South Fork - Fall 2019

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South Fork

Fall 2019

Program Director Reports Service Showcase 2019 OA Vigil Honor Online Kia Kima Museum

Feature Article

Welcoming Girls Into Scouting by Ken Kimble



Inside the South Fork 05. Calendar of Events Upcoming fellowship and service

12. OA Vigil Honor 2019 Recipients

19. Service Showcase Leadership in Service

07. Camp Osage Report Program Dir. Dalton Cook

13. Welcoming Girls Into Scouting Featured Article by Ken Kimble

24. Donor Recognition

9. Camp Cherokee Report Program Dir. Mitchell Lawrence

17. Online Museum Excerpt: The Name “Kia Kima”

25. Alumni Updates

2019 Kia Kima Staff



PRESIDENT’S LETTER Working on camp trucks is an experience. I’m sure you all have a story that will relate to this one. I remember running the Cherokee commissary in 1998. Robert Harvell and I were two of the few people on staff who could drive a stick shift. This worked out really well for us because we always had a camp truck whenever we needed it. Here’s where it backfired. After one week and two flats, Harvell got some new tires donated. Strong tires. Dump truck strong tires. We were really happy to have this problem solved until Larry the Ranger informed us that we would be the ones to help him mount them.

Chuck Barber Alumni Association President

Mounting a tire by hand with no machinery is tough, and, because these were 12 ply tires, it was so tough that it took us two Saturday afternoons to make all four happen. As fate would have it, while installing the very last tire on the right front hub of that 1991 F250, I couldn’t for the life of me get the last lug nut started. I couldn’t catch the threads. Catching the threads is what I’ve decided to talk about this issue. Service projects and other improvements to camp may (on the surface at least), be the reason the KKAA was founded. But our real objective was to catch the threads, to give people who’ve had great experiences at camp a way to re-engage, to give back, and to make a difference for future campers. I’m so happy we’ve all found a way to come together to help a great cause. I encourage you all to reach out and catch the threads with someone else that you miss from your camp days. Generations of kids will thank you. Thanks,



TREASURER Andrew Hinson


CAMP STAFF LIAISONS Jeremy Palazolo, Dalton Cook


COMMITTEE CHAIRS Activities Committee Adam Leith Historical/Publications Committee Andrew Schrack Membership Committee Michael Downs Merchandise Committee Johnny Tracy Service Committee Brian Leith

MEMBERS AT-LARGE Melissa Burnett, George Clarke, Mark Follis, Jason Hood, Ken Kimble, Mark Lawrence, Vince Perryman, Bob Winkler, Danny Van Horn

The mission of the Kia Kima Alumni Association is to reconnect alumni with Kia Kima; to support Kia Kima Scout Reservation and its staff; and to promote the Scouting program. The Kia Kima Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Arkansas. The Association was founded by current and former members of staff and friends of the camp in late 2014, with a vision to support camp and community and to strengthen the connections between generations of staff and campers. EIN: 47-2796543 PO Box 342855 Memphis, TN 38184

SOUTH FORK As the governing body of the Alumni Association, the Board of Directors is charged with directing and guiding the organization. The president, treasurer, and secretary are elected in November by the general membership for a one-year term. The Reservation Director and Program Director at Kia Kima are also members of the board with the stipulation that one is a professional Scouter with the Chickasaw Council and the other is a non-professional Scouter. Together with the past president, these officers form the initial Board. The chairmen of the standing committees and the members at-large are nominated by the president and approved by the initial Board. Meetings of the Board are open to all members of the Association.

Editor in Chief Andrew Schrack Staff Writers Noah Feder Mike Haskins Copy Editors Daniel Hochstein Johnny Tracy

South Fork is the quarterly magazine of the Kia Kima Alumni Association. It is created and published by a the Historical/Publications Committee—a team of volunteers—to advance the mission of the Kia Kima Alumni Association by fostering a community among the alumni. The magazine is published online and made available free of charge. For inquiries or to volunteer with South Fork, email SouthFork@ View past issues:



Dec. 18, 2019 | Winter Banquet & Annual Meeting | The Quonset Reception Hall (Collierville, TN) Registration:

PARTNER EVENTS Dec. 7, 2019 | OA Family Banquet | Memphis University School Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge, Order of the Arrow. Dec. 14, 2019, 6 pm | Wood Badge Christmas Party | Camp Currier RSVP with Melissa Burnett: Feb. 20, 2020 | Friends of Scouting Dinner | Holiday Inn at University of Memphis Chickasaw Council. Keynote Speaker: Terry L. Fossum.

