January Newsletter

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November 2010


Division 2 Family: Amityville Patchogue Medford Copiague Sayville Lindenhurst William Floyd

Governor’s Greeting -2 DKC Award -3 K Family -4 Booklet of Merits -4 District Projects -5 KPTC -5 Letter to Technology -6 Secretaries -6 KFR Lindenhurst -7 KFR Pat Med -8 KFR / Memorable Projects -9 Memorable Projects -10 Walk for Autism -11 MRF / Dues -12 Just for Fun -13 Contact Info. -14

2 ½ Months Until the Leadership Training Conference. Date: 4/8-4/10 Place: Holiday Inn, Albany Cost: $250 per person Start Fundraising!

Issue VIII Volume I

Division 2


Lt. Governor’s Greeting: Hello everyone! I am sure that you have all had enough time to enjoy the snow. It might be getting annoying for some of us, but hey that is what winter is all about! However, we have to take the opportunity to start some fun filled fundraisers. Not only can we shovel snow, but we can also sell hot chocolate on an early school morning! Our only limit is creativity so lets start thinking! As for some divisional news; the January divisional will be postponed until February due to the inclement weather. We should all make it a priority to attend this Divisional Meeting. We will be discussing further aspects of the upcoming Leadership Training conference as well as having Lt. Governor Elections! Last, I am hoping that I get many volunteers to help me with the upcoming “Key Club Walk for Autism” which will be on March 19th at Patchogue Medford High School! Remember to stay warm, enjoy the snow and to keep serving!

Governor’s Greeting- Nadyli Nunez

Happy 2011! The year has started off well for many clubs. I want to give the seniors a thumb up for surviving the college application deadline. In addition, I wish everyone a lot of luck on their finals! As many of you have noticed, the New York District Key Club website was temporarily down. Now that it is available again, be sure to submit any missing Monthly Report Forms. If you do not know what reports your club is missing, ask your Lieutenant Governor or Secretary Grace at gracena.sec@nydkc.org. The Governor’s Project is taking a new approach on ways Key Clubbers can participate. The Advocacy and Governor’s Project committees are teaming up to find causes related to education to advocate for. For every letter relating to education your club writes, it counts for five hours. For every signature on a letter, it is one hour. You do not have to write each advocacy letter. Many websites provide letters that you can sign. To report it, simply fill out the Monthly Report Form with the proper amount of hours. Information on the Leadership Training Conference is coming your way. Stay tuned!

DKC Award – Submitting Digitally – By Lieutenant Governor Sharif Mahfouz The Distinguished Key Clubber Application was released October 9, 2010. If you haven’t already seen it, you can access the application on the district website, www.nydkc.org. You’ll notice that this year, we have the option of submitting your applications for the award digitally. If you are considering submitting your application digitally, let me first give you my thanks. Here are the following steps you must take: (Please make sure all text files you create are .doc, .txt, or .pdf files.) Create a folder anywhere on your desktop named “[division number] [first name] [last name]”. My folder would be named “11 Sharif Mahfouz”. • Fill out the application and save it as “DKC App” in the folder. • Create a folder named “Advocacy” in the main folder, and save all relevant advocacy materials in there. • Create a file named “P Statement” and save it in the main folder. • If you choose to attach a statement answering the “Offices/Positions held within Key Club International” prompt, name the file “Offices & Positions” and save it in the main folder. • If you have submitted articles to any publications, create a folder named “Articles” in the main folder, and save up to two articles there. Under each article, write the publication you submitted it to and the date you submitted it. • If you choose to attach a list of other service and fundraising activities participated in, name the file “Other” and save it in the main folder. • Ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation. If they agree, tell them to e-mail it to dkc.applications@nydkc.org. Make the subject of the e-mail “LoR [division number] [applicant’s first name] [applicant’s last name]”. In the body of the e-mail, ask them to list their name and office, and who they are writing the letter of recommendation for. • Once you’ve completed all that, you will need to e-mail the folder to dkc.applications@nydkc.org. To e-mail the folder, you will need to convert it to a ZIP file. o If you are running Windows XP or Vista, right-click the file and go to Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder. If you are prompted asking to set “Compressed (zipped) Folder” as the default application for handling zipped folders, click “No.” You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o If you are running a Mac, right-click the file and go to “Create Archive of “[folder name]”. You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o For other operating systems, try googling “convert folders to zip.” If you need assistance, feel free to contact me. o PLEASE NOTE: If the ZIP File is too large for one e-mail, send the application in multiple e-mails. • Ask your club president and faculty/Kiwanis advisor to confirm, either via e-mail or phone, that your entire application is valid. They may do this in one of two ways: o Single verification: Send an e-mail to dkc.applications@nydkc.org with a subject “Verification [division number] [first name] [last name]”, and the body stating they are verifying all the information in the application is true. You may also call me at (917) 8603973 with the same information. o Multiple verifications: Send an e-mail to dkc.applications@nydkc.org with a subject “Verification [division number] [school name]”, and the body listing all the names of the applicants whose applications they are verifying. You may also call me at (917) 860-3973 with the same information. Please note – ALL documents (including the verification and letter of recommendation) must be received by 11:59 PM EST on March 14, 2011. Stay on top of your club presidents, advisors, and whoever is writing your letter of recommendation to make sure it is all sent by that time! •

