Paca paca aug 2016

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Paca Paca News

37th Annual Canadian National Peruvian Horse Show

Judge: Kelly Powers-Ponciano

Silver Slate Arena, Stavely, Alberta, Aug. 26-29, 2016

BDS$Carmelita 2012$Bay Mare RDLF$Aro de$Luna/RJM$Mi$ Type to enter text Lucia.$Beautiful 3$year$old$filly,$ AV$Sol$de$Paijan. Currently$in$ bozal training.$Preparing$for$ junior$horse US$5,000.00 BDS$Santuaria 2011$Bay$Mare$ RDLF$Aro de$Luna$x *Capilla

Currently$in$four$reins,$$this$mare$ has$a$lot$to$offer,$great$mind,$ very$willing,$great$for$show$or$ trail.$2015$Canadian$Regional$1st place$Bozal Performance. US$7,500

BDS Comandante 2010$Chestnut$Stallion *Caporal/BDS$No$Me$Olvides 2014,$1st$year$of$showing,$Ch$of$ Ch’s$Breeding$Stallion$&$Ch$of$ Ch’s$Performance$Stallion.$ Overall$winner$for$the$ intermediate$rider.$ US$10,000.00 BDS$Cacique 2010$Chestnut Gelding *Caporal/*Capilla.$ Beautiful$arrogant &$strong.$ Finished$in$the$bit. US$9,500

BDS Sabrosada 2011$Chestnut Mare *Caporal/BDS Sabrosa Beautiful$elegant mare$started$ in$bit$training,$above$average$ gait.$$Some$show$&$trail$ experience.$$Wonderful$mind. US$7,500

BDS Valiente 2009$Chestnut Gelding *Caporal/SRO$Marie Multiple Ch$of$Ch Luxury$Gelding$ in$US$and$Canada,$Best$Gait$and 1st Place$US$National Am.$ Performance$Gelding US$12,000

BDS Bailadora 2011$Chestnut$Mare HDN$Coqueton/EA Balsamera Currently in$training,$Stunning.$ Superstar$in$waiting. US$10,000.00

BDS$Chubasco 2009$Liver$Chestnut$Gelding$ *Caporal/BDS$Oro$Pesa flashy,$show$and$trail$ experience.$ US$8,000


BDS Basilio

2010$Chestnut$Mare 2012$Chestnut Gelding *Caporal/Luna$Nova$ Show$stopping$ RDLF$Aro de$Luna$x BDS$Oro$Pesa gait,$quiet$temperament,$all$around$ This$Gelding$is15HH versatile$show$mare,$royal$bloodlines.$ Some$show$and$trail$experience. Her$dam$is$US$National$Laureada Breeding$Mare,$her$Sire,$US$national$ Ideal$horse$for$Novice$or$Junior. US$7,500 champion$Get$of$Sire.

US$15,000.00 Owner:$Ben$&$Dori Sawatzky


Phone:$(250)$558W4743$$$$Fax$(250)$558$4743 Email:$ Website:$ Vernon$B.C$CANADA$

Paca Paca News Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PHAC members, Board or the Editors. Paca Paca News makes every effort to avoid error and assumes no responsibility for copy submitted by contributors and/or advertisers. However, the Editor reserves the right to refuse material not suitable for publication. Items containing negative references toward individuals or groups or any other questionable material will be sent to the Board of Directors for approval prior to publication.

PHAC Board of Directors

! ! ! ! ! !

! MIMI BUSK-DOWNEY ! 2nd Vice President ! Box 449 ! Acme AB T0M 0A0 ! Phone: 403-546-4331 Email:

KRISTIN ELDRIDGE Vice President 7431 Cokedale Rd, Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 USA 360-770-6525 Email: ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !

CATHIE TAGGART Director 2004 Kelsey Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 Phone: (250) 546-3704 Email:



! ! ! !

! ! ! !

GUS McCOLLISTER Executive Secretary Lyalta, Alberta T0J 1Y0 Phone: (403) 935-4435 Fax: (403) 935-4774


WILLIE JOHNSON Executive Treasurer 250 Prestwick Close SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4Y4 Email:

RICK CONES Treasurer RR1 Cayley, Alberta T0L 0P0 Phone: 403-540-4841 Email:

SHERRI ROSIA Secretary RR # 1 Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A1 hone: (403) 932-7032 Email:


! ! !

Peruvian Horse Association of Canada!! ! New Membership Application Name_______________________________________________________ Ranch Name__________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ Town_______________________Province______Postal_______________ Telephone________________________Email________________________ !!Owner-Breeder $45.00!


!!Aficionado $15.00!

Aficionado memberships are non-voting and do not require ownership of a Peruvian Horse. Owner-Breeder members receive the member rates for registration services. I / We qualify as Owner-Breeder members through the ownership of the following horse registered with the Peruvian Horse Association of Canada: Name______________________________________Reg. #_______________________! ! !"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"

The above application is for new members. Current members are billed directly by the CLRC, OTTAWA. Important: Current members please use the CLRC form with remittance OR quote CLRC ID number on this form here: ________________________

Make all cheques or money orders payable to: PHAC Mail to: Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0M7 " "

" "


