Claremont November 2021 Editor's Report

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Official Newsletter Division 13/15/17 November 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS · Upcoming: Sock Bombs · Upcoming: Tree Chipping · Mustard Seed Christmas Dinner · Cookie Making · Member of the Month · Member Input Form · Recycling · Contact & Connect

SOCK BOMBS At our last meeting before the break, Key Club will be making sock bombs for the homeless. These will contain toiletries and goodies to help those in need have a brighter, more comfortable holiday season. The sign-up for bringing in items to include in the sock bombs is up on Google Classroom, so don’t forget to put yourself down and bring your assigned items in to Ms. Pang ASAP. Otherwise, we’ll see you at the meeting!

TREE CHIPPING Over the holiday break, we will be collecting Christmas trees to be chipped and will need volunteers to help out! So clear out your calendars January 8th & 9th and come on down to help with collection, hang out with your fellow Key Clubbers, and have some holiday fun! Further details and a sign-up coming soon.

MUSTARD SEED DINNER Thank you to everyone who came and handed out food at the Mustard Seed Christmas dinner! You all were a huge help and it was great to see you spreading so much holiday cheer.

COOKIE MAKING Huge thanks to all of you that came to cookie making! It was amazing to see such a big turnout and to get so many cookies made this year!



Congratulations to our members of the month, Romina Guzman-Megan, Hannah Lee, and Fernanda Villarreal! You three really stood out this month and we thank you for your commitment and contribution to the club. Nice work!

MEMBER INPUT FORM We want to hear from you! Do you have ideas for volunteer opportunities? Suggestions for the rest of the year? General feedback for the club? Anonymously let us know your thoughts and share your ideas through the member input form below!

CLICK HERE! Or go to:


As always, our recycling program is every Friday after school (3:20 PM). This is a great opportunity to build up your volunteer hours and an easy way to give back to the community. We meet in the math wing under the whale skeleton. Thank you to everyone who comes out to help! NEXT SESSION: Friday, Dec. 10


Claremont Key Club 2021-2022



Claremont Key Club: xay2a3c


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