x4s and buses. Even if you’re not planning on riding after dark, it’s wise to carry something reflective with you at all times. Who knows, you might enjoy your ride more than you thought and want to go for a bit longer. You don’t have to be clad head to foot in day-glow; a simple sash that can be easily carried with you is enough to be sure you are seen. Gloves are also a good idea, not just to keep you warm in cooler months but they will protect your hands in event of coming off your bike – these are generally the first thing you put out to save yourself. Also cycling glasses are not only good for protecting your eyes from glare and UV rays, they also protect your peepers from wind and rain, bugs and dust. Finally, I’d also recommend you learn a little bike maintenance so you can ensure your bike is fit for purpose on a regular basis. Make sure you know how to check the air pressure in your tyres, test your brakes and ensure you have sufficient lube on your chain.

Geared up

Firstly, don’t think you need to go and buy loads of Lycra before you can get on your bike. Indeed, you can ride in your everyday clothes, up to a point, although you should avoid heavy shoes or loose laces and baggy skirts or trousers which could get caught up the pedals or chain. Wear light and comfy clothes and avoid things like jeans for long cycle rides as thicker denim can chafe after a while. If you already own leggings for yoga or running they’ll be perfect. Of course, if you get seriously involved in speed riding you may want to buy clothes and gear that aid streamlining. On the other


hand, if you’re commuting, that’s probably the last thing you want to do. Instead, look out for cycling gear specifically designed to transition between bike and office. Not only can you get helmets that don’t cause ‘helmet hair’, there are stylish jackets which look great in a meeting but glow at night when you’re riding home. Similarly, there are some amazing shoes out there, perfect for cycling in that really look the part when you are sitting at your desk. There are even pannier bags available that you can take off the bike and hide the clips so you look like you bought from a local designer boutique. Similarly, this gear is great if you are cycling to meet friends for a pub lunch, cream tea or picnic. Do invest in some rain gear – after all, this is England. A lightweight jacket and over-trousers are good to have to hand and a poncho is great for showery weather too.

Avoid the aches and pains

Taking up a new physical activity will almost always leave you with some aches and pains, where you are using muscles that haven’t been worked for a while. Unfortunately, cycling has some additional potential discomforts. You may find that you are saddle sore to start with. Check your saddle is in the right position and, after a while, as your muscles and tendons get accustomed to it, this ‘pain in the bottom’ will abate. In the meantime, you should stand on the pedals at regular intervals to give you some relief. It may also help to invest in underwear with minimal seams or even some specialist shorts. If the discomfort does not improve you might need to think about a different saddle. You can also find you have discomfort in other parts of your body; neck, lower back, hands, feet and legs. These are almost without fail due to your position on the bike and the handlebars and seat not being in the optimal position. It is worth asking the shop that you buy your bike from to help you get this correct in the first place or ask advice from friends who have cycling experience.

Find the right route

Whether you are cycling to work or for pleasure, with or withoutthe family, consider sensible routes when starting out. You do not want to begin your new pastime weaving in and out of inner-city traffic. Not only is it dangerous to do so without experience, you are highly likely to put yourself off before you start. Try some rural off-road routes to start with. When riding to work, ask about and find some quieter routes that go through parks, for example, or beside the river. It may take a little longer but it will be safer and far more pleasant. Also consider the difficulty of your route. Novice cyclists are unlikely to enjoy hilly rides initially and would be much more sensible to opt for easy terrains and low gradients. You can always build up as you gain confidence and fitness. Best of all, use your early days cycling to explore local routes and find some you really enjoy.

Family cycling

If you are planning to go cycling as a family and take the kids along, there are additional considerations. Again, safety is key. With children, as adults, until they are fully competent, I advise keeping them off roads or sticking to safe, quiet roads. Let them gain their confidence and mastery of their bikes. Make sure that their bikes have a bell and that they know how, when and where to use them. Teach them hand signals and relevant points of the Highway Code. Make sure their helmets are correctly fitted to their heads, put on knee and elbow pads as appropriate and ensure that they are wearing brightly coloured clothes at all times, even if it is a bright and sunny day. If and when you decide to take them on the roads, they will be lower down than adults in the group and, therefore generally less visible. As ever, you need to avoid cycling close to parked cars. Children are also likely to be more wobbly on their wheels and drivers should be aware that they need to give them a wide berth. I’ve found that children can brake unpredictably if scared by traffic revving past them, which could cause other cyclists to collide with them. So, if the roads are too busy and it doesn’t feel DON’T FORGET TO MENTION US WHEN CALLING