I’ll never forget a certain scene in a promotional film made by one of the first Americans to import Peruvian Paso horses. The view was from one side of a high rock wall. Attention was instantly attracted to four men on the opposite side. They were side-by side in pairs, one pair behind the other, visible only from the shoulders up. The first pair floated through the air -- ghost-like -- giving the impression they were riding on rails. They neither bounced nor made any other movement except to glide forward … at a rapid rate of speed. Their hats might as well have been floating in a serene stream. The next two were bouncing up and down, obviously enjoying themselves a good deal less than the first two. Their hats appeared to be floating on a raging river. The comparison was dramatic. The intention was to intrigue the viewer by using the wall to hide whatever was carrying the four men. Suspense was provided because the viewer could see ahead to where wall ended. At that point, of course, the four men would come in view and reveal what was carrying them. The only problem -- I thought when I saw the film for the first time -- was that any reasonably intelligent person would easily guess the answer. After all, the film’s purpose was to promote Peruvian Paso horses. To no one’s surprise, the first two men swept into view mounted on horses of a sort most Americans had never seen. Both horses vibrated with energy and their heads were thrust so high in the air that their chests were further forward than their throatlatches. Long, flowing manes hung to their shoulders; and full tails fanned out behind, nearly dragging the ground. In another instant, the second pair of men emerged into view … sitting on the roof of a shiny, chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce! The little scene made its point exquisitely. In a test of smoothness, the incredible Peruvian Paso can easily defeat competitors more formidable than a trotting horse! Elizabeth and Earl Hammond operate a business called “Holidays on Horseback” in Descanso, California. The Hammonds supply horses for people wishing to enjoy spectacular, guided Southern California horseback rides. Their “dude string” includes various gaited breeds, assuring that inexperienced riders get an extra-smooth ride. “Our Peruvians have a huge fan club,” Elizabeth reports. “Many of our customers refuse to ride the other horses. People love the comfort and responsiveness of the Peruvians.” The Hammonds are long-time animal trainers, specializing in working with exotic animals. Two of their best-known were the European red deer stag used in Hartford Insurance Company commercials and the Kodiak bear used in advertising for Hamm’s Beer. They once raised an elephant in their house and wrote a book entitled Elephants in the Living Room; Bears in the Canoe. The book was translated into eleven languages and was a best seller in England. Of course, people with this background weren’t inclined to offer humdrum horses to their clients. After much searching, they put together a string of horses representing many breeds, including most gaited breeds.

Many years ago, the Hammonds had their first contact with Peruvian horses. It came about when owners in their area turned to them for advice concerning problem horses. “A lot of non-horsemen buy Peruvians because they’re smooth and easily controlled,” Mrs. Hammond remembers. “It’s a credit to the breed that most of these people are able to enjoy their horses immensely in spite of being novices, but once in a while there’s a mismatch. Our advice was requested in a few such cases.” The Hammonds were happy to help those who came to them for advice. “You’d think that seeing those spoiled horses might have given us a bad impression of Peruvians,” Elizabeth says with a smile, “but it did just the opposite. I saw it as a real credit to the breed that these spoiled horses changed their behavior so easily when they passed into the hands of someone who understood them. Most Peruvians brought to us were 17 or 18 years of age and had been badly spoiled. You’d think that they’d have been set in their ways and stubborn about changing, but it was easy to communicate with them.” Working with these problem horses, Elizabeth and Earl came to like the breed tremendously. They very much wanted to add Peruvians to their rental string, but they couldn’t justify the price. Still…. “I’m a sucker for a flowing mane,” Mrs. Hammond remembers, “and that smooth ride was absolutely wonderful!” One thing led to another, and two problem Peruvians were given to the Hammonds. “There was one couple that came to realize they weren’t meant to work with horses,” Elizabeth recalls, “and they wanted their Peruvians to have good homes … so they gave them to us.” Having two Peruvians around every day was enough to convert the Hammonds into aficionados. “I was surprised that once these spoiled horses had a job to do, they changed quickly and became so easy to ride that we were able to put inexperienced riders on them,” Mrs. Hammond remembers. “I’ve had experience with a lot of breeds, and I think the Peruvian is the most adaptable of any. We’ve been given or have bought nine problem Peruvians over a period of eleven years. Only one took more than three months to retrain, and he’d gotten into locoweed. The smooth ride that the Hammonds and their customers so enjoy is the Paso llano, and it’s smoother for the rider than any other gait in the equine kingdom. It’s a broken, lateral gait in which the four beats are separated by equal lapses of time. The legs work independently, rather than in pairs as with the trot or pace. Therefore each leg carries as little weight as possible, minimizing the shock transmitted to the rider. The Paso llano has no “aerial phase” after which the animal’s weight comes crashing back to earth all at once, transmitting a bone-shaking impact to the rider. In the Paso llano, the horse’s weight is always supported by at least two legs and the others are able to move without disturbing the rider. Most breeds launch themselves into an “aerial phase” with a mighty push. The Peruvian -on the other hand -- “coasts” along, constantly “carrying” his weight rather than “throwing” and “catching” it. Up and down motion is eliminated along with the “surges” characteristic of other breeds. The Peruvian Paso travels at a steady and constant speed. Trotting breeds accelerate

