All Things Local - Village Edition - August/September 2024

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Winners’ Corner Contents


Debbie Garbett from Kilburn who has won a bottle of Champagne.


Mr & Mrs Wheat from Belper who have won Afternoon Tea for 2 people at Morley Hayes, Main Road, Morley.



Hello readers

Welcome to the August/September issue of All Things Local. As we go to print, everything feels a little unsettled … and we’re not just talking about the weather!

By the time you read this, the next UK Government will have been decided on, but at the time of writing the political campaigns are still in full swing, promises are being made and votes are being fought for. And as for the weather, well, don’t even get us started on that!

Hopefully, by the time you’re sitting down to read this, things will be feeling a little more certain and settled … and, with any luck, the sun will be shining too. Summer’s been more than a little delayed this year, hasn’t it!

Whatever happens over the next few years in the UK and with the wider economy, there’s a lot we can all do close to home to support each other and our local businesses and communities, helping our small area of Britain to thrive. Shopping local and supporting small businesses is a great place to start. Your spending has so much more power and makes a much bigger difference in the local economy than it does in the pockets of huge multinationals. Known as the ‘multiplier effect’, a greater share of money spent locally is recirculated locally … so the £10 you spend in a local shop then grows and goes on to do even more good in the local economy!

And, of course, there’s much more to our community than economics, too. The wonderful people who live and work in this area make it the friendly, welcoming place that we all know and love. As ever, you can thank those special people

who go above and beyond to make a difference to our little corner of the world with a Friendship Blooms nomination. Read about this issue’s deserving recipient on page 73.

The prize for our crossword has been kindly gifted by The Elephant and Peacock in Milford, so turn to page 6 and get your thinking cap on to be in with a chance of winning a 2-course meal for 2 people. As usual, you can also win a bottle of Champagne in our Sudoku competition on page 19, too.

Talking of prizes … we’d like to wish the very best of luck to Team GB representing our country in a vast array of sports in the Paris Olympics this summer! We hope all that training pays off and our athletes can bring home a host of hard-earned medals.

We hope you have a wonderful summer (whatever the weather!) and we’ll be back in the autumn with our October/November issue.

All the best,

Pictured l to r: Karyn Milner (Publisher/Editor), Ruth Brown (Advertising Sales), Helen Young (Editorial Copywriter & Coordinator)

Advertising Enquiries: Ruth Brown


T: 01332 883140 or 07545 261034


Just complete the simple crossword, cut out and return to: Prize Crossword, All Things Local, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA. Remember to provide your name, address and telephone number. Closing date: Wednesday 14th August 2024. All entries are

Over 20 years ago we purchased our first carpets from T. Nutt & Sons who also fitted them. Today ALL the carpets and floor coverings in our four bedroomed house were supplied and fitted by the above company. We have just replaced the hall, stairs and landing carpets plus the lounge carpet but only because I wanted a change of decor!! Second time round for Nutts. The experience of choosing carpets is second to none. No-one could be more helpful with suggestions on style, colour etc. The fitters have been excellent in every way. If you want friendly support with expertise, this is the place to come!!

Business & Professional

Legal Matters

Shacklocks Solicitors

Legal Matters: Trusts

Legal Matters: Property Searches –Who Needs Them?

In each edition legal advisors from Shacklocks deal with important legal topics. This month Marion Vesey (pictured) invites us to think about making a decision that will benefit future generations.

Legal Matters: Breakdown of a Marriage or Civil Partnership: Dividing the Pensions

Cassandra Worton, Partner with Shacklocks LLP and a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, explains some of the mystery behind Trusts.

Buying a property is a huge financial decision, possibly the biggest financial decision you will make in your life.

Making a Will is a serious business. It is a time which gives many people cause to stop and think about how they want to be remembered when they are gone.

Trusts are a very well established part of English law, but are generally not available in many European countries. So what are they, and how did they come about?

When a marriage or a civil partnership breaks down, consideration needs to be given to how the assets of the union are to be divided. Assets can include the home, savings, cars and other valuables but also pensions.

It’s an even more sobering thought when you realise that one of the underlying legal principles when buying a property is ‘Caveat Emptor’, meaning ‘Let the Buyer Beware’.

local land charges, planning applications, building regulations, road schemes, and public rights of way.

70 years later the trust is still providing that accommodation.

Environmental Search

The difficulty is that the CETV for one scheme might produce completely different pension benefits to the CETV in another scheme. You might share a particular pension equally but the reality in terms of what you might each receive in your pocket could be significantly different. The court is generally concerned about the effect of a pension sharing order, especially when people might have been together for a long time.

Water and Drainage Search

The CETV provided by a pension scheme might not be a true representation of the value of that pension. In some cases, especially some public sector pensions, the CETV provided can significantly understate the true worth of a pension.

An environmental search will assess the environmental risks affecting the property, including the risk of it being designated as contaminated land, flooding, radon and potentially the impacts of climate change.

Another of the trusts we look after was set up by a client who wanted to help people with particular medical conditions. Her kindness has enabled her trustees to provide financial support to a gifted young musician who has experienced a number of health issues that have interfered with her education, to enable that child to be educated in the most appropriate environment.

Indeed the pensions can be the most valuable asset and care has to be exercised in how they are treated and how they are divided. Usually, pensions are dealt with in one of the following ways:

Many people are attracted by the idea of doing something to help others less fortunate than themselves after they pass away, particularly if their family are adequately provided for or if they have no close family. Whilst some still like the idea of supporting major national charities, there are many who prefer to benefit more local causes or causes close to their heart, possibly where they have had a personal involvement or received support during their lifetime.

Put as simply as possible, a Trust will arise where a person transfers property or assets into the name of their chosen Trustees, for the Trustees to hold that property or those assets for certain purposes and on certain terms, for the benefit of specific persons or a group of people.

In other words, but for a few exceptions, the risk when purchasing a property is with the buyer. Although there are some legal responsibilities on the seller, in general terms it is the responsibility of the buyer to identify any hidden risks or liabilities, and the seller will not be held liable for defects with the property that could have been identified through the buyer’s own survey, searches and inspection.

The search results will reveal important information about the water and drainage services at the property including whether the property is connected to the mains water supply and mains drainage. It may also reveal whether there are any assets belonging to the water undertaker within the boundary of the property which could restrict any alterations or additions to the property in the future.

1. Pension sharing. This is where one pension is divided to create essentially two pensions, a reduced pension for the member of the pension scheme and a new pension for the other person.

2. Pension attachment. This is where a court makes an order directing that some of the pension payable to one person is paid to the other.

To better understand Trusts we can take a look back to the times of the Crusades. Trusts first began to take shape in medieval England when men were travelling abroad to join the Crusades. They would transfer their property to a trusted friend for them to look after, manage and protect until their return, which may not be for many years. The moral obligation imposed on the friend is one of the earliest forms of a Trust, which over the centuries has become embedded in our legal system.

A Charitable Trust can be set up either during your lifetime with savings and investments built up already, or alternatively through a specially prepared Will that will only take effect following your death and will therefore not deprive you of capital or income during your lifetime.

There are many other searches which may also be appropriate such as mining, radon, HS2, flooding, chancel liability and climate searches.

There are obviously many different pension schemes in existence. Each will probably be different to the next. It is very important that you receive the right advice and that the true value of each pension is understood and shared fairly. Often it is necessary to involve other experts, for example pension actuaries, who will produce comprehensive reports to assist in the division of pension assets. The information given above is necessarily general and cannot be relied upon in any particular case.