Scouts inside Thunderbird Lodge at Kia Kima (1935)



Phillip Howard Buckingham Fountain - Chicago, IL

Ken Kimble Lost Creek Wilderness, CO

Bill Jennings Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

John Beach Arlington National Cemetery - Arlington, VA




2019 marked another incredible year for Camp Osage. This summer showed many challenges, but the incredible resolve and cheerful nature of the staff created one for the books. Staff Week started the summer off on a high note as the staff got the opportunity to bond and grow those close friendships that all Kia Kima staffers hold dear. Cub Week was a blast as we had the incredible opportunity to take all of the young Scouts on a Tiki themed adventure in the Ozarks. The songs and laughs only multiThe resolve of the staff was plied as the week went on and it surely made a great impression in their early Scouting showcased in the first two careers. The resolve of the staff was showweeks as around 700 particicased in the first two weeks as around 700 participants came to our home in the Ozarks pants came to our home in the to begin each of our first few sessions. DeOzarks to begin each of our first spite any and all challenges that arose, the staff represented Kia Kima in the absolute few sessions. best way, and showed Scouts from all over the country why our home is so special. Challenges presented themselves this year that took astute ingenuity to overcome. Circumstances in the Dining Hall and Central showers looked to put a damper on the beginning of the summer, but through the work of people like Jeremy Palazolo, Jeff Hodge, Larry Counts, Rhonda Wright,


and the incredible commissioner staff, we conquered and prevailed. This year we had the opportunity to add some new exciting things to our summer program! Merit badges like Moviemaking and Game Design gave Scouts fun opportunities to expand their interests at camp. The development of the Friday merit badge sessions was a massive success! Scouts were given the opportunity to complete small merit badges like Fingerprinting and Public Health during their free time at the end of the week. New open

activities like Life to Eagle’s Model United Nations and the Tech Center’s Knowledge Bowl were big hits with Scouts of all ages. Many leaders both new and returning gave a huge amount of positive feedback on the effort the staff took to find new and cool things for the Scouts to do, and the success of that only looks to grow in the coming years.

For two months I found myself with the blessing of being able to be home in the Ozarks. As they always do, this summer provided many obstacles. This staff found a way to overcome all of them, and with every step they grew closer. This summer was truly a testament to what teamwork and friendship can turn into, and I believe that will only continue to grow next year. I’m glad to report that the summer of 2019 was a resounding success for Camp Osage and Kia Kima as a whole. There truly is no place I’d rather be. ⛺

Dalton Cook 2019 Osage Program Director 8



2019 in God’s Country was quite the year. From new buildings to remodels, new troops to old favorites, Camp Cherokee saw change and growth aplenty. So much of the work volunteers have put in over the last two seasons paid off this year, with new program areas for the Scouts and updated amenities for the staff. Some new schedule changes also made an appearance, which were greatly appreciated by staph, Scout, and leader alike. The changes greatly benefited the program and led to one of the best years in Camp Cherokee in recent memory. For the first time, CC was able to fully put to use its very own Tech Center! The spacious new building and enclosed center room was plenty enough for the Tech Center Staph, so they kindly shared their new space with Life to Eagle, maximizing use of the new accommodations. Additionally, the Waterfront enjoyed new fencing, dock boards, and Buddy Board shelFrom new buildings to remodels, ters to keep Scouts safe and the Waterfront looking good as new! new troops to old favorites, In the Staph Area, the new reCamp Cherokee saw change and strooms served the 2019 staph well. While the year got off to a bit of a growth aplenty. chilly start, the space in front of the high-power AC unit became a “hot commodity” during the last weeks. The laundry facilities also served well, keeping the CC Staph looking sharp and well-clothed throughout camp. In addition to new facilities, some alterations were made to Camp Cherokee’s daily program schedule. Every day aside from Sunday and Friday, a brief, Senior-Patrol-Leader-only evening flag assembly was held to give each troop more time to cook dinner, rather than cook their scouts. While each group of leaders was at least somewhat skeptical at the first leaders’ meeting, by Friday, everyone agreed the new schedule was the way to go. While there were certainly some growing pains and uncertain transitions this year, CC 2019 was a resounding success. Cherokee hosted plenty of new troops to make use of the new facilities, and plenty of outstanding new staph to lead Scouts on unforgettable adventures.


