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84 Videos 16 NEW TITLES Two Featured New Titles The Heroin Interviews Young People in Recovery— NICK’S STORY

This video focuses on Nick, a young musician who is successfully recovering from heroin addiction. 2 Versions Presented On One DVD: THE INTERACTIVE VERSION divides the video into five (5) parts. After each part there is an on screen display of discussion questions geared towards helping clients understand how the teaching points apply to their lives. This is an ideal aid for Facilitators to develop an effective presentation and discussion. THE STANDARD VERSION is the uninterrupted 22 minute video.

See page 8 for more information


A Reelizations Production 12 Promises: The Rewards of Recovery

A powerful film in which teens speak the truth to other teens about recovering their lives, staying sober, developing friendships and enjoying life. This film focuses on early sobriety and how to maintain continuous recovery, including the promises and rewards of a new sober life.

See page 8 for more information


What’s New Recovery Basics: How To Start Strong And Keep Going . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Integrating The Twelve Steps With Medication Assisted Treatment For Opioid Use Disorder – Best Practices For Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Matrix Model - Criminal Justice Settings. . . . . . . . 4 Heroin + Prescription Painkillers: A Toolkit For Community Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

12 - Promises: The Rewards Of Recovery. . . . . . . . . 8 Heroin Interviews – Young People In Recovery. . . 8 Youth And Drugs Of Abuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Living Skills - 2 DVDs - Practical Guidance; Personal Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Road To Reentry, 5 Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Discover The 12 Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

You’re Fired! 10 Ways To Lose Your Job And How To Avoid Them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Living Steps 10,11,12, by Bob Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Confident Parenting In Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Young Adults Discover The 12 Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Healthy Sexual Relationships In Recovery. . . . . . 15

Table Of Contents By Topic See Page 16 For Alphabetical Index Of Titles

12 Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Men. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention . . . . 1-5

PTSD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

Anger Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Re-Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14

Co-Occurring Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Specific Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Criminal Justice / Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

Women. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

DUI/DWI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Family & Parenting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Index Of Titles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Job Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Ordering Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

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Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention “These programs are better than any others for inmates from urban areas.”

Our Best Selling Program Ever!

——Pat King, Staff, Robinson Correctional Center, Robinson IL

Beat The Street: Clean & Sober In The City Evidence-based

A 5-Part Relapse Prevention CURRICULUM 5 DVDs • sold separately or as a curriculum set 40 min each • $195 each All 5 videos plus Counselors Guide for $750 SAVE $225 FREE 170-page Counselor’s Guide with every set makes it a complete curriculum. Winner: Silver Apple, National Education Media Network Winner: New York International Film Festival

Ernesto: A Long Road

The first RELAPSE PREVENTION videos urban recovering addicts can relate to! • Real people — credible role models • Engaging visuals and music • Realistic reenactments • Narrated by recovering inner-city addicts • High quality production Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, this evidencebased series imparts the latest research on urban relapse prevention strategies. In early screenings before hundreds of streetwise recovering addicts, many said these were the first tapes they’d ever seen about their lives.

Part 1: STREET SMARTS imparts 8 specific skills vital to urban relapse prevention, including dealing with frustration and chronic stress, and resisting the lure of “easy money” and the street life. Part 2: BACK ON THE BLOCK focuses on early recovery, the first weeks home, dealing with housing, old friends, triggers, and how to handle running into “get high buddies.” Part 3: RECOVERING RELATIONSHIPS explores relationship challenges that come up in early recovery including dealing with dysfunctional families, sexual triggers, the stress of parenting, etc. Part 4: CATCHIN’ FEELINGS identifies realistic ways to cope with emotional “danger zones” in early recovery, including anger, shame, guilt and self-pity—without using. Part 5: MAKING IT HAPPEN imparts hope about long-term recovery, showing that it’s possible to “take back your dreams” and achieve goals related to work, money, school and fun.

A Reelizations Production

A Reelizations Production Sheila: Not Alone

DVD • 35 min • $80 Includes Facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets An African-American woman with strong recovery shares the challenges of building a safe and sober lifestyle and a home for her children. She talks about important issues: • Finding a safe place to live • The challenges of motherhood • Learning financial responsibility • Handling cravings • Prayer and spirituality • Sex without drugs • Getting an education

A Reelizations Production

Pulling Punches:

A Curriculum For Rage Management

3 DVD set • 105 min total • $495 set, or $195 each part individually Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets 3 DVD Titles: Understanding Your Rage; Tools for Managing Anger; Anger Reduction and Long-Term Changes. See page 5 for more information.

A Reelizations Production


Included with Video Set; Guide is also available as a Digital PDF

• 170-page curriculum for implementing an effective relapse

prevention component using Beat the Street DVDs. • 43 activities with reproducible client worksheets gives you the benefit of workbooks without the expense. Clients make personalized relapse prevention plans, applying what they have learned. • 98 discussion questions give counselors a structured format for leading discussion following each tape. Helps viewers clarify the relapse traps and prevention strategies most relevant to them.

• Adaptive guide to use with youth is available upon request. Reelizations Media

DVD • 35 min • $80 Includes Facilitator’s Guide with reproducible client worksheets Ernesto, a young Latino man had difficulty escaping the lure of the streets. He faced and overcame these challenges: • Family members that still drank a lot • Certain cultural expectations he felt as a “man” • Poor self-confidence, especially around females, • Money (or lack of it) as a relapse trigger • Anger issues

Getting Out Of The Game: The Trap of Drug Dealing

DVD • 35 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets The only curriculum for helping dealers quit dealing! See page 2 for more information.

A Reelizations Production

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Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention Medical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders:

Getting Out of the Game: The Trap Of Drug Dealing

The Neurobiology of Addiction Evidence-based

DVD • 22 min • $275 Includes reproducible fact sheets, a participant worksheet and facilitator guide on CD-ROM Revised in 2016 with information on the neurobiology of addiction, or how alcohol and other drugs affect the brain and central nervous system. Using the simplest terms, this video explains why, because of changes in brain chemistry, it is so difficult to overcome a severe substance use disorder.

Drugs of Abuse: Treatment and Recovery

DVD • 90 min • $399 Includes CD-ROM with reproducible materials for clients and professionals Doctors and clinicians join individuals in recovery to discuss the neurobiology of addiction, the symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, treatment options, and life in recovery. Over the 90-minute video, viewers receive an education on symptomatology, pharmacology, neurobiology, treatment, and recovery management. Specific drugs discussed include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, synthetic marijuana, inhalants, prescription drugs, and more. Drugs of Abuse demonstrates the progression from drug abuse to recovery management, from residential treatment sites to outpatient treatment options and sober living. The accompanying CD-ROM features reproducible materials for both clients and professionals, including simple instructions for locating worksheets, handouts, and excerpts in order to deliver topic-specific information in clinical settings.

Youth and Drugs of Abuse


DVD • 55 min • $249 Includes CD-ROM with separate guides for teens and parents with discussion questions and reproducible fact sheets In this compelling video, doctors and clinicians join young people in recovery to candidly discuss symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, the neurobiology of addiction, substance abuse treatment, and life in recovery. See page 7 for more information.

Gambling: It’s Not About Money

Reelizations Media

The Only Curriculum For Helping Dealers Quit Dealing! Money, power, respect, popularity and glamour: they all come easy for the drug dealer, at least in the minds of many young recovering addicts. BUT, hustling drugs is the first step on the path to addiction, prison or death. This video features a group of people in recovery who grapple with these issues: • Relationships with old friends • Financial stress • The illusion that they can deal without using • The false belief that this time they won’t get caught • Learning to be patient • Using a support group • Valuing earned money above illegal money • Memories of negative past to keep it green • Use their street skills to hustle legit

A Reelizations Production

Sex and Drugs: The Intimate Connection Featuring Dr. Arnold Washton and Nannette Stone Washton DVD • 30 min • $195 Dual-addiction to sex and drugs often goes unnoticed in recovery programs—creating a setup for relapse. Experts, along with recovering sex addicts, present crucial information for clients and staff, including: • What is sexual addiction and how do you know if a client is dual-addicted? • How sex and drugs get paired, particularly cocaine and crack • Reciprocal relapse—how relapse to one leads to the other • Special women’s issues • Strategies for dealing with dual addiction

A Reelizations Production

Recovery Basics: How To Start Strong and Keep Going


DVD • 70 min • $225 Includes CD-ROM People beginning recovery find that their life is uprooted and disrupted. Being well prepared during this transition dramatically increases the odds of a successful recovery.

