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宇宙呼叫海王星 Kosmos

Reha Erdem

雷哈‧ 艾登

出生於土耳其,曾在伊斯坦堡當地大學主 修歷史,1983年赴法國巴黎於第八大學 念電影與當代藝術,並獲得碩士學位。 1989年第一部導演作品,即入圍瑞士盧 卡諾等多個影展,被視為土耳其最具有潛 力、最有才華的當代導演。他的多部電 影都是藉著一名人物的特定視角,開啟著 一段無論在視覺或聽覺上都引人入勝的旅 程,一方面將伊斯坦堡的神秘與美麗傳達 給全球觀眾,一方面也進行著個人的人性 哲學探索,詩意十足。

Reha Erdem began his studies in history at Bogazici University in Istanbul. In 1983, he went to Paris 8 University to major in Cinema and Modern Art and completed a graduate degree. He directed his first feature film, ‘Oh Moon’ in 1989. His second feature, ‘A Run for Money’ represented Turkey at the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. In 1993, he founded Atlantik Film production company with producer Omer Atay.

土耳其/保加利亞 Turkey/ Bulgaria | 2010 | 35mm | Color | 122min.

2009 土耳其金像獎 最佳影片、最佳導演、 最佳攝影等四項大獎

2010 柏林影展 世界大觀 2010 墨爾本國際電影節 小偷柯斯莫,像個亡命之徒般地到了邊境小鎮。 偶然地他從河裡救了名男孩,此後被眾人視為行 使奇蹟的使者,但這神秘的來客似乎召喚來了某 種自然深處的力量……。這是一部難以被歸類的 作品,它華麗而詭譎,挖掘的卻是永恆而深奧的 命題,即是人類狀態的黑暗一面。像是童話,又 像是某個失落已久的傳說,跟著故事中人物前 進,就像掉入一個時間與空間的漩渦。 Kosmos is a thief who works miracles. He arrives in this timeless border town from the wilds weeping, as though a fugitive. No sooner is he there than he rescues a small boy from drowning in the river, and is recognized as a man who works miracles. Kosmos, is a rather uncommon person, he is looking for love. Soon Kosmos and Neptun, the teenager sister of the rescued boy, grow closer in the most bizarre of ways…

10/30(Sat) 喜滿客11廳 14:00 11/02(Tue) 喜滿客10廳 14:50 11/03(Wed) 喜滿客10廳 19:20


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