As another season sets on God’s Country, Camp Cherokee can look to the past with pride, and to the future with anticipation, as there is still much fun to be had on the trails around John A. Cooper Lake. ⛺ Mitchell F. Lawrence 2019 Cherokee Program Director 10



John McKee Blue Angels - Naval Air Station Key West, FL

Hugh Mallory 150th Anniv. of Golden Spike - Promontory Point, UT

Richard Fisher Tail of the Dragon - East TN

Daniel Pomerantz The Motherland Monument - Kiev, Ukraine

Order of the Arrow VIGIL HONOR Beginning on November 23 and concluding at sunrise on November 24, 2019, eight Arrowmen of Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge #558 kept the vigil at Camp Currier. The Vigil Honor is the highest honor a lodge can bestow, and it is given in recognition of outstanding service to the lodge, camp, and council.

Britney Jones (Staff ’12–’19)

Pushenkw Kelestul

Blue Eyed One Who Listens

Erich DeWane (Staff ’18–’19)

Machque Elangomat

Bear Friend

Paul Jones (Staff ’19)

Wingolauchsik Achowalogen

Cheerful Hard Worker

Barry Moore

Lëpweìnu Sakima Payaxkhike

Wise Chief Shooter

Philip Asher (Staff ’17–’19)

Amangachpoques Meteu

Rat Medicine Man

Marc Brinkley (Currier Ranger)

Kaòkche Mësinkw Pële Maikhatin

Night Guardian of the Camp

Dave Colston

Òkwës Wèhwatëwèt Pële Pënthikàn

Fox Teacher of Shotgun

Will Colston

Nuwingi Achowalogen

Willing Hard Worker

The list above is the order of picture, left to right



Growing up, one of my favorite Disney movies was Swiss Family Robinson based on the novel written by Johann David Wyss and published in 1812. The Robinson family is shipwrecked on a tropical island and build an elaborate treehouse from the wreckage of their ship in which to live. They create a variety of camp gadgets to help them with their daily tasks as well as defensive ramparts to fend off pirates. Their adventure was inspiring. The movie captivated me. I spent hours in my backyard, building my own treehouses and makeshift forts to play out my own adventures. I knew at an early age if I joined Scouting, I’d have my opportunity to live out such adventures.

itate my own “Swiss Family Robinson” adventure with my two daughters, Davis (8) and Erin (5). This past year, all-girl Cub Scout Dens and Scouts BSA Troops began to form in the Chickasaw Council. Already, I’ve watched moms and dads who had little or no Scouting background take their daughters out on the lake in canoes for the first time or climb on a climbing tower. Through Scouting, my little one had her first opportunity to fish. Other girls have had their first opportunities to camp out under the stars at Camp Currier and Kia Kima. This summer, an all-girl Scouts BSA troop won the Thunderbird Award as the best troop in camp for the first time.

Most of us have wondered what our relationship Little did I know that my Scouting experience as a with the Kia Kima program will be like when our boy and into early adulthood would help me facil- days on Staph are over. Eventually, I came to realize


Left: Cub Scouts of Den 1, Pack 274 on their first campout at Camp Currier in October 2018. Top Right: Ken’s daughters, Davis (8) and Erin (5), enjoying a family hike. Bottom Right: Troop 142 of Pushmataha Council, Starkville, MS, receiving the Thunderbird Troop

that Kia Kima wasn’t just a piece of property in the foothills of the Ozarks, but more of a state of mind. It’s living a life of enthusiasm and recognizing that no task is too irksome if you’re doing it with people that you love. The Kia Kima spirit reminds us to stay committed to service, teaching, and environmental stewardship. It’s the spirit of Kia Kima and the relationships formed living in nature, on the banks of the South Fork River, that I hope are passed down from one generation to the next. You’ll never really leave Kia Kima if you can carry the spirit of the kamp with you every day. My best friends from Kia Kima now have their own sons and daughters in Scouting. They serve as volunteer leaders in their hometowns such as Memphis, Fayetteville, and Honolulu. It’s the spirit instilled in us during our summers at camp that has inspired us to provide an awesome Scouting experience for our families. My hope is that my girls will enjoy Scouting enough so that we can all hike over the Tooth of Time at Philmont together as father and daughter(s). Who knows, seeing the example set forth by so many outstanding women who have worked at Kia Kima over the past decades, maybe someday they’ll live out their own adventures and form friendships for life on the banks of the South Fork River. ⛺