when their diagonal legs thrust them forward and then decelerate while there are no legs on the ground. Another factor that contributes to the smoothness is the relationship between the horse’s center of gravity and the position of the hind legs when they propel the horse forward. A horse’s center of gravity is that point where it would hang perfectly balanced if picked up in a sling. The hind legs of a trotting horse push from behind that spot, requiring substantial thrust to propel the animal forward. Peruvian Pasos reach forward of the center of gravity with their hind legs, pulling rather than pushing themselves forward. These mechanics produce an incredibly smooth ride, but the benefits don’t end there. The equitation is less taxing. Posting is eliminated. More weight is carried on the rider’s seat and less on the balls of the feet, eliminating strain on the knees and hips. Years ago, Juanita Daly, wife of “Copper King” Marcus Daly, imported a shipment of Peruvians. The horses arrived by freighter in Galveston, Texas; and the elderly manager of the quarantine station listened intently when told about the smooth ride. He had a lifetime of riding behind him, he explained; but a bad back had kept him from it for many years. On the day Mrs. Daly’s horses were released, one of the handlers saddled the smoothest and insisted the quarantine manager take a ride. Repeatedly rejected, the handler persisted; and finally the elderly manager was convinced to try. “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” he said, still worried as he prepared to mount. “You can’t imagine how much my back hurts when I aggravate it!” “Try him for a hundred yards,” the handler suggested. “If you don’t like it, you can get off.” After a hundred yards, uneasiness had been replaced by a huge smile. It was more than a half-hour before the manager finally dismounted … with obvious regret. “That’s the smoothest ride I’ve ever had,” he said with a huge smile. “It hurt less than riding in a car!” When I first began visiting Peru, I was “adopted” by a group of very kind breeders. The first time they took me out to see Paso horses, we started early in the day and finished after sundown, using automobile headlights for illumination. I’d had enough long before the others and couldn’t imagine how anyone could look at and talk about nothing but horses for so many hours. In time, I began to understand. The Peruvian Paso is a fascinatingly complex animal, a horse many breeders referred to as “living art”. It takes time to evaluate horses whose quality can’t be determined with a measuring tape or stopwatch. Even though I finished that first day saturated with horses, I came back for more. I didn’t know it yet, but I was hooked. I’d found something most people search for all their lives … a passion.


SHOW OFFICIALS JUDGE: U Show Chairperson...... ........................

The Honorable Kelly Powers-Ponciano

Grant McKinney

Show Manager/ Steward.................... Bea Heuvilink/Margaret Toma Show Secretary..................... ............... CJ Heck Show Veterinarian................................. Claresholm Veterinary Clinic 403-625-3677 Announcer..........................................

Louise Burton

Ring Admission Stewards.................. Laurie Hardingham Ringmaster... ........................................ Tracy Brown Barn Supervisor...............................

Tanner/Sherri Rosi

Trail Class......................................

Tanner Rosia

Hospitality.............................. ............. Jan Sjodin Sponsorships ....................................

Rick or Deb Cones

Ribbons & Trophies ...................... Premium List............................ .......... Show Program................................. .

Sharyda Hutchison

Auction.................................. ........

Suzanne Brown

Prueba Funcional................................... John McMillan Show Committee.............................. Show Committee Rick & Deb Cones Tracy Brown

The Honorable Kelly Powers-Ponciano Kelly has been riding & competing in the Peruvian horse world for 30 years. She is the third generation of her family to be involved with the Peruvian horse, starting in 1928 when her great-great uncle imported the first 2 Peruvian horses into the USA. Kelly has shown horses all over North America, and has competed in the National Show of Peru several times, as well as national shows in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. She and her husband Andres travel internationally to shows across the Americas covering events for the magazine they own, Paso Llano Magazin Kelly has judged shows in Canada, Nicaragua, and the United States, including the 2014 US National show Performance Division. She also received her Show Steward Card from NAPHA in 2011, frequently stewards shows in the US. Kelly relocated to Guatemala (with her horses!) in 2013.

Peruvian Paso Horse Breeding & Training Center Located in Rocky Mountain House, AB - 150 acres near the Clearwater River

Horses for sale • Stallions at Stud • Visitors Welcome Training for 2016 season

JOE & KIM SHERIDAN • 403.510.8090

Special Thanks to All of Sponsors Class #



1 Geldings Zootecnico

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

2 Mares Zootecnico

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

3 Stallions Zootechnico

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB

4 Fillies Halter

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB

5 Novice Equitation

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC

6 Colts Halter

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB

7 Junior Showmanship 12 & under

Glen and Nancy Cox, Powell Butte, OR

8 Junior Showmanship 13 & over

Glen and Nancy Cox, Powell Butte, OR

9 Breeding Mares/Stallions Stakes

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

10 Gelding Stakes

Little Mountain Peruvians, Vernon, BC

11 AOTR Pleasure

Bonnie Steiner, Sonomish WA

12 Junior Leadline

Vicky Hildebrandt, Cayley, Ab

13 Geldings 4+ Performance

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB and Moffat Equine, Armstrong, BC

14 Mares 4 + Performance

Louise Burton, Armstrong BC

15 Bozal Performance

Sundowner Ranch Meats, Lumby, BC

16 Stallions Performance

Dennis and Cathy Brown, Lake Tapps, WA

17 Costume Class

Deanne Long, Sedro Wooley, WA

18 Geldings 4-6 Luxury

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC and Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC

19 Novice Breeding Luxury

Vicky Paulus, Portland, Oregon

20 Geldings 7+ Luxury

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

21 Junior Bareback Equitation 12 & under

Clear Creek Ranch, Jim Alexander, Carson City, NV

22 Mares 4-6 Breeding

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC

23 Junior Bareback Equitation 13 & over

Brian & Bonnie McLoughlin, Cimacum, WA

24 Mares 7+ Breeding

Raul and Lauren Risso, Point Roberts, WA

25 Jr Pole Bending 12 & under

Sundowner Ranch Meats, Lumby, BC

26 Stallions 4-6 Breeding

Stoneridge Stables, Rocky Mountain Horse, AB

27 Jr Evian 13 & over

RKE Enterprises, Sedro Wooley, WA

28 Stallions 7+ Breeding

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

29 Open Performance Pattern

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

30 Geldings Bozal

Jessie Gonzales, Vancouver WA

31 Junior Pleasure 12 & under

Jenee and Steve Demeeers

32 Geldings Gait

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

33 Junior Pleasure 13 & over

Clear Creek Ranch, Jim Alexander, Carson City, NV

34 Fillies Bozal

Ringstead Ranch, Chase, BC

35 AOTR Gait

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC

36 Synchronized Pairs

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

37 AOTR Breeding

Sundowner Ranch Meats, Lumby, BC

38 Colts Bozal

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC and Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB

39 Mares Gait

Vicky Hildebrandt, Cayley, AB

40 Novice Gait

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

41 Geldings 4-6 Pleasure

Ringstead Ranch, Chase, BC

Class #



42 Stallions Gait

Raul and Lauren Risso, Point Roberts, WA

43 Geldings 7+ Pleasure

Stoneridge Stables, Rocky Mountain Horse, AB

44 Novice Pleasure

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB and Moffat Equine, Armstrong, BC

45 Mares 4-6 Pleasure

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC and Capri Insurance, Vernon, BC

46 Bozal Gait

Sundowner Ranch Meats, Lumby, BC

47 Mares 7+ Pleasure

Jenee and Steve Demeeers

48 Champagne

Vicky Hildebrandt, Cayley, AB

49 Stallions 4-6 Pleasure

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

50 Junior Simon Says 12 & under

Vicky Paulus, Portland, Oregon

51 Stallions 7+ Pleasure

Highview Animal Clinic, High River, AB

52 Junior Bareback Equitation 13 & over

Ringstead Ranch, Chase, BC

53 English Western Performance

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC and Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

54 Open Trail

Toni Gill, Grand Forks, BC

55 Ch and Res Junior Mare

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB

56 Novice Champagne

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

57 Ch and Res Junior Stallion

Marrissa Humphries, Spray, OR

58 Ch and Res Pleasure Gelding

Tracy Brown, Langley, BC

59 Ch and Res Pleasure Mare

Jenee and Steve Demeeers

60 Ch and Res Pleasure Stallion

Vicky Paulus, Portland, Oregon

61 Ch and Res Performance Gelding

Clear Creek Ranch, Jim Alexander, Carson City, NV

62 Ch and Res Performance Mare

Anne Eades, Oregon City, OR

63 Ch and Res Performance Stallion

Rob & Jan Sjodin, Salmon Arm, BC

64 Ch and Res Luxury Gelding

Irene Taylor, Salem, Oregon

65 Ch and Res Breeding Mare

RKE Enterprises, Sedro Wooley, WA

66 Ch and Res Breeding Stallion

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC and Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

67 High Point Junior 12 & under

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC and Ringstead Ranch, Chase, BC

68 High Point Junior 13 & over

Dave and Marlene Whitbeck, Dallas, OR

69 Best Bozal

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC

70 Ch of Ch Pleasure Gelding

Barbara Alexander, Carson City, Nevada

71 Ch of Ch Pleasure Mare

Jenee and Steve Demeeers

72 Ch of Ch Pleasure Stallion

Barbara Alexander, Carson City, Nevada

73 Ch of Ch Performance Gelding

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC and Capri Insurance, Vernon, BC

74 Ch of Ch Performance Mare

New Horizon Peruvians, Cochrane, AB

75 Ch of Ch Performance Stallion

Raul and Lauren Risso, Point Roberts, WA

76 Ch of Ch Luxury Gelding

Paradise Ranch, Vernon, BC and Capri Insurance, Vernon, BC

77 Ch of Ch Breeding Mare


78 Ch of Ch Breeding Stallion

Vista Ridge Ranch, Vernon, BC

79 High Point Novice

Dale Dansey, Savonna, BC

80 High Point Amateur

Hether Nielson, Calgary, AB

81 High Point and Res Versitility Horse

Ringstead Ranch, Cayley, AB and Moffat Equine, Armstrong, BC

82 Best Gait

In Memory of Joe MacRae, Bentwood Bay, BC

CampoBello Peruvians Deer Park, WA

Diego A. Vasquez CBP Nuevo Rey High Point Jr., Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Gelding, Ch. Performance Gelding Owned by CampoBello Peruvians

Jessica Eldridge CBP Soberana High Point Jr. Owned by Rancho La Colina

CBP Katalina High Point Novice Owned by Dave & Maxine Whitbeck CBP Anarosa High Point Horse and Reserve Ch. Pleasure Mare Owned by Lanie Long

CBP Tiziano Outstanding Placing in Luxury, Performance and Pleasure classes Owned by DeAnn Long

Congratulations to all CBP horse owners, we see a great and bright future on each of you!!! Good luck on the upcoming shows! Horses For Sale Training Available Find us on Facebook Contact Jose Vasquez @ 509-703-0727



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Geldings 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico Mares 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico Stallions 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico Fillies of 2013 and 2014 – Halter* Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal Equitation** Colts of 2013 and 2014 – Halter* Jr. Showmanship in Hand – 12 & under Junior Showmanship in Hand - 13 & over *********15 MINUTE BREAK********** Breeding Mares/Stallions Stakes in Bit Luxury Gelding Stakes in Bit Amateur to Ride in Bit – Pleasure* Junior Leadline (6 years & under) Geldings 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance Mares 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance* Bozal 3-4 Yrs. Performance Pattern Stallions 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance* LUNCH

NQ NQ NQ Champion Jr. Mare High Point Novice Champion Jr. Stallion High Point/Res Jr. Exhibitor High Point/Res Jr. Exhibitor

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Costume in Bit or Bozal Geldings 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Luxury* Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal – Breed/Luxury** Geldings 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Luxury* Jr. Saddle Equitation in Bit (12 & Under) Mares 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Breeding* *********15 MINUTE BREAK********** Jr. Saddle Equitation in Bit (13 & Over) Mares 7+ Yrs. In Bit - Breeding* Jr. Pole Bending (12 & Under) Stallions 4-6 Yrs. In Bit - Breeding* Jr. Evian (13 & Over) Stallions 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Breeding*

High Point Versatility Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding High Point Novice Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Ch./Res. Breeding Mare


First and Second place qualify and MUST show or prizes forfeited (except w/ vet excuse). Read Novice Division from Page 7.