safe just walk the bikes along the pavement and try another time when it will be quieter or another route. Councils need to be lobbied to provide safe, segregated cycling now more than ever so that families don’t need to use cars to travel with social distancing. If you’re not confident with your children riding independently yet but they are too big for a child seat or trailer, consider a tag-a-long or trailer bike. These are essentially like a tandem but obviously the rear bike is smaller. This is a great way to get your child used to cycling and teach them all they need to know but you are in control of the bike and they can rest on longer rides. Remember not to get overambitious with your early family bike rides. Start small and build up according to your child’s age and ability. There’s no point putting them off by asking them to do too much in the early days. I’m certain that, as their confidence and ability grow so will their enthusiasm for new, different and longer routes. You may find you’re the one asking whether you can go home soon! These are all things to consider when you take up or resume cycling after a long absence. Don’t rush into it or think you need to have the full kit before you start. Ease yourself in, get comfortable and, as your cycling journey continues, you will learn what your and your family’s mode of cycling is; whether you are a speed freak or an off-road adventurer, someone who loves being closer to nature on rural rides or social cyclist; the list goes on. Wherever your cycling journey takes you, I’m sure you will have a wonderful time! By Catherine Bedford, Dashel, Founder of Dashel. Dashel offers a range of slim, ventilated, lightweight cycle helmets manufactured in the UK. With a distinctive urban feel Dashel Helmets are made from recyclable materials – ensuring that they are low impact at the point of manufacture and produce very little waste at the end of life. The new Re-Cycle helmet will be ground down into new helmets at the UK factory when it is finished with. The helmets are portable, sold packaged in a handy rucksack that means there is no superfluous packaging. They come in an array of classic colours. Choose from black, blue, sage green and red. Dashel helmets are £79 and available from all good cycle shops and online at • September 20 • 27

CHILDCARE The Stables Daycare Nursery

ONGAR ABC Nursery, Preschool & After School Club




Margeretting Road Galleywood Susan Mann 01245 34159

FINGRINGHOE Key to Childcare Provider Icons - use these symbols to discover the type of care offered by each setting


Ofsted registered childminder. 10+ years childcare experieince. Funded sessions avail. Mon - Fri. 7:30am 6pm. Great Yeldham. 07730 438218


COLCHESTER Colchester High School Nursery

Cage Lane 01206 273226 Nicola Bloomfield


sT*ly BRENTWOOD The Treehouse Club Preschool & Out of School Club Hannakins Farm Community Centre, Rosebay Avenue, Queens Park, 01277 297 009


lT GREAT HORKESLEY Tiddlywinks Preschool

Wellesley Road 01206 573389.




Strickmere , CO7 6YG 01206 322466 kirsty Robinson


WICKFORD The Treehouse Club Preschool & Out of School Club Dollymans Farm, Doublegate Ln, Rawreth. 01268 956005 Jayne Golding

sTy*l INGRAVE Langham Pre-school

Langham Community Centre, School Road, Hayley Jakeman 07930 963638


BILLERICAY The Treehouse Club Preschool & Out of School Club Norsey Woods Education Room, Outwood Common Road, 01277 656921 Emma Willliams

Village Hall, Chapel Road 01206 729731, Jo Connell

22A Coach Road Great Horkesley, CO6 4AT 01206 272669 Helen Taylor

BOXTED Little Owls Preschool

Roman River Preschool

Stondon Road. 01277 362211. Ms Ioana Gherghi

The Treehouse Club Preschool

St Nicholas Church Hall, School Lane, CM13 3RB 01277 402 018


WRITTLE The Duckling Nursery

Lodge Road 07771 645270 Mrs S. Homer


MALDON Oxford House School

2-4 Lexden Road 01206 576686. Mrs Harding


Viking Junior Academy

Writtle Green Preschool

Wentworth Primary School Viking Road 07583 261354. Tanya Syder

Longmeads House 12-14 Redwood Drive 07950 944612




Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery

Deerlands Day Nursery

Park Lane 01787 222205. Melanie Vine

Ferry Road 01621 744041 Heidi Cook



28 • September 20 •

Include your setting here for just £30 per issue or £10 per month for a year. 01245 206577

CHILDCARE • September 20 • 29

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