DVD • 35 min • $99 Whether gambling is a primary addiction for your clients, or a dangerous potential crossaddiction, this excellent video provides crucial information for all in the recovering community. As with chemical dependency, the most effective treatment for gambling addiction involves abstinence, acceptance, and support. In this video, testimonials from a diverse group of recovering compulsive gamblers help viewers identify the symptoms of gambling addiction and offer help and hope for long-term recovery.


DVD • 35 min • $195 Includes counselor’s guide with reproducible client worksheets

“Recovery Basics” helps smooth that transition by equipping those in recovery with the strategies and tools needed when small choices can have big consequences. In this engaging video specific techniques that address cravings, triggers, negative influences, conflicting emotions, shame, guilt, and relapse are discussed: • Starting Your Recovery • Preventing Relapse • Managing Your Day • Managing Thoughts and Feelings • Building Healthy Relationships • Keeping it Going


Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention How You Got Here:

Pathway to Change

DVD • 48 min • $349 Michael Johnson exposes what he calls the “lost piece” in recovery — our childhood, the roots of our personal defects, the underpinnings of pain, suffering and destruction. No one has ever approached this topic with the intensity that Michael delivers in this program. Without a doubt, How You Got Here will help the viewer understand how they became addicted to drugs, and how they have developed problems with personal relationships and criminal behavior. This DVD tackles the issues of the past and shows the way to a future of acceptance, healing and success.

DVD • 40 min • $349 Many criminal justice clients believe their emotions and behaviors are caused by other people or events. Due to this fundamental error, they have a hard time taking responsibility for their own lives—and getting what they really want in life. In this video, Michael Johnson challenges the way people in recovery analyze their lives. He presents an eye-opening re-evaluation of what their “problems” and “solutions” really are, shifting the responsibility onto them. By changing how they view potential “solutions,” Johnson maintains, a person can eliminate many negative consequences in their lives.

Reflections of a Lost Childhood by Michael Johnson

By Michael Johnson

During the past twenty years, Michael Johnson has been widely recognized for working effectively with urban populations and resistant clients As a recovering addict, Johnson captivates audiences as he thoroughly explains lifestyles and thinking patterns of the criminal drug offender. His straight talk on crosscultural issues in recovery, from an Afro-Centric perspective, will delight you and your clients.

Challenging the Lifestyle By Michael Johnson DVD • 55 min • $349

Michael Johnson challenges residents at an adult transition center to seriously look at their lifestyle of alcohol, drugs and criminal activity. He questions: “What is the payoff” of living that lifestyle? While viewers list the short-term payoffs, he brings out the other side of the equation: isolation, loneliness, failure and embarrassment. Helps viewers look at the reality and truth about who they really are. During treatment, he says, you often feel confused as treatment “takes away” everything and everybody you enjoyed. Your old value system is in conflict with the changes you are trying to make. Johnson provides the viewer with strategies for successfully taking that leap and building a different life.

The High Cost of Low Livin’ by Darryl Turpin

DVD • 29 min • $249 Darryl Turpin shows how advertising techniques lead consumers to think that using a particular product will enhance well being, image, intelligence and sexuality. “Marketing myths” like these lack substance and do nothing to improve our lives. Yet many people have bought into them and use them as the myths of alcohol and drug addiction. One by one Turpin tackles these myths and addresses not only the financial cost of addiction, but the loss of family, lack of education, poor employment skills, criminality, and emotional or spiritual bankruptcy that often characterize the addict’s life. This video will provoke the addict to think about the price paid and choices made.

Mr. Turpin has worked in the substance abuse and criminal justice fields for over eighteen years, with half of that time in the drug courts.

Reelizations Media

Process of Recovery By Michael Johnson

DVD • 45 min • $349 Michael Johnson takes viewers through the recovery process, exploring challenges they will encounter: loneliness, boredom, frustration, feelings of rejection, as well as some of the rewards: dignity, trustworthiness, and goal achievement. In his usual disarming style, Johnson talks about family dynamics, and exposes the way some newly recovering use their recovery as a bargaining chip to make false deals and promises. Offenders can relate to Johnson’s style.

Set-Up for Relapse By Michael Johnson

DVD • 35 min • $349 También en Español Michael Johnson uses humor and in-your-face bluntness to show criminal drug offenders and addicts in treatment how their life-style and thought patterns can lead to relapse. He explains how anger, hidden motives, making deals, power struggles, and being obsessed with material things are all set-ups. Even those who seem to embrace recovery while incarcerated or in treatment may actually harbor a belief that sobriety is a “temporary” state to be pursued only while on probation or parole. Relapse, in that case, is all but inevitable. Useful for both client and staff education.

Restless, Irritable and Discontented: The Basics Of Relapse

DVD • 18 min • $99 This video examines attitudes and behaviors that are the warning signs that a relapse is on the horizon. It’s about staying alert to the red flags. Recovering alcoholics and addicts speak candidly about their struggles to recognize, avoid or survive a relapse. Viewers will learn to identify and minimize high-risk situations, cope with cravings, stay connected to the recovery community, manage emotions, and not become complacent in recovery.

View video previews: 1-800–214–5680


Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention The Matrix Model Evidence-based

$695 each program Intensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Curriculum backed by over twenty years of research. Although the programs can be completed in a 16-week time frame, the Matrix Model can be extended up to 12 months through continuing care and aftercare.


Includes 3 lecture DVDs, therapist’s manual, CD-ROM with reproducible worksheets and handouts, 12-week family education component, 25 medallions, calendar stickers The revised and expanded Matrix Model provides adult clients with the structure of an inpatient treatment experience on an outpatient timetable. It is proven effective in the treatment of methamphetamine addicts. Programs cover individual/conjoint therapy, early recovery skills, relapse prevention, family education, social support, and drug screening strategies, with participation in a Twelve Step program encouraged throughout. The manual format allows clients across the facility to use the same materials, giving a standardized tool for measuring outcomes.

Teens & Young Adults Program:

Includes 3 lecture DVDs, 3-ring binder with print materials, therapist’s manual, handouts, CD-ROM, 12-week family education component, 30 slide guides, 1,280 stickers, and 25 medallions

Criminal Justice Settings Program:

Includes 3 lecture DVDs, therapist’s manual, CD-ROM with reproducible worksheets and handouts, 25 medallions, calendar stickers The Criminal Justice Settings Program has been specifically adapted to meet the unique needs of law-involved clients and includes a focus on criminal thinking, re-entry, and adjustment issues.

The Turning Point: Breaking The Cycle Of Addiction And Incarceration Available as either DVD Only • 45 min • $225 Or, as Community Corrections Curriculum with DVD + 3 CD-ROM set • $395 A compelling video developed for men dealing with alcohol or other drug addiction. It includes interviews with African American men in different stages of recovery and reintegration. Recovering addicts relay the message, “You have to change your thinking to change your life.” See page 12 for more information

Preventing Relapse: Taking The Necessary Steps

DVD • 25 min • $99 Designed specifically for teens and young adults, this program features diverse recovering young people revealing what it takes to confront and overcome the high risk situations and intense pulls of acceptance, peers, and the youth culture in general to avoid relapse See page 8 for more information.