NQ NQ Ch./Res. Pleasure G/M/S NQ Ch./Res. Performance Gelding Ch./Res. Performance Mare High Point Versatility Ch./Res. Performance Stallion

High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Ch./Res. Breeding Mare High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion.

PHAC High Point Presentation, Annual General Meeting & Sandwiches Friday, August 26th 7:00 pm in Concourse area (near concession)

Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 8:00 AM CLASS # EVENT 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Open Performance Pattern in Bit* Geldings 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal* Junior Pleasure in Bit (12 & Under) Geldings 4+ Yrs. In Bit -Gait* Junior Pleasure (13 & Over) Fillies 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal* Amateur to Ride- Gait (Bit or Bozal) ***********15 MINUTE BREAK********** Synchronized Pairs in Bit or Bozal Amateur to Ride in Bit – Breeding/Luxury* Colts 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal* Mares 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Gait* Novice to Ride in Bit or Bozal – Gait** Geldings 4-6 Yrs. In Bit Pleasure*


Ch./Res. Performance G/M/S Best Bozal High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Best Gaited Horse of Show High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Best Bozal Best Gaited Horse of Show High Point Versatility Ch./Res. Ch. Breeding G/M/S Best Bozal Best Gaited Horse of Show High Point Novice Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Gelding

~~~~~~~~LUNCH~~~~~~~~~ 42. Stallions 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Gait* 43. Geldings 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure* 44. Novice to Ride in Bit or Bozal – Pleasure** 45. Mares 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure* 46. Bozal Gait+ 47. Mares 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure* 48. Champagne/Evian Stakes in Bit or Bozal ************15 MINUTE BREAK********** 49. Stallions 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure* 50. Junior Simon Says (12 & Under) 51. Stallions 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure* 52. Junior Bareback Equitation (13 & Over) 53. English/Western/Australian Performance (Bit or Bozal) 54. Open Trail in Bit or Bozal

Best Gaited Horse of Show Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Gelding High Point Novice Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Mare Best Gaited Horse of Show Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Mare High Point Versatility Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Stallion High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Stallion High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor High Point Versatility High Point Versatility

* First and Second place qualify and MUST show or prizes forfeited (except w/vet excuse) ** Read Novice Division from Page 7 of this premium list. + First and Second place qualify for Best Gaited Horse of Show – Entry at Owner’s Option

Sunday, August 28, 2016 7:30 AM PRUEBA FUNCIONAL 9:00 AM SHOW BEGINS





55. Champion & Res. Ch. Junior Mare 56. Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal – Champ/Evian** 57. Champion & Res. Ch. Junior Stallion 58. Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Gelding 59. Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Mare 60. Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Stallion 61. Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Gelding 13, 29 62. Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Mare 63. Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Stallion 64. Can Nat Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding 65. Can Nat Ch./Res. Breeding Mare 66. Can Nat Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion 67. High Point Jr./Res. Exhibitor – 12 & under 68. High Point Jr./Res. Exhibitor – 13 & over Junior Exhibitor’s Barrida

4 High Point Novice 6 11, 41, 43 11, 45, 47 11, 49, 51 14, 29 16, 29 18, 20, 37 22, 24, 37 26, 28, 37 7, 21, 25, 31, 50 8, 23, 27, 33, 52



August 28, 2016 – Approx. 1:00 PM


69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.

Best Bozal Horse of Show Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Gelding Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Mare Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Stallion Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Gelding Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Mare Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Stallion Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Luxury Gelding Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Breeding Mare Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Breeding Stallion High Point Novice High Point Amateur Rider High Point & Res. Versatility Horse Best Gaited Horse of Show


30, 34, 38 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 5, 19, 40, 44, 56 11, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51 11, 15, 17, 36, 48, 53, 54 32, 35, 39, 42, 46+

~CLOSING CEREMONIES~ BARRIDA OF CHAMPIONS NOTE: The Barrida will include: Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Gelding, Mare, & Stallion, Ch. of Ch. Breeding Mare & Stallion, Luxury Gelding, Ch. of Ch. Performance Gelding, Mare, & Stallion, Best Bozal Horse of Show, Best Gaited Horse of Show, High Point Versatility Horse.

Class Procedures, Call of the Classes and Basis for Judges Decisions Halter Classes : Each horse shall enter the ring in his best gait and shall remain in that gait until the Judge requests that the horse stop and line up. Each horse will be worked sufficiently as directed by the Judge in order to properly evaluate the gait. Horses will be worked in both directions of the ring and when requested to reverse, it is preferred that the handler change position to the inside. Position of the handler should be approximately even with the horse's withers and on the left hand side. Handlers may change sides during the individual workouts. Individual workouts may be called for any and all places by the Judge. All horses chosen for a workout must be shown as requested by the Judge. Actions that may disturb other entries (such as lunging circles when asked to line-up, or stopping intentionally) shall be forbidden. TWO AND THREE YEAR OLDS TO BE JUDGED: Conformation and Condition ........................................ 50% Gait ................................................................................ 30% Brio and Collection ....................................................... 20%

FOUR YEAR OLDS AND OVER TO BE JUDGED: Conformation and Condition ........................................ 40% Gait ................................................................................ 40% Brio and Collection ....................................................... 20%

Breeding Classes : Class Procedure: All horses will enter the arena at their best gait and will remain working until asked to line up by the ring steward. Horses will be

shown in each horse's best gait both directions of the ring and otherwise as requested by the Judge. Individual workouts may be called for any and all places by the Judge. All horses chosen for a workout must be shown as requested by the Judge. The speed at which the horses are shown will be at the discretion of and completely under control of the Judge. The Judge may request different speeds of an individual horse or group to test the horse's thread, but excessive speed will not be required. Horses must be ridden throughout the entire class by only one and the same person unless the Judge, himself, wishes to ride one of the entries. ALL BREEDING DIVISION SADDLE CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: Conformation and Condition ........................................ 35% Gait ................................................................................ 35%

