Portfolio of Conversatinal

Page 1

Semestre Marzo-Agosto 2019


Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato .............................................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión.....................................................................................................................................3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación .....................................................................3 Misión ....................................................................................................................................3 Visión.....................................................................................................................................3 Perfil de Egreso ......................................................................................................................4 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo .......................................................................................................7


Trabajo Práctico ............................................................................................................ 11


Trabajo Autónomo ........................................................................................................ 15


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS).............................................................................20


Prácticas Preprofesionales ............................................................................................. 33


Reflexión....................................................................................................................... 34


Autor: Nombre del Estudiante


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión “Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural. ”.

Visión “La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos. ”.


Autor: Nombre del Estudiante


Sílabo https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/206553/mod_resource/content/ 3/Silabo%202019.pdf

Programa Analítico https://silabo.uta.edu.ec/reportesSilabopdf/planAnalitico.php?cedula=1801249341&materi a=04520103&periodo=31&codigo_sil=12973

Guías PAE https://silabo.uta.edu.ec/reportesSilabopdf/ReporteGuiasPracticasPAE.php?cedula=1715106322& codigo=2244&periodo=31

https://silabo.uta.edu.ec/reportesSilabopdf/ReporteGuiasPracticasPAE.php?cedula=171510 6322&codigo=2297&periodo=31



Perfil de Egreso ¿Qué resultados o logros de los aprendizajes posibilitarán el desarrollo de las capacidades y actitudes de los futuros profesionales para consolidar sus valores referentes a la pertinencia, la bio-conciencia, la participación responsable, la honestidad, y otros? Teóricos Comprende, explica e interviene en la realidad educativa integrando el conocimiento profesional, disciplinar e investigativo. Utiliza el pensamiento sistémico que comprende e integra los fenómenos y sujetos en diferentes situaciones educativas. Metodológicos Diseña, planifica y evalúa cursos e instrumentos micro curriculares estandarizados para el desarrollo de los estudiantes, las visiones de las comunidades de aprendizaje y de los objetivos planteados en el currículo. Aplica e innova estrategias, recursos didácticos y metodológicos para el trabajo con estudiantes del nivel inicial y /o educación general básica y realizar su labor educativa con flexibilidad, eficacia y eficiencia en la diversidad de contextos y ambientes de aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Utiliza estrategias innovadoras, recursos didácticos y metodológicos para el trabajo con estudiantes del bachillerato y del sistema de educación superior a nivel de tecnologado demostrando alto grado de pensamiento crítico, profesionalismo y compromiso ético. Propone y participa en escenarios, situaciones, acciones y relaciones que generan procesos de aprendizaje entre los sujetos de una comunidad de aprendizaje en contextos presenciales y mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Lidera con responsabilidad social a partir de la conciencia y respeto de sí mismo y de los demás como seres perfectibles, histórico-cultural y socialmente diversos mediante el cumplimiento de las normas legales vigentes.



Técnico-instrumentales Aplica conocimientos sobre diferentes tipos de evaluación educativa para mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés bajo estándares internacionales. Identifica problemas socio educativos del país considerando estrategias de la enseñanza del idioma inglés para su intervención. Formula propuestas educativas que atienden a las necesidades contextuales mediante el desarrollo de la investigación acción. (cultura, lengua, sociedad) Crea ambientes de aprendizajes abiertos, democráticos e interculturales que promueven la interacción mediante el idioma inglés a un nivel B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Crea nuevos escenarios profesionales mediante propuestas innovadoras y las hace parte de su proyecto de vida. Utiliza efectivamente las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para la enseñanza a estudiantes del nivel inicial, educación general básica, bachillerato y educación superior a nivel de tecnologado.



1. Trabajo Colaborativo










2. Trabajo Prรกctico









3. Trabajo Autรณnomo





Learning outcome 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CjJYJlBofk



Learning Outcome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRD5Mew_foo&feature=youtu.be



4. Componente Teรณrico



5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE AMBATO Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación

English Language Laboratory Authors: - Bunchi Caiza Kevin - Chavez Lòpez Verónica Isabel - Checa Cuenca Nayeli Geovanna - Espinoza Herrera Verónica Period: 2018- 2019 Presentation Date: 16-07-2019




a. GENERAL: To determine the importance of an English Language Laboratory at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez


To observe the English resources equipment of the Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez.


To list the necessary resources that an English Language Laboratory needs to have.


To describe the benefits of the English Language Laboratory in the learning process.