Whilst the idea that someone travelling abroad may leave their property in Trust to be managed whilst they are away is still very useful today, Trusts may be used closer to home to protect and manage property or money in other circumstances too. For example, a parent may set up a Trust in their lifetime or through their Will for a child, or for an adult son or daughter who is not able to manage their own affairs perhaps because of disability or mental capacity issues. A married person may provide in their Will for their surviving spouse to have a life interest in their half of the family home thereby protecting that half of the home for the next generation. A Trust may be used where someone receives damages as a result of a personal injury or clinical negligence claim. A couple may set up a Trust to keep their family assets in the bloodline in case of changes in family and marital arrangements which may take the assets out of the family, or someone with a second family may set up a Trust to make special arrangements for their two families. A person with Charitable intentions may set up a Trust in their lifetime or on death for the benefit of those who they particularly wish to help in the future, and by doing so leave a lasting legacy: many of the charities we see now may have been set up in this way. These are all types of Trust.

3. Offsetting. This is where the pensions are left untouched but the share of other assets are adjusted to take into account the value of pensions.

So, obtaining property searches is a vital part of the conveyancing process as it can help identify a range of issues. A buyer may think they know all they need to know about a property, perhaps because they live locally or know the owners, but the searches may reveal aspects or answer questions that had not previously been considered.

Something that our team will discuss with clients in this situation is the idea of setting up their own charitable trust which can continue to provide support for charitable causes of their choosing long after they have passed away. Creating your own charity means that your trustees can provide support to those who need help most. There can be a great sense of satisfaction in knowing that your trustees will carry out your wishes after you have gone and that your name will be associated with such good deeds even after you are no longer around.

Before you even think about dealing with pensions you need to know their value. The starting point is often the provision of a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (“CETV”). This needs to be provided in all cases. Whilst the CETV is important, further information is often needed in terms of benefit statements so that the full terms of the pension can be considered.

There are some searches which should be undertaken on every purchase:

Local Authority Search

The local search will provide essential information regarding the property and the local area including

If we fast forward to the present day, the reasons to use a Trust are broadly the same as in medieval England; there are different types of Trusts and there are many different types of situations which may create Trusts. Trusts may be set up in a lifetime, or through a Will following death. Trusts may provide circumstances in which beneficiaries will become absolutely entitled to the Trust Fund, or they may provide flexibility by allowing for discretion to be exercised as to who should benefit.

It is important to understand the difference between different pension types. Some pensions are pots of money which can sometimes be converted into cash (subject to tax). Other pensions simply give a person the right to receive an income from a particular date until their death.

At Shacklocks we have set up a number of charitable trusts over the 150 years or so we have been in business and we still look after those trusts today. One of the charitable trusts we look after, for example, was established by a will in the 1940’s to provide accommodation for elderly residents.

At Shacklocks LLP we are committed to helping you to understand the true worth of pensions and to help you receive a fair financial settlement which will meet your needs. Shacklocks LLP family law team are currently offering all new clients an initial free half hour appointment. To find out more, contact Ben Stubbins and his team on 01773 822333 or email

Our team at Shacklocks have a particular speciality in preparing arrangements of this kind and also of acting as professional trustees to enable wishes to be fulfilled and instructions to be followed.

If you are thinking of supporting charities through your Will or during your lifetime with a lump sum, why not talk to us about the different ways in which we can help you benefit those good causes, and how to make the most of the tax rules that enable a charitable cause to benefit.

The results of the searches should be carefully reviewed by your conveyancer and collated into a report. Any potential issues should be flagged to you as early in the transaction as possible so you may make an informed decision without incurring unnecessary costs. The results may present an opportunity to negotiate the purchase price or may identify unresolvable issues resulting in a buyer withdrawing from the transaction.

Shacklocks LLP have been dealing with Trusts for many years, though not quite as far back as the Crusades! If you would like to know more about Trusts and how they may be of help in your circumstances contact Cassandra Worton or Richard Farmer at Shacklocks LLP on 01773 822333 or 01623 626141 or email or

Call us at Shacklocks to talk about how we can help you to help your favourite local

Telephone Shacklocks on 0845 602 2344 or email me at

The information in this article is for general guidance only and advice should always be sought for your particular circumstances. To find out how we can help, contact Jordanna Smedley, Solicitor, at Shacklocks LLP on 01773 822333 or 01332 559281 or e-mail

Business & Professional

Money Matters: The Protection Question

Money Matters:

10 Years of Belper IFS: Our First Decade

It is 40 years since the first critical illness cover plans came to Britain and much has changed since then. 40 years ago, 1 in 5 were likely to be diagnosed with cancer; shockingly, in 2024 that statistic is 1 in 2.

10 years ago, Belper Independent Financial Solutions was formed after its founder (me, Kevin Glover) was made redundant from The Derbyshire Building Society.

What has changed? More data is available today and more life-saving treatments, therefore more claims is a factor. Poor diet, lack of exercise are others. Once, a major illness would have a greater probability of turning into a death claim, not a critical illness claim. Modern medicine means more illness is diagnosed but equally more are treated, meaning fewer death claims.

Since then, Belper has seen the loss of The Derbyshire, Woolworths, Somerfield, Thomas Cook and Britannia Building Society to name but a few long-standing institutions that are now confined to history Generations of people have been served or been customers of these organisations. You are probably one. State Pension Age has changed several times and will most likely do so again At least interest rates have not changed much! Rubbish then and not much better today

Consider this – joining the EU was considered the right decision once upon a time.

Historically, people bought critical illness as a bolt-on to their life cover, usually because of insuring the mortgage in event of an early unexpected demise. In event of death during the remainder of the mortgage term, the life cover would hopefully be sufficient to pay off the remaining mortgage debt, so the house could be passed on debtfree to surviving family members.

Upon diagnosis of a major specified illness, the critical illness cover would pay a tax-free lump sum to the policy holder whether death was a consequence or not. As advisers, we would normally advise the critical illness aspect to protect and pay off any mortgage or other debt.

From my dining room in 2009, to an office in Heanor, back to Belper and now to the present location, much has changed including the greyness of my hair and the size of my waistline! Now as a team of 8 we have seen the client base expand over the years. ‘Generous’ successive Chancellors introduce new legislation impacting the public and signposting the need for financial advice.

What about you – what has changed in your lives over the last 10 years? How many jobs have you had? Has your family extended or tragedy struck? How many times have you moved house? How many pension schemes have you been a member of and simply left, through one reason or another? How many cars, partners and other life events have occurred?

However, in the event of a claim, it is not compulsory how critical illness claim monies are spent. According to CIExpert Critical Thinking Report 2024, less than 20% of claimants used claim funds to pay off mortgage debt. Instead, it is more popular to use the funds to pay for or towards private medical treatment, replace lost earnings, help improve or aid their health or save it for the future. So, whilst not the intended design for the plan (often the cover reduces aligned to the reduction in mortgage owed), claimants use it for other purposes. It is their money after all. Why not consider Private Medical

How many investments have you made and when were they last reviewed and looked at? My point is

that the need for financial advice and a solution should not be seen as a one-off. Financial products and solutions were probably right at the time, but just how much has changed since their inception?

Insurance which is designed to do that job more effectively with often more support and benefit than simply receiving a tax-free sum? Ideally PMI is a complementary insurance to run alongside your mortgage cover to help fund treatment and support such as access to GPs within 24 hours as well as paying for medical assistance and operations/treatments.

Investment funds (whether held in pension wrappers or alternative structures such as Stocks and Shares ISAs), are mostly run by fund managers who are also human beings. As humans they may retire, defect to other companies, or run out of luck! Solutions that may have been right at the start may no longer be suitable or effective. Leading fund managers in 2009 may no longer be leading fund managers as we approach 2020.

