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人間喜劇 La Comedie Humaine

爛片我還要 Best Worse Movie

我家隔壁的吸血鬼 Vampires

陳慶嘉 Hing-kai Chan 秦小珍 Janet Chun 香港 Hong Kong | 2010 | 35mm | Color | 100min. 2010 香港國際電影節 2010 義大利Udine遠東電影節 觀眾票選獎提名

麥可保羅史蒂芬 Michael Stephenson 美國 USA | 2009 | HD | Color | 93min. 2009 加拿大泛亞影展 最佳紀錄片 2009 西班牙國際奇幻影展 新視野獎 2010 阿姆斯特丹奇幻影展

文森蘭諾Vincent Lannoo 比利時 Belgium | 2009 | HD | Color | 88min. 2010 布魯塞爾奇幻影展 最佳觀眾票選 2010 倫敦奇幻影展 2010 德國奇幻影展




1989年一部另類影史經典《魔界屋2》Troll 2誕生。 該片被大家唾棄,甚至登上IMDb 的爛片排行冠軍 寶座!20年後,當大家在部落格、MySpace和臉書 上,將《魔界屋2》跟《刺激1995》、《愛情不用翻













The film does more - though actually describing that "more" is not an easy task. The references to local issues and pop culture certainly help, but what this film excels most in is its moments, many of which incisively reveal enjoyable and affecting emotions specific to the cinema. Friendship, brotherhood, love and movies are both skewered and celebrated, and the actors are funny, game and even successful in their dramatic moments.

This is an intoxicatingly fun tribute to the single greatest bad movie ever made and the people responsible for unleashing it on the world. The result is a hilarious and tender offbeat journey that pays homage to lovers of bad movies and the people who make them, while investigating a deeper story about the strange nature of celebrity, the catharsis of redemption and the humanity that exists in making even the worst movie ever made.

A family of vampires, bored with immortality, lives in Belgium, eats illegal immigrants, children, handicapped folk, and takes every advantage they can suck out of the country's social system. It turns out vampires must keep to a strict code. They are, for example, prohibited from sleeping with their leader's wife. That's where Samson went too far... Now he and his whole family are exiled to Quebec, where even vampires have to work for a living!

10/24(Sun) 喜滿客10廳 17:20 10/31(Sun) 喜滿客10廳 19:50 11/02(Tue) 喜滿客11廳 22:20

10/23(Sat) 喜滿客10廳 23:00 10/29(Fri) 喜滿客10廳 12:40 11/04(Thu) 喜滿客10廳 16:50

10/29(Fri) 電影圖書館 20:10 11/02(Tue) 電影圖書館 20:30 11/04(Thu) 電影圖書館 16:10

為了隱瞞身份,殺手只能藉編劇收藏的電影DVD片 名,情急掰出一串宛若〈K歌之王〉電影片名版的

的人間生活還有什麼樂子?耗時三年拍攝,比利時 鬼才導演顛覆《暮光之城》的浪漫熱潮,「犧牲」 兩組攝影人馬,才得以深入吸血鬼家庭,實境直擊


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