Kerala Digest 1994

Page 13


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oilSloño rñø¿a¿aoøoí øø ¿æ;1xttrø1æt ¿n rLr[æ)Ø160îñ @ra1,'Ç ú ejlølø Lît ac5oruJ, ß6:.,,-Jø;L aor>.tæ>¡ar) æñ "Qrfl ntþ"ootzñæt ¿ a Lnilõ ørøñ a, ¿f,øñ oî$ømô ro>¿nfpr¿o"rõlco ¿øntoñ o "Lñ ø ¿{e,ñ " "t ¿øo.t o^:wî t¿ør^x" "çrí prx'tcalñ dl jlæos¿n ¿.


65DîJF)þJûILo ajfj/so-aí øcøtøæloíø ¿ø ¿s ¿øoí îyoLô D,L{etøæí ra ¿rúr;,¿øäø¿"

ÍIow old are you?

ÐÐ6õ'ôæJD3DJ L" ,nøAOcol AOO¿n¿.

aetøcçle,Ø "ç nlosocouooløcø ¿" ñc6 ]aæoQ|Ð e LrÒØ r¿tõ æ>ñ ÐbÉÐø "É,Ìcx' [1 L. 6)c61c&a.QJca9o r>t1ofr.o øøt "LÑ"Lc€løøgcos oîønmr¿sùorÒøoøatnl ørgøo41c^úæt ¿rt ¿ øoruooíloño aonr:" qantsørílæc1¿r't ¿.


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aLãJÑoamJ ÈøíÒfoo, dúBJrr;l

or>c7ro oLcø ¿roøt¿"

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You can tre certain that you are growing "old", if you ...


riøô,Ã4f'o rI,øø)fgJrúa) "JrúùÐ,oalafðo aoe,ooJóhcl ora röLñ6) Lô øe,øøo.


ßfø øo1rÒØaE)t)Ðññ ûl/}5", ÐÐ ô,Dño "qoña øßvôTø0oJ}rúuùoJLo. rr/aLoeo-. Lo ÐD uor.)rpJo rdlønfrd øa c p6laúam> Ð 6D eD o.




EMDRGENCY CONTACT In case of an emergency situation where you are in need of help from the members of the community, please contact anyone from the Executive Committee.


find yourself developing petty prejudices. are becoming increasingly selfish. \,vish to be by yourself. begin to find life dull. like to have a rocking chair and hate to have it moved. think people are stupider than they used to be. thinh the younger generation is going to the dogs. find yourself talking about "the good old days".

Þid goL.r know th¿t b1ging 'p\ain' products and adð,ìøg tÁe texlrastgoutrse\f eavee

laÀ w\ov\(y. lor \nsïance add\ng



p\a\vt cerea\



cheaper thalr br1gÌr,rg cerea\ aVeaQy

wixed \ø.



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