We are all well aware of the intense pressure on the NHS to deliver services and we hear regularly of waiting lists of 2 years plus for hip and knee replacements. To fund privately would cost around £10-£15k per limb. There is likely to be no quick-fix to hospital waiting lists, despite various political parties claiming to have the answer. In the meantime, those on the lists are suffering or treatment can be fatally delayed. As an adviser I have had a lot of PMI enquires in 2024 whereby the client has decided the cost of the delay was more than they were willing to bear and so PMI is very popular.

In April 2015, pension regulations changed. They will almost certainly change again. Pensions from prior to this time may no longer be suitable – but just how would you know? So, as you sit munching your turkey over the festive period, consider how many of these questions apply to you and see what may benefit from having a review.

Without suitable insurance cover, what costs of living would you be willing or unwilling to manage without? The same Report asked what people would give up or cut back on and said 68% were unwilling to get rid of broadband, 58% reduce heating/energy.

Is 2020 the time to take a look at your financial arrangements once again and get them fit for purpose?

Wishing you a happy 2020 and a prosperous next 10 years.

Modern insurance plans have many added value services such as access to GPs, counselling, prescription services and health MOTs as offerings. What is the value of these to you? How do you define ‘value’? More food for

Glover, Belper IFS

This information is general only and is not intended to address your particular requirements. The data above should not be relied upon in its entirety and shall not be deemed to be or constitute advice. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation.

This information is general only and is not intended to address your particular requirements The data above should not be relied upon in its entirety and shall not be deemed to be or constitute advice No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation


Travel A Guide to Lake Garda

Stretching over 50 kilometres, Lake Garda is the largest of the Italian lakes. The beautiful, glittering shoreline has attracted poets, artists, and writers for centuries—from DH Lawrence to Goethe. Nowadays, its succession of Roman remains, colourful towns, pebble beaches, and spectacular mountain views draw in visitors worldwide.

Where to stay

Lake Garda is a landscape of contrasts. Fringed by the Dolomites, the northern, almost fjord-like tip of the lake is arguably the most scenic. The mountains create a cooler climate and sweep up winds, creating the perfect conditions for water sports, including windsurfing and kitesurfing. Hillside Malcesine, cobbled Limone, northernmost Riva, and sporty Torbole are the main resorts in the north.

The lake’s southern shoreline is peppered with bustling towns, sandy coves, and gently rolling hills. The climate is generally warmer and more stable, making way for flourishing olive trees and lemon groves. Many tourists base themselves in the popular spa resort of Sirmione or the nearby towns of Desenzano, Peschiera, Lazise and Garda.

What to see and do

The best way to spend your days away is to hop between the gorgeous towns that fringe Lake Garda’s shoreline – whether by car, boat, bike or bus.

If you’re staying in the south, Sirmione is a mustvisit. Formed around a picturesque peninsula, the town is known for its thermal baths, which were first popularised by the Romans. With an entrance via the centuries-old Scaligero Castle, complete with a moat and drawbridge, it won’t take you long to fall in love. Lazise is another of the south’s prettiest towns, fringed by one of the only sandy beaches in the area.

For some family-friendly fun, why not head to nearby Gardaland?

In the north, Monte Baldo beckons. For the best views, catch the cable car from Malcesine and follow the hiking and biking trails back to the shoreline. This end of the lake is also the perfect place to get involved in some water sports. If you stay near Riva, you’re not far from the extraordinary Cascata del Varone waterfall, which falls 98m through a hollow cave.

How to get around?

Passenger ferries are a popular way to get around, with many journeys taking under an hour. Public buses are also cheap and regular, but hiring a car is another option if you want to cover a lot of ground over a short period. Cycle lanes also run parallel to the lake, and there are plenty of options for bike rental (including electric bikes) all over.

When should you visit?

Weather-wise, the best time to visit is between June and September, when temperatures stay around the mid to late 20s. However, visiting during the shoulder seasons of April-May and early October can be a sensible way to avoid the crowds.

Temperatures will be slightly cooler, and you might see a little rain, but you’ll have plenty of room to roam!

A Look Back in Time…

We take a look at some of this year’s anniversaries.

65 years

The British Motor Corporation (BMC) launched the Mini. It became one of the best-selling British cars in history.

60 years

The Forth Road Bridge opened in Scotland. It links Edinburgh and Fife across the Firth of Forth. A second bridge, the Queensferry Crossing, opened in 2017 and largely replaced it. After a period of closure, the bridge reopened in February 2018, being redesignated as a dedicated Public Transport Corridor, with buses and taxis the only permitted motor vehicles. Pedestrians and cyclists are still permitted to use the bridge.

Malta gained its independence from the UK.

50 years

French stuntman

Philippe Petit successfully walked across a 61-metre tightrope strung between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The award-winning documentary film

Man on Wire (2008) tells of Petit, his collaborators and his 1974 WTC performance.

A Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird fighter broke the transatlantic speed record, flying from New York to London in 1 hour, 54 mins and 56.4 seconds, at an average speed of 1,806.964 mph. The record still stands.

Ceefax, the world’s first teletext service, was launched by the BBC in the UK. It operated until October 2012 when the switchover to digital television was completed.

30 years

American actor and former football star O. J. Simpson pleaded ‘absolutely 100 per cent not guilty’ to murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman on 12 June. His murder trial ran from January to October 1995. He was found not guilty.

Sunday trading was legalised in England and Wales.

The IRA agreed to a complete ceasefire after 25 years.

25 years

American cyclist Lance Armstrong won his first Tour de France. He won seven times in a row, from 1999 to 2005, before retiring. In 2012 he was stripped of all his titles for using performance-enhancing drugs.

Vladimir Putin became the Prime Minister of Russia. He became President in May 2000.

20 years

The internet search engine Google went public and began trading its shares.

15 years

Keeley Houghton, aged 18, became the first person in the UK to be jailed for bullying via a social network (death threats via Facebook). She was sentenced to three months in a young offenders’ institution.

10 years

Death of Robin Williams, American film and television actor and comedian.

In a referendum, the citizens of Scotland voted to remain in the United Kingdom rather than become an independent country. Independence: 44.7%, Remain in the UK: 55.3%.

Pets Your Pet and the Law

Microchipping dogs has been a legal requirement since 2016 and from 10 June 2024, it also became compulsory for cats. But that’s not the end of the legal obligations associated with owning a pet.

Dogs must wear a collar and tag when in a public place, and the tag must detail the owner’s name and address.

Dog fouling (picking up poop after your dog) consistently ranks as the number one thing local councils receive complaints about. If you fail to comply, you could receive a fixed penalty notice of up to £100, or £1,000 if prosecuted.

Dog barking can be classed as a ‘statutory nuisance’. Your local authority’s environmental health department can formally ask you to stop your dog from continuing the behaviour, and if you don’t, they can take your dog away from you. Prolonged periods of barking can also

be stressful for your dog and impact its well-being.

Animal Welfare Act 2006: among other rulings, the act emphasises the need for owners to supply a suitable place for their pets to live and exhibit normal behaviour. It also states that pets must be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease, and that a suitable diet must be provided.

Unlike dogs, cats have a right to roam, but if they are hit by a car the driver will not be liable under the Criminal Damage Act for any injury or death, unless there’s clear negligence.

Happiness Happens Month

August is finally here. Along with the hope for a bit more sunshine, it’s time to celebrate Happiness Happens Month. It’s all about embracing and spreading happiness. It’s also a reminder that joy can be found in the most unexpected places.

Happiness Happens Month was founded in 2000 by the Society of Happy People. It started as a way to celebrate the positive moments in life and to encourage people to spread happiness.