Reelizations Media

Integrating The Twelve Steps With Medication Assisted Treatment For Opioid Use Disorder – Best Practices For Professionals


DVD • 30 min • $175 Includes manual with DVD, CD-ROM with reproducible patient and family resources, clinical and medical guidelines to support evidencebased research A new treatment protocol - Comprehensive Opioid Response with the Twelve Steps (COR-12™), embraces the latest and best research, which indicates that certain medications can be used to improve treatment engagement and future recovery outcomes for people with opioid use disorders. The use of medications has been integrated with the Twelve Step facilitation model to form the foundation of this unique approach individualized to the needs of patients with opioid use disorders. Following the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation experience from admission through treatment and recovery services, this multimedia package guides administrators, clinicians, doctors, and nurses in implementing this groundbreaking program at residential and outpatient facilities and shares best practices for helping patients achieve a stable recovery lifestyle with the ultimate goal of abstinence.

Men In Recovery

DVD • 30min • $99 Help your clients get out of their own way! Sometimes men’s ideas about manhood are huge blocks on their paths to recovery from addiction. This empowering video, hosted by Craig Nakken, features a men’s group candidly discussing topics such as rage, fear of commitment, the tendency to isolate, etc., as they redefine what it means to be a man. See page 9 for more information.

Women In Recovery DVD • 23 min • $99

Issues such as loss of children, guilt, shame, balancing responsibilities and recovery, trauma histories, and relationship triggers are discussed by real women. See page 10 for more information.

Women, Trauma And Recovery: Getting Clean, Sober And Safe

DVD • 30 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets Many women in recovery experienced trauma either in childhood or addiction, from sexual abuse or rape, physical abuse or witnessing violence. A significant number suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). This video presents poignant testimony from six recovering women with PTSD, yet all remain clean as they address these issues. See page 10 for more information.

A Reelizations Production


Addiction, Recovery & Relapse Prevention Pulling Punches:

12 – Promises: The Rewards Of Recovery

A Curriculum For Rage Management

3 DVD set • 105 min total • $495 set, or $195 each part individually Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets

DVD • 24 min • $150 A powerful film in which teens speak the truth to other teens about recovering, staying sober, developing friendships and enjoying life. They share their personal journeys from isolation and despair to connection and hope. This film focuses on early sobriety and how to maintain continuous recovery, including the promises and rewards of a new sober life. See page 8 for more information

For anyone with anger problems!

Part 1: Understanding Your Rage

True stories exploring: • When is anger a “problem?” • Anger “blackouts” and the “high” from anger • How anger and substance use are connected • The “roots” of rage (trauma and role models)

Featuring Bob Francis… A Modern Day Father Martin

Part 2: Tools For Managing Anger

The “nuts and bolts” of anger management including: • Identify triggers and avoid them when possible • know when you are most vulnerable to “losing it” • Know warning signs to catch yourself before going off. • Removing yourself from the situation • Self-talk to calm down—and more!

Called “a modern day Father Martin”, by Father Martin, Bob Francis is a new voice, plain and simple. His clear and friendly style promotes good-will and positive expectations. This may be just the message your clients need to hear right now.

Part 3: Anger Reduction and Long-Term Changes • • • • •

Bob Francis - “Chalk Talks”:

A Reelizations Production

Buy all 3 DVDs for $400 (SAVE $50)

Our Path

DVD • 30 min • $150 Another down-home, “chalk-talk” style of program outlines the history of Alcoholics Anonymous in a way that makes it relevant to today’s newly recovering addict and alcoholic. Bob breaks down and illuminates “the path that has worked for so many.” DVD • 30 min • $150 Helps viewers understand that relapse isn’t something that comes out-of-the-blue, but starts long before you pick up, when you start having certain thoughts. Bob’s straight-forward, personal presentation lets you know that he’s “been there” and understands how to stay sober by monitoring one’s thinking process.

Reelizations Media

——Guy D. Ogan, Program Development Specialist, Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice

The Real Deal!

3 DVD Curriculum • 118 min • $275

Includes guide, activity skill cards and audio CD Using Cognitive-Behavioral intervention, 3 videos:

Takin’ It, Givin’ It, Workin’ It Out, teach specific skills for controlling outbursts and achieving functional outcomes. Built into the program are opportunities for your viewers to discuss and roleplay conflict situations from their lives.

Anger and Triggers, 2-DVD Set

DVD • 30 min • $150 This “chalk-talk” style program addresses the major stumbling block for many newly recovering addicts who fear that “religion” is a part of the 12-step programs. Bob differentiates between religion and spirituality and makes the whole matter seem less overwhelming and off-putting to clients. In doing so, he helps reduce this major barrier clients often come up against.

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“By far the best [video on anger] I have seen. It holds the viewer’s interest and offers tools that really work. Also, the diversity of those featured helps viewers relate.”

Anger Management For Adolescents

Relapse: It’s a Thought Process

Spirituality vs. Religion: It’s Way Simpler than You Think

How to become a less angry person: Reconstructing faulty beliefs Healing the wounds of childhood Assertive conflict resolution and expression of feelings Forgiving yourself and stress reduction

by Bob Francis

2 DVDs • 26 min total • $99

Anger Management: It’s The Same As Drivers Education!

Short and direct, this video presents a tool for controlling anger “one day at a time”. Just as we learn to drive cars with instruction and rules, we can learn to “drive” our anger instead of letting it drive us.

Triggers: How To Use Them To Strengthen Your Recovery!

Just as a gun can go bang or click, depending on what’s in the chamber, Bob Francis teaches how to associate any trigger with something positive in the “chamber” of the mind. Triggers will always be around, this strategy enhances recovery and prevents relapse.



Specific Drugs Marijuana: The Hidden Hazards

Heroin + Prescription Painkillers:

DVD • 39 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets For users in treatment in denial about marijuana addiction. Research is conclusive: chronic marijuana use can cause addiction and functional impairment. This program presents recovering marijuana addicts and experts to help pierce denial about this addiction, and illuminate the hard to recognize negative consequences, including: • Loss of motivation to achieve • Isolation, irritability and depression • Memory loss • Lowered performance at job or school • Respiratory and sleep problems • A Reelizations Production

A Toolkit For Community Action

DVD • 20 min • $110 Includes DVD and CD-ROM with resources Many communities are in the midst of an opioid epidemic. This program provides resources for health care providers, schools, community leaders, employers, individuals, and parents to develop a community plan for addressing the issue of heroin and opioid addiction. Published in 2016, this program includes the latest and mostaccurate drug information, six audience-specific action guides, compelling video segments that are perfect for public presentations, professionally designed campaign resources, and a directory of links to and contact information for trusted resources.

The Heroin Interviews Young People In Recovery

Marijuana And Recovery

DVD • 30 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets Whether the viewer is solely a marijuana user or has used marijuana as part of a poly-drug problem, this program provides tools and insights useful to recovery. Because marijuana’s unique biochemistry induces long term negative effects that are difficult to recognize, and because ‘“weed” is not considered dangerous in many circles, there is often little support for attempting to quit. Video topics include: • Marijuana withdrawal over several months • Relapse triggers specific to pot • Getting the most out of 12-step meetings • Building a new lifestyle when pot has been central

A Reelizations Production I Didn’t Think It Would Happen To Me: The Truth About Heroin

Staying Off Cocaine

DVD • 38 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide También en Español Winner: National Educational Film & Video Festival Powerful interviews with recovering cocaine addicts, interspersed with teachings by Dr. Arnold Washton, convey what those in recovery from cocaine most need to know in order to avoid relapse, including: • High risk situations to avoid • The desire to test control • How to handle craving • The defeatist reaction to a slip

A Reelizations Production

DVD • 30 min • $149 Facilitator’s guide available online The candid words of people who have experienced meth addiction are achingly honest and separate facts from fiction. Clinicians from the Matrix Institute, renowned for its research on stimulant treatment, present clinical concepts in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. For clients (and clinicians) who have been told that recovery from meth is almost impossible. The Science of Methamphetamine offers insight, experience and new hope.


Reelizations Media


DVD • 23 min • $99 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets INTERACTIVE CURRICULUM VERSION also included. Nick’s Story is the first in this new series that focuses on young people who are successfully recovering from heroin addiction. See page 8 for more information.

