-IFMA OSU Chapter Member: Secretary -ASID OSU Chapter Member: Student Representative -USGBC OSU Chapter Member -Coalition for Advancing Digital Research and Education (CADRE)Peoples Choice Research Winer Korneva, K. (2019) Understanding Perceived Retail Crowding(PRC) Through Virtual Reality (VR) and Neuroimaging
-2018 NCWIT Change Leader Scholar Korneva, K., Mejia, L. (2019) Measuring Perceived Retail Crowding (PRC) in Retail Environments Through Functional Infrared Spectroscopy
-2018 Lighting Design Presented at The IALD Enlighten Europe Conference Chandrasekera, T., Ferreira, A., Hebert, P., (2018) Embracing Technology: Using 3D Scanned Museum Collections in Interior Design Education. Environmental Design Research Association conference 2018, Oklahoma City. Jun 6-9, 2018.
-2019 IDEC Conference Travel Award For $1000 Korneva, K., Mejia, L. (2019) Measuring Perceived Retail Crowding (PRC) in Retail Environments Through Functional Infrared Spectroscopy
-2019 EDRA Conference Research Presentation Korneva, K., Mejia, L. (2019) Measuring Perceived Retail Crowding (PRC) in Retail Environments Through Functional Infrared Spectroscopy
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3D Modeling Town & Gown Theater Computer Rendering Hand rendering Construction Documents Art Projects
3D Model (Co work)
3D Model (Co work) The purpose of this space was to create a co working environment that incorporated different types of work environments for different types of people. Elements like place attachment, place identity, bonding, and nature were used to enhance the human experience within the space. PROCESS/TECHNIQUES USED; 3D PRITNING LASER CUTTING HAND CRAFTING PHOTOSHOP FOR RENDERINGS
Town & Gown Theater
Town & Gown Theater Town & Gown Theater is a theater in Stillwater Oklahoma that our class was assigned to renovate. The assignment was to renovate the back of house including the Green Room, Makeup Room, and the Two Dressing Rooms. The project included onsite visits and energy saving lighting design, as well as to design an innovative lighting design. PROCESS/TECHNIQUES USED; Revit Enscape PhotoShop 9
Delivery Room Design
Delivery Room Design In this exercise, I designed the interior of a delivery room inspired by the curves of a woman during her pregnancy. While following codes in my design, I made sure to incorporate features that would include any need that family would want, like a bath for water births, a full size bed to fit both parents, an incubator for the baby, and extra seating for family remembers. PROCCESS USED: SketchUp Photoshop 11
Residential Home Design
Residential Home Design In this exercise, my group and I were assigned to design a 2,000 square foot home for an elderly couple, who loved art, travel, fishing, and hosting guests. Our task was to create a home that consisted to meet ADA codes and Universal design, while keeping to the needs of the clients. PROCCESS USED: SketchUp Enscape
Dorm Room Chair Design
Dorm Room Chair Design For this exercise, I was assigned to create a piece of furniture that would serve two functions in a dorm room, saving space and money. I decided to create a rocking chair, out of light material, that could be hung up on the wall and used as a book shelf when not used as a chair. PROCCESS USED: SketchUp Enscape
Hand Rendered Floating Habitation
Hand Rendered Floating Habitation In this exercise I designed a floating habitation during my study abroad experience in Paris, FR. By designing a floating habitation, I was able to learn and design the functions of how this habitation would float and provide energy to the home. Hand rendering my imagery of the exterior and Interior helped me understand the dimensions and layout with the limited space we were given. PROCCESS USED: Hand Rendering
Hand Rendered Floorplan
Hand Rendered Floorplan This exercise helped develop a sense of space planning, interior layouts, and interior element placements like doors, windows, walls, etc. By learning how to hand render a floorplan, I was able to focus and learn about different elements within a space of a home.
PROCCESS USED: Hand Rendering
Construction Documents This was a remodel project for Stillwater Elementary, Administrative Department. PROCCESS USED: AutoCAD
Framed Art For my Three dimensional Art class, I was assigned to create a frame out of wood, and inside create a captured story that was inspiring to me. I chose the idea of Lotus flowers blooming at different rates, on different levels of water, to represent the variety of people within this world and how we develop our selves within our environment. PROCCESS USED: Rhino Wood Working Tools Painting 22
Southern Color As an artist, half way through my college career, I decided to start my own business, Lively Lotus Co., in which I make and sell custom artwork for individuals. This was a piece I did for a Veterinary student at OSU. This in particular piece shows my ability of using color and the focus on detail. PROCCESS USED: Sketching Watercolor painting