Ken Kimble

Staff ’91–’95,’98–’00 Ken Kimble served on staph in various positions including COPE Director and Reservation Director. He currently serves on the Executive Board of the Chickasaw Council and the Kia Kima Alumni Association.



• • • • • • • • • • • •

Rope maker Granite slabs (Leatherworking merit badge) Permanent shelving (lumber, mounting brackets, etc) (CC Handicrafts) Digital cameras (Photography merit badge) Digital video cameras (Moviemaking merit badge) Tripod for video camera Shoulder mount for video camera Semaphore flags (Signs, Signals, and Codes merit badge) Morse code transmitter Tree identification signs Fishing supplies (rods, line, lures, etc) Snake tongs

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Minerals such as sulfur (Geology merit badge) Geodes (any kind) (Geology merit badge) Legos (Model Design and Building merit badge) Soldering irons Fire piston (Wilderness Survival merit badge) Fireplace bellows GPS units Metal spinning shooting sports targets .22 Pistols 12 gauge / 20 gauge shotguns Kayaks Sailboat Motorboat (15hp or less outboard motor)

MAINTENANCE • • • • • •

Large toolbox Commercial refrigerator (Commissary) Ice machine Pressure washer Hand tools: Rakes, shovels, woodworking tools Commercial weedeaters, leaf blowers, chainsaws

• • • • •

5 ½” deck board Picnic table repair lumber (2”x10”x10”) LED lights for shop R 15, 16, 17 tires Trucks, Vans, Trailers



Used Class A uniforms Par Spotlights (Council Ring) Pop-up tents Canoe trailer

• • •

Washing machines and dryers Commercial copiers and printers Tent canvas ($700 per tent)



Members with Kroger Plus Cards who enroll in the Kroger Community Giving program can contribute to the Kia Kima Alumni Association every time they shop at Kroger. Kroger donates a portion of their proceeds at no cost to the individual.


Amazon purchases made through will donate a portion of Amazon’s proceeds to the Kia Kima Alumni Association. All purchases must be made through the Amazon Smile website as opposed to the regular Amazon site to qualify for the donation. This does not add any cost to your purchase.


Many companies and organizations will match contributions made by their employees. The Kia Kima Alumni Association is registered with Benevity and several other of the major programs utilized by companies. To check if your company matches donations, contact your HR rep. If your company uses a program with which the Association is not registered, please email

 Name:


Address: ______________________________________________________________ City:

________________________ State: __________ Zip: ________________

Donation:  $25

 $50

 $100

 $250

 $500

 Other: ________

In ( Memory / Honor ) of: ____________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: __________ Zip: ________________ Apply donation to (specify amount): _______ Cherokee Sports Center

_______ Council Ring

_______ Chapel

_______ General Fund

Mail to:

Amount Attached: _____________ Bill Me:  Monthly  Quarterly

Kia Kima Alumni Association PO Box 342855 Memphis, TN 38184

Paid by:  Check OR  Credit Card:

Send PayPal contributions:

#: _______________________________________________ Exp: ________ CVV: __________


ONLINE MUSEUM On May 15, 2019, the Kia Kima Alumni Association launched an extensive online museum containing over 900 different documents, photos, and videos. These items came from several private collectors, libraries, and countless alumni. The museum is fully searchable and contains items from Kia Kima, the Chickasaw Council, the Order of the Arrow lodges, and more. More items are being continuously being added. The following is an excerpt from one of the textual exhibits. Other exhibits include information on the creation and evolution of Kia Kima’s thunderbird, Kia Kima’s honor society called the Council Scouts, Kia Kima’s sash program, and the history of the camp directors. Visit

