November Newsletter

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November 2010


Division 2 Family: Amityville Patchogue Medford Copiague Sayville Lindenhurst William Floyd

Governor’s Greeting -2 DKC Award -3 K Family -4 Public Relations -4 Prematurity Awareness-5 Buddy Walk -6 Key Club Week -6 Kiwanis Family Month -7 Thanksgiving Fundraising Ideas -8 Fall Rally Outreach -9 Fall Rally Memories -10 Divisional Invitation -11 Monthly Report Forms -12 Just for Fun -13 Contact Info. -14

4 ½ Months Until the Leadership Training Conference. Date: 4/9-4/11 Place: Holiday Inn, Albany Cost: $260 per person Start Fundraising!

Issue VII Volume I

Division 2


Lt. Governor’s Greeting: Hello everyone! My senior year has definitely been much harder than I expected. With college applications and rankings around the corner, I am sure all seniors share this frustration! But hey, we still have service; right? So far, the strength of our division has truly inspired me. I am glad to see many new faces at events. I have to admit, I was astounded by the turn out at our fall rally! With sixty four attendee’s. an amazing guest speaker, many canned food donations and money raised for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, I am glad that the hard work put in by Zach, Lexii and myself paid off. I hope that all members continue to support our Division at upcoming events. It is important to work together. We will learn from one another, get new fundraising ideas and just have fun. Last, I strongly advise that all clubs begin to fundraise for the Leadership Training Conference. Enjoy the holiday season and Happy Thanksgiving!

Governor’s Article- Governor Nadyli Nuñez November is one of my favorite months. The weather is cold but the warmth of Thanksgiving Holiday keeps things just right. I want to thank all Conference Committee applicants for their submission. It will be a tough choice but you guys are all awesome for applying. The committee members will be announced soon. This month is full of giving opportunities. See if you can get a business to donate turkeys and deliver them to homes that can’t afford one. Many families are unable to celebrate the holidays with all the meals we sometimes take for granted. Host a can drive and donate it to a local food bank. Be sure to read the guidelines. Some types of food are not accepted in certain centers. You can even make it into a competition at school! Whichever grade that donates the most approved canned food wins a prize. Chicken tastes good. Don’t forget about your sponsoring Kiwanis club and other K-Family clubs. Contact them to participate in projects together and attend some of your club’s meetings. It is all about serving together and learning more about each other. Whenever you complete a project, make sure your club is including it in the Monthly Report Form and under the proper category. We want the club’s work to be counted for. You deserve it! Hope you have a great November full of service!

DKC Award – Submitting Digitally – By Lieutenant Governor Sharif Mahfouz The Distinguished Key Clubber Application was released October 9, 2010. If you haven’t already seen it, you can access the application on the district website, You’ll notice that this year, we have the option of submitting your applications for the award digitally. If you are considering submitting your application digitally, let me first give you my thanks. Here are the following steps you must take: (Please make sure all text files you create are .doc, .txt, or .pdf files.) Create a folder anywhere on your desktop named “[division number] [first name] [last name]”. My folder would be named “11 Sharif Mahfouz”. • Fill out the application and save it as “DKC App” in the folder. • Create a folder named “Advocacy” in the main folder, and save all relevant advocacy materials in there. • Create a file named “P Statement” and save it in the main folder. • If you choose to attach a statement answering the “Offices/Positions held within Key Club International” prompt, name the file “Offices & Positions” and save it in the main folder. • If you have submitted articles to any publications, create a folder named “Articles” in the main folder, and save up to two articles there. Under each article, write the publication you submitted it to and the date you submitted it. • If you choose to attach a list of other service and fundraising activities participated in, name the file “Other” and save it in the main folder. • Ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation. If they agree, tell them to e-mail it to Make the subject of the e-mail “LoR [division number] [applicant’s first name] [applicant’s last name]”. In the body of the e-mail, ask them to list their name and office, and who they are writing the letter of recommendation for. • Once you’ve completed all that, you will need to e-mail the folder to To e-mail the folder, you will need to convert it to a ZIP file. o If you are running Windows XP or Vista, right-click the file and go to Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder. If you are prompted asking to set “Compressed (zipped) Folder” as the default application for handling zipped folders, click “No.” You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o If you are running a Mac, right-click the file and go to “Create Archive of “[folder name]”. You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o For other operating systems, try googling “convert folders to zip.” If you need assistance, feel free to contact me. o PLEASE NOTE: If the ZIP File is too large for one e-mail, send the application in multiple e-mails. • Ask your club president and faculty/Kiwanis advisor to confirm, either via e-mail or phone, that your entire application is valid. They may do this in one of two ways: o Single verification: Send an e-mail to with a subject “Verification [division number] [first name] [last name]”, and the body stating they are verifying all the information in the application is true. You may also call me at (917) 8603973 with the same information. o Multiple verifications: Send an e-mail to with a subject “Verification [division number] [school name]”, and the body listing all the names of the applicants whose applications they are verifying. You may also call me at (917) 860-3973 with the same information. Please note – ALL documents (including the verification and letter of recommendation) must be received by 11:59 PM EST on March 14, 2011. Stay on top of your club presidents, advisors, and whoever is writing your letter of recommendation to make sure it is all sent by that time! •

