Kc magazine Oct 2012

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2012 oct

目錄 contents KC • 3 - 香港 : 觀音誕暖千心派米活動 KC • 4 - 香港 : 屈臣氏健康美麗大賞 2012 KC • 5 - 【葉問】 拍攝 KC • 6 - 7 - 昆山探班報導 KC • 8 - 9 - 寫給 KC 的隨筆 KC • 10 - 11 - 【紀念】在你的心里留一個地方給卓柏宇 KC • 12 - 13 - KC Times KC • 14 - 15 - 後記

中文編輯 婉柔•英文編輯 Joanne 設計 Elyn 葉問圖 @電視劇_葉問_ •@崔洋_jsy

KC • 2


觀音誕暖千心 派米活動 KC特別抽空回香港到怒火街頭劇 集取景的深水_區麗閣社區會堂, 出席《觀世音菩薩出家紀念日 之 觀音誕暖千心派米活動》,向 1,200名長者派發愛心福袋。 對于能夠參与這次派米活動,KC 表示:「我平時都有留意香港的 社會情況,知道今天是一個很有 意義的活動,可以送贈福袋給一 班老友記,所以很想參与,因為 能夠參与,亦是我的福分。」 KC以慈悲之心對待別人,就如觀 音經所記載:慈眼視眾生,福聚 海無量。而一班長者從KC手中接 到載了一包一公斤福米,以及一 包餅干的福袋時,都笑逐顏開, 部分長者見到KC真人,也情不自 禁大贊對方有型靚仔呢!

3 • KC


屈臣氏 健康美麗 大賞2012

KC • 4



KC 在電視劇《葉問》片場拍打戲時意外受傷,導致右眼角劃傷出血,連夜趕回香港醫 治。據身邊朋友透露,

5 • KC


葉問﹐探班小記 大家一路歡笑著去探班,這種感覺好好。好喜歡那 麼多的小細節。 聽說他那天開十到十,暗自沉一下。等候不久遠遠 見他下車,直接路過fans走去埋位。然後,他一次 又一次的從門裡出來,繞過人群,聽著導演口令再 走進去,這樣重複走位,差不多要十來次。以我的 理解,應該最後幾條才是正式拍攝,不過要拍到他 的正面後 面 , 人 群 的 後 面 、 正 面 以 及 各 種 擁 擠 畫 面。由始至終,葉師傅面色沉沉。那之前,我不知 道拍戲要這樣“折騰”。 後來,拳館的門開開關關,門開一條縫時外面的美 眉們隊形最好看,大家自覺的隔著幾米遠,站成一 隊,盼望 能 遠 遠 望 到 更 多 裏 面 擂 臺 上 葉 師 傅 的 表 演。那天運氣真好,半外景的擂臺戲,葉師傅動作 一板一眼,閃轉功夫也很到位,著實好看。Ps.

指打的很帥。 就這樣,三個小時過去了,他一直在裏面打。大門 關上好一會兒大家都開始吃東西時門又開了,於是 大家一邊舉著漢堡舉著雞腿大快朵頤,一邊看鄭師 傅。只見臺上彪形大漢跟鄭師傅說了什麼,他突然 回頭朝著大家揮手!OMG,說時遲那時快,誰能想 到!於是美眉們揮手回應,然後互相問,有沒有拍 到有沒有拍到,汗,那時誰在舉著相機呢?! KC • 6

擂台上,葉師傅義正嚴辭指著對方說到,「我的要俾佢知道,我 的唔係東亞病夫」,雖然是粵語,但他的一身正氣,讓人深深觸 動。這樣一個動作,也是四五遍才過。道具師傅不失時機的佈置 煙餅,只這幾個小時,我們都被熏到好多次,更不要說日日拍戲 的演員們。 然後,依舊是拍戲,一個多小時又過去。葉師傅出其不意走出拳 館,讓正跟其他演員說話的大家有點兒蒙,葉師傅淡定的邊用眼 神示意邊說“繼續......”,有點兒汗......