A Reelizations Production

The Science Of Methamphetamine


DVD • 30 min • $100 Includes facilitator’s guide This video presents young people whose lives have been ravaged by heroin…previously well-functioning youth who thought they could use heroin without becoming addicts. Viewers learn the medical, physical and emotional effects of this dangerous drug, including HIV/AIDS and Hep C exposure, potential for overdose, and the degradation of turning to illegal activities—including prostitution—to get money for heroin. Today’s heroin is stronger, cheaper and in greater supply than ever before, something many people don’t realize. This program shows that heroin is neither cool, sexy nor glamorous.

Drugs Of Abuse: Treatment And Recovery

DVD • 90 min • $399 Includes CD-ROM with reproducible materials for clients and professionals Doctors, clinicians, and recovering people discuss the neurobiology of addiction, the symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, treatment options, and life in recovery. See page 2 for more information. View video previews:


DUI/DWI / 12 Steps DUI/DWI: Make This One Your Last One DVD • 19 min • $99 Includes CD-ROM with a manual, handouts, and power points This program provides compelling content and no-nonsense information in a way that offers an alternative to the ineffective scare tactic programs.

Initially designed for first-time DUI/DWI offenders, has been expanded into a brief, powerful curriculum, which includes a CD-ROM containing a printable Facilitator’s Guide, presentation materials, and reproducible client handouts that enhance the educational impact of the powerful video. The new print component features the most current statistics and the latest information about drinking and driving under the influence.

DVD • 18 min • $99 Who’s Driving offers a close-up view of the consequences of drinking and driving. Viewers ride the rollercoaster of emotions that the handcuffed, fingerprinted, jailed and fined driver experiences as a result of his refusal to accept his friend’s offer of a ride home. The driver’s ordeal is interwoven with interviews with a judge who’s heard 1,000 excuses and with victims who emotionally describe the death or injury of a loved one in an alcohol related crash. The bottom line is that alcohol-caused accidents are not just accidents, they are crimes, and the consequences are severe.

Impact: Driving Drunk, Driving High

DVD • 30 min • $299 También en Español Winner: Telly Award Winner: MADD Hero to Hero Award Winner: American Correctional Association Award Personal responsibility is underscored in this hard-hitting program which clearly illustrates the impact that driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs has on our society and on individual lives. It stresses that the driver makes a choice, consequences follow, and the offender can never go back and change what happened. The host, Steve Hanusa, brings 27 years of experience to his interviews with families of victims, police officers and others from the criminal justice system. DVD • 26 min • $100 Includes counselor’s guide and client worksheets High school and college students often see binge drinking solely as a fun, “party” activity. What they may not realize is that some 4,000 people a year die of alcohol poisoning. Other consequences include car crashes, accidental falls, unwanted pregnancies and STDs from unprotected sex, and an increased incidence of acquaintance rape—with catastrophic fall-out for all involved. This program explores these real dangers and teaches correct life-saving procedures.

Reelizations Media

DVD • 56 min • $399 Includes CD-ROM Real men and women in recovery--not actors-discuss what a Twelve Step group is and discover how working a Twelve Step program has helped them in their recovery journey. Each of the Twelve Steps is explained by people who candidly share their personal stories about how working the Steps has helped them continue to live one day at a time and stay clean and sober.


Young Adults Discover The 12 Steps

Who’s Driving?

Binge Drinking

Discover the 12 Steps

DVD • 56 min • $399 Includes CD-ROM Each of the 12 Steps is discussed by young people sharing their personal stories about how working the Steps has helped them stay clean and sober. Other information reviewed in the video include: what a Twelve Step group is; how to find a home group; what happens during a Twelve Step meeting; what to expect at the first meeting; how to find a Sponsor.


Introduction To Twelve Step Groups

DVD • 24 min • $149 Includes facilitator’s guide and client worksheet This video gives some idea of what happens in 12 Step meetings and the different reactions that individuals may have. It emphasizes trying various meetings to find one that works, and the “keep coming back” philosophy. The worksheet encourages dialogue between the client and the professional about the client’s personal experience at a meeting.

The Living Steps 10, 11 And 12 By Bob Francis


DVD • 28 min • $99 After going through Steps 1-9 with your Sponsor, you are ready to continue living your sober life “one day at a time” with Steps 10,11 & 12.

A Woman’s Way Through The 12 Steps

Complete Curriculum Program in English includes: DVD • 65 min • facilitator’s guide, 10 softcover books, 10 workbooks • $495 Also available as DVD alone • $225 También en Español: Individual workbooks and softcover books Dr. Stephanie Covington uses her deep understanding of women to help female clients tackle some of the challenges of working the 12 Steps. See page 10 for more information.

Integrating The Twelve Steps With Medication Assisted Treatment For Opioid Use


DVD • 30 min • $175 Includes softcover manual + CD-ROM This multi-media package guides professionals in implementing the COR-12™ program with patients with opioid use disorders. See page 4 for more information.



Youth The Heroin Interviews – Young People In Recovery


DVD • 23 min • $99 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets Each video in this new series focuses on a young person who is successfully recovering from heroin addiction. Nick’s Story is the first in this series. Nick talks about: • Becoming an addict – initial novelty of heroin and eventual isolation from friends and family, • Consequences of addiction – lost of jobs, friends, health, trust, wealth, sex drive and sense of reality • The recovery process – getting into rehab, finding age appropriate groups, role models, reading recovery stories and having fun clean. • Tips on staying clean – accepting normal feelings, remembering the past, change phone number, refuse offers, expect “bumps” in the road, avoid alcohol • Benefits of sobriety – more opportunities in life, trust returns, less stress and more fun! Interactive Curriculum Version Included: A second version of the video is included on the DVD. It pauses the interview at key points and presents the viewer with discussion questions, work sheets and group exercises geared towards helping clients understand how the teaching points apply to their personal experience. This is an ideal aid for developing an effective presentation.

A ReeliZations Production Preventing Relapse:

12 – Promises: The Rewards Of Recovery

DVD • 24 min • $150 A powerful film in which teens speak the truth to other teens about recovering their lives, staying sober, developing friendships and starting to enjoy life. This film focuses on early sobriety and how to maintain continuous recovery, including the promises and rewards of a new sober life. These are real people in recovery, not actors. They share their personal journeys from isolation and despair to connection and hope. Using peer-to-peer communication, young people tell their truth about facing the seemingly insurmountable task of conquering addiction and abuse. The stories in 12-Promises demonstrate compassion and connection as the antidote to abuse, and how brave young people can walk out of addiction to lead healthy, purposeful lives in a supportive community.

Youth And Drugs Of Abuse

DVD • 55 min • $249 Includes CD-ROM with separate guides for teens and parents with discussion questions and reproducible fact sheets In this compelling video, doctors and clinicians join young people in recovery to candidly discuss symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, the neurobiology of addiction, substance abuse treatment, and life in recovery.

Taking The Necessary Steps

Matrix Model For Teens & Young Adults

Marijuana: At Your Own Risk

This 16-week (or longer) intensive outpatient treatment alcohol and drug treatment curriculum for teens and young adults is adapted from the Matrix Model. See page 4 for more information.

DVD • 25 min • $99 Specifically for teens and young adults, this program features diverse recovering young people revealing what it takes to confront and overcome the high risk situations and intense pulls of the youth culture in general to avoid relapse.

Evidence-based Includes 3 lecture DVDs, 3-ring binder with print materials, therapist’s manual, handouts, CD-ROM, 30 slide guides, 1,280 stickers, 25 medallions, and a 12-week family education component

2 DVDs • 45 min total • $199 for 2-part set Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets For Teens, this 2-part program effectively cuts through denial that marijuana can be harmful.

Part 1 The gradual process toward addiction:

Young Adults Discover The 12 Steps

• First, it may involve just social use with friends • Gradually, the person begins using to “escape” stresses and problems • The marijuana user begins spending more time with other users • The person drops activities that don’t involve getting high • Weed becomes the answer to all problems

DVD • 56 min • $399 Includes DVD and CD-ROM Young people in recovery discuss how working a Twelve Step program helps their recovery. They share their personal stories about how each of the Steps helped them stay clean and sober. See page 7 for more information.

