Breaking Barriers - Women in Business Showcase

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A ’Women in Business' showcase

MARCH 2024



This showcase is a celebration of resilience, innovation, and the unwavering spirit of extraordinary women who are leaving an indelible mark on the business landscape.

The statistics speak volumes about the growing influence of women in business in Australia. According to recent data, women-led businesses contribute significantly to the nation's economy, accounting for over 30% of all small businesses. Additionally, the number of women entrepreneurs is steadily rising, reflecting a surge in determination to shatter glass ceilings and redefine success on their terms.

Join us in applauding these incredible ladies as we a celebrate their strength, tenacity, and the boundless potential within each woman to make a difference. Edition two will be published in the April edition. For more information, contact

From Bark to Business Brilliance

Meet Leilani, the unstoppable force behind Samford Variety Store, proving that dreams know no language barriers. Hailing from Mexico, she navigated a new life in Australia, overcoming hurdles and weaving her family commitments into the already bustling Variety Store. Leilani's inspiration didn't stop there – she ventured into the digital realm, creating an online marketplace for dogs, reflecting her passion for our fourlegged friends. Her story is a testament that no matter where you're from or how busy life gets, with determination, dreams can become a reality. Leilani embodies the spirit of women entrepreneurs, showcasing that there's no limit to what you can achieve.

Connect with Leilani’s doggy business on

Building Dreams, Breaking Stereotypes

In the world of architecture, Jessica Hersch, the driving force behind Liife Architecture, is rewriting the narrative. Inspired by her daughter's disbelief in women as bosses, Jessica embarked on a journey to prove that women can not only lead but excel in business. With a personalised touch, warmth, and creativity, Jessica transforms spaces from luxury residences to inviting starter homes, and even unforgettable hospitality venues. Her unique blend of femininity and sophistication leaves an indelible mark on every project, challenging stereotypes and showcasing the power of women in business

Connect with Jessica on

A legal dynamo on YOUR side

Nicole Jukes stands out at Armstrong Doessel Stevenson Lawyers with her extensive expertise in commercial disputes, debt recovery, and estate planning. Known for her keen ability to unravel complex issues and devise winning strategies, Nicole is a formidable advocate, securing positive results with her strong negotiation skills.

Beyond her professional life, Nicole is a dedicated mother, run coach, and ultra-marathon runner. Her remarkable feat as the first Australian woman to win a Backyard Ultra exemplifies her incredible endurance and mental toughness. Nicole extends her passion to advocating for women and children affected by domestic violence, using her running to raise awareness and funds for crucial charities.

Nicole's blend of determination, passion, and focus distinguishes her in the legal field, making her an empowering partner for those seeking legal assistance. Her commitment to excellence and community welfare shines through her work, offering not just legal expertise but a supportive alliance to navigate legal challenges together.

Remember to Call Nicole Jukes on 07 3088 3777 - She's on your side.

Thriving Through Transformation

Rana Jewell, Beneath the Surface

Meet Rana Jewell, a woman of boundless curiosity, courage, and accomplishments. Raised on a sugar cane farm in Central Queensland, her journey has woven through various careers and adventures that shaped her into an elegant and compassionate person.

Now, Rana merges her diverse background into a holistic approach, emphasising the crucial elements of physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As a Stretch Therapy™ teacher, she guides other averagely stiff adults towards increased flexibility, releasing tension, restoring overall vitality, and improving range of movement.

Beyond Stretch Therapy™, Rana brings her expertise as a grief and trauma counsellor. With profound compassion, she assists individuals in transforming trauma into manageable memories, sometimes achieved in just one counselling session.

Rana holds a Master of Counselling from QUT, is a member of the Australian Counselling Association, possesses a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) with Distinction, and holds certificates in Stretch Therapy™ Teaching, Mental Health First Aid, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST), while actively advancing her public speaking talents through Toastmasters‘ Presentation Mastery Pathway. Rana is happy to speak at local clubs.

In her personal and professional life, Rana seeks balance, embracing curiosity and life-long learning. We invite you to call Rana for a chat about any elements of this story that “talk” to you.