3. METHODOLOGY In order to carry out this project, we selected an innovative topic which is English Language Laboratory. Then we did the pertinent tramits to be admitted at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez Agropecuario to do our observations. After that we collected information, then we will collect field data and look for more information about this topic to present the conclusions. •


The present investigation is descriptive and explanatory. We will determine the importance of an English Language Laboratory at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez”. •


The methodology of the researching is bibliographic and field type. Bibliographic because it was used for reading and consulting books, scientific magazines, dictionaries and any other type of written information that is considered important and necessary to carry out the research.



Field because we attend “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez” during 20 hours to observe the English resources provided teachers and students attitudes or activities at the English class.


The method we will use to collect the information is observation method that are reflected in observation cards which have the necessary parameters to evaluate in a qualitative and quantitative way the resources, places, and organization used for English classes.

4. CRHONOGRAM ACTIVITIES/ WEEKS Title Objectives (General and specifics)




1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


Theoretical literature



Written presentation 1st Part


Written presentation 2nd Part Oral presentation




Definition of Language Laboratory A Language Laboratory have been an innovative proposal for the educational system. Rogers (1995) defines innovation in education as an idea or object that is seen as new for a person or for a group of people. Therefore, English language laboratory, offers new strategies and resources for teaching this language, very far from the traditional one. According to Hayes A. (1963) A language laboratory is a classroom or other area containing electronic and mechanical equipment designed and arranged to make foreign-language learning more. Benefits of a Language Laboratory The use of the language laboratory has a series of advantages. Wilga M. Rivers (1970) refers to the following positive aspects regarding the use of the language lab in teaching English: (1) For the first time in the history of foreign-language teaching, each student may have the opportunity to hear native speech clearly and distinctly. (2) The students may hear this authentic native speech as frequently as he and his teacher desire. (3) The taped lesson provides an unchanging and unwearyingly model of native speech for the student to imitate. (4) In the language laboratory, the student may listen to a great variety of foreign voices, both male and female. (5) Each student may hear and use the foreign language throughout the laboratory session, instead of wasting time waiting for his turn in a large group, as he does in the usual classroom situation. (6) The laboratory frees the teacher from certain problems of class directions and classroom management, enabling him to concentrate on the problems of individual students.



In their research study, Clavijo Olarte and Quintero (2012) show how the implementation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in pre-service teachers’ education might serve a dual purpose: On the one hand, it could improve their English language development and on the other hand, serve as a pedagogical tool for their future professional life. Hmoud, (2014, pp. 84-94) reveals that the language lab provides access to native-speakers to enhance students learning correctly. To pursue higher studies abroad, language lab would help students in studying the language of the country where they are planning to complete their higher education. The laboratory’s collection is designed to assist learners in the acquisition and maintenance of aural comprehension, oral and written proficiency, and cultural awareness. (Kiran S, 2015). To be enrolled in an environment where English language is spoken or diffused in any scope by natives, gives a better development in the diverse English skills. For example, to acquire a sensibility for the sounds and rhythm of a language, one has to hear the best samples of a spoken language (Richards, 2001). Necessary resources in an English Language Laboratory (Hayes S., 1963) Classifies English Language Laboratory equipment in the following manner: -Equipment tinder the control of the teacher (1) One or more recorders which serve as sources of recorded sound to which students listen. (2) A telephone headset for listening to the program source or to one or more students. (3) A microphone for talking to one or more members of the class (intercom facilities), or for recording lesson. (4) A system of switches which permits the teacher to listen to individual students. (5) Suitable electronic equipment which amplifies the sound so that it may be distributed to the student positions.



(6) A housing for all the above equipment, usually called the teacher's console. -Equipment under the control of the student

(1) Headphones through which the student listens. (2) A volume control by which the student adjusts the volume of the program source for comfortable listening. (3) A microphone, used to fulfill one or more of three functions to permit student to hear his/her own voice amplified in the headphones, to permit the student to record his voice, to permit the student to respond to the teacher through the intercom system. (4) A recorder, with its various control knobs and switches Barriers According (Hashmi S., 2013) the following are some of the irritants in the presence of the digital language lab: Departments focus on their core subjects as they are more concerned about their students’ technical knowledge rather than speaking abilities. Therefore, priority is given to the core subjects. Most of the language teachers have fear of using technology and quickly get panicked when one of the buttons is not working as per their intent. They are more comfortable with traditional ways of teaching as they find it more convenient. Field information We did pre-professional practices at “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez Agropecuaria� in basic level. We were into the classroom observing how the English teacher taught the class; she did her best effort; however, she used the traditional manner based only in the book because she had no technologic resources for a dynamic teaching. There was not a specific class for



teaching English Language, students received classes in the same class of the other subjects. The classroom was in bad conditions.