是讓大家繼續的意思,因為探班幾乎等同於等待,他擔心大家悶 呢) 。 後來大家圍攏過來跟他說話,當他聽說有卡片送他時, 頗有點兒奇怪的問:什麼?我的名片嗎?哈,葉師傅,名片上要 有地址電話私人信箱什麼的吧,fans哪兒有那麼神通廣大。不肖 一分鐘,他又進了拳館。再後來,他換了套服裝繼續還是擂台 戲,換裝中間,他有幫fans簽名,但只是通過助理MM幫助傳送 大家的照片,並無機會與他說話。 日頭爬到西邊,片場的小洋樓、大禮堂在午後的陽光裡很有年代感,我想這次探班近尾聲了。這樣看到他, 很知足,很滿意。工作狀態中的他,真的極其認真。 不料這當口,葉師傅居然又出現在拳館門口,示意大家走到邊上去,然後居然是---合影。歡快的身影一 個又一個。我能說喜歡上午的月白綢衫,也喜歡傍晚這套粗麻布褂嗎?約莫有兩分鐘,大家陪著葉師傅往車 邊走,有個美眉問他,這部你會有老年戲嗎?就是白頭髮的。嘉穎說,沒有,下一部會有。啊?真的啊?! 他們要拍葉問二。啊?打戲,不要拍了吧。 (嘉穎繼續很認真)再打就是看李小龍來打啦......(他的意思是指 第二部來演李小龍的師傅,那才會有老年戲)美眉說,你蠻冷幽默的。 (美眉真淡定......我忽然覺得,跟魏叔在保齡球館糊弄侍應生的嘉穎,回來了......) 彼時,拳館內開始佈置夜景燈光了,院子裡也有道具在佈置場面,七個多小時的探班結束,我們要離開了。 管中窺豹,看見的是敬業的演職員們,辛苦勤勞。心裡滿滿的,是欽佩。嘉穎,你是一個好的不能再好的 idol,請保重,祝順利!

June 7 • KC



90年代,彼時他還是一個大學生,他毅然 放棄了國外的學業,回到香港投身演藝事











L.A;他墮落,因自己的年少輕狂而追悔莫 及;他正義,放棄了紙醉金迷的生活,以





無奈像老媽求助,我難以想像他當時的窘 迫。母親勸他回美讀書,放棄已經跌入穀









的機會去充實突破自我。此時,印象最深 刻的莫過於八爺,那個溫婉如玉、重情重







知難,那樣艱難的歲月,豈是常人可以忍 受的,不被重視,也不知何時會有盡頭。

KC • 8













”近十年的低谷使他變得更沉穩,更 淡然,更內斂。這一年,他拿了許多 獎,但迄今為止,在我看來最合適他 的莫過於新勢力榜樣大獎。他足以以 他個人為榜樣,告訴人們:“無論世 事如何,堅定心中夢想,腳踏實地去 實現夢想。”作為高三生的我,每每 想起他說過的一句話:“每當要放棄 時,想想當初為何要堅持。”心中便 充滿動力。此刻他在我心中早已不是 偶像,而是不斷激勵我上進的榜樣。 他執著於事業,卻更熱愛家庭,為了 保護家人生活的寧靜,他一向極少透 露家中情況。曾有粉絲去旅館找他, 一向待粉絲極好的他卻教育了粉絲。 你的體貼紳士足見你是個顧家的好男 人,但這卻給好事者機會鑽了空子, 肆意在報紙上爆料你的八卦,無疑給 你帶來了不少困擾。如今年過四十的 你常會被問起婚戀問題,我願你能在 千萬人之中能找到那個合適的人,也 願你擁有一個聰慧可愛的女兒。

So I say a little prayer. 願你享盡時間的美好。 kc-cherry

9 • KC


First of all, I thank the publisher of “KC Magazine” for giving me this privilege in sharing one of the articles that I wrote about KC at KCB on July 1st, 2010. The month of October has been very special to me because it was a year ago on October 3rd, 2011 that I met KC in person when he came to Niagara Falls Casino performing at the “All About Men Concert”. I was very fortunate to converse with him face to face and presented him a little booklet with a few of the articles that I wrote in the past 2 years. As our conversation touched into BF3, he commented that he was emotionally downcast during that time and it was the saddest time in his acting career. I told him that I don’t believe in any of those hearsays from the media and that the following article is my heartfelt response in how I became his supporter. Christina Lee, October 21, 2012 This is a very appropriate topic for me to share. Kevin didn’t catch my attention until BF3 came along in July of 2009. During that time there were so much disputes going on at the forum and Kevin was one of the spotlight at almost every discussions there were. At the time, I couldn’t understand why the majority were against Kevin who to me, performed very well the role of Rex. My curiosity instigated me to dig into Kevin’s past in order to understand this artist ; trying to justify why there were so many negative critics about him. As I started to learn more about Kevin, I came to like him and empathized over all the hardships and challenges he had to deal with. His singing and acting career path had not had a smooth sailing. The many waves of afflictions that surges over Kevin smashes him, draining him physically and emotionally. BF3 was one of his most anticipated drama that he wanted to participate, especially with Amy Wong as the producer. Yet, ironically Kevin had the most painful experiences from filming to the final launch of BF3. We, as KC fans knew all the rumours, gossips and conflicts he had to forebear during that period that stretches between 2008 to 2009. The media were being harsh and brutal towards him. He was deeply pierced right into his heart. He swallowed all the anger, frustrations, and tears because of his high EQ. He rather took all those miseries on himself for he did not want to offend those who were involved. By this, Kevin totally captivated me as he demonstrated what is “authentic manhood”. I was very touched by all that he had done during that time. Till now, Kevin is still forever emotionally touches me that in times, when I read articles about him, tears will just flow from my eyes. Kevin is indeed a very unique artist and a rare gem in the entertainment industry that I treasure dearly in my heart. Yes, Kevin as Rex and vice versa will always have a special meaning and spot within my heart!

