Students opinion about the eTwinninng project: "Let's play a street game"

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What did you like more about the eTwinning project “Let’s play a street game”?/

Τι ς’ άρεςε περιςςότερο ςτο έργο eTwinning “Let’s play a street game”; John/Γηάλλεο

My favorite time was when we played the games on the yard

Η αγαπεκέλε κνπ ζηηγκή ήηαλ όηαλ

παίδακε ηα παηρλίδηα ζηελ απιή


My favorite time was when we had to design our new brand game, when we had the zoom meeting, when we played the games of our partners in our school yard. My favorite games were: "water balloons", "Frisbees of death", "Who is the leader" and "Catch the ball"

Η αγαπεκέλε κνπ ζηηγκή ήηαλ πνπ

έπξεπε λα ζρεδηάζνπκε ην λέν καο

επώλπκν παηρλίδη, όηαλ είρακε ηε

ζπλάληεζε δνπκ, όηαλ παίδακε ηα

παηρλίδηα ηωλ ζπληξόθωλ καο ζηελ απιή

ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο. Τα αγαπεκέλα κνπ παηρλίδηα ήηαλ: "water balloons", "Frisbees of death", "Who is the leader"

θαη "Catch the ball"


My favorite time was when we made our avatars and when we played the games. My favorite three were: "The human knot" , "Who is the leader" and "water balloons".

Η αγαπεκέλε κνπ ζηηγκή ήηαλ όηαλ θηηάρλακε ηα avatar καο θαη όηαλ παίδακε ηα παηρλίδηα. Τα αγαπεκέλα κνπ ηξία

ήηαλ ηα "The human knot", "Who is the leader" θαη "water balloons"


My favorite time was when we played the last game which was "Who is the leader".

Also I liked the cooperation with other schools and we played a lot of games and we made our avatars.

Μ‟ άξεζε ην ηειηθό παηρλίδη, ην «Who is the leader» θαη πνπ ζπλεξγαζηήθακε κε

άιια ζρνιεία θαη παίμακε πνιιά

παηρλίδηα θαη θηηάμακε ην δηθό καο avatar


The things, which liked me more, was the cooperation with other schools and the chance to play a lot of games, not only from Greece but all over the world. Also I liked that I made new friends. An other lovely thing was when we designed games and we played in our school yard

Από ην πξόγξακκα απηό πνπ κνπ άξεζε

πεξηζζόηεξν ήηαλ πνπ ζπλεξγαδόκαζηαλ

κε άιια ζρνιεία θαη παίδακε πάξα πνιιά

παηρλίδηα όρη κόλν από ηελ Διιάδα αιιά

από όιν ηνλ θόζκν. Δπίζεο κνπ άξεζε

πνπ κε ηε δξάζε απηή έθαλα πάξα

πνιινύο θίινπο. Άιιν έλα πξάγκα πνπ

κνπ άξεζε ήηαλ πνπ θηηάρλακε παηρλίδηα

θαη παίδακε ζηελ απιή ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο.

Vasilis/Βαζίιεο My favorite thing in the project "Let's play a street game" was the time where we must played the games, which be invented by us, the reason is that these games there weren't before and we hadn't heard about these never on the past.

Απηό πνπ κνπ άξεζε από ην πξόγξακκα

«Let‟s play a street game» ήηαλ όηαλ

δνθηκάδακε ηα παηρλίδηα πνπ επηλνήζακε

εκείο θαη ηα ζρνιεία από άιιεο ρώξεο, γηαηί παίδακε παηρλίδηα πνπ δελ ππήξραλ

θαη πνπ δελ αθνύζακε πνηέ.


I liked the zoom meeting because I had the opportunity to see and hear our friends.

Μνπ άξεζε ην meeting πνπ θάλακε ζην

Zννm, κπόξεζα λα ηνπο δω θαη λα ηνπο αθνύζω.


I loved the time when we went out into the school yard and played games from other countries and our own games. My favorite games were two: „Dielkistinda‟ and „Catch the ball‟. I had a great time! I want to do it again!

My favorite game was “Who is the leader”.

Μνπ άξεζε όηαλ βγαίλακε έμω ζηελ απιή

θαη παίδακε ηα παηρλίδηα ηωλ άιιωλ

ρωξώλ θαη ηα δηθά καο. Πην πνιύ από

όια κνπ άξεζε ε «Γηειθπζηίλδα» θαη ην

«Catch the ball» Πέξαζα ηέιεηα! Θέιω

λα ην μαλαθάλνπκε!


To αγαπεκέλν κνπ παηρλίδη ήηαλ ην

“Who is the leader”.


My favorite time was when we went out Πην πνιύ κνπ άξεζε όηαλ βγαίλακε ζηελ

to play the national games.

απιή γηα λα παίμνπκε ηα εζληθά



Ι liked more that we met children from other countries.

Πεξηζζόηεξν κνπ άξεζε πνπ γλωξίζακε

παηδηά από άιιεο ρώξεο.


I loved that we played all the games and we made ours Also we worked together and I liked that we met and became friends with other schools.

Μνπ άξεζε πνιύ πνπ παίδακε όια ηα

παηρλίδηα θαη θηηάρλακε ηα δηθά καο.

Δπίζεο ζπλεξγαδόκαζηαλ όινη καδί θαη

κνπ άξεζε πνπ γλωξηζηήθακε θαη γίλακε

θίινη όια ηα ζρνιεία. Michle/Μηράιεο Ι liked that we met children from other countries. Also I enjoyed with all the games.

Μνπ άξεζε πνιύ πνπ γλωξίζακε άιια

παηδηά από άιιεο ρώξεο. Δπίζεο κνπ

άξεζαλ όια ηα παηρλίδηα πνπ παίμακε


That I liked more in this project It was the activity with the new brand game, because with this way thousands games would be appeared in our live.

Απηό πνπ κνπ άξεζε πεξηζζόηεξν ζε

απηό ην έξγν ήηαλ ην κέξνο όπνπ έπξεπε

λα ζρεδηάζνπκε ηε λέα καο επωλπκία,

γηαηί έηζη ζα εκθαλίδνληαλ ρηιηάδεο

παηρλίδηα ζηελ θαζεκεξηλόηεηά καο


Μy favorite time was when we designed our game.

Μνπ άξεζε όηαλ θηηάρλακε ην δηθό καο


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