MUSEUM EXCERPT: The Name “Kia Kima”

Kia Kima originates in the Zuni language and is alternatively spelled Kiakima, Kyakima, Kyaki:ma, Kia-kima, K’iakima, Ki-a-kime, Kyakkima, or K’iakima. The most common spellings in modern works are Kiakima and Kyaki:ma. The common pronunciation in the Zuni language is K’yäˊkima and translated as home of the eagles. Kiakima was an ancestral Zuni village or pueblo at the southwest base of Dowa Yalanne, a mesa outside of Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, on the Zuni Indian Reservation. Dowa Yalanne is translated as Corn Mountain, but the mesa has also been called Thunder Mountain due to its role in Zuni mythology as the “House of the Gods and the making of rain, lightning, and thunder.” The Spaniards called the mesa Peñol de Caquima, which was the Spanish attempt at spelling Kiakima. Kiakima was one of the Seven Cities of Cibola or the Seven Cities of Gold, of which the Spanish conquistadors heard rumors. The Seven Cities of Cibola included Hawikuh, Halona, Matsaki, Quivira, Kiakima, Cibola, and Kwakina. It is estimated that Kiakima was occupied from about 1400 A.D. to the mid-17th century. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico (Federeck Webb Hodge ed., 1911) states that Kiakima


was permanently abandoned during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 when the inhabitants fled up Dowa Yalanne for safety from the Spaniards. Kyaki:ma is on a small hill that forms part of the lowest bench on the southern edge of Dowa Yalanne. The site is located on the east side of a spectacular re-entrant that drains the entire top of Dowa Yalanne. A major spring is located west of Kyaki:ma, and in the nineteenth century a small stream issued from this spring. Kyaki:ma overlooks the alluvial valley bottom of Galestina Wash.

1891 Bureau of Ethnology Report “Recent Wall at Kiakima”

T.J. Ferguson, a scholar on Zuni archaeology, describes Kiakima’s architecture as being “four In relation to the Chickasaw Council, the earliest irregularly shaped room blocks arranged around documented use of the name Kia Kima is in an two plazas” and estimates approximately 834 article published on June 24, 1917, in the Daily rooms with a population of 1,085 persons. Arkansas Gazette. The article begins: “Memphis Boy Scouts arrived in Hardy this week, and went Kiakima remains as mostly rubble with several into camp at Camp Kiakima, where they will relarge stones still standing. main until September.” Several other newspaper articles and the 1918 Leader’s Guide all refer to camp as Kiakima, spelling it as one word. The 1918 Leader’s Guide uses the Camp spelling on the cover, but the same document uses the Kamp spelling elsewhere. By 1919, the spelling Kia Kima was in use as two separate words. The first documented translation of the name appears in the 1929 Leader’s Guide: “On Saturday, June 15th, the first camp fire will be lighted and for ten weeks following[,] ‘Eagles Nest’ will afford the opportunity of living close to Nature in one of the finest Scout Camps in America.” The name Kamp Kia Kima and the accompanying initials were used until the fall of 1976 when the name Kia Kima Scout Reservation was adopted. The Scout Reservation designation followed the national trend reflecting that Kia Kima had multiple sub-camps (Camp Osage and Camp Cherokee) within one property. ⛺ 1918 Kia Kima Leader’s Guide

Andrew Schrack, Staff Writer



Building the future of Kia Kima through service and sweat BY: CHUCK BARBER (STAFF ‘93–’04)

The Kia Kima Alumni Association has been a service-oriented organization since its inception. But, even before we were founded, Kia Kima’s alumni have always been focused on making our home a better place. From building tent platforms in the off-season, volunteering to teach merit badges at Council events, and showing up en masse to assist the staff during takedown, the friends of Kia Kima have always been there to help. Becoming a non-profit organization has allowed us to combine our efforts and opened a whole new world of fundraising possibilities which have allowed us to take on larger and more impactful projects over the last five years. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the large-scale service projects the Association has taken on since 2015 and peek ahead at what’s on the horizon. These are just a small taste of our service over the past five years and does not even include the many projects and gifts from individual members. Nature Lodge Roofs Replacement One of our first major projects and also our most recent project have been replacing the roofs on the Nature Lodges. In 2016, after raising funds from former Nature Area staffers, the KKAA’s first large-scale project was replacing the rotten roof of the Camp Osage Nature Lodge. Instead of opting to just replace the wood and shingles, we decided on a full metal roof that will last for decades. In the spring of this year, 2019, we similarly replaced the roof on the Cherokee Nature Lodge with a metal roof. Alumni replacing the Osage Nature Lodge roof (2016)

