Arrowhead jan 2018

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Featuring randomly selected student: Abdullah Akbar copy and layout By: kaitlyn Harris “Bill Gates is a person who has taken a small portion of what we knew and expanded it to huge proportions to help more than just the big people; he helps the little people,” senior Abdullah Akbar revealed on why his inspiration, Bill Gates, has influenced the way he goes about his life. Akbar has taken what he has learned from Gates to implement happiness into his life every day. He is someone who looks at things in a positive light, and focuses to help those who may be in pain or upset. “I think the biggest mistake of my life would be to see someone in pain and not help them just because I didn’t want to,” he stated. Another way Akbar uses his skills to better the lives of others is by coaching indoor soccer. He coaches children in the U8 and U9 (ages 8 and 9) divisions outside of school as a way to pass on the knowledge he has of the sport. A routine that has become a large part of his life is coding. When he gets home from school, Akbar will typically do his coding to not only better his ability, but also release stress. “It also helps me focus more in school and think more critically,” he added. As a senior at Waukee High School, Akbar has had three years to discover the likes that greatly outweigh the dislikes of high school in general. “I believe that the way the schedules have been made allow students to graduate early, increase their education to another level, and the school is very persistent on wanting to help the students learn more every day.” If he could change one thing about classes at the high school, he would implement certain classes to be required courses by students, besides the ones already required. He believes that a lot of people do not realize the importance of classes such as Probability and Statistics, history, and Calculus because they help how students can critically think to solve problems. One course he would like to see required is

He likes all kinds of music for each of their unique Computer Science, which he claims qualities. to be one of the largest, quickest growing fields of education known. After high school, Akbar will be attending Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) for the first two years to begin to work on a bachelor degree. He will then continue on to Iowa State University where he will begin the process of obtaining his masters in Computer Science and Engineering. Following that, Akbar hopes to earn a Ph. D. in Computer Science. If Akbar was able to choose any career to do right now, he would do Computer Science and Robotic Engineering at his dream company, NASA.

His favorite movies are Deadpool and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods.

He prefers Pepsi over coke.

If he could be any animal, he would be a Lion because they are fierce animals and leaders of the group.

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