If you need any more help regarding digital submission, feel free to e-mail me at sharifmahfouz.ltg@nydkc.org.

Kiwanis Family Relations- Dylan Gross Happy New Year Key Clubbers! Have you done a service project with another Kiwanis family club yet? If not, this is the perfect time of year to do so! The Kiwanis Family Relations Committee is here to help you establish communications and give you projects ideas to do with local K-Kids, Builders Clubs, Circle Ks, Aktion Clubs and Kiwanis clubs! We invite you to visit our committee’s webpage at www.nydkc.org/kiwanis-family-relations and take a look through our resources. We also urge you to contact any member of the committee with any questions that you may have. While we’re on the subject of resources, we need your help! Our next resource is to put together a packet of service spotlights of projects that Key Clubbers have done with other branches of the Kiwanis Family. We ask that you send your article and pictures to nydkfr1011@googlegroups.com, Editor Jensen & Webmaster Emily.

The Booklet of Merits- Sharif Mahfouz At the end of every Key Club service year, the New York District proudly presents awards to all the clubs and individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. All the information you need to apply for awards can be found in the New York District Booklet of Merits, located on the New York District website. The Booklet of Merits has awards available for every dues-paying club in the New York District. It includes 5 new awards and 1 new contest from last year, including the new Club T-Shirt Award and District LTC TShirt Contest. There are also four new Automatic Entry Awards – these require no submission, and you are automatically entered to receive the award if your club is in good standing. Encourage your fellow Key Clubbers to apply for awards. Feel free to contact the DKC Committee Chairperson, Sharif Mahfouz (sharifmahfouz.ltg@nydkc.org) if you have any questions regarding awards.

District Projects- Rhea Singh It’s January, and we’re almost there! As a District we New York Key Clubbers have raised $160,888.26 out of $175,000. That is an incredible number; we’re at 92%! 2011 is here, and as we set new goals let’s make this goal a reality. Key Clubbers you’ve done a spectacular job since May, and in the next few months we need to increase our fundraising to raise another $14,112. That not all that much, only 8%, you can do this by April, in fact I’m sure of it! This month is Volunteer Blood Donor Month, so if your Key Club helps out, or sponsors a blood drive with a local organization of that sort it can be listed as a “local cause” and the money raised can be counted to the District Projects. The beauty of service is a great thing, especially when it helps a local cause, the Mighty New York District and participants as well as recipients all at the same time! Let’s do this; Key Clubbers get out there and fundraise for one of the ten District Projects!

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center - Yasmin Soliman Hey everyone! The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center sponsors a variety of events to raise funds to support pediatric treatments. In order to increase funds, the trauma center gives out one trauma kit to every $1000 raised to be donated to a local fire department or ambulance service. The kit provides all the equipment needed for on-scene emergency needs of children. The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center also provides an option of raising $150 to receive up to 5 KPTC pins that can be distributed to dedicated members of your key club. The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma center committee has also created flyers to spread the word about the center. The committee has sent these flyers to your lieutenant governors, so make sure to hand those out to your members and fundraise for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma center. The New York district has raised $4,380 for the trauma center, and with help of every key club, we can raise even more, so spread the word!