It’s a simple but powerful idea. When we focus on our own happiness, it naturally flows into the lives of those around us. And don’t forget that smiling is catching, as Spike Milligan explained:

“Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.”

I recently enjoyed an afternoon at the Belper British Legion. I spent a cheerful few hours with friends playing pool and

Just a Thought...

Toolkits: Size Matters!

Ever more, in this rapidly changing world, I find us polarising. Whether that be political views, religion or even the day-to-day things like what should or should not happen in our communities.

Opinions have gathered at extreme ends of the spectrum and pitted themselves solely as the opposite of something else. Daily, we see people united by whom they are against with nothing else in common. Why is this such a tragic happening?

When we polarise, we back ourselves into a corner, doubling down on the ‘I am right and you are wrong,’ part of the conversation. We go into attack on anything that deviates from us, and we become tribal in who we support and who we belittle. All potential for shades of grey, nuance and debate are erased, and the outcome is attack. Often, if we are in attack, we call out those who are in defence, or silent, by saying they are ‘mollycoddling’.

enjoying some very reasonably priced drinks (always a bonus). Another night, my friend and I accidentally wandered into their bingo session and had a brilliant night out. The excitement of the regulars was infectious, and we even won one of the games, thus bringing even more happiness.

The staff at the Belper British Legion are friendly and welcoming. Plus, they are keen to see more people making use of their space. So, if you have any ideas for community groups or get-togethers, they’d love to hear from you. These little gatherings create pockets of happiness in our daily lives.

When we smile at someone, have a laugh together, or offer a kind word we’re spreading happiness. This month encourages us to be mindful of these opportunities to create joy, both for ourselves and others. Let’s take time to recognise and celebrate the good things, however small they may seem.

This August, try to find your own moments of happiness and share them with others. Organise a family adventure, plan a games night or just smile at someone in the supermarket. By focusing on these positive moments, we can create a more joyful and connected community.

As sentient, emotional, intelligent creatures are we really in a place where we only have attack or mollycoddle in our tool kit? There are a multitude of emotional tools in between, including accountability, comparison, hope, helpfulness, and curiosity, to name a tiny percentage. So, if you only have attack or mollycoddle in your tool bag, you need a bigger tool bag and I’d love to see you filling it. It’s the only sure way we can reduce the fighting and pain we witness in society.

Humans are a social species designed not to want to hurt each other. Let’s move towards the middle and admit what we don’t know is as important as that which we do (or at least think we do).

Paul Weller famously sang, ‘The more I know the less I understand,’ in his 90’s song ‘Changing Man’ – for me, it is ‘the more I understand the less I know’… and I love the fact that he is no less right than I am. (By the way, my toolkit is in a continual process of upgrading – full transparency!)

July 7th: Annette Oakes & Sarah Newby

21st: Robyn Johnson

Aug 4th: Lucy Milford

18th: Rhys Evans

Sept 1st: Andy Purves

15th: Edd Saffell

29th: Gabriel Wild


Derby Road, Milford

Takeaway also available

Opening Times Tues to Fri - 4pm to 11pm Sat to Sun - 12pm to 11pm

Food, Drink & Entertainment


Brussels, a city where streets echo with centuries of history, harbours a beer culture that’s as rich as its medieval architecture. A visit to this historic city wouldn’t be complete without venturing to some of the breweries that make it their home:

Cantillon Brewery, founded in 1900, is a portal to the past. Lambic ferments spontaneously in wooden vessels. Gueuze, a blend of young and old Lambics, dances on the palate with effervescence and Kriek, infused with sour cherries, transports you to sun-kissed orchards.

La Source Beer Co, a newcomer since 2019. Their taproom, nestled in the Be-Here complex, feels like an artist’s studio. Imagine sipping an IPA while a local band strums acoustic tunes. La Source’s beers defy conventions – hibiscus-infused Saison’s, coffee stouts, and mango-hopped wonders.

Brussels Beer Project, their beers are like graffiti on a medieval wall – bold, unexpected, and impossible to ignore. Their Mexican Cowboys IPA is a fiesta of tropical hops that transports you to sun-drenched beaches. Lazy Pandas is a sessionable pale ale that defies its name with bursts of citrus and pine. The Dansaert location, with its 20 taps, feels like a secret society for hop enthusiasts.

Word on Wine

Hopefully, summer has now arrived and we can all enjoy a wine while sitting on a warm patio. For this month’s wine, I’m revisiting an old favourite of a Californian Chardonnay, made by Bread and Butter from Napa Valley in the USA.

This wine is widely available in large supermarkets and is vinted and bottled in Napa before being imported by their parent company, Winery Exchange. Winery Exchange acquired Bread and Butter winery in around 2017 and allowed the winery, founded in 2010, to retain its own identity and make one of the top Californian Chardonnays.

The wine is made with grapes from vineyards in Carneros in Sanoma, and Arroyo Seco region in Monterey County. Both regions benefit from cool Pacific mists and long days of sunshine. The pressed grape juice is kept in American oak barrels for 1 year in Carneros and 8 months in French oak barrels in Monterey before being blended to produce a smooth, easy-drinking wine.

Being one of the ‘noble’ grapes of France, it is used to produce Burgundy’s fine white and Chablis wines. The grape has been exported all over the world and has been found to be easy to grow. In the 1980s, Australia produced a glut of over-oaked Chardonnay wine, leading to the 1990s trend of ABC drinking (Anything But Chardonnay). Luckily, this has been reversed in Australia and, along with the rest of the world, they now produce good, easy-drinking wines.

Brasserie de la Senne, founded by two beer-loving friends, has a commitment to quality, natural brewing and local ingredients which sets them apart. Zinnebir, their flagship pale ale, balances malt sweetness with a floral hop kick.

Taras Boulba, a Belgian-style hoppy ale, is a tribute to the rebellious spirit of Brussels.

Twitter/X and Instagram: @belperbeerclub

Technical Details:

Grape: 100% Chardonnay

Appearance: Clear white wine with a yellow tint. Characteristics: A bold, buttery wine with fresh notes of citrus, vanilla from the barrels, and tropical notes of coconut, peach and pineapple, along with almond and stone fruits. Alcohol by Volume: 13.5%

Food Match: Good on its own or with creamy tarragon chicken and soft, creamy cheese. Available from: Majestic store, Ashbourne Road, Derby. £15.99 per bottle or £13.99 as part of a box of 6 bottles.

For more information visit to see the vineyard. To buy the wine, visit Majestic Wines or the store in Derby.

If you like wine and would like to learn more, please visit our website for our 2024 programme.

Food, Drink & Entertainment

Recipe Cinnamon and Orange Pork with Couscous

Orange and spices are a great combination that goes wonderfully with pork. Try this easy-to-make meal that’s guaranteed to tantalise the taste buds.

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes


• 4 lean pork loin medallions or steaks, fat removed

For the marinade

• Zest and juice of 1 small orange

• 1 tsp ground cinnamon

• 2 tsp garlic-flavoured olive oil

• ½ tsp dried chilli flakes

For the wholegrain couscous salad

• 300g wholewheat or plain couscous

• 1 small red onion, peeled and finely chopped

• 35g raisins

• 50g baby spinach or watercress leaves

• 100g cherry tomatoes, quartered

• Zest and juice of 1 lemon

• 3 tbsp freshly chopped mixed herbs (mint and parsley)

• Salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a shallow bowl, mix all the marinade ingredients together. Add the pork and coat on both sides. Cover and marinate for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the couscous according to the packet instructions. Fluff up with a fork and cool slightly. Add the couscous salad ingredients and season to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas mark 4.

Heat a non-stick ovenproof or griddle pan for a few minutes until hot. Add the pork (discard the marinade) and cook for 10 minutes, turning once. Turn the pork over, place the pan on the middle shelf in the preheated oven and cook for a further 6-8 minutes or until the juices run clear.

