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Comic Zone Laughter, the best medicine!!

By Edel Q. Mwende This Doctor knows how to solve a problem!

asked him to two-step with me. He was eager to comply. So we two-stepped to the stretcher, and he sat down. Then he began to undress, and throw his clothes about the room. Mission accomplished!”— Janet C

A man goes to the Doctor, worried about his wife’s temper. The Doctor asks: “What’s the problem? The man says: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every day my wife seems to lose her temper for no reason. It scares me.” The Doctor says: “I have a cure for that. When it seems that your wife is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow it until she either leaves the room or calms down.” Two weeks later the man comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn. The man says “Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my wife started losing it, I swished with water. I swished and swished, and she calmed right down! How does a glass of water do that?” The Doctor says: “The water itself does nothing. It’s keeping your mouth shut that does the trick”. He diagnosed the problem well! Cha Cha Cha “One late evening, I was working the emergency room and the police brought in an extremely intoxicated man who appeared to have been in an accident. I needed to do an assessment to see if or where he was injured, and asked him to get undressed and put on a gown. Of course, he responded with a resounding ‘No!’ and he wouldn’t get onto the stretcher. The officers attempted to get him to comply, but that was just agitating him. But I knew this man from past ER visits, and I knew he loved to dance. So I

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We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts - William Hazlitt


Time spent amongst trees is never time wasted – Katrina Mayer


If you don’t commit today to start becoming the person you need to be to create the extraordinary life you want, what makes you think that tomorrow – or next week, or next month, or next year – is going to be any different? They won’t. And that’s why you must draw your line in the sand TODAY. ~ Hal Elrod


This morning, you have a choice. You can lay in the dark replaying the awful events of the week, or you can turn the light on and read God’s WordHis truth-which is the best thing to do when lies are swarming and painful thoughts are attacking like a bunch of bloodthirsty mosquitoes.” ~ Lysa TerKeurst


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart - Helen Keller


There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it - Edith Wharton


I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination Jimmy Dean


Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence - Vince Lombardi


Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant - Robert Louis Stevenson

OUR VISION A world class patient-centered specialized care hospital OUR MISSION To optimize patient experience through innovative healthcare; facilitate training and research; and participate in national health policy formulation OUR MOTTO We Listen, We Care


ISSUE 15 | Kenyatta National Hospital Newsline

Inspirational Quotes


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