Kerry Grogan Portrait Guide

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HELLO & WELCOME! Thank you so much for your interest in my work! In the pages that follow you will find everything you need know about a portrait photography session with me. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any unanswered questions! BEFORE YOUR SESSION Once you decide to book a session, I would like to speak to you personally so I may hear about your family, along with what you envision for your portrait session. You will decide on the type of session, Portrait or Lifestyle (further described on page 7), as well location and time of day. I am primarily an on-location photographer, meaning sessions are often held in a local park, a city attraction or at your own home. A place that is meaningful to your family or that young children can enjoy are always good choices! For lifestyle sessions, we will discuss what activities your family would love to engage in during our time together. In regards to time of day, I will often recommend the hour or two before sunset in order to take advantage of the beautiful golden light at the end of the day. This timing, however, may be too late for families with young children. Most important is to choose a time that works well with your family's routine. The most frequently asked question I receive before a session is regarding what to wear. Have no fear! A complete guide is provide on page 9.

DURING YOUR SESSION This is where the fun happens! I will lead you through the session based on our previous discussion. I often start my session with "together" poses where all family members are in the frame, both looking at the camera and interacting with each other. It is important that parents simply follow my direction, rather than reinforcing my words with their children. Following this, I will move towards capturing images of individual children, siblings, one parent with each child, and end with parents together as a couple. Throughout the session, I will be encouraging playfulness, joke-telling, conversation and cuddles. I may ask you for your help behind the camera! - you know your children best, including how to inspire those sweet smiles and belly-laughs. (NO "say cheese" PLEASE!)




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