KC • 10

All in all, my initial awareness and admiration of Kevin propelled me to being impressed and inspired by him and finally, he earned my standing ovation and salutation !!! Kevin as Rex through BF3 had made me became his loyal fan ! “Chuek Sir” is not just a character in BF3 but a lifetime memorable character for both me and Kevin.

11 • KC

KC t i m e s

Ip Man

He took on this role to challenge himself. He does not come from a martial arts background. There was no time for training preparations before filming began, he simply dived into the role. Let’s go take a look at what others have to say about KC on the “Ip Man” set.

KC Fan visiting him on the set: Thank you KC for taking a pix with us despite your busy schedule. PS: Our little girl was too shy to let KC carry her for the photo. As usual, he teases: “You’re sure? You’ll regret it someday!” (haha) Article extract by reporter from 金膺网 : On the set, KC was filming a battle between Ip Man and a strong Japanese opponent. KC was kicked and flew to the ground. To get the best take, the same action was repeated over 10 times. Though padded with safety guards, this was no small feat to his body. Crew members who saw him bearing with the pain, went up to ask if he would like to have a stuntman take over. But KC simply made a face at them to express thanks and carried on “being beaten up”. The director and the whole of “Ip Man” crew are all very impressed by his professionalism. KC • 12

By renowned martial arts expert 徐向东: “Even though he’s being bombarded with action scenes from morning till late; often filming non-stop for more than 10 hours a day, he’s very steady in delivering every move, with excellent precision to his strokes. “

徐向东praises KC,” He not only works hard

in perfecting his actions, he also studies the script thoroughly. At times it’s not only to present the beauty of the action styles, but also to bring out the depth and profound meaning behind the fights. He is able to accomplish that.”

To cope with more than 200 scenes of action sequence in a drama is demanding, both physically and mentally even for a martial arts expert.

Since filming started, KC has trained hard, even utilizing his time off to practise Wing Chun, hoping to do justice to his role as Ip Man. Over the 2 months, he has improved so much that even the martial arts experts working on the set with him give him the thumbs up. Given the amount of intense action scenes in the drama, he’s been injured more than a dozen times, his body covered in bruises. Even with his right eye injured recently, he is anxious to quickly recover and get back to Kunshan to complete filming of the series. Despite all these, he pushes on. He does what he preaches – Never give up!

13 • KC

祝 最 帅 最 值 得 的 KC

早 日 康 复。

后记 因为一直都在整理有关KC谈叶问的报导文字,所以很清楚他是怎么看待这 部戏的,有多认真,有多想做好,有做了什么心理准备。 这是武打动作很多的戏,他说:”电影可以一礼拜只拍好一个镜头,但是 我们拍戏一天就有十几场打戏。” 开机时他就有了心理准备:”我会尽量做,有些演员给我看了他的照片, 是打了以后,脚趾断了。刚刚开机,他们先开机了,已经全是青的了,我 (心中)打了个底,我知道大概会怎么样。” 他是这样在面对这整件事的:”危险,但是既然想走那个方向挑战,就这 样,没得说怕不怕,就拍,还没死就拍。很难,对我蛮新鲜感。这是很大 的挑战,对我最大的挑战,但我希望可以做到。” 他的心态就是:”拍一些没把握的东西,因为出来有人骂也好,但是我会 尽力把它演好,对自己也有一个交待,对支持我的人也想有些新鲜感给他 们,我就挑战一个危险的。因为我觉得不论出来的结果怎么样,我都会全 心全力把他演好。” 迈入十月份的时候我们都预期着这会是很平静的月份,因为叶问快杀青 了,平日的累、小伤、瘀青、免不了的皮肉痛,大家都看在眼里。我们知 道后面都是满满的打戏,大家都想着再3个星期就结束了。 10/25当天得知KC受伤时,大家都慌了,也很心急,着急的想知道消息。 晚上看见他发微博的那句” 安好,不用担心。”心中大石才落了地, 真的让人松了一口气。 其实身为Fans,真的觉得KC的平安最重要。但既然有了一个强大 的偶像,当粉丝的心脏也要够强大。 KC喜欢接受挑战,那我们就支持你到底。就像昨天一个朋友 说的:”无论嘉颖接什么剧演什么角色有什么计画, 我们都支援他挺他,嘉颖需要人只要在微博上吼一声, 我们就抄家伙上(<-相机),嘉颖值得,嘉颖不用担心。” Elle 雜誌



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