Purple Elephantz Team Charter

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Memories may fade, But IMPACT lasts forever. TEAM 3

Alyse Walker | Kaylah Hubbard | Stephanie Gutierrez | John Cruz | Caden Novikoff


Project Introduction


Movie Night


Walk to end Alzheimer’s


Sand volleyball tournament 6

Award ceremony





Critical path

Team Dynamics












Sponsor Packet


Project Introduction Philanthropy is an “altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes” (“Philanthropy”). Many organizations, on our campus, host philanthropy events to raise money for philanthropic initiatives. Our team leader is part of one of the on campus organizations that raises money for the Alzheimer’s Association. This is something she is very dedicated to and has inspired us all to help create an event that she will be able to use this upcoming November. The Alzheimer’s Association hosts a walk in Houston every November to spread awareness for the disease and raise money to help find a cure. This past year, November of 2016, they started hosting the walk on campus at the University of Houston. This gives us the opportunity to use that weekend to spread awareness and raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association throughout the campus community. We are planning to host a few individual events on campus to be visible in the community, which will spread awareness. These events include a movie at the Student Center, a sand volleyball tournament at Third Coast Volleyball Club, participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, and an awards ceremony in the Student Center Ballroom. These events will be hosted by the members of Sigma Kappa Sorority who are hoping to partner with the Student Programming Board and other organizations as well. Most organizations make philanthropy events competitive to increase the participation and monetary donations that they receive.

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In 2014 Still Alice, an Academy

Award and Golden Globe winning

overall awareness for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This movie event will be held on

a woman and her family when she is

Thursday November 2, 2017 with showings

diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This movie

at 4:00, 7:00, and 10:00. In order to be

Movie Night

movie, was released. This movie is about

was co-directed by Richard Glatzer

allowed to sell food on campus the University

who suffers from ALS (“Still…”). Many

will require us to get a food permit approved

students are aware that the Student

3 days in advance. We have it planned for

Programming Board hosts movies in the

multiple weeks ahead of time giving us extra

Student Center Theater each semester.

time to make adjustments if necessary.

By partnering with them Sigma Kappa

The Student Programming Board has

can spread the awareness and show

experience with getting movie rights for the

people what it is like to live with someone

showing that will help us with this event. The

suffering with Alzheimer’s. In order to

food for concessions will be purchased at a

raise money during this event we will

local Sam’s Club in order to reduce costs for

provide a donation box and concession

maximum donation profit.

stand outside the theater with snacks and drinks for those students attending the movie. The Student Programming Board has a strong connection with the general student population which we believe will increase the attendance of the movie therefore increasing the

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Walk to End Alzheimer’s The Walk to End Alzheimer’s will

who have lost someone to Alzheimer’s.

be hosted by the Houston Alzheimer’s

Yellow flowers are held by someone

Association on November 4th from

who is supporting or caring for someone

8:30 Am- 12:00 PM (2017). We are very

with Alzheimer’s. Orange flowers are

fortunate that this event will be hosted

held by participants that support the

on our campus making it visible to the

cause and a vision of a world with the

student population. This gives us the

Alzheimer’s disease (“Memory Matters”).

opportunity to encourage people to sign

Blue flowers are held by individuals who

up, participate, and donate to the walk.

have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

If we can educate the students about

These flowers do not just show why

this walk ahead of time they can sign up

people are walking but also the promise

to participate and donate on their own

to Honor, to Remember, to care, and to

walk page. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is

fight Alzheimer’s (“Memory Matters”).

a way that everyone can come together to fight the disease and help to find a cure. When students participate during the walk they will see other participants holding different colored flowers. These flowers are purple, yellow, orange, or blue. Purple flowers are held by people

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Sand Volleyball Tournament

The sand volleyball tournament will be the main event for organizations who want to participate in all of our events to earn a trophy. This event is supposed to be fun, competitive and educational for our participants. Everyone enjoys a little competition especially if it involves getting a little dirty and playing in the sand. This event would be hosted on the same day as the walk, November 4th, at 2:00 Pm. This gives team members time to grab lunch after the walk and head over to the sand volleyball courts at the Third Coast Volleyball Club, where the tournament will be hosted. Sigma Kappa will provide water and snacks for the participants to keep them hydrated and energized. This tournament will be a double elimination bracket with each match consisting of one set of three games each. The first two games will be played to 15 points where you must win by two points, and a point cap at 20 points. The third game will be played to 11 points where you must win by two, and a point cap at 15 points (Demarco). Each match should last an average of around 30 minutes depending on skill level of the teams. We are planning to have 20 teams participate which would be a total of 39 individual games. The Third Coast Volleyball Club has ten sand volleyball courts that we will utilize to finish all the games in a timely fashion (Demarco). These games will be self-officiated until the semifinal games begin.