Part 2 Real consequences of chronic marijuana use:

• Loss of motivation and lower achievement in school/athletics/ work/goals • Short-term memory loss • Depression • Stunted emotional and intellectual growth • Family and relationship problems

A Reelizations Production 8

Reelizations Media

“Reelization’s videos are a tremendous help to me in running my groups. Clients relate well to the stories on the screen; resulting in intense discussions.” —D.B., Samaritan Treatment Community


Men Manhood


DVD • 45 min • $299 Darryl Turpin exposes the misconceptions and mixed messages young men often receive that equate manhood with money, jewelry, partying, drinking and using drugs. As he leads the group in a discussion focusing on responsibility and accountability, he emphasizes that attaining manhood is a process. Helps viewers look at the part they play in creating their circumstances, and why being a good father and community member is the way to true manhood.

Part 1: Life And Death In The Hood

by Darryl Turpin

“Darryl Turpin addresses issues very relevant to my guys, and does it in a way that engages them.” —— Onaje Benjamin, Transitions Counselor, Dutchess County Jail, NY

2 DVDs • 141 min • $189 Also available: 2 DVDs + 10 workbooks • $288 Includes facilitator’s guide Additional workbooks at $6.95/each or 10 workbooks for $66 Many men in recovery have had painful childhood experiences that fuel criminal and self-destructive behavior (“intergenerational evil”). This important curriculum reveals the wounded boys inside the men, and how over-reactions to present events often stem from those wounds. Underscoring personal responsibility (“abuse is not an excuse!”), these DVDs and workbooks take viewers from “owning” past abuse, through changing self-destructive beliefs and behaviors. Men with chronic excessive anger will relate to lost relationships, jobs and opportunities while finding hope that change is possible and imperative to break the cycle. Originally designed as a life skills series for parolees and inmates, this curriculum is totally relevant for addiction treatment programs, as well.

Part 2: “My Daddy’s In Jail”

This video re-interviews the same young men from Part 1 at a later time and finds that all but one are now in jail. They reflect on their lack of father figures, and the negative impact this had on their lives. Also interviews the real children of these young men, who are themselves now without fathers due to their incarceration. These children struggle to understand why their fathers are not there for them. Makes an impact.

DVD • 83 min (in 2 parts) • $195 Includes facilitator’s discussion guide Omar was just weeks away from the end of a 10-year sentence for armed robbery when Oscar-nominated filmmaker Tod Lending began filming him. At the time, Omar had been drug-free for 8 years. Pete had been out of prison for 10 months, participating in the same re-entry program, managing a transitional house and holding a counseling job. The two rekindle their long-term friendship and become roommates at the transitional house. Both men had been in and out of prison for 3 decades, never out for more than a year. Omar and Pete captures events as they unfold, depicting how challenging life on the “outside” can be for men who’ve lived much of their lives behind bars. Pride, pain, fear and addiction are the demons that every re-entering inmate must face within himself.

Men In Recovery

DVD • 30min • $99 Help your clients get out of their own way! Sometimes men’s ideas about manhood are huge blocks on their paths to recovery from addiction. This empowering video, hosted by Craig Nakken, features a men’s group candidly discussing topics such as rage, fear of commitment, the tendency to isolate, etc., as they redefine what it means to be a man.

Boys and Men Healing From Child Sexual Abuse

DVD • 58 min • $99 También en Español Boys And Men Healing is a documentary about the epidemic of sexual abuse of boys, the impact on individuals, families, and society, and the importance of male survivors healing and speaking out to end child sexual abuse. The film features non-offending male survivors. Whether it was shame, intimacy problems, post-traumatic stress, substance abuse, or rage that led to violence, the effects plagued their lives. Yet, each man ultimately chose the arduous task of healing, giving them a voice to reclaim their lives through counseling, support groups, and speaking out while taking action toward prevention of future abuse. This documentary is a source of hope and inspiration for all men who have suffered sexual abuse and violence, and a witness to survivors’ ability to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

Reelizations Media

Swept up in the deadly economy of drug dealing, these young African-American men talk frankly about their experiences in a dangerous and illegal trade, about being part of violent gangs, and about losing their closest friends to violence.

Omar And Pete: A Re-Entry Story

Abused Boys, Wounded Men

View video previews:

2 DVDs • 26 and 28 min • $70 each

The Turning Point: Breaking The Cycle Of Addiction And Incarceration

Available as either DVD Only • 45 min • $225 Or, as Community Corrections Curriculum with DVD + 3 CD-ROM set • $395 A compelling video developed for men dealing with alcohol or other drug addiction. It includes interviews with African American men in different stages of recovery and reintegration. Recovering addicts relay the message, “You have to change your thinking to change your life.” See page 12 for more information.



Women / PTSD Women, Trauma & Recovery:

Featuring Dr. Stephanie Covington

Getting Clean, Sober and Safe

Highly regarded for her ability to combine well researched theory, with compassion, practicality and accessibility, she is a pioneer in the field of women’s issues, addiction, and recovery. Dr. Covington has developed an innovative, gender-responsive, and traumainformed approach to the treatment needs of women and girls.

Beyond Trauma Curriculum A Healing Journey For Women Evidence-based

Facilitator Training Video on 2 DVDs at 232 min + Participant DVD at 99 min • $595 Includes facilitator guide, 20 participant workbooks. Additional package of 10 participant workbooks at $84. Revised in 2016, Dr. Stephanie Covington, presents a twelvesession curriculum designed to help women and girls recover from the effects of trauma in their lives. The curriculum presents an integrated approach to women’s trauma treatment, based on theory, research, and clinical experience. This curriculum also promotes a strength-based approach that seeks to empower women and girls and increase their sense of self. It can be used in any setting (outpatient, residential, therapeutic community, criminal justice, and private practice). Sessions are divided into three modules: Violence, Abuse, and Trauma; The Impact of Trauma on Women’s Lives; and, Healing from Trauma.

A Reelizations Production Women In Recovery

DVD • 23 min • $99 Issues such as loss of children, guilt, shame, difficulty balancing responsibilities and recovery, trauma histories, and relationship triggers are discussed by real women. Interspersed with these scenes, a counselor highlights the learning points to help women get past the common blocks to recovery.

The Healing Years También en Español

Complete Curriculum Program in English includes: DVD • 65 min • facilitator’s guide, 10 softcover books, 10 workbooks • $495. Also available as DVD alone • $225 También en Español: Individual workbooks at $13 each, and softcover books at $15 each This program helps female clients tackle some of the challenges of working the 12 steps specifically as they relate to the female experience. The video begins with an intro to the program, followed by Dr. Covington leading real women in recovery through discussions and exercises. In the client book, Dr. Covington illuminates how each of the Twelve Steps speaks to a woman’s experience and offers inspiring stories of real women who have traveled through the Steps. The workbook helps deepen and extend the understanding of the lessons taught in the book and brings them to life with simple exercises and journaling activities. Dr. Covington guides women to reinterpret the Steps to support their own recovery. The facilitator’s guide offers practical guidance to deliver this program, which includes a thirteen-session curriculum of experiential exercises and describes the most effective ways to conduct sessions with clients.

Reelizations Media

“Women, Trauma and Recovery” presents the poignant testimony of six recovering women with PTSD. All suffered unspeakable trauma, yet all are remaining clean as they address these issues. Together with expert testimony, these female role models provide useful strategies for avoiding relapse, as well as the inspiration and hope that many viewers need.

DVD • 52 min • $99

A Woman’s Way Through The 12 Steps


DVD • 30 min • $195 Includes facilitator’s guide with reproducible client worksheets Many women in recovery experienced trauma in the past from sexual or physical abuse or witnessing violence. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is common. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and hypervigilance often become more pronounced in early recovery leading to relapse.