If you need any more help regarding digital submission, feel free to e-mail me at

K-Family Month- By Lieutenant Governor Dylan Gross Kiwanis Family Month is a month aimed just towards learning more about and working with the other branches of the Kiwanis Family which include K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K, Aktion Club and Kiwanis. This month, the Kiwanis-Family relations committee is strongly encouraging you to reach out to your corresponding Kiwanis club to get the contact information for your other local Kiwanis Family branch clubs (if you do not already have them) and to start planning some sort of project with each other. This project can be anything from fundraising, to doing arts and crafts to donate to a senior center to something big, like cleaning up one of your town’s parks. Kiwanis is big on working with their sponsored youth, so make sure that you get in touch with them and let them know that you would like to start a project. They will be thrilled! Invite the Kiwanian in charge of the project to one of your meetings to plan a bit, and in turn, the Kiwanis club might just invite you to one of their meetings to speak to the entire club about this project that you are planning. Make sure to also invite the advisors or officers from your K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K and Aktion Club so that you can all do a bit of the planning. Part of the beauty of planning with a large group of planning is that not all of the work lands on one person. Have an outstanding Kiwanis Family Month!

Public Relations- By Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum The Public Relations committee is working hard to ensure that Immediate Past International President Abigail McKamey’s goal of making “Key Club a household name” a reality in the New York District. We have, and are in the process of releasing more resources for district-wide use. A few weeks ago, the Public Relations Committee published a School announcements template for the PA System to remind students of a Key Club meeting. Soon, a directory will be released with publications from all over the District, so clubs know where to submit press releases to. We are also creating videos that advertize important events in Key Club such as Leadership Training Conference. I strongly encourage all Key Clubbers in the “Mighty New York District” to visit for more information on Public Relations.

Prematurity Awareness Month- By Lieutenant Governor Susanna Novick This November is the March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month. March of Dimes is one of our international service partners. They devote their time, research, and funds to saving babies from diseases, prematurity, and other life threatening illnesses. Every year, more than 460,000 babies are born prematurely. When babies are born prematurely, that means they are not able to fully develop, become well-nourished, or grow strong enough to live outside the womb. These babies have to fight just to survive, and often struggle with health problems that persist throughout their whole lifetime. The causes of prematurity are unknown and therefore unpreventable. It can happen to anyone. The research March of Dimes does makes an effort to change that. March of Dimes has already made so much progress regarding the availability of resources and information about prematurity in their efforts to prevent it. The more we raise awareness and fund-raise, the more March of Dimes will be able to do for babies worldwide. To help, you can: 1. Raise awareness by: a) Creating March of Dimes t-shirts, bracelets, or posters to raise awareness in key club and out. b) Writing articles and using social networking websites to spread the word. c) Incorporating Prematurity Awareness Month into your general service projects. d) Utilizing any resources or events you have to get the word out about March of Dimes and their efforts to rid the world of the negative effects of prematurity. 2. Think of creative ideas to fundraise. Some innovative ideas are: a) Having a bake sale or dance hosted in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month. b) Host a contest or sporting events and donate the money made to March of Dimes. c) Starting fundraising for the March of Dimes Walk which occurs later in the service year. It is never too early to start saving lives! You may even combine your efforts to publicize Key Club Week with Prematurity Awareness Month to have an even greater impact!