6 | The Purple Elephantz

The main purpose of having an awards ceremony is to bring in a guest speaker from the Houston Alzheimer’s Association to educate students further about the disease. We will also have several raffle prizes from various sponsors which we will ask for donations

logo as a way to thank them for their support. Each organization will be able to participate in the raffle by purchasing tickets for one dollar a piece. The ceremony will begin with thanking each person for participating, donating, and helping spread awareness. The guest speaker for the Alzheimer’s Association will speak next and then the raffles will close shortly after. While the raffle prize winners are being announced we will finish tallying up final points for each participating organization. After all prizes have been distributed and points have been calculated we will announce the winners of our philanthropy weekend. We will give out trophies for 1st place overall, 2nd place women’s, 2nd place men’s, and 2nd place Co-ed. The awards ceremony will take place Monday, November 6th at 5:00 PM before chapter and other organization meetings. For this event in order to provide food for our participants we will need to obtain another Food Permit from the University of Houston.

Awards Ceremony

from. In return for their donation we will create a t-shirt and banner with their company

Fortunately, the Student Center Staff will be able to set up tables and chairs around the room how we would like. The raffle prizes will be asked for and collected using the sponsorship letter before the event is finalized.

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The Budget (Sam’s Club)

Digging for a Cure Budget

Item Movie Night

Unit Price

Total Price

Drinks Coke


















Snacks Popcorn Machine Popcorn



Sand Volleyball Tournament Water



fruit snacks



granola bars






Facility Rental





Awards Banquet Food Cookies



Fruit and Cheese Trays



Water Bottles






Plates Napkins

$7.34 $8.58

$7.34 $8.58 $112.80 $103.54 $1,358.52


Total Tax

Grand Total

8 | The Purple Elephantz

Critical Path The Purple Elephantz| 9

Team three also known as The Purple Elephantz we have been able to successfully work together, we all have the same goal, to get an A in this class so we created roles and responsibilities for each and one of us. We are willing to work together as a team to successful complete our project. Our team has been working together very well in terms of communication and teamwork. We have been meeting every week as much as we can, even with our busy schedules. We respond well to each other and the team lead. There have been no major issues or arguments over anything. Everyone is very professional and friendly which has made this experience

Team Dynamics

of working with a team very interesting and informational. Appropriate direction from the team leader has helped us in developing our team dynamics. The value of team leadership and teamwork skills was learned as we worked together planning the Alzheimer’s event. Working on a team is very helpful and beneficial to creating a successful project. The total is definitely greater than the sum of its individual parts.

10 | The Purple Elephantz

Communication To communicate, we communicate via the GroupMe app. This app allows us to text important updates and make decisions on when we will meet again. We also discuss shortly our next meeting after class before we all go back to our busy schedules. With the use of technology, it has made it easier to communicate with each other without calling or meeting. The GroupMe app was used for communication purposes and worked well in most cases. It was specifically used in order for us to notify one another in case something came up and one could not attend the meetings. The app was also utilized for quick reminders from our Team Leader in order to stay on track. Communication was definitely a plus in our team. Not only in clearly getting the information out to all team but also listening to everyone’s comments and suggestions. Meetings were usually on Thursdays at 7:00pm unless someone had to work or something personal came up. If that occurred, another meeting was scheduled in order for us to stay on the same page. Even though everyone had a busy schedule with school or work, we still met at least once a week. If someone had to miss, we would fill them in through the app by sending notes and then recap on our next meeting. EďŹƒciency Each of us served at our best capacity. Each of our skills complement one another, which led to fast and efficient work. Some of us have creative design skills, while others had organizational skills and writing skills. With the help of Google Docs, we were able to combine our work in one live document that we each can update in our own time or at the same time. This made it easy to create our portion of the work

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and turn them in. To be as efficient as possible we made sure that we made time in all our busy schedules. It wasn’t always easy to all meet but we sometimes one of us wasn’t able to meet but we made up for it. Although on the day we did meet which was mostly Thursdays at 7pm we discussed our project in how to keep moving forward. We voiced our opinions in what we all thought would be best. If we didn’t come to an agreement we’d vote on it. The two hours a week really came in handy at the end of it all. We learned team work and how we communicate with each other is more important than we thought so, we rely on each other to successfully make our project the best it can be. Thankfully our project leader was more familiar when it came to Alzheimer’s so she was able to guide the rest of the team in the right direction of what was needed from each and one of us.

