Top 6 Things Customer Expect in Your Ecommerce Site

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I Love sites with great design.

I hate sites with bad design

Dave Garr of User Testing has said that increasing site speed improved his conversion rate by 78%.

Your logo should be visible instantly and your branding should be clear.

Part of capturing a visitor within the first few seconds of entering your ecommerce site is presenting a clear logo and brand.

An enormous selection of products is not the key to success.

So how do you help your visitors find the products they are looking for quickly and easily?

Allow user to choose product by category or brand.

Startup should look a business like Ecomom as a reference.

Prove that your website is secure

Prove that your website is secure

Secure your website by adding Secure Socket Layer

Prove that your website is secure

Secure your website by adding Secure Socket Layer

Add security badges, store rating and mailing address on your contact page.

Offer Secure Payment Options

The easiest way to gain a visitor trust is to comfort them with highly visible trusted payment options.

Most popular payment gateways are PayPal, Amazon Payments, Dwolla and Banks.

Reassure your visitors by simply implementing trustworthy payment icons throughout your site.

Another element used to reassure visitors is offering valuable customer service channels on your online shop.

Add contact us information on your site.

Add live chat or click to call

Add about us information

Add social media links

Want to build an ecommerce site that your customers will love? GET STARTED

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