Connect with Rana on 0408 510 001


Starting a sweet revolution

Amber Riddell, Teralba Park Honey

When we think of beekeepers, our minds often conjure up images of folks tending to hives in picturesque countryside settings. But today, we're about to challenge that stereotype and introduce you to a remarkable individual who is breaking the mold. Meet Amber Riddell, the inspiring urban beekeeper from Teralba Park Honey, located in the heart of Everton Park. Amber is not only proving that beekeeping is possible in an urban area, but she's also taking it to a whole new level.

Amber's journey began on a modest suburban block, where she transformed her backyard into a thriving apiary. What started as a hobby turned into a passion that Amber couldn't ignore. Despite the challenges of urban beekeeping, Amber's determination and love for bees pushed her to explore new possibilities and expand her horizons.

At Teralba Park Honey, you'll find an array of delectable creations, such as aromatic infused honey and indulgent flavoured creamed honey. Alongside honey production she is also dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others, mentoring new beekeepers who want to explore the world of urban apiaries. Moreover, Amber also conducts educational sessions for kindergartens and schools, introducing children to the wondrous world of bees. Through these initiatives, she aims to foster a deeper appreciation for bees and their vital role in our ecosystem.

Amber's story is a testament to the power of following one's dreams and challenging societal norms. Learn more at

Boutique travel redefined

Meet Sonia Jones, the heart and soul behind Sonia Jones Travel (SJT), a boutique travel agency distinguished by its unwavering commitment to personally tailored travel experiences and exceptional customer service.

With over two decades of experience in the travel industry, Sonia has steered SJT to remarkable growth since its inception in 2014, transforming it into a trusted boutique agency. Now headquartered in Ashgrove, SJT boasts a dedicated team of five professionals serving clients not only locally but around the world.

At SJT, the focus is on crafting bespoke travel itineraries ensuring that each journey is uniquely tailored to a client’s preferences, interests, and budget. With destination expertise covering the globe, the SJT Team provide valuable insights and exclusive access to hidden gems, creating unforgettable travel memories. Strong relationships with suppliers ensure SJT clients are cared for by local connections and travel partners around the world.

With a string of awards under her belt, Sonia continues to challenge the norms of the travel industry, delivering unparalleled service and innovation to SJT clients.

Join Sonia Jones Travel on a journey beyond the ordinary, where every trip is an unforgettable adventure.

Contact Sonia on 3366 1180 or visit


Scale and succeed with confidence

Susanne Jones, Business Advisory

Samford Valley local Susanne Jones is not one to just sit back and enjoy the spoils of her success. Instead, she shares her time and talents with others, helping them to succeed and scale profitably too.

Having successfully built and scaled Just Better Care Brisbane North since 2015 and formally mentoring others through the Queensland Governments Mentoring 4 Growth program and the Institute of Managers and Leaders Mentorloop program, Susanne now personally guides business owners in all industries.

In sharing the power of business advisory, both in a 1:1 capacity and as part of an advisory board, Susanne empowers business owners to get out of the trenches to work on their business, how to take a helicopter view, develop their teams and future leaders, concentrate on efficiencies, measure performance, have powerful conversations with staff and work towards stepping away from an operation role.

Recognised as one of SEQ’s 50 most inspiring women of 2023 and as an Advisory Board Centre Certified ChairTM Susanne can guide you too.

Book a 15-minute discovery call today, call Susanne on 0450 667 370 or email susanne@

Helping our most vulnerable


Jones, Just Better Care Brisbane North

Susanne Jones has caring in her DNA as well as a keen business sense, enabling her to embed the award winning Just Better Care Brisbane North into the fabric of our local area since 2015. The provision of direct in-home supports as an approved Home Care Package Provider, registered NDIS Provider and Veterans Home Care provider contracted by DVA, alongside NDIS Plan Management, Care Planning and Home Care Package financial intermediary has brought her immense joy and satisfaction to be helping the most vulnerable in our community.

Delivering excellence through high-level customer service while collaborating with other providers across the region ensure that the best outcomes for customers from all walks of life is always at front of mind for Susanne and her team of 70+ Brisbane North locals. It also contributes to Just Better Care Brisbane North being known as an employer of choice.

The Just Better Care Brisbane North team and service aligns with all Government expectations in an ever-evolving industry. ‘We never compromise our ethics’ is a well-entrenched value for Susanne and her team.

To find out more about Just Better Care Brisbane North’s services call 07 3056 0777 or visit today.

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