The Healing Years profiles three women through their journey of pain and despair from incest, and their incredible process of recovery as they finally work to end the cycle of incest and child sexual abuse for generations ahead. Featured are: Former Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur and her work as survivor activist; Janice Mirikitani, President of San Francisco’s renowned Glide Memorial Church as she helps inner-city women alcoholics and addicts transform the cycle of incest and addiction; and Barbara Hamilton, a 79-year old survivor ending three generations of incest in her family.

Moving On: A Program For At-Risk Women Evidence-based

DVD • 54 min • $566 Includes CD-ROM of handouts, program manual, and 5 facilitator’s guides This curriculum-based program draws from Relational Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to create a flexible program that can be used with individuals or groups in institutional settings, community corrections, or therapeutic communities. See page 13 for more information.


PTSD / Co-Occurring Disorders Adolescents And Co-Occurring Disorders

A Guide For Living With PTSD: Perspectives For Professionals

And Their Clients

DVD • 56 min • $149 Through compelling client testimonials and expert guidance from renowned researchers at the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, this video educates clinicians, clients, and families on the history, epidemiology, challenges, and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sample cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions model realistic applications of the concepts This program can work hand in hand with the Therapist’s Manual, “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD”, below, sold separately.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For PTSD

Therapist curriculum manual and Client handouts • $120 Free online training with credits from the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD Revised in 2016, this easy-to-facilitate program is designed for Addiction Professionals to increase their effectiveness and positive outcomes when working with clients who have issues related to trauma and PTSD. Built on scientific evidence, and designed to be delivered by real-world clinicians in real-world settings, the three main components include: • Mindful Relaxation • lexible Thinking • Patient Education Within each of the six core sessions and three optional ones, goals, timing for both individual and group sessions, and client handouts are included. Notes are provided throughout, providing tips and suggestions to maximize effectiveness. This program can work hand in hand with the DVD “A Guide for Living with PTSD”, above, sold separately.

2 DVDs • 30 min each • $95 each or $150 for both DVDs A popular series about dual disorders, “Double Trouble” examines the relationship between chemical dependency and mental illness. It is effective in educating both patient and professional audiences.

Part 1: Mood And Anxiety Disorders

Dramatic vignettes focus on a recovering alcoholic who has been diagnosed with depression, and an individual whose anxiety disorder leads to increased chemical dependency, requiring medical attention. Because it’s not uncommon for clients in recovery to also have Antisocial or Borderline Personality Disorders, this program is a must for staff training. Cases presented include a man who is both chemically dependent and displays features of Antisocial Personality Disorder; and an alcoholic woman with Borderline Personality Disorder as she tries to cope after leaving psychiatric treatment.

Reelizations Media

Adults And Co-Occurring Disorders

DVD • 20 min • $149 Includes facilitator’s guide Nearly 60% of addicted adults also have a mental health disorder. This video speaks to them with a wonderful blend of personal stories and practical strategies for keeping recovery on track. It will help your clients identify symptoms of chemical use that mimic symptoms of psychiatric illness, understand the importance of combined treatment, and understand why psychotropic medication needs to be taken exactly as prescribed. Features clinical insights by noted expert Kenneth Minkoff.

A Guide For Living With Co-Occurring Disorders: Help And Hope For Clients And Their Families Evidence-based

DVD • 83 min • $129 In this helpful and hopeful DVD, interviews with clients are interspersed with interviews with clinicians, physicians and researchers to explore the challenges for those with co-occurring disorders, and the most effective treatments.

Out Of The Tunnel And Into The Light:

Double Trouble, (2 Parts)

Part 2: Personality Disorders

DVD • 20 min • $99 Includes facilitator’s guide Many young people in treatment or corrections have both addictions and co-occurring mental health disorders, making it even harder to remain abstinent and build recovery. This program presents strategies for staying sober while coping with depression, anxiety, bipolar and other mental health disorders. The teens on screen are genuine and open, making them very credible and effective. Also featured are clinical insights by Janice Gabe, a noted expert in adolescent treatment.

Recovery From Dual Disorders

DVD • 25 min • $99 This video offers information, support and hope for clients who have both chemical dependency and a coexisting emotional or psychiatric disorder. Vivid, honest stories demonstrate how others have overcome the stigma and continue to keep their dual recovery on track. Key issues addressed include managing prescription medications, specific relapse prevention techniques for the dual diagnosed, and the importance of addressing both problems simultaneously.

View video previews:



Criminal Justice / Corrections / Re-Entry A New Direction: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Curriculum Designed specifically for criminal justice professionals, A New Direction is a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment program that trains chemically dependent offenders to challenge their thinking in order to change their criminal and addictive behavior patterns. Modules contain DVDs filmed inside correctional facilities, where inmates, not actors, candidly discuss their lives. Also available, to purchase separately for each MODULE, is a Facilitator’s Guide ($39.95), and Workbooks ($5.95/each).

INTAKE & ORIENTATION Module Introduction To Treatment

DVD• 28 min • $149 Inmates discuss their fears and challenges about participating in a prison treatment program. Teaching points include: • the necessity of honesty about attitudes, behaviors, and choices • the importance of sharing feelings and personal information • holding oneself and other group members accountable • reaching out for help and support is difficult but necessary

Getting Along

DVD • 28 min • $149 As one inmate explains, “We have difficulty getting along because we lie and cheat and manipulate to get what we want.” inmates openly share the challenges and benefits of learning to build relationships based on trust and respect. Teaching points include: • empathy for others can be learned and developed • the inability to admit fault keeps you isolated • genuine relationships are based on honesty • conflict is a natural part of relationships • alcohol and drugs distort the way we experience relationships

Life On Life’s Terms

DVD • 32 min • $149 Inmates and former inmates—not actors—discuss what they did to safeguard their sobriety after either reintegration into general population or release from incarceration. As one former inmate explains in the video, “The time and energy we once wasted on our addiction is now available for developing our talents and skills.” Teaching points include: • finding a place to live • searching for a job • figuring out how to handle spare time • developing a support system

Purchase individually or set of 3 DVDs • $432 (SAVE $15)

Thinking About Your Thinking, Part 1

DVD • 32 min • $149 Inmates in a group setting discuss how distorted thinking keeps them stuck in addictive and criminal behaviors. Teaching points include: • seeing yourself as a victim allows you to victimize others • distorted thinking leads to manipulation and aggression • feelings of entitlement and criminal pride play into distorted thinking

The Turning Point: Breaking The Cycle Of Addiction & Incarceration

Thinking About Your Thinking, Part 2

DVD • 30 min • $149 Inmates present a series of eight real-life, everyday prison scenarios that could easily escalate into violent incidents. After each scenario, viewers are asked to analyze the event, identify the feelings and distorted thinking involved, and determine possible replacement thoughts and behaviors. The situations include: • an inmate’s overreaction to a routine shakedown • a scuffle after an egregious foul on the basketball court • an inmate’s phone call to his spouse who refuses to send money • a quarrel between roommates about how to resolve a conflict

Criminal And Addictive Behavior: Tactics DVD • 13 min • $149 Inmates candidly discuss the tactics they have used to exact power and control over others—in and out of prison. They share personal stories about manipulating, intimidating, physically assaulting, and even murdering individuals who got in the way of what they wanted. Raw, real, and tragic, the inmates’ stories reveal: • how distorted thoughts and unresolved feelings fuel criminality • why drug use and crime are fundamentally linked • what it means to take charge of your life and respect others. Reelizations Media






Available as either DVD Only • 45 min • $225 Or, as Community Corrections Curriculum with DVD + 3 CD-ROM set • $395 This compelling video includes interviews with African American men in different stages of addiction recovery and reintegration, along with straight talk from counselors, community activists, a neighborhood pastor, and a drug court judge. Recovering addicts relay the message, “You have to change your thinking to change your life.” They also discuss: • losses due to lifestyle choices • entrenched negative behaviors • giving up risky behaviors

Community Corrections Curriculum:

Includes The Turning Point DVD plus three workbooks on CD-ROM with reproducible client handouts. The Client Recovery Workbook helps clients learn how to stay clean and sober. The Client Life Skills Workbook teaches clients how to create a blueprint to make the necessary changes. The Client Cognitive Skills Workbook teaches socialization skills that enable clients to reintegrate into their community.