Letter to technology - Emily Lew Hi New York District Key Clubbers! I hope you all had a great holiday break! Recently, we’ve had many website issues, and I want to dedicate this letter to show some tips for them. From experience, I would advise all Webmasters to back up the website files weekly instead of monthly. If the site breaks down, the back-up will be more updated and less work for you! Another advice, keep close contact with the host of your website, because he or she will probably be the only person able to restore information you weren’t even able to back-up! Most importantly, make sure the public knows about the website breakdown, if not, all it’s going to do is get you a flooded email inbox. Also, Webmasters, remember to not panic, because nothing on the internet really disappears forever! (Especially if money is involved!) I hope these tips help you all out a bit! Have a great end of the semester!

Secretaries - Grace Na Hello Everyone! I hope your vacation went well and the holidays were filled with warmth with the cold weather. Unfortunately, with the New Year here the NYDKC website had gone down. Thankfully our Webmaster Emily L. has been working on it. With the website down many of you won’t be able to submit your Monthly Report Form online. I have sent out the PDF version of the Monthly Report Form through the Secretary Google group. I have also sent it out to all Lieutenant Governors. I expect Monthly Report Forms to be still submitted even though the website is down. If you do not have the PDF version please email me at gracena.sec@nydkc.org. Please keep in mind when you are filling out your Monthly Report Form to be detailed as possible when describing events. Also please fill in all the information you can. For example when filling out how many hours accomplished at a fundraiser please fill in how much money was actually fundraised as well. I need to know all information to help me track where the district is in reaching our goals. If you need any help filling out your Monthly Report forms please email

Kiwanis Family Relations: What we love and what we learn

Lindenhurst High School Key Club President Sarah Frohn Every year our Key Club at the Lindenhurst High School collaborates with the town Kiwanis to help fundraise and put together events for the town. There are many events that our club is happy to volunteer at. One of the first ones we help with is the annual Business Expo. At this event, the Kiwanis is in charge of hosting a night where vendors from around the area can come and promote their companies to local townspeople. When all of the booths are all set up and ready, the fun immediately follows. Vendors give out free samples, coupons and sometimes even have games for people to play. It’s an absolute great way to meet people from the neighborhood and have a lot of fun with them. Seeing everyone work together makes the event even more amazing. It also allows the Key Club to get to know our Kiwanis and establish a bond with them. Another great event that we are always eager to attend is the Christmas party. Here, we host a fun day full of Christmas cheer that we share with underprivileged children who live in the neighborhood. The Key Club helps set up tables and prepare a delicious breakfast for the kids and their families. Then we gather the children up for the magic show which is followed by Santa who comes and talks to the children. Our local library generously donates a bunch of books which we include in a goody-bag that we hand out to each child. Overall, the event is great and everyone leaves with a smiling face.

Kiwanis Family Relations: What we love and what we learn Patchogue Medford High School Key Club Editor Nola McAloon On Sunday December fifth, the Patchogue Kiwanis held their annual 5k Toy Trot in the Village of Patchogue. Over 400 people came out in the cold to register at BrickHouse Brewery for the run. The runners were also asked to bring a toy to go along with their registration fee. Not only did this event attract the most runners ever for the Kiwanis’s annual 5k Toy Trot, it was also the biggest turn out for a race ever held in the Village of Patchogue. While the race was being held, the PatchogueMedford Key Club, the Patchogue-Medford Venture Crew 1776, and the Bellport Key Club were diligently wrapping the presents being brought by the runners. There was nearly 400 hundred presents to be wrapped for all ages and all different interests. The Key Clubs and Venture Crew could hardly keep up with the amount of presents that were sent to be wrapped. These presents were then packaged in bags and brought to several churches to give to needy children. The day was a huge success and a lot of fun for both the runners and the wrappers. The Kiwanis are holding another run for St. Patrick’s Day and are hoping for just as good of a turn out, if not better.