On Saturday, October 24th volunteers from around Long Island came together at the annual Buddy Walk to help spread awareness about Down Syndrome. Many families, friends and various clubs participated in the event and gave their support. I, along with my fellow Lindenhurst Key Clubbers, participated in the walk. As one small club we were able to provide a small donation to show our love and support for this important cause. Hundreds of other volunteers gave generous donations as well. I can only imagine how much money was raised that day and how much of an impact it will have. The walk itself was very enjoyable and the activities before and afterward were a great way to get people into the spirit of making a difference. Seeing so many people come together for something so important was truly an amazing sight. It was a privilege to be part of this event. The happy faces of all the children and their families really made the whole experience even better. I’m honored that I am able to be part of events like these and look forward to participating in more in the future. It’s such a wonderful thing that Key Club has allowed young adults likes us to be part of these essential causes and show us how we can all make a difference in one way or another. Sarah Frohn, Lindenhurst Key Club President

Being Key Club President is a very important title I hold close to my heart because not only do I love doing community service but I also love representing Key Club and talking about it with others who aren’t aware of what we do. I personally believe Key Club week is such a good idea, it gives us the chance to show our community, family and friends what we’re about and what we believe in. But Key Club week isn’t only about spreading the word about change, it’s also a great way to show each other we appreciate one another and the effort we put into the club projects and events. Key Clubbers around the world should have a week or even month to themselves to show them we recognize their continuous support and time. Key Club week amazes me so much that my officers and I have come up with an idea to show our community and members our Key Club pride and generosity. Next month we plan on having Key Club Spirit month! Since we don’t meet up every day of the week we’re planning on using every Wednesday of the month and focus on a certain activity. Our Key Club month will consist most of the activities that Key Club week has but just with a little twist and much more ice breakers for the members to enjoy and to show our Key Club pride. Nalaika Thomas, Copiague Key Club President

All Kiwanians have one common goal: To serve the children of the world. The Kiwanis club tries to make this vision a reality by providing opportunities to serve for every member of a community through their many Service Leadership Programs. Through these programs, children and young adults around the world become compassionate leaders. CKI #Circle K International (CKI) is the premiere university service organization in the world sponsored by Kiwanis International. With clubs on more than 550 campuses globally, programming is based upon the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship. Key Leader Key Leader is a leadership experience for today's youth leaders. It focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. A Key Leader learns the most important lesson of leadership—leadership comes from helping others succeed. Key Club 245,000 high school leaders from 24 countries unite every day to provide service in their homes, schools, and communities, and complete more than 12 million hours of service. Key Clubbers work to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa, stop premature birth, and battle for the rights of children in their communities. Builders Club #Nearly 40, 000 middle and junior high students in 1,300 clubs in 18 nations contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principles as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of children. K-Kids K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary students that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service projects and club activities. Aktion Club #Aktion Club members in more than 200 clubs in seven nations allow adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, help, and caring they have received.

Thanksgiving Fundraising Ideas Lauren Miranda, William Floyd Key Club Vice President

Make a Basket! Everyone donates a non-perishable food item which will then be placed all together in various baskets.

Make Turkey Pins! Create Turkey pins with foam cutout Turkeys (found at any craft store) along with hot glue and a safety pin. Sell for between one and three dollars at local schools etc.

Local Food Drive! Ask members of your community to participate to work toward the common goal of giving everyone a Thanksgiving meal.

Paint a Pumpkin! Paint various amounts of small pumpkins and sell. Make sure the public knows what goal they are helping your group achieve by buying a pumpkin.