Smoothness........................................ 20% Advance and Overstep......................... 9% Termino ............................................... 6%

Brio and Collection. ...................................................... 30% Elegance............................................. 12% Energy................................................ 12% Manners ............................................... 6%

Gait Classes: Class Procedure: Horses shall enter at the best gait and remain working on the rail. Horses will work both directions of the arena at best gait and will be asked to walk. Judge may wish to see horses slower or may ask them to extend their gait, work side by side, or may call the horses to line-up and proceed with individual workouts. Smooth transitions are desirable as is a range of correct gait, however excessive speed is not required. Occasionally the Judge may wish to see the width of the thread (variation of speed in which a horse maintains a pure gait) of a particular horse. However, the horse which can move the fastest is not necessarily the better-gaited horse. If another horse has a finer gait or if another horse has better movement, this may count for more in the final judging. Horses must be ridden throughout

the entire class by only one and the same person unless the Judge, himself, wishes to ride one of the entries. GAIT CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: Gait ................................................................................ 95% Smoothness........................................ 50% Advance and Overstep....................... 15% Timing ............................................... 10% Termino ............................................. 10% Overstep and Thread ......................... 10% Conformation .................................................................. 5%

Pleasure Division: All horses shall enter the ring at their best gait and continue on the rail. To be shown at the horse's best gait and at a walk in both directions of the ring and otherwise as requested by the Judge. The ideal Peruvian Pleasure Horse will be one that would be a smooth, efficient mount to take the rider on long rides. He should work effortlessly with a noticeable “bow” in the rein indicating very light rein cues. Leg aids will be subtle and responses will be appropriate to a horse that is a pleasure to ride. The following maneuvers on the rail in both directions shall be mandatory in Pleasure Classes prior to line-up and prior to a class cut being made. 1. Do complete small circles 2. Stop and stand quietly 3. Back up a minimum of five steps 4. Walk on loose rein 5. Reversal of directions on the rail (done to the inside) Pleasure - Optional maneuvers (on rail or individually) 1. Do serpentines through objects placed in an straight line 2. Do figure 8’s

Diameter for the circles and spacing for the serpentines will be approximately 3 to 4 metres (10 to 15 feet) using safe and stable obstacles set in an approximately straight line. All maneuvers should be performed with precision. The horse should remain relaxed, and nervousness will be penalized. Mandatory maneuvers must be performed in both directions. Individual workouts may be called for any and all places by the Judge. All horses chosen for workouts must be shown as requested by the Judge. ALL PLEASURE CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: Maneuvers and manners .....................40% Gait .............................................30%

Smoothness ...............10% Advance ...................10% Thread .......................5% Termino .....................5%

Conformation and Condition ...............15% Brio and Collection ...................................15%

Performance Division: All horses shall enter the ring at their best gait and continue on the rail. The following maneuvers shall be mandatory in Performance Classes in order to demonstrate tractability and good manners. An ideal Performance Horse will perform with energy and precision. A more energetic attitude than in a Pleasure class is acceptable but the horse will be awaiting cues from his rider. A horse taking his own initiative or showing rebellion or resistance to the rider’s commands should not place over a horse working quietly and correctly. Mandatory on rail prior to any class cut: 1. Walk on loose rein 2. Stop and stand quietly 3. Back a minimum of five steps

4. Do complete small circles (to inside unless requested by judge toward rail) 5. Do reversals of directions on the rail (done to inside unless requested by judge toward rail) 6. Do serpentines through objects that are offset or curved configuration 7. Figure 8’s 8. Side pass 9. Stop, turn on the haunches 180 degrees Performance Optional maneuvers (on rail or individually) 1. Spirals (caracol) 2. Back 10 – 15 steps 3. Turn on the forehand Diameter for the circles and spacing for the serpentines will be approximately 3 to 4 metres (10 to 15 feet) using safe and stable obstacles offset approx. 2 – 3 ft. Mandatory maneuvers must be performed in both directions. Individual workouts may be called for any and all places by the Judge. All horses chosen for workouts must be shown as requested by the Judge. ALL PERFORMANCE CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: Brio, collection, maneuvers and manners............60% Gait.......................................................................25% Smoothness.........................................10% Advance.................................................5% Thread....................................................5% Termino..................................................5% Conformation and Condition................................15%

Bozal: Open to horses three (3) and four (4) years of age. All horses to be shown in the horse's best gait one or both directions of the ring and otherwise as requested by the Judge. Individual workouts may be called for any and all places by the Judge. All horses chosen for a workout must be shown as requested by the Judge. The speed at which the horses are shown will be at the discretion of and completely under control of the Judge. The Judge may request different speeds of an individual horse during workout to test the horse's thread, but excessive speed will not be required. Horses must be ridden throughout the entire class by only one and the same person. BOZAL CLASSES TO BE JUDGED: Conformation and Condition ........................................ 40% Gait ................................................................................ 40% Smoothness........................................ 20% Termino ............................................. 10% Advance and Overstep....................... 10% Brio and Collection ....................................................... 20% Elegance............................................... 8% Energy.................................................. 8% Manners ............................................... 4%


Presbitero)de)BDS) ) )