Coming into our project we decided that we needed to have S.M.A.R.T goals,

which are goals that are specific, measurable, aligned, reachable and time bound. We knew that having a good structure of the objectives needed for our project would help us along the way. So, we divided research on sub topics about Alzheimer’s so we could be informed and provided accurate information to the students at the University of Houston. We knew that good planning would be needed to have good and accurate information. Having the correct information would helped each and one of us be more prepared coming into the meetings. We all focused on a specific part and when we met we’d share with everyone but we also provided a virtual copy that each member was able to get access to in a shared document via Google Docs. This helped us out when we weren’t able to meet face-to-face and did virtual meetings instead. Although we knew that having too much information, too fast is as bad as not enough. We knew that

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is was there and everyone can view the document at their own time and not be rushed to read everything in one day. Eventually we would all have all the information that was needed. Virtual Team Dynamics

Virtual meeting did come in handy and were a bit challenging to get everyone

on at the same time but we managed to set a specific time so that we would all be on discussing what was needed for the project and how to keep moving forward. Even though virtual meeting was good and manageable we found out that face-to-face meeting turned out to be the most effective. We could use a whiteboard to display our ideas to the whole group, this definitely helped to see the big picture of what we were trying to accomplish we also had access to a big monitor where we were able to present what we had in our personal laptops with the rest of the group by hooking it up with an HDMI cable in contrast of having everyone all squished and cramped up trying to see one small laptop. Having the latest technology helped with time management when it was needed the most, in most cases it was to share information with the rest of our group members. Brainstorming

The brainstorming process on how we were going to get the students at the

University of Houston involved as a community took some narrowing down. Although using the campus whiteboard came in handy. Since we suggested each one of us to have at least three solid ideas on how to build awareness, three times five of us came to fifteen ideas so we voted on what the majority thought would be the most effective. Although we came into realization that everyone is different, so we tried to come up

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with at least two ways to attract as many students as possible. One, having a volleyball tournament where we can get students engaged in a fun activity while helping the Alzheimer’s association. Secondly we came to an agreement that having a movie night would bring in a more well-rounded set of audience since not everyone plays sports or does that for fun.

Official T-Shirt for the Alzheimer’s Event

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Overall, it has been very simple and educational to work with our team

members. It has made creating this project fun and easier to do. Working on a team is a very beneficial skill to have and we look forward to the possibilities in the future. We have all learned how to work better as a team which we will be able to apply in other team projects throughout our careers. We were lucky to have a cohesive team with a variety of skills that worked well together. These variety of skills were able to allow us to work together and avoid

conflicts. As a team, we were able to over obstacles especially when it came to scheduling issues. We all have other classes, some of us have jobs, and we participate in other activities as well. We were able to learn how to work together and communicate in order to reschedule meetings to fit in with our chaotic lifestyles. When were able to find time to meet and work on the project we were all very open minded and supportive of each other’s ideas. We learned how to compromise by viewing ideas through the various perspectives that our


unnecessary conflict. No team is ever perfect though and we did have minor

individual team members possessed. Our team’s attitude, commitment, and contributions, were able to make our project the best that it could be. One of our biggest motivators of our project was the fact that this project would be put into action and accomplished if followed correctly. We will all be able to see our project in action knowing that we were each a part of something that will positively impact our community.

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Agenda 3/2/17

Finish up team charter

Brainstorming session

Finalize our goals

Each team member suggests two ideas

Finish the work plan and member roles

Pro and Con for each idea Decide which events we will focus on

Agenda 2/16/17 Finalize the Project by deciding on a

Agenda 3/9/17


Decide on main event

Alzheimer’s Awareness

Sporting Tournament

Continue Research


Facts and Figures

What will we use?

What events could we host

How will we reach our target market?