Time Capsule With the 100th anniversary of Kia Kima approaching, our next project was a Time Capsule placed at the Chapel. More than 60 items commemorating Kia Kima and Scouting in 2016 were buried in the capsule under a stone pillar topped with a brass plaque. This items ranged from printed information regarding the state of Kia Kima and the BSA in 2016 and also physical items such as patches, belt buckles, and campfire ashes. We will be opening the time capsule on the 125th anniversary of camp in 2041. See you there!

The Centennial Time Capsule


Old Climbing Tower Removal & Cowboy Action Range Our first foray into large-scale construction at camp was in 2017. This started with the removal of the old, unused climbing tower and became the start of a multi-year project. Alumni went to work taking the old climbing tower apart board-by-board in order to reuse as much of the material as possible. In the spring of 2018, the Alumni Association was awarded a grant from the NRA Foundation to build a Cowboy Action Range: an Old-West-style shooting range with spinning metal targets and Western firearms. The funds were supplemented by other private donations and KKAA funds. The finishing touches are being put on the range, and it will be open for the 2020 season!

The completed Cowboy Action Range shooting platform

The completed Camp Cherokee Tech Center

Alumni dismantling the old climbing tower (2017)

Cherokee Tech Center & Nature Trail Boardwalk Our next project required some pretty ambitious fundraising to build a Tech Center at Camp Cherokee. A $5,000 grant from T-Mobile started the ball rolling and donations, both small and large, came pouring in. In the end, we raised nearly $20,000 for the project. This new building allows the camp to offer several more merit badges in God’s Country. KKAA members and volunteers were involved at every stage of construction including several work days. While working on the Tech Center, we took the telephone poles left over from the old climbing tower and fixed up the Nature Trail by building a boardwalk through the marshy portions on the shore of John A. Cooper Lake. 20

Provisional Troop This past summer, in 2019, we began a new program by providing a provisional troop at summer camp. Volunteer KKAA members served as the leaders of this troop during the fifth week of camp. This allowed Scouts who could not attend with their units, wanted another week of camp, or whose units do not attend camp to take part in the awesome Kia Kima experience. Cherokee Sports Center An often overlooked area at camp is the Sports program area. One of our current ongoing projects is improving the Sports area in Camp Cherokee. This began with the donation of a ga-ga pit from alumnus Walter Hoehn. The second phase, finished in early November, was building a new instruction pavilion. Still to come are new basketball and volleyball courts!

Alumni moving the repurposed poles from the old climbing tower to build a boardwalk on the Cherokee Nature Trail (2018)

Council Ring and Chapel We’ve already begun planning and fundraising for our next phase of upgrades. Our focus this time will be on the Council Ring and Chapel. The Council Ring is in need of several improvements. The bulk of the need is additional seating, but also a new sound booth, a new entryway, and better accessibility for our Scouts and Scouters with special needs. The Chapel will be redesigned to allow for increased seating, better structural integrity, and promote usage throughout the camping week and yearround. We want our place of worship at camp to be the beautiful focal point it deserves to be.

Camp Cherokee sports program pavilion, completed in November 2019.

All of these projects are possible because of you. Your love of camp has enabled our organization to not only make these valuable contributions over the last five years but will help us continue our mission “to reconnect alumni with Kia Kima; to support Kia Kima Scout Reservation and its staff; and to promote the Scouting program.” These projects are just a small selection of the Association’s work over the last five years, and that does not include the individual service projects and gifts given by our alumni or the countless hours of service that makes those roughly 900 acres into the Nest of Eagles. ⛺ 21


Michael Downs Manzanillo, Mexico

Curtis George Echo Base Camp - Summit Bechtel Reserve

Mark Lawrence The Bahamas - Florida Sea Base

Art Scott 1000yd shooting range - Summit Bechtel Reserve 22

WEBSITE REDESIGN The Alumni Association and the Membership Committee, led by Michael Downs, recently launched a newly redesigned website.