2004!Chestnut!Gelding! (JD!Pretendido!x!*Capilla)! ! This!Gelding!has!a!heart!of! gold.! ! Ideal!horse!for!the!beginner! rider!or!advanced.!Ch!of!Ch! titles!Breeding,!Pleasure! divisions!USA/Canada.! Great!show/trail/demo! gelding.!!Excellent!Junior! horse.!! US$8,000)OBO! !

! Please!contact! Paradise!Ranch!at!the!show! for!more!information!or!to! setup!a!viewing.! ! Ph:(250)!558!4743! ! Vernon!BC,!Canada!

! Can!assist!with!transport! arrangements!and!shipping!papers! if!required.!


Results of Events FRIDAY AUGUST 26,2016 Class 1.!

Geldings 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico

1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 2. ! Mares 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico

1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 3.

Stallions 4+ Yrs. – Zootecnico

1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 4.

Fillies of 2013 and 2014 – Halter*

Qualifies for Champion Jr. Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 5.

Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal Equitation**

Qualifies for High Point Novice 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 6.

Colts of 2013 and 2014 – Halter*

Qualifies for Champion Jr. Stallion 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 7.

Jr. Showmanship in Hand – 12 & under

Qualifies for High Point/Res Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 8.

Junior Showmanship in Hand - 13 & over

Qualifies for High Point/Res Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 9.

Breeding Mares/Stallions Stakes in Bit! !

1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 10.

Luxury Gelding Stakes in Bit! !



1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 11.! Amateur to Ride in Bit – Pleasure*!



Qualifies for Ch./Res. Pleasure G/M/S 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 12.! Junior Leadline (6 years & under)!



1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 13.! Geldings 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance!! Qualifies for Ch./Res. Performance Gelding 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 14.! Mares 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance*! !


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Performance Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 15.! Bozal 3-4 Yrs. Performance Pattern!



Qualifies for High Point Versatility 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 16.! Stallions 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Performance*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Performance Stallion 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 17.! Costume in Bit or Bozal!




Qualifies for High Point Versatility 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class18.! Geldings 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Luxury*!



Qualifies for Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 19.! Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal – Breed/Luxury**! Qualifies for High Point Novice 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 20.! Geldings 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Luxury*!



Qualifies for Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 21.! Jr. Saddle Equitation in Bit (12 & Under)!


Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 22.! Mares 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Breeding*!!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Breeding Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 23.! Jr. Saddle Equitation in Bit (13 & Over)!


Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 24.! Mares 7+ Yrs. In Bit - Breeding*! !


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Breeding Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 25.! Jr. Pole Bending (12 & Under)!



Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 26.! Stallions 4-6 Yrs. In Bit - Breeding*!



Qualifies for Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 27.! Jr. Evian (13 & Over)! !




Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 28.! Stallions 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Breeding*!



Qualifies for Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion. 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

SATURDAY AUGUST 27,2016 Class 29.! Open Performance Pattern in Bit*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Performance G/M/S 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 30.! Geldings 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal*!!


Qualifies for Best Bozal 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 31.! Junior Pleasure in Bit (12 & Under)!


Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 32.! Geldings 4+ Yrs. In Bit -Gait*!



Qualifies for Best Gaited Horse of Show 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 33.! Junior Pleasure (13 & Over)! Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor



1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 34.! Fillies 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal*!



Qualifies for Best Bozal 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 35.! Amateur to Ride- Gait (Bit or Bozal)! ! Qualifies for Best Gaited Horse of Show

! 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 36.! Synchronized Pairs in Bit or Bozal!


Qualifies for High Point Versatility 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 37.! Amateur to Ride in Bit – Breeding/Luxury*! Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Breeding G/M/S 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 38.! Colts 3-4 Yrs. In Bozal*!



Qualifies for Best Bozal 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 39.! Mares 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Gait*!!


Qualifies for Best Gaited Horse of Show 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 40.! Novice to Ride in Bit or Bozal – Gait**! Qualifies for High Point Novice 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 41.! Geldings 4-6 Yrs. In Bit Pleasure*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Gelding 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 42.! Stallions 4+ Yrs. In Bit – Gait*!


Qualifies for Best Gaited Horse of Show 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 43.! Geldings 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Gelding 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 44.! Novice to Ride in Bit or Bozal – Pleasure**! Qualifies for High Point Novice 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 45.! Mares 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure*!! Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 46.! Bozal Gait+!





Qualifies for Best Gaited Horse of Show 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 47.! Mares 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure*! ! Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Mare 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

CLASS 48.!Champagne/Evian Stakes in Bit or Bozal! Qualifies for High Point Versatility

! 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 49.Stallions 4-6 Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Stallion 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 50. ! Junior Simon Says (12 & Under)!! Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 51.! Stallions 7+ Yrs. In Bit – Pleasure*!