Divide the salad between 4 plates, slice the pork, arrange on top of the salad and serve immediately.

Fitness Matters

Importance of Gut Health

The gut and the brain are linked physically and physiologically; they talk to each other continually. The gut is like an advisor to the brain, telling it about what’s going on in a person’s life.

Thats why, when you’re anxious about something, maybe an exam, a race or an interview, your brain will communicate this by speeding up the mobility of your gut, giving that ‘stomach churning’ feeling you get before doing something you’re nervous about.

The function of the gut relies upon the microbiota –millions of microbes that live in the gut – and its health depends on the ratio of good/bad microbes. A healthy gut contains a higher ratio and variety of beneficial microbes, and only a few harmful ones.

How can we help to keep the gut healthy?

Artificial sugars from slimming foods and diet drinks actually destroy probiotics, which are made in the gut. The more diet drinks and artificial sugars you eat or drink, the more defenceless the gut becomes to damage or inflammation. A diet high in refined sugars will feed harmful bacteria, negatively influencing the function of the gut or, worse, compromising the immune system.

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When chronically stressed, the body produces a hormone called Cortisol which reduces good bacteria levels, making the walls of the gut vulnerable to damage and inflammation.

How to keep your gut healthy:

- Avoid refined, processed foods and fizzy drinks. Drink 2 litres of water daily.

- Eat a high fibre diet, with loads of colourful vegetables for different nutrients. Eat fruit sparingly.

- Eat whole grains: whole oats, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, rye.

- Add vegetable protein to your diet e.g. legumes, kidney beans and lentils.

- Eat essential fatty acids daily e.g. nuts, seeds, avocado.

- Exercise daily e.g. 30 minutes walking, yoga to help reduce stress.

- Always follow a course of antibiotics with probiotics, to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria.

Please take time to research the gut-brain connection, as I feel it’s time we took more ownership of our own heath. There’s so much more we can do ourselves to help keep our body fit and healthy. I am not a nutritionist, just someone who manages a condition with diet and lifestyle, and I truly believe we have the power to be fitter and healthier.

Level 4 Personal Trainer with additional qualifications in GP referrals – Pre- & post-natal exercise. Personal Trainer for over 15 years, supporting and helping people to meet their goals in fitness and lifestyle changes, from losing weight to running marathons. 01773 512410 • 07817 337861

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Strictly by appointment only. All measures possible will be taken to protect the safety of our patients with the guidelines provided.

Derbyshire Walking:

Melbourne & Breedon on the Hill


Distance: 5.4 miles / 8.8 km

Ascent: 550 feet / 167 metres

Time: 3 hours 20 minutes

Grade: Easy/Moderate

Author: Lou Johnson

Map: Ordnance Survey Explorer OL30; Anquet

OS Explorer OL30

Start: Beside St Michael with St Mary Church, Melbourne (grid ref. SK389250)

An interesting walk from the Derbyshire market town of Melbourne, using the Cross Britain Way to reach the hilltop church at Breedon (Leicestershire). The walk continues across open countryside to return to Melbourne to follow a path around The Pool back to the start.

The Route

1. After parking, beside St Michael with St Mary church in Melbourne, walk down the lane to the left of the church to reach The Pool. You are now following the Cross Britain Way. Follow the path around the edge of the lake, cross a small bridge and follow the clear track (Pool Road) that bends left.

2. Continue along the track until it bends right. Just after the bend, veer half-left across grass keeping the avenue of trees to your left. Head for the far right-hand corner of the field. Pass to the right of a group of buildings and continue straight across a field to exit onto a lane (grid ref. SK400241). Cross to the path opposite. The clear path skirts trees on your right and continues passing between trees to exit onto Squirrel Lane (grid ref. SK404236).

3. Cross the lane to the path opposite which rises through woodland to join a lane. Bear right up the lane and continue to pass St Mary and St Hardulph Priory Church which occupies the summit area of Breedon Hill. As you might expect the views are extensive. Continue ahead through a wall gap and veer left to join a path descending into the village of Breedon on the Hill. Keep ahead at all junctions and exit onto Hollow Road.

4. Turn right and almost immediately left along Melbourne Road. Pass the Hollybush Inn and keep right with the village green on your left. Reaching the third set of bollards in the middle of the road (grid ref.

SK402228), turn right onto a track which runs beside a stream on your left.

5. The track continues beside the stream and then turns right between hedges. The track then leads into a field. The path runs along the left-hand edge of a golf course. The path is marked with yellow waymarks and leads to Park Pale. Turn right and after 50 metres turn left across a field. The path runs to the left of a pole and passes through two strips of woodland, crossing a footbridge in the second belt of trees.

6. Exit the trees, cross a field to the far side (grid ref. SK389237) and turn right along a clear track. When the track bends left, continue ahead through a hedge into a field. The path continues initially along the right-hand field edge past Quarry Wood. The path then heads straight across the next field before veering slight left across the next field to exit onto Pool Road (used at the start of the walk).

7. Turn left, and then pass through a gate on the left to join a path running along the south side of The Pool. The path soon leaves the lakeside and heads diagonally across a field to pass to the left of Pool Farm.

8. Turn left along the farm’s access drive and after 140 metres, turn right off the drive to follow a track which leads between houses to the B587. Turn right and after 250 metres turn right onto a signed footpath. Keep ahead at all junctions and exit onto Penn Lane. Turn right and return to the start by Melbourne Church.

Walk supplied by Walking Britain (no. 2492). For GPS file or other walks visit

It is advisable to carry the relevant OS map when walking the route, and wear appropriate clothing/ footwear. The publisher accepts no responsibility for any injuries caused to readers whilst following the walk

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Volkswagen Golf: 50 Years of an Icon

As the Golf celebrates half a century of production, we take a look back at its impressive history.

With more than 37 million produced, the Volkswagen Golf is the third most popular car ever made. Let’s take a look at 50 years of the Volkswagen Golf.

1974: The first Golf tees off The first Volkswagen Golf was produced in March 1974 and was designed as a successor to the original Beetle.

With its more modern front-wheel-drive and front-engine layout, it became an instant hit. In 1976, Volkswagen expanded the line-up with the famed Golf GTI hot hatch.

1983: Second time around Volkswagen introduced its second-generation Golf in 1983. It was larger and introduced modern technologies, including power steering, anti-lock brakes and 16-valve engines.

With 6.3 million produced, overall sales were just shy of the first-generation car at just under 7 million units.

1991: Bigger engines and an estate for the third outing

The third-generation Golf was not as popular, with 4.8 million sales overall. Launched in 1991, the broad range of versions included a three- and five-door hatchback, convertible and estate car.

Alongside the GTI models, Volkswagen introduced a flagship VR6 model with a 2.8-litre six-cylinder engine.

1997: The Golf goes upmarket in its fourth iteration

The fourth generation represented a significant step up in quality, though this is now the cheapest used Golf. Renowned for its bulletproof diesel engines, this generation of Golf also introduced Volkswagen’s

racing-derived ‘R’ model with the Golf R32 in 2002. Packing a 3.2-litre V6 VR6 engine, it was the first production car with a dual-clutch automatic DSG gearbox. Nearly 5 million were produced.

2004: A return to brilliance with the Golf 5

A high point is the 2004 fifth-generation Golf, a more modern-looking car and better to drive, courtesy of advanced suspension and stiffer construction.

The Mk5 Golf GTI with its 197bhp 2.0-litre petrol engine is a future classic, as is the GTI 30th Anniversary Edition, introduced in 2006. The Golf Plus MPV body style also arrived, and 3.4 million examples of the Golf were produced in this generation.