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Criminal Justice / Corrections / Re-Entry Matrix Model For Criminal Justice Settings Evidence-based

Omar And Pete: A Re-Entry Story NEW!

Includes 3 lecture DVDs, therapist’s manual, CD-ROM with reproducible worksheets and handouts, medallions, calendar stickers • $695 Based on the award-winning Matrix Model, this Intensive Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program provides adults in a variety of correctional settings including jails, community corrections, probation programs, drug courts, and prisons with the structure of an evidence-based treatment experience and combines education on both substance use and criminal thinking and behaviors. See page 4 for more information.

Assignment: Re-Entry by Michael Johnson

Moving On: A Program For At-Risk Women Evidence-based

DVD • 54 min • $566 Includes CD-ROM of handouts, program manual, and 5 facilitator’s guides This flexible intervention program draws from evidence-based treatment models and provides at-risk women with alternatives to criminal activities by helping them identify and mobilize personal and community resources. This curriculum-based program draws from Relational Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to create a flexible program that allows for continuous intake when new women arrive on unit or in facility. It can be used with individuals or groups in institutional settings, community corrections, or therapeutic communities. Content is organized around concepts of personal responsibility, expressing emotions in a constructive way, building healthy relationships, stress management and relaxation skills.

Countdown To Freedom, 6-Video Set

6 DVD set • 15-25 min each • $695 for the set Gender-Specific: Male or Female version. Please specify. This set of 6 videos takes criminal justice clients step-by-step through the community re-integration process. Candid interviews with ex-offenders and professionals offer various perspectives on what clients can expect during their journey back into society to help reduce recidivism. Offenders learn what steps to take prior to release, what actions are essential to a smooth transition, how to prevent relapse, and more.

6 Parts Include:

• Preparation For Release (Part 1): Importance of changing one’s thinking and mindset about release • Preparation For Release (Part 2): Making a realistic plan for re-entry. • Day Of Release: How to handle the “day of release,” as this can set the tone for the rest • Release And Beyond: Lifestyle Changes: Helps viewers evaluate their values and lifestyle • Release And Beyond: Relapse Triggers: Anticipatng high-risk situations and planning ahead to handle them • Release and Beyond: Support Systems: How to surround yourself with positive people

Reelizations Media

DVD • 83 min (in 2 parts) • $195 Includes facilitator’s discussion guide Omar and Pete captures events as they unfold, depicting how challenging life on the “outside” can be for men who’ve lived much of their lives behind bars. See page 9 for more information.

DVD • 58 min • $349 Michael Johnson takes viewers through a deep study of life on the street and the situations they will encounter once released. He elaborates on the importance of understanding personal limitations as they relate to successful outcomes. Michael discusses in great detail the importance of setting goals, and having a definite plan for re-entry. Assignment: Re-Entry is a how-to guide for re-entry into society, as well as a powerful therapeutic tool.

The Re-Entry Trap by Michael Johnson

DVD • 55 min • $349 Some 1,600 men and women are released every day from prisons and often are unprepared for the challenges of finding stable housing and employment, handling financial stress, and returning to relationships. The resulting frustration and discouragement can usher in a self-defeating mindset and behaviors. Even the homecoming “celebration” can be a trigger. Michael Johnson focuses on lifestyle changes and the importance of having a strong support system, achievable goals, and focusing on basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing and transportation.

Four Phases Of Community Re-Entry DVD • 32 min • $249 Includes facilitator’s guide For families of those returning home from incarceration or treatment. After months of having their loved-one in treatment or incarcerated, families have often gone through their own process and may be ill-prepared for him or her to return home.

This program addresses 4 family stages: • Relief the family may have felt initially when the loved one was taken off the street, out of immediate danger. • Resurrection of the inmate/addict in the family’s eyes as they visit their loved one and see the changes that have occurred in the structured environment. • Reality sinks in when the loved one returns home and still makes mistakes, has the same personality, faces financial frustrations, etc. • Renovation is the final phase, when the family finds acceptance and adjusts to the challenges of early recovery, learns more effective communication skills, and comes to terms with a more realistic course of change. View video previews:



Re-Entry Road To Reentry

5 DVDs sold separately or as a Set 25 min each • $149 each Or all 5 videos for $634 (SAVE $111) When transitioning out of incarceration, individuals face many barriers to a successful reentry. This video series guides individuals through the essential steps they’ll need to take to overcome challenges and pursue long-term success and fulfillment after their incarceration. Through a positive, encouraging approach, the program motivates individuals to become self-sufficient and make the right decisions to put themselves on track to a successful reentry. The 5 video series features formerly incarcerated individuals who describe their reentry experiences in candid, honest interviews that will resonate with viewers.

Meeting Your Basic Needs helps viewers:

• Prepare for the barriers they may face transitioning back to society, particularly in the first few months of their release. • Identify people, resources, and programs that can help them obtain their fundamental needs. • Recognize situations where staying with family or others can be detrimental to their reentry success. • Understand how to work toward short and long-term solutions to their fundamental needs. • Avoid common pitfalls that formerly incarcerated individuals often experience after release.

Making Healthy Choices helps viewers:

• The importance of managing their physical and mental health. • Identify resources and programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals monitor and improve their health. • Discover techniques for dealing with abuse and addiction. • Learn about healthy coping methods for dealing with stress.

Finding Employment helps viewers: • Learn effective ways to find job leads and secure job offers. • Discover best practices for completing job applications and creating resumes and cover letters. • Understand how to present themselves in interviews. • Know when and how to appropriately address their incarceration with employers. Succeeding On The Job helps viewers:

• Identify essential skills and personality traits required for retaining employment and career advancement. • Understand employers’ expectations. • Learn about behaviors and attitudes that can be detrimental to their job security and reputation. • Discover ways to achieve better jobs and long-term success. • Recognize the advantages additional education or training.

Reconnecting With Family And Community helps viewers:

• Understand the importance and advantages of reconnecting with family and others who may be positive influences. • Prepare for the difficulties they may encounter when re-establishing relationships.

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Reelizations Media

Putting The Bars Behind You DVD • 24 min • $99 This video addresses the unique challenges that ex-offenders face when they look for work. Reallife ex-offenders talk about looking for—and finding—jobs. Special attention is given to the interview, and ex-offenders learn how to discuss their incarceration with potential employers; communicate their skills and strengths; and answer tough interview questions.

You’re Fired! 10 Ways To Lose Your Job And How To Avoid Them DVD • 30 min • $157 Narrated by Emmy Award-winning anchor and reporter, Lori Wilson, this program reveals the ten most common reasons people are fired and uses vignettes to help viewers understand which attitudes and behaviors to avoid in the workplace (Poor job performance; Poor relationships with supervisors; Dishonesty; Unreliability; Inability to work with others; Disrespecting others; Misusing company resources; Poor customer service; Abusing drugs or alcohol; Inappropriate appearance),


In addition to learning what not to do on the job, viewers also gain strategies for making positive changes to improve their performance at work.

Living Skills


Two separate programs each with 2-DVDs and CD-ROM • 120 min each program • $399 each • or $699 for the 2-Program Set (SAVE $99) Each topic includes a four-session facilitator guide, reproducible client handouts and workbook. Understanding and practicing the skills needed for daily living are tremendously important, especially in today’s economic climate. Living Skills is divided into two unique components: Personal Growth and Practical Guidance. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice and a wide variety of other settings, this program provides the tools necessary to help clients live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Practical Guidance program provides information on the day-to-day external skills needed to live a healthy life. Topics include: • Hygiene and self-care • Sexual health • Looking for work • Education • Managing money • Securing housing Personal Growth program covers the internal skills needed to be a positive member of a community. Topics include: • Making decisions • Refusal skills • Interpersonal skills • Values and responsibilities • Setting and attaining goals • Parenting and child development




Stages Of Family Recovery

DVD (each contains complete program twice, once in English and once in Spanish) • 36 min • $225 Includes facilitator’s guide, with Spanish translation of discussion questions También en Español The pain of living with a loved one’s addiction can lead family members to shame, secrecy and isolation. Stages of Family Recovery is an encouraging, empowering video that lets families know they’re not alone, that their reactions to the loved one’s behaviors are normal, and that recovery for the whole family is possible. Teens, parents, and grandparents share stories of despair and hope, helplessness and optimism. Clinical insights from Stephanie Brown, Ph.D. help families progress through stages of recovery.