Qualifies for Ch./Res. Ch. Pleasure Stallion 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 52. ! Junior Bareback Equitation (13 & Over)! Qualifies for High Point/Res. Jr. Exhibitor 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 53.! English/Western/Australian Performance ! Qualifies for High Point Versatility"(Bit or Bozal) 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 54.! Open Trail in Bit or Bozal! ! Qualifies for High Point Versatility !!


1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

SATURDAY AUGUST 27,2016 Class 55.! Champion & Res. Ch. Junior Mare

Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 56. Novice to Ride, Bit or Bozal – Champ/Evian** Qualifies for High Point Novice 1st__________2nd___________3rd__________4th_________ 5th__________

Class 57.! Champion & Res. Ch. Junior Stallion! !


Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 58.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Gelding!



Qualifies for Champion of Champion Pleasure Gelding Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 59.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Mare!!


Qualifies for Champion of Champion Pleasure Mare Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 60. ! Can Nat Ch./Res. Pleasure Stallion!



Qualifies for Champion of Champion Pleasure Stallion Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 61.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Gelding!


Qualifies for Champion of Champion Performance Gelding Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________


Class 62.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Mare! !


Qualifies for Champion of Champion Performance Mare Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 63.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Performance Stallion!


Qualifies for Champion of Champion Performance Stallion Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 64.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Luxury Gelding!



Qualifies for Champion of Champion Luxury Gelding Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 65.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Breeding Mare!!


Qualifies for Champion of Champion Breeding Mare Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 66.! Can Nat Ch./Res. Breeding Stallion!



Qualifies for Champion of Champion Breeding Stallion Champion_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 67.! High Point Jr./Res. Exhibitor – 12 & under! ! High Point_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 68.! High Point Jr./Res. Exhibitor – 13 & over!


High Point_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 69.! Best Bozal Horse of Show! !



Best Bozal_____________________

Class 70.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Gelding! Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 71.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Mare!


Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 72.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Pleasure Stallion! Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 73. ! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Gelding ! ! Champion of Champion_____________________


Class 74.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Mare!! Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 75.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Performance Stallion ! ! Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 76.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Luxury Gelding!



Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 77.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Breeding Mare!


Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 78.! Can Nat Ch. of Ch. Breeding Stallion! ! Champion of Champion_____________________

Class 79.! High Point Novice!





High Point_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 80.! High Point Amateur Rider! !



High Point_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 81.! High Point & Res. Versatility Horse!


High Point_____________________ Reserve_____________________

Class 82. ! Best Gaited Horse of Show!!


Best Gaited Horse_____________________



Three Mares for Sale Contact: Glenna $ Joseph Bank 2190 Doedoff Rd., Grand Forks, B.c. 250-442-3244 Kesara SC(Talenta De Dos Arroyos x Orgullo Del Sol) Reg. # 1680 d.ob. May,14, 2001 Lovely Chestnut Mare Suitable for Novice or Experienced Rider. Loves Everyone!


Marzita Danzante IJB (Abril Danzante CHR X Encantadora IJB) Reg. #1330 d.o.b. March 28, 1998 Gentle Chestnut Mare. Lots of Trail Experience Suitable for Light Riding or Great Companion Horse

BR Risuena (*CDV Cayetano X BR Risa) Reg. # 2015 d.o.b. May 6, 2002 Flashy Liver Chestnut Mare Beautiful to Watch and Ride! Show and Trail Experience Great Endurance, Always Ready to Go. $6500.00 U.S.


The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection with Performance... We are proud to announce our 2015 PHAC High Point Award winners! 2015 PHAC High Point Breeder RSTD Gustavio - High Point Breeding Stallion RSTD Madeira - High Point Breeding Mare RSTD Sucesor - High Point Luxury Gelding - Owned by Barbara Alexander RSTD Lucero+ - High Point Performance Gelding RSTD Trueno - High Point Pleasure Gelding - Owned by Jan & Rob Sjodin

For more information and a complete sales list, Visit our website! 403-860-9763 •

Owners: Rick and Deb Cones Trainers: Pedro Cantaro • Emma Thurn



David & Debbie Breault


Dave Burdega


Dave Burdega


7.5 7.5

Raul & Lauren Risso Suzanne Brown


Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses


Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses




Jan & Rob Sjodin


Ringstead Ranch



Chantelle Sawatzy


Sherri & Wayne Rosia


John & Gail Rodgers



Ringstead Ranch/Dave Burdega



Ringstead Ranch


Ringstead Ranch



Sherri & Wayne Rosia


Cathie Taggart


John & Gail Rodgers


Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses




Barbara Alexander


Edgar & Salome Eyzaguirre


Ringstead Ranch


Dave Burdega


Ringstead Ranch


Ringstead Ranch/Dave Burdega


Suzanne Brown


Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses

3407.5 3097.5

Glen Cox Dave Whitbeck Jessica Eldridge Maria Statia Samantha Zaitsoff Alexandra Penalva Ringstead Ranch Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses









Paradise Peruvian Paso Horses Dave Burdega Jan & Rob Sjodin


John & Gail Rodgers

Lifetime Achievement Awards 2015

BDS Comadante Premio de Plata RSTD Trueno Premio de Plata

BDS Orgullo Premio de Oro CBP Jazmin Premio de Plata

PICS 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP • 123-456-7890



Crescent Moon Ranch -

ista Ridge Ranch is proud to announce *MRA Candela++ has achieved her second Laureada in the Breeding Division


Candela +

Photo by Shannon Ford

*MRA Candela++ (LV Actor X LAG Sorpresita) In her Canadian show career Candela has achieved the following awards: 11 Best Gait of Show` 11 Champion of Champions Breeding Mare 2 Champion of Champions Pleasure Mare Special Thanks is given to Grant Mckinney and Sharyda Hutchison for their award winning rides! We have a few select horses for sale! contact: Suzanne Brown or Grant Mckinney

The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection with Performance...

2015 Canadian High Point Breeder

RSTD Paolo, RSTD Esteban & RSTD El Viajero Quality Geldings for Sale For more information and a complete sales list, Visit our website! 403-860-9763 •

Owners: Rick and Deb Cones Trainers: Pedro Cantaro • Emma Thurn

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