Every member already has an account, and can gain access by selecting the Forgot Password option. Once logged in, members can view and update their information, register for upcoming events, and manage their renewal information.


DONORS 2019 Anonymous

Jason Hood

Chuck Schadrack

Chuck Barber

Bill Jennings

Andrew Schrack

Christina Marie Brogdon

Bill Johnsen

T-Mobile USA, Inc

George Clarke


Nicole Taylor

Chris Coates

Laurence Mixson

Shaun Taylor

Shasen Escobar

Nesvick Trading Group, LLC

Johnny Tracy

John Fletcher

Tracy O’Connor

Raymond Whiteside

Brooks Gooch

Opus Futures, LLC

Sandy Grimaud

Henry Robbins

MEMORIALS & HONORARIUMS In honor of Chuck Barber’s birthday

Anonymous Rose Davis Adam Foster Jason Huckelberry

Justin Hipner Justin Kerr Jeff Lichterman

To make a gift honoring or memorializing someone, please include a note to that effect with the gift. The Association will send a letter to the honoree or their family informing them of the gift.

GIFTS IN-KIND Walter Hoehn Ga-ga Ball Pit

Danny Van Horn Decking for Waterfront Docks

Mark Lawrence Various camp supplies

Billy Vess & Troop 450 Construction services


On March 20, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Kia Kima Alumni Association unanimously voted that, in lieu of flowers, the Association would donate in memory of alumni when they pass away. This donation is made to the Chickasaw Council Campership Fund to enable an underprivileged Scout to attend Kia Kima Scout Reservation and participate in the same life-changing experiences that shaped our alumni. The Kia Kima Alumni Association also sends a bereavement card to the family.

RECENTLY PASSED S. Shepherd Tate Phil Gilmer James Laycock 24


RJ Case

Curtis George

RJ Case married Anna Beth on May 26, 2019. They also both graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine that same week. Dr. and Dr. Case live in Jackson, MS, and RJ practices as a Resident Physician with the University of Mississippi Emergency Medicine Resident Program.

Curtis George graduates on December 14 from ETSU with a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management with a Parks and Recreation Management Concentration. After graduation, he will continue to serve at the Summit Bechtel Reserve and plans on beginning grad school in the fall through WVU.

Bill Jennings

John Johnson

Bill Jennings was named a 2019 Distinguished Alumnus of Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society. Bill was selected for his innovations in digital communications capabilities. TBΠ presented a scholarship to an undergraduate engineering student in his honor. More information is available here.

John Johnson married Colena Cole on June 1, 2019. They currently live in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where John “turns wrenches” at an auto shop. John and his wife met at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga while he was studying mechanical engineering.

(Staff ’07–’10, ’12–’13)

(Staff ’86–’88)


(Staff ’90–’91)

(Staff ’12)

Mark Lawrence

Mitchell Lawrence

Mark Lawrence has accepted an Adjunct Faculty position within the Univ. of Memphis College of Public Health and will be teaching Health Information Technology at the Master’s level. Mark continues to work as Information Systems Director at St Francis Hospital—Bartlett while pursuing his PhD in Health Policy.

Mitchell Lawrence graduates on December 14 from Middle Tennessee State University with his Master of Science in Information Systems. While pursuing his Masters degree, Mitchell achieved a 4.0 GPA. He previously earned a BBA from MTSU in Information Systems and a minor in Business Administration.

Will Richgels

Andrew Schrack

Will Richgels graduated from Clemson University (BS Industrial Engineering) in December 2018. Since then, he has moved to Charleston, SC, and now works for Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWC LANT) as a civilian Systems Engineer in the Cyber & DWO competency of the command.

Andrew Schrack graduated from The University of Tennessee College of Law with his Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, and with a concentration in Advocacy & Dispute Resolution. He has been admitted to the Tennessee Bar and is now practicing law with Butler Snow LLP in Memphis.

(Staff ’77–’83)

(Staff ’12–’15)

(Staff ’16–’19)

(Staff ’10–’17)


Kia Kima Alumni Association PO Box 342855 Memphis, TN 38184

Join the Community facebook/instagram/twitter: @KiaKimaAlumni


South Fork

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