Katherine Petros 350105 Final Journal

Page 13

zation v. computation

s,..however art poses many questions for analysis.. it has an Analytical function)

within a world of technology.... a world with more data, more complexity, more quickly. “The major components of the architectural design process” • Problem analysis • Solution synthesis • Evaluation • Communication Interesting discussion into each stage of the design process. “Evaluation is a rational process. However, not all performance criteria can be evaluated rationally: aesthetics, human behaviour, and the overall “feel” of a building are qualitative aspects that have defied attempts at rational measurement and assessment.” Tutor comments “What a defeatist attitude!” however i don’t think so at all. Yes, evaluation is a critical stage-assessing if we have successful achieved what we had set out to create. However there are criteria as mentioned that simply can not be evaluated, by one at least. Aesthetics, behaviour, experience are all subjective. What one assesses as aesthetically pleasing/ beautiful may not with the next; what is beautiful anyway? As goes with the experience.. the designer has aimed to design a certain experience within his designed building, yet each and every person who walks through that space will personally experience something different. “The results of the evaluation are communicated back to the previous steps for improvement or adjustment of the solution,” and this ties in with the importance of COMMUNICATION.The design process relies on communication to adapt, improve, reflect, resolve, succeed.

“The recent addition of computers to the repertoire of means of comma­nication has expanded access to information and opened up the design process for more people to become involved.” BUT does this really mean more freedom in design? It means more complexity and ease in design adaptation and manipulation. More people and higher involvement make design an open forum.. its now not only one designer, computers and their expansion/access of information allow many designers/ many solutions. Design is after all, all about problem solving ..? “A paradigm of fitting given parts into a coherent whole.” “forming a kind of dialogue between goals and solutions” However, design is much more than this.. design can be an openended search for new possibilities. Depth first Breadth first Best first

“Much like other design methods, the use of prototypes, precedents, and metaphors is intended to provide the designer with a starting point from which to develop the new design. Each design method uses a differ­ent approach to accomplishing this task, whose purpose is to bridge the gap between the three main components of the design process: the analy­sis of the problem, from which design goals and constraints can be devel­oped; the synthesis of design solutions; and their evaluation vis-a-vis the goals and constraints.” Kalay, Architecture as New Media (2004)


The Case for Innovation studio air 2012 350105 Katherine Petros

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