Fall Rally Outreach This year’s Fall Rally joined together all of Suffolk County’s divisions. By combining Divisions 1, 2, and 3, Key Club members were given the opportunity not only to meet and spend time with Key Clubbers in their division but also Key Clubbers who live in the same county. For all who did not attend or are not aware of what the Fall Rally is, it is a divisional event that allows members to join together to remind us of what we stand for and to also refuel our motivation to be the best that we can be. After all expected members, advisors and Kiwanians arrived and paid their $5 entrance fee to help benefit Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center and donated a can of food to help a needy family have a well-deserved Thanksgiving dinner, the festivities began with an opening session where all were welcomed. Then round one of the workshops began with sessions on how to be the best president, secretary, treasurer, editor, member or adviser that you can be. Afterwards, came round two of workshops, which addressed the district projects, international projects, and the governor’s project. Then came a great lunch that included a service project-making of Thanksgiving Day cards to be included in the Thanksgiving baskets, as well as a guest speaker who spoke about his experiences in Afghanistan. Eliel Pimentel spoke of how he was confronted by a leader who asked the U.S. Military to protect the schools so that they could reopen after the Taliban had closed them down. Once the cards were made and lunch was finished, a representative from the Special Olympics challenged us to participate in the Polar Plunge. The next part of the event went into round three of workshops, which included breaking the ice, scholarships, awards, running for a higher office, advocacy and K-Family Relations. Finally, the day ended with a divisional meeting where the three divisions broke up into separate rooms and the three Lt. Governors conducted a meeting for members in their division After all is said and done, one can say that the event was a success when the reactions of the members sound something like - “The rally was unbelievably fun! I met a ton of new people and they were easy to talk to because we all had a common interest. No one cared about looking stupid because having fun and going crazy was encouraged. But what I also loved is that it had a serious aspect and the maturity of the members during those moments was amazing! There was never a dull moment.” Krista, Patchogue-Medford Key Club Secretary. “The leadership was really helpful. I was taught a lot about how to present, be entertaining and prepared and to be confident. I learned about the Service Spotlight and that I can send articles to the international magazine, which can share our ideas with other clubs. It was great meeting all of the new and unfamiliar faces and everyone there was encouraging and nice. It was a very well presented rally.” Nola, Patchogue-Medford Key Club Editor. As President of the Patchogue-Medford Key Club, I can truly say that it is my pleasure and honor to be able to host the 2010 Fall Rally for Divisions 1, 2, and 3. I know from personal experience that a refresher of the reasons why Key Club is a large part of my life is always welcomed. I also believe that the success of the Fall Rally is based upon the amount of connections you build within your division and the number of ideas that are shared among members. It is my hope that this year’s Fall Rally met everyone’s expectations. Christina Heifferon, Patchogue Medford Key Club President

Fall Rally Memories!

Mr. Carbone running the K Family Workshop.

Working together during the Ice Breakers Workshop

Public Relations Workshop

Key Club Division 2 at the Divisional Meeting

Division two divisional Key Club is an amazing place to make friends, tell stories and to take part in service. At this Divisional meeting, we will be enjoying an evening with music, food, service and of course - district updates. Our service project will be making coloring books to deliver to the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. Please keep in mind the admission requirement, and if you want bring an I-pod for music! I hope to see many new faces! See you all there!

When: December 15th, 2010 Where: Lindenhurst High School Cafeteria Time: 7p.m. - 9p.m. Admission: for service project: Ribbon Stickers Construction paper Coloring sheets (black & white)

Monthly Report Forms


to :

William Floyd Key Club Patchogue Medford Key Club Lindenhurst Key Club Copiague Key Club For perfect paperwork status! Keep it up!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Contact Information: Governor Nadyli Nu単ez Secretary Grace Na Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon District Editor Jensen Cheong Webmaster Emily Lew

NYDKC Administrator Andy Lowenberg Kiwanis Representative Div. 2 Mr. Farrell Lt. Governor Div2 Stephanie Salinas 111 Green Ave. Patchogue, New York11772 (631) 875-7351 Division Secretary Annie Vincenti

Join us on Facebook: Or Check out all of the division updates on:

New York District Key Club Division 2 Caring, our way of life.

Peace, love, & service.

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