Confident Parenting In Recovery DVD • 40 min • $225 Oftentimes people in recovery are trying to be the best parent possible, without the benefit of strong family support or role models. This video offers advice and tools from educators, counselors, and parents who have unique perspectives because they too have struggled with the same parenting challenges.


Topics include: • Discovering your parenting style • Exploring stages of child development • Setting boundaries • Learning the roles of mother, father, and caregiver • Parenting while navigating through trauma • Teaching better behavior through motivational strategies

Healthy Sexual Relationships In Recovery

Reelizations Media

DVD • average 20 min each • $80 each, or set of 9 DVDs for $559 (SAVE $161) También en Español In this video series, all teaching points are made by actual young, racially diverse parents—not actors. They show how a family can survive and become healthy even in the most challenging circumstances. Part 1: Bonding With Your Baby takes us into 4 homes to learn about healthy bonding, and why it is so crucial. Part 2: Education Starts At Home Viewers learn to turn everyday activities into learning experiences. Emphasizes self-esteem, reading to children, managing TV time, and staying involved with schools. Part 3: Wise Words On Discipline Parents talk about effective, positive discipline techniques instead of “spanking.” Part 4: Fathers Matter presents urban dads—married, single and divorced—reflecting on their role in influencing the next generation. Part 5: Encouraging Positive Activities Parents talk about involving their children in music, sports, daily chores and family fun—all activities which teach skills, confidence, and perseverance. Part 6: Single Parenting offers ideas on how to discipline, role model and create a positive, orderly household as a single parent. Also addresses the thorny issue of dating. Part 7: Marriage Four diverse couples talk about the benefits and challenges of being married, working together to raise children, and utilizing outside support. Offers tips for a strong and stable marriage. Part 8: Foster Parents discuss their decision to foster, how they handle the challenges, and the effect on the rest of their families. Part 9: Grandparents as Parents addresses the immense challenges and rewards.

Successful Parenting Series

NEW! DVD • 40 min • $225 Oftentimes people in recovery struggle with relationships, and sexual relationships can present some of the biggest challenges. This video offers advice from experts who address three distinct areas: • Physical Sexual Health addresses sexually transmitted diseases, infections, exams, and pregnancy. • Mental Sexual Health deals with a person’s security, trust of others, self-image, and confidence when it comes to making healthy choices. • Abuse explains the different forms and cycles of abuse, healthy boundaries, safety, and self-care, and the next steps in regaining empowerment after abuse.

View video previews:

Families Talk About Series

DVD • 17 min each part (except Part 7 at 27 min) $50 each part • $130 for Parts 1, 2 and 3 only $300 for entire series Each part comes with a downloadable guidebook and a booklet for parents to take home Parts 1-3 También en Español Part 1: Self-Esteem Is the Key shows how certain behaviors toward children can damage their self-esteem, and how to build it up. Part 2: Communication Is Crucial points out ineffective and effective techniques. Part 3: Discipline Makes The Difference presents logical consequences, time-outs, and family meetings to foster responsible behavior. Part 4: School Success teaches parents to help their children succeed, with specific grade-level interventions. Part 5: Taming The Homework Monster helps parents handle procrastination, arguments, low grades, etc.—without tears and humiliation. Part 6: The Single Parent Family: A Challenge For Children Children who’ve “been there” offer suggestions for coping in a single parent household. For ages 6+. Part 7: The Single Parent Family: A Challenge For Parents provides practical suggestions to meet their special needs and challenges.



Index Of Titles TITLE

12 - Promises: The Rewards Of Recovery

A New Direction: Cognitive Behavioral TX Abused Boys, Wounded Men

Adolescents And Co-Occurring Disorders

price page $150


Release & Reintegration Module



Living Steps 10,11,12



Marijuana And Recovery


Marijuana: The Hidden Hazards



Assignment: Re-Entry







Anger And Triggers, by Bob Francis

Binge Drinking

Bob Francis - “Chalk Talks”



Boys & Men Healing From Child Sexual Abuse✱


Moving On: A Program For At-Risk Women



Confident Parenting In Recovery



Criminal & Addictive Thinking Module



Double Trouble





Discover The 12 Steps

Drugs Of Abuse: Treatment And Recovery

$695 $399


DUI/DWI: Make This One Your Last One Ernesto: A Long Road

Families Talk About Series

Four Phases Of Community Re-Entry













Restless, Irritable And Discontented: Relapse

Healthy Sexual Relationships In Recovery


Heroin Interviews – Young People In Recovery


Science Of Methamphetamine, The





Spirituality vs. Religion: Simpler Than You Think



Sheila: Not Alone

Stages Of Family Recovery✱ Staying Off Cocaine✱

Successful Parenting Series✱

5 3















Turning Point: Breaking The Cycle




Woman’s Way Through The 12 Steps✱







How You Got Here: Reflections



Impact: Driving Drunk, Driving High✱


Intake & Orientation Module









Release & Reintegration Module

Sex And Drugs: The Intimate Connection









Relapse: It’s A Thought Process


I Didn’t Think It Would Happen To Me: Heroin



Guide For Living With PTSD

Homeboys: Life And Death In The Hood




Set-Up For Relapse

Homeboys: “My Daddy’s In Jail”



Re-Entry Trap, The


High Cost Of Low Living, The



Recovery Basics: Start Strong & Keep Going


Heroin + Prescription Painkillers: Community




Getting Out Of The Game: Trap Of Drug Dealing

Healing Years, The✱



Process Of Recovery

Road To Reentry




Preventing Relapse: Taking The Necessary Steps


Guide For Living With Co-Occurring Disorders





6 6

Pathway To Change

Real Deal: Anger Management For Adolescents




Out Of The Tunnel & Into Light: Dual Disorders






Omar And Pete: A Re-Entry Story

Getting Along On The Job

Getting Along / Socializations Module


Pulling Punches: Rage Management


Gambling: It’s Not About Money



$80-559 $249



Men In Recovery

Putting The Bars Behind You



Matrix Model, The




Marijuana: At Your Own Risk





Medical Aspects: Neurobiology Of Addiction


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For PTSD

Living Skills


Challenging The Lifestyle

Countdown To Freedom




Beyond Trauma - Healing Journey For Women

price page

Introduction To Twelve Step Groups

From $99

Adults And Co-Occurring Disorders

Beat The Street: Clean And Sober In The City




Integrating 12 Steps With Medication For Opioid Use $175




Who’s Driving?

Women In Recovery

Women, Trauma And Recovery

$99 $99

Young Adults Discover The 12 Steps


Youth And Drugs Of Abuse


You’re Fired! 10 Ways To Lose Your Job & Avoid Them $157


10 7

14 8

✱ También en Español 16

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PREVIEWS Preview excerpts of many videos are available for viewing online at VISIT OUR WEBSITE You’ll find our most current and complete video offerings and prices on our website. You can download original research on relapse prevention and the field test results of our award winning “Beat the Street” series. Sample pages from several counselor guides are there for your viewing, as well. A printable version of our latest catalog is also available online. E-NEWSLETTER Join our e-mail list to receive our occasional E-Newsletters for updates on products and information. RETURNS & EXCHANGES Defective products must be reported within 30 days for a refund or exchange. NOTE Prices are subject to change. QUESTIONS? Contact our friendly staff with any questions, Tell us about your video and program needs. We want you to get the materials that will help you do your job.


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