Agenda 2/23/17

Agenda 3/23/17

Continue Research

Begin Critical Path Analysis


What steps do we need to take?

Begin working on the Team Progress

What order should they be in?


When is our deadline?

Team Dynamics Decide on Assessment Tools

Agenda 3/30/17 Map out the Critical path

Agenda 2/28/17 Finalize Team Progress Report Proof read Print

16 | The Purple Elephantz

Define the timeline and add dates


Agenda 2/9/17

Agenda 4/6/17

Works Cited

Begin working on the Final Report

“2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s - Hous-

What details have we missed

ton, TX.” Alzheimer’s Association. N.p.,

What do we still need to work on

n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. Demarco, Kimberlee. “Third Coast Vol-

Agenda 4/13/17

leyball Club.” Telephone interview. 21

Continue working on details of each event

Apr. 2017.


“Memory Matters.” Memory Matters

Shirt Design

(2011): n. pag. Alzheimer’s Association,

Begin working on Team Dynamics portion

Dec. 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Use Team Assessment forms

Sam’s Club: Find Wholesale Clubs Near You or Shop Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 25

Agenda 4/20/17

Apr. 2017.

Continue work on the Final Report

“Still Alice (2014).” IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d.

Project portion

Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Make any last minute changes

“Philanthropy.” Dictionary.com. Dictio-

Begin typing the explanation

nary.com, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Team Dynamics Each person writes one page

Agenda 4/25/17 Finish Final Report Put all the pieces together Format the full project on one document Print

The Purple Elephantz| 17

Sigma Kappa Presents

Digging for aCure

Memories May Fade, but Impact Lasts Forever. 18 | The Purple Elephantz

Who: Sororities, Fraternities, Student Orgs, and other individuals Why: We are individuals coming together to raise awareness and research funds for the cure for an Alzheimer’s disease by working with the Alzheimer’s Association and University of Houston Community.

Cost: One team will cost $150. If you decide to have two teams it will be $200. Please make checks payable to the “Sigma Kappa Sorority”.

Prizes: We will have a first place Overall trophy, Second Place Men’s

trophy, a second place Women’s trophy, and a second place Co-Ed trophy.

Events: • Movie Night o What: A showing of Still Alice with concessions outside o Where: Student Center Theater o When: Thursday, November 3rd, 2017; 4:00 PM, 7:00PM, 10:00 PM • Walk to End Alzheimer’s o What: The Walk to End Alzheimer’s Hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association o Where: Lynn Eusan Park o When: Saturday, November 4th, 2017; Check-in at 8:30 AM Walk Start at 9:00 AM • Sand Volleyball Tournament o What: A Double Elimination Sand Volleyball Tournament o Where: Third Coast Volleyball Club o When: Saturday, November 4th, 2017; 2:00 PM • Awards Ceremony o What: Guest speaker, raffle prizes, and trophy winners o Where: Student Center Ballroom o When: Monday, November 6th, 2017; 5:00 PM

The Purple Elephantz| 19

Point System Packet and Check turned in: Turned in October 23rd: 25 Points Final Due Date: October 30th

Online Donations at www.give.classy.org/diggingforacure give.classy.org/diggingforacure : Most donations: 200 points 2nd most donations: 150 points 3rd most donations: 100 points

Instagram Post (#UHSK #EndAlz #TeamName): 3 points per post T-Shirt Points: 5 points per shirt purchased

Movie Night:

Sand Volleyball Tournament: 1st Place Volleyball: 200 points

Most Attendance: 150 points

2nd Place Volleyball: 150 points

2nd Most Attendance: 125 points

3rd Place Volleyball: 100 points

3rd Most Attendance: 100 points

Walk to End Alzheimer’s:

Awards Ceremony: 1 point per raffle ticket purchased

Most Participation: 200 points

Most Attendance: 100 Points

2nd Most Participation: 150 points

2nd Most Attendance: 75 points

3rd Most Participation: 100 points

3rd Most Attendance: 50 points

Contact uhsk.vpps@gmail.com for more information.

20 | The Purple Elephantz

Team Roster Team Name:____________

Team 1


PeopleSoft Number

Team Name:____________

Team 2


PeopleSoft Number


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

P lease M ake Checks P ayable to the “Sigm a K appa Sorority”. Final Due Date October 30th. Team Captain Request_______________________________________ □

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