2008: The short-lived Golf 6

The sixth-generation Golf, introduced in 2008, won the 2009 World Car of the Year.

A range of safety and technology advancements made it a superb family car. The Golf R32 became the R and the Cabriolet made a brief return. Just shy of 3 million were produced.

2012: The sensational Golf 7

The seventh-generation Golf is regarded as one of the best all-round cars ever made. New underpinnings made it lighter, and advanced features such as LED lighting and autonomous emergency braking were introduced.

A plug-in hybrid and an electric e-Golf were introduced. Performance versions included the 300bhp Golf R and the stripped-out, two-seater GTI Clubsport S, regarded as one of the best hot hatches ever. Around 6 million Golf 7s were produced.

2020: The digital Golf 8

The 2020 Golf 8 wasn’t very well-received and was a departure from its predecessor, especially with the large touchscreen that replaced nearly all traditional interior buttons. Usability issues prompted the latest mid-life Golf 8.5 update.

With a more user-friendly touchscreen, fewer digital buttons and an impressive new plug-in hybrid model capable of more than 60 miles on a charge, it should get Volkswagen back on the right track.

Homes & Gardens

Short Story

Bertie’s Brambles

“Of course I’ll help you Uncle Bertie.” Alan scratched his head at the sight in front of him.

“What I don’t understand is why you thought it was a good idea to tackle the brambles in your birthday suit. I mean what were you thinking?”

“Is it Naked Gardening Day?” Connie asked, leaning on the fence. “Is that what you’re doing, Bertie?”

“I’m not in my birthday suit.” Bertie attempted to express his indignation by putting his hands on his hips, and winced as a delicate part of his anatomy came into contact with a thorn. “I’ll have you know I’m wearing my bathers.”

Bertie and Connie had been neighbours for decades, so when Alan saw three missed calls from Connie he rushed straight round to check on his uncle. He hadn’t expected to find Bertie semi-naked and trapped waist-deep in the brambles that grew at the end of his garden.

“Connie’s been nagging me to hack these back,” Bertie explained, trying to remain as still as possible.

“But like Sleeping Beauty, the more I lopped them back the more they grew around me.”

“I thought that was supposed to be the handsome prince?” Connie frowned.

“And you’re certainly not that,” Alan agreed.

“Anyway, those brambles were becoming a nuisance,” Connie tutted. “I hardly nagged – at best I gently hinted.”

“Surely some sort of protective clothing would have been a good idea?” Alan said. “Or any sort of clothing?”

“Well, you know how it is when you’re gardening,” Bertie explained. “One job just leads to another, and the next thing you know you’re stuck in the brambles.”

Alan shook his head in despair.

“No one was supposed to find me like this anyway,” Bertie said defensively. “How was I to know Connie would come back from her sister’s early?”

“It’s a good job I did,” Connie said. “Otherwise, you could have been trapped there all afternoon.”

“Have you got any secateurs?” Alan sighed, thinking

of all the things he’d rather be doing on this beautiful afternoon. “I’ll have to cut a path through to you.”

“You can borrow mine, and here, wear these gardening gloves.” Connie passed a pair over the fence. “And have a look for ripe blackberries while you’re at it, I’ve a mind to make a crumble.”

“I’ve been eating them while I’ve been standing here,” Bertie said. “They’re proper juicy.”

“I’ll get Alan to pass you a Tupperware,” Connie said. “Hold on, I’ll go and get one.”

“No one’s picking blackberries until we get Bertie out,” Alan said hotly, hacking away. “Just stay put Bertie, the less you try to move the better.”

“I’ve got cramp in my leg anyway,” Bertie complained, “so I’m not going anywhere.”

“Alright, hold on, I’m nearly there.” Alan cursed under his breath as he dragged the brambles out of the way, each one snagging at his arms and legs. Where he could, he stamped them down under his boots.

After ten unpleasant minutes he felt he’d made some progress. “Do you think you’ve got enough room to get out now?”

“I’ll have a go,” Bertie said. “Connie, I’d advise you to look away now if you’re squeamish.”

“Why, Bertie? Are you horribly injured?” Connie clasped her hand over her mouth. “Should I fetch the Savlon?”

“No ducky, just a couple of scratches, I’m tough as old boots,” Bertie said. “It’s just... you know how I said I was wearing my bathing suit?”

“Yes?” Connie asked.

“Well,” Bertie blushed, “I lied.”

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Gardening The ‘No Dig’ Method

The allotment in August is usually a busy place, as well as a social hub for like-minded growers as they come together to exchange ideas and offer help and advice. A communal allotment tends to draw people together.

But some folks don’t quite fit in with the traditional crowd. Take the ‘no-dig’ gardeners, for example. This is no longer viewed as being lazy and many people have abandoned their habits of digging and double-digging.

This physically demanding task is widely regarded as unnecessary and damaging. Digging tends to destroy healthy soil crumb, as does the heavy application of fertilisers and garden chemicals. It damages the extensive network of mycorrhizal fungi, which help plant roots to access what they need.

The most important aspects of good soil are the structure and the life within it. Air and water within the soil are vital, as is the microbial life in the form of bacteria and fungi. Old roots within the soil are immensely beneficial because they help to form structure and sustain a healthy population of bacteria, which secrete organic ‘glues’ that bind soil particles to provide a good crumb. Earthworms also fulfil a vital function, working endlessly to incorporate organic matter into the soil and gently mixing up the soil crumb.

It is easy to see why a ‘no-dig’ gardening approach might be better for the soil, plant health and the gardener too! The method is ideal in a kitchen garden and allotment, including within raised beds and generally within the flower garden.

How to create a ‘no-dig’ bed Preparation can commence at any time of the year:

• Mark out an area, cut down weed growth to ground level, remove the debris and put it onto the compost heap.

• Create grass-free pathways for access, using wood chippings, bark or stone mulch to prevent grass from spreading into your growing area.

• Cover the surface of your growing plot with cardboard or another biodegradable substance, to block out light and suppress weeds. It is best not to use carpets as they often contain chemical substances that leach into the soil.

• Add a deep layer of organic mulch on top of the cardboard. This needs to be at least 20cm deep. It can be homemade compost, fully-rotted manure, grass mowings, leaves, straw or a mixture of many things.

• Tread it down by walking firmly across it.

• Leave for at least six months, just removing weeds from the surface. During this time the soil organisms will work hard to create rich and friable soil underneath.

• You’re ready to go! Plant or sow directly into your new plot. When weeds appear, hoe or remove them by hand.

• Once you have harvested your crops, cut down the top growth and place it on the compost heap. Apply a generous layer of mulch and leave until you are ready for your next planting season.

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Homes & Gardens

Book Reviews And Relax…

On holiday? Sit back, relax and enjoy a good book!

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Satoshi Yagisawa

Broken-hearted Takako, 25, finds emotional refuge in her Uncle Satoru’s second-hand bookshop, hidden in Jimbocho, Tokyo. As summer fades to autumn, Satoru and Takako discover they have more in common than they first thought, and the bookshop has something to teach them about life, love and the healing power of books.

The Guest

Emma Cline

When 22-year-old Alex’s dream summer arrangement with an older man in luxurious Long Beach falls apart, she lingers. Unable to go home, she weaves herself into the lives of the wealthy set who live there – leaving a trail of destruction behind her!

The Happy Couple Naoise Dolan

This brilliant contemporary novel is as deviously clever as it is entertaining. It charts the lives of soon-to-be-married couple Celine and Luke, the best man, bridesmaid and guest Vivien for the forthcoming nuptials. As their big day nears, the complicated lives of the wedding party begin to unravel.


