Word of Life Christian Church • April 2014

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saiah 40:31 But, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Don’t you just love this verse? I love this verse; the issue is living this verse vs loving this verse. Who wants to wait? Who likes to wait? We live in a microwave society with instant gratifi cation where we use drive through lanes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a diffi cult time waiting 15 minutes in line to make a purchase. We tap our foot and shift from side to side, until we ask if there is any other staff to check us out. Even if there are, we all have to wait anyway.

What is wait? The literal defi nition is to stay in place until an expected event happens, until someone arrives, or until it is your turn to do something. But the figurative or symbolic defi nition is to wait, to hope, and to expect. We have relationship problems, marital problems, divorce problems, fidelity problems, fornication problems, adultery problems, honesty problems, keeping your promises problems, job problems, unemployment problems, financial problems, children problems (minor and adult children), we have health problems and care of elderly parent problems, the list is endless. But God says to wait. What does that feel like, usually unhappiness, what does that look like, usually frustration and why can’t we get it right? There are two types of waiting, waiting in faith and waiting in self. The first option the best choice, the second option is the option most often used. We have the Frank Sinatra’s I did it my way attitude. We “end up with a mess and wonder “how did I get here”. We let the enemy convince us that we can make this choice (whatever your choice is). And make it we do, and mess up we do. Because there is no other way especially for a child of God, than the way of Jesus. Did He not say I am the way, the truth and the light?

the Lord are believers who remained faithful to God. The context is strength. The strength of an eagle’s wings (to soar above), the strength to run and not get weary (not :red), the strength to walk not get faint (endure). It is all about strength and movement. A rope is made up of many strands and so is our relationship with God. The more “strands” that we weave into our relationship with God, the more strength He gives to us. Let’s look at some more strands that make up this rope. • Keep your focus on God. Hebrews 12:3 • Study the Bible daily. Psalm 119:11, 2Timothy 2:15” • Pray daily. 1 Thessalonians 5:17”

• A8end church regularly. Hebrews 10:25” • Learn from Christian friends. Proverbs 13:20” • Tell others about your faith in Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15” So let’s think about wait with the symbolic defi nition and interpretation in mind.

-‐Marlene R. Smith

They that have all aspects of their lives intertwined and bound together with the Lord, like threads are twisted into a rope, shall exchange their meager strength for the strength of the rope, they shall rise up to meet challenges as if they had powerful wings like an eagle, they shall run through life and not be weary, they shall walk through problems and not faint. -Marlene Smith

An interesting aspect of Isaiah 40:31 is those who hope (expect) in

April 2014

Word of Life | The Waiting Room

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