Memorable Projects

Sayville High School Key Club President Kelly Salloum

Every year, twice a year, Sayville High School Key Club organizes and runs a community-wide blood drive. Even though I am helping save lives working at the blood drive, it was me who walked away with a life lesson. Blood is such a precious gift and I was proud to be a part of this crucial event we hold each year. Each time a donor left, we handed them a sticker that said “I gave the gift of life�. That simple phrase really hit me. I read through one of the information pamphlets while I had some down time and I learned how much blood was needed even for the simplest of operations. One quart of blood used to seem like a big sacrifice to me, but now I know and can see how every little bit helps. I love working the blood drive every year because the nurses are always so happy and I feel like I get to know them by the end of that long day. Despite the fact that blood makes me woozy, I always have a positive experience helping others give their most precious gift to those who need it. Key Club is such an important organization and I really see it at its best when the blood drive comes around. The blood drive is definitely one of our events that is closest to our hearts and I am proud to be a part of it.

Memorable Projects - Part 2 Copiague High School Key Club Vice President Jordan Taveras In November we organized a Food Drive so that less fortunate individuals in our local community could enjoy a nice hot meal on Thanks Giving day. This event was of great success for the fact that this year we raised the most food ever raised for this particular event. We gathered all of the food and put it in one room just to see exactly how much we raised. It was a great experience for us because it taught us that no matter what it is we want to accomplish, with hard work and determination we can succeed in anything. I personally realized that this club has great potential and that we can change the lives of many individuals for the better if we set our minds to it. I also believe that the students realized that they have the power to make a change and no matter how small it may seem at the moment, it will act as a catalyst encouraging other positive changes to occur.

William Floyd High School Key Club President Patrick Curran What key club has been doing so far and trying to accomplish for this month and February is a couple of great things. We are trying to have a stay awakeathon hopefully towards the end of February. Its basically we all get together at the school on a Friday night and it will be from 7pm to 7am and we will stay up all night playing games, watching movies having sporting events etc. Also around valentines day we will be selling bracelets that say cute stuff on them like be mine, or i love you etc hopefully they will be a big hit. We also are trying to go to stony brook hospital and visit the sick teenagers because they are the ones that are mostly forgotten and it would be great for them to have people there own age to talk too and have fun for a hour or two. Well that's what key club at William Floyd is trying to accomplish.

Key Club Walk for Autism Since I began my term as Lieutenant Governor I wanted to organize a walk to benefit an organization. Now, before I am retired at the Leadership Training Conference, I have finally accomplished this goal. We will be having a “Key Club Walk for Autism� and short divisional. Donations will begin at $5.00. Please bring along friends and family. The more the merrier!

When: March 19th 2011 Where: Patchogue Medford High School Time: 12p.m. - 2 p.m. Donation: $5.oo per person- benefits Autism

Monthly Report Forms


to :

William Floyd Key Club Patchogue Medford Key Club Lindenhurst Key Club Copiague Key Club For perfect paperwork status! Keep it up! Amityville - missing all Copaigue

Dues Congratulations


Patchogue Medford Key Club Copiague Key Club Amityville Key Club Lindenhurst Key Club Bellport Key Club For having paid timely dues!

Enjoy the snow!

Contact Information: Governor Nadyli Nu単ez Nadylinunez.gov@nydkc.org Secretary Grace Na Gracena.sec@nydkc.org Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui Safanahsiddiqui@nydkc.org Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon JillianHarmon.ea@nydkc.org District Editor Jensen Cheong Jensencheong.editor@nydkc.org Webmaster Emily Lew Emilylew.tech@nydkc.org

NYDKC Administrator Andy Lowenberg Nykca@optonline.net Kiwanis Representative Div. 2 Mr. Farrell Jpfjresq@optonline.net Lt. Governor Div2 Stephanie Salinas 111 Green Ave. Patchogue, New York11772 (631) 875-7351 StephanieSalinas.ltg@nydkc.org Division Secretary Annie Vincenti Xsurfsup247@aim.com

Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kcdivision2 Or Check out all of the division updates on: www.issuu.com/kcdivision2

New York District Key Club Division 2 Caring, our way of life.

Peace, love, & service.

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