Rebecca F Kuang

When Athena dies in a freak accident, her rival June steals her unpublished manuscript and publishes it as her own. As evidence threatens her stolen success, she will discover how far she’ll go to keep what she thinks she deserves. What happens next is entirely everyone else’s fault.

Small Acts of Kindness

Caroline Day Kiki leaves her native New Zealand after the death of the woman who raised her. Keen to discover the truth about her mother, she comes across Ned, who has just woken up from his coma; they soon meet isolated Mrs Malley and aid each other in their recovery.

Until August

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Sitting overlooking the still, blue lagoon, Ana Magdalena Bach surveys the men of the hotel bar. She is happily married and has no reason to escape the world she has made. Yet, every August, she travels to the island where her mother is buried and takes a new lover for one night.

Parenting On Your Bike

Learning to ride a bike opens up a whole new world of fun and independence for children. Even babies and toddlers can join in the fun of a family bike ride, with a little help…

Babies can start joining you on bike rides from around nine months old, as long as they can hold their head up unsupported. You’ll need to choose between a trailer and a front or rear bike seat. Child bike seats start from around £30. The more expensive ones usually have extra features, such as a five-point safety harness, rather than a three-point one. Some have backs that can be tilted for on-thego naps.

Front-mounted seats sit in front of you and attach to the frame. They sometimes have a shorter back than rear mounted seats, and usually have a lower maximum weight allowance, so they won’t last you quite as long. On the plus side, you’ll be able to see your child, which makes sharing a ride more fun. Some rear seats fit to a pannier rack, while others fit to the frame. You might find balancing is a little bit easier with a rear seat compared to a front one, and it should last you until your child is around four years old.

Whichever type of seat you go for, you’ll need to check that it’s suitable for your bike and the weight of your child. Look for a seat with plenty of padding, a good safety harness and adjustable foot supports. Bike trailers are more expensive than seats, but you can pull older children, and often two at a time (plus picnics or shopping). Trailers usually have a cover, so your child will stay dry if you get caught in the rain, even if you get soaked. You might struggle with a trailer on steep hills though, and you’ll need a garage or shed to store it when it’s not in use.

It’s a good idea to visit a local bike shop to speak to a specialist adviser before you make any decisions.

They’ll be able to recommend a trailer or bike seat that’s right for you, your bike and your child.

Cycling with young children

Once your child is old enough to ride a 16” bike, you might want to progress from a seat or trailer to a Trail Gator or other tow bar. These attach your bike to your child’s, so you can pull your child behind you. They’re handy for when you fancy a longer ride than your child could otherwise manage. Some tow bars can be unclipped and folded down, if your child wants to ride on their own for a while. Your child’s bike might feel a bit wobbly when it’s being pulled, so tow bars aren’t suitable for children under around four.

Where to go

Lots of roads have designated cycle lanes now, and there are plenty of traffic-free routes to explore too. The National Cycle Network offers 14,000 miles of bike-friendly roads and paths. Visit www.sustrans. for free printable cycle route maps, whether you’re at home or on holiday!

Fancy joining other families for a bike ride? lists hundreds of UK cycling events, including ones that are suitable for families. It’s also worth investigating local bike clubs to see what they have to offer, as lots of cycling clubs organise volunteer-led rides for beginners and families.

The Diary of a Local Mum Thank You, NHS

We’re very fortunate in this country that the NHS has our back. Yes, it’s not perfect – there are undeniably problems and frustrations, but for the most part, from the moment we’re born (and even before that) we have a healthcare service we can turn to whenever we have a problem.

Before your babies were born, you most probably benefitted from pre-natal care. Tests, scans and regular appointments checked on your health and that of your unborn baby. Whether your baby was born at home, in a hospital, or anywhere else, it’s likely that you had a midwife – or a team of midwives (and possibly doctors, too) – there to help and support. Midwives and Health Visitors then take up the post-natal care, checking up on you and your baby and making sure everything’s ok. You can ask them all the random, slightly embarrassing questions that pop up when you’re looking after a newborn, from ‘Should their poo be that colour?’ to ‘Is it normal that my boobs hurt?’ and they won’t bat an eyelid.

As time goes on, various childhood illnesses invariably crop up, from ear infections to chicken pox, and there’s always someone you can see to ask about these problems or get your child the treatment they need. Unfortunately, for some children, the problems are much more serious or frequent and hospital becomes like a second home as they’re nursed through illnesses or supported with ongoing health issues. In these cases, the NHS is a vital lifeline for families.

Ideally, we’d all prefer not to have to use the NHS and the healthcare the service offers – if we’re fit and healthy, we don’t need them on a day-to-day basis. But it’s reassuring to know they’re always there, just in case. From minor concerns to major incidents, unforeseen illnesses or accidents to lifelong conditions … we can call on the NHS and the incredible depth and breadth of knowledge, research

and expertise that it encapsulates, to help us in our time of need.

We’ve recently experienced one of those times of need and, boy, did the NHS deliver. As a parent, not being able to ‘fix’ your child leaves you feeling pretty helpless, but sadly, there are some things that Calpol or a plaster just won’t sort. So, when you’re unable to make things better for your child with a kiss, a cuddle (or the old school favourite of a wet paper towel!) you need to rely on someone else with a little more experience in specialist medical care and, thankfully, the NHS is full of experts who’ve dedicated their lives to learning how to make complex health problems better. And we’re so fortunate that they do.

I can’t imagine anything worse than having no-one to turn to when your kids are ill or injured; than having to worry about whether you can afford healthcare, medication, investigations, or the operations needed to make them better. We’re so lucky that it’s all there for us, when we need it.

At the time of writing, as election campaigns are in full swing, the NHS has become a political football, as it so often is. By the time you’re reading this, the next Government will have been decided on and hopefully, whichever party is in power, they’ll look after the NHS as much as it looks after all of us. The many thousands who work within the NHS just want to be able to care for people, and that’s what we all want too – so the service, and everyone in it, needs to be cared for in return.

So, here’s a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to the NHS for being there when we need you – for ourselves, our children, and everyone we know and love, throughout our lives.

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School Information

Ambergate Primary School

01773 852204

Anthony Gell School 01629 825577

Belper Long Row Primary 01773 823319

Belper School 01773 825281

Breadsall CofE VE Primary School 01332 831328

Codnor Community Primary School 01773 742537

C of E Controlled

Denby Free C of E Primary 01332 880416

Ecclesbourne School 01332 840645

Fritchley CE (Aided) Primary 01773 852216

Heage Primary School 01773 852188

Heanor Gate Science College 01773 716396

Herbert Strutt Primary 01773 822771

Holbrook C of E Primary 01332 880277

Horsley C of E Primary 01332 880782

Horsley Woodhouse Primary 01332 880403

John Flamsteed Community School 01332 880260

Kilburn Infant & Nursery School 01332 880449

Kilburn Junior 01332 880540

Langley Mill (CE) Controlled Infant School & Nursery 01773 713429

Little Eaton Primary 01332 831471

Mapperley CofE Primary School 0115 9325386

Meadows Primary 01332 840305

Milford Primary 01332 841316

Morley Primary 01332 831295

Pottery Primary 01773 823383

Richardson Endowed Primary School 01332 880317

Ripley Junior School 01773 742281

Scargill CE Primary, West Hallam 0115 9320005

St Andrew’s C of E Primary School 0115 9324252

St Benedict 01332 557032

St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary 01773 822278

St John’s CE Primary, Belper 01773 822995

Stanley Common Primary School 0115 9322437

Street Lane Primary 01773 742717

Swanwick Hall School 01773 602106

Turnditch CE VA Primary 01773 550304

William Gilbert Primary 01332 840395

School Terms 2024/25

All dates taken from

Term 1: Wednesday 4 September 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024

Term 2: Monday 4 November 2024 to Friday 20 December 2024

Term 3: Monday 6 January 2025 to Friday 14 February 2025

Term 4: Monday 24 February 2025 to Friday 4 April 2025

Term 5: Tuesday 22 April 2025 to Friday 23 May 2025

Term 6: Monday 2 June 2025 to Thursday 24 July 2025


If five pineapples cost £10, how much does it cost for a slice of watermelon?