2. RESULTS/FINDINGS The results showed below are based on the information provided by the Obsevation Cards Nº 2,4,5 through field obsevation.

Table 1 Does Unidad Educativa Agropecuario Luis A. Martinez have technologic equipment for English classes? Yes The







No x


motivate the class There is specific classroom to


teach English The teacher uses cd’s in class


for listening For English classes the school has





computer with headphones, microphone, projector, web access. Source: Observation cards N° 2,4,5. Made by: Bunchi, K. Chávez, V. Checa N., Espinoza, V. (2019)



¿Does Unidad Educativa Agropecuario Luis A. Martinez have technologic equipment for English classes? Yes 0%

No 100% Yes


Analysis and Interpretation: Unidad Educativa Agropecuario Luis A. Martinez does not have technological resources for teaching the English Language, which affects in the students’ learning process. Classes get bored and monotonous when the teacher only uses the book. The students loose interest in the subject which affects their academic performance due to the traditional methodology. It is important to use new ways to teach another language and of course technological resources is an important issue that contributes with the students’ interest.

3. CONCLUSION As mentioned in the introduction to this paper, the study was developed according to the specific objectives planned. In conclusion it has been determined that “Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez” does not have any kind of technologic resources for teaching English Language, classes are monotonous. Students cannot develop their skills at listening and speaking production mainly. The absence of an English Language Laboratory creates deficiency in the comprehensive education for the students. According to Walker & White (2013) and Yugiu & Rongjie (2011) researchers have focused on the benefits of emerging technologies and teachers as users are adapting their



teaching process as well as the institutes to create a technology enhanced user-friendly classroom atmosphere.

Walker and White assert that educational institutions nowadays feel the pressure to invest in technology and bring it to the educational settings since the effectiveness of foreign language teaching relies heavily on a foreign language learning environment.

4. RECOMMENDATIONS It is now important to conclude with some recommendations, so that they are a benefit for the development of the research carried out. We recommend to the authorities at Unidad Educativa Luis A. Martinez to do the pertinent procedures to Ministry of Education to get the necessary technological equipment to teach English. They should have at least a specific English laboratory in order to develop the four English Skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) accurately. Authorities should be conscious about the importance to acquire a second language (English); that is why they should invest and support the English area needs.


References: Clavijo Olarte, A., & Quintero, L. M. (2012). Una experiencia de formación inicial de docentes de inglés para la inclusión de las TIC en la enseñanza de lenguas [An experience of initial English teaching training incorporating ICT in language teaching]. Folios, (36), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.17227/01234870.36folios37.49. Hmoud, SNA Al (2014). The Effectiveness of using English Lab on English Language Students’ Pronunciation. Journal of Scientific Research, 1, 84-94.

Richards, J. (2001), Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.




Pinzรณn Capador, S. V., & Guerrero Nieto, C. H. (2018). Living the teaching practicum within dichotomies: The story from within when implementing ICTs in the English language classroom. HOW, 25(2), 69-89. https://doi.org/10.19183/how.25.2.459. Mohammed, Abdelaziz. (2017). The Role of Language Laboratory in English Language Learning Settings. English Language Teaching. 10. 86. 10.5539/elt.v10n2p86. Benjamin, R. (2018). Role of Language Laboratory in English as a Second Language (ESL) Teaching in Special Reference to Speaking of Engineering Undergraduates. Inter. J. Eng. Lit.



Alfred S. (1963) Language Laboratory Facilities Bulletin, N Page 116, Section 8.2









6. Prรกcticas Preprofesionales



7. Reflexión This subject for me was a little out of the normal because we had to do videos with us in the video, and that was new and strange. But this subject is interesting, doesn’t use the traditional methods to teach, was more didactic, and interesting. Here I’ve learn a lot of things but the most important was how to speak better and clear this language. This subject is very useful for the communication in English and that is a thing that we need to speak with our future students and that is the reason why conversational is very important to learn how to peak clearly English. With the pre-professional practices were a good way to learn how to be an English with all his techniques to teach, how to be with all the students, how to develop with all them, after that I want to work with the children, I think that because for me s more easy and interesting.


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