£10 £10 £10 ?

Starting at the cherry, can you find your way down to the bottom of the ice cream?

Local History

Something From Strutts

Barbara Haynes: Strutts student from 1935 to 1941.

On Tuesday 17th September 1935 Barbara Haynes, an 11-year-old Belper girl, became a pupil at the Herbert Strutt School and was placed in Form 1. She had previously attended a private school, situated on Green Lane Belper. The transfer from a small intimate school to such a large building must have represented a substantial learning curve as well as being exciting. However, she was pleased to have the company of her cousin Joan Haynes throughout her schooldays.

Barbara recorded her school life in a series of diaries which cover her entire Strutts career. The diaries are beautifully detailed and full of observations and information. She talks of friendships, sports days, cookery lessons, exam difficulties and amusing events. She remembers having to wear a silly hat for cookery and drawing a beach hut in an art lesson. She recalls her navy school uniform which was strictly enforced. Also recorded are the films she watched, and it is an impressive list, as is the record of her personal reading.

Barbara, now a hundred years old, and residing in Coxbench near Belper, has some very vivid and fond memories of her schooldays and was happy to speak to me about these experiences. Though we are now in the year 2024, Barbara can quite easily roll back the years and speak of her school days with insight, humour and fluidity.

When the war came in 1939, she and her fellow pupils witnessed significant changes. Lessons unexpectedly interrupted by a warning siren meant that they all had to cross the A6 road to the playing fields and take cover in the air-raid shelters. Items of school uniform were no longer available, so the rules were relaxed; following news and discussing the progress of the war became commonplace amongst students and teachers. Barbara remembers a strong sense of unity at this difficult time. At home, though, the family welcomed their evacuated relative Mary Ranson to the comparative safety of Belper.

And Barbara was delighted to meet the Westcliff boys! The Westcliff-on-Sea High School for boys was closed and its pupils were evacuated to Belper, the arrangement being to share Strutts School until it was safe for the students to return home. In order to accommodate these extra students, the school used rooms in the

Conservative Club and one of the rooms behind Colledges furniture shop. The Strutts students and evacuees took turns to use these extra facilities, some classes also being held in local church halls. The union between the two schools represented a unique chance to share experiences and compare lifestyles. One friendship between Barbara and a young man named Sydney lasted for a few years after the war ended.

The war provided the opportunity for Barbara and her friends to use their initiative and explore new projects, such as helping to set up the Service Squad where they distributed leaflets and sold paper flags in aid of various charities as well as attending relevant talks and demonstrations.

Barbara left Strutts school in July 1941, having completed her School Certificate Examinations; she engaged in war work within the railway offices in Derby after attending Secretarial College. Later, long after the war ended, she came full circle and worked in the Strutts School Library. This attractive and impressive room has recently been refurbished to a high standard; its major feature is its original bespoke stained-glass window which is inscribed with the school motto ‘Propositi Tenax’. Barbara has seen the picture of the room and remembers the beautiful window.

It was a real pleasure to meet with Barbara and we are very grateful for this detailed and interesting glimpse of Strutts School during wartime.


Friendship Blooms

Show your appreciation for a fellow member of the community; it may be a friend, a family member or maybe someone you’ve come into contact with who provides a wonderful service or who works hard to make a difference. Let All Things Local surprise them with a fresh bouquet of flowers.

All Things Local has joined forces with Rachael Collins (pictured) from Fleur Florist of King Street, Belper to offer readers the chance to show their appreciation for a fellow member of the community.

The recipient of this issue’s bouquet is Sarah Lonsdale from Kilburn. She was nominated by her friend Helen McAra, also from Kilburn. Here’s what Helen wrote:

“I would like to nominate my friend Sarah Lonsdale for a bouquet of flowers. Her stepdad recently passed away and Sarah was a great source of comfort and support to her mum during this time. She even offered to do the Celebrant duties at the funeral, as her mum wanted the ceremony to be warm and personal. Sarah gave an excellent eulogy on what was a difficult day for everyone. It made all the difference that she knew and loved Brian and wanted to do the best for him, her mum and Brian’s family. It cannot have been easy for Sarah to do this, so I think she deserves a bouquet to show how much it meant to everyone.” Helen McAra

Nominate someone to receive the next bouquet. All you have to do is state, in no more than 100 words, who you are nominating. Include their address and the reasons why you are nominating them. You can nominate more than one person if they are living/working at the same address… and remember, flowers don’t just have to be for women!

The only rule is that the person receiving the flowers must live or work in the distribution area of All Things Local Village Edition (listed on front cover). Just write your nomination on a piece of paper and send to Friendship Blooms, All Things Local, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA or e-mail your nomination to karyn@ putting ‘Friendship Blooms’ as the subject. Please include your full name, address and daytime telephone number on your nomination.

is Wednesday 21 August 2024.

All nominations are kept on file and you will be contacted if your nomination has been selected. Contact information is only used by All Things Local; no information is given to any third party.

Advertiser Information

Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage or omission caused by error in the printing of an advert.

All artwork is accepted on the strict condition that permission has been given for use in the publication. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions of goods and services are fair and accurate. All Things Local does not officially endorse any advertising/editorial material included within the publication.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without the prior consent of the publisher.

Advertiser’s details (other than those provided for inclusion in advertisements) are confidential and will not be given to any third party.

Publisher: All Things Local Limited, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA T: 01332 882882

M: 07977 272770 E:


Graphic Design: Digital Bear Design

Printer: Buxton Press Ltd

Deadlines for October/November 2024 Edition: Advertisement Bookings, Editorials, Cancellations and Copy Amendments: Wednesday 21st August 2024

New Advertiser Copy: Tuesday 27th August 2024

Rachael Collins from Fleur Florist
Helen McAra (left) presents the bouquet to her friend Sarah Lonsdale.

Upbeat: Keeping Burglars Out at University

As we approach the start of a new academic year, many parents will be helping their children prepare for life at university.

It’s an exciting time but it can feel like a big deal to see your children take their first steps towards flying the nest. And, for those returning after the summer, the first nerves of living alone might have worn off – making it the perfect time for a refresher on our crime prevention advice.

So, to give you one less thing to worry about, we’re sharing some top tips to help with keeping valuables safe and accommodation secure:


- Make sure all locks and alarms work properly

- Encourage your child to lock their doors and windows even if they are going out for just a short time

- If they are in halls, they should be careful who they let into the building and who may be ‘tailgating’ to get inside the building

- Get student accommodation insurance. The Student Union or lettings company will be able to advise on this. Parents or guardians may be able to extend their insurance to cover their children, too.


- Students should mark their valuables with their university and student number using a UV property marking pen; these can be picked up cheaply online

- If they have a bike, invest in a good lock, and they should always keep the bike locked when they aren’t using it

- Make a note of serial numbers of expensive electrical equipment and keep receipts in case you need to make an insurance claim

- Register items with serial numbers such as mobile phones, games consoles, bikes and watches at

- Carrying laptops in a sports bag rather than in a laptop case can make it less noticeable to potential thieves.

We wish everybody heading off to university a fantastic and secure term. For more crime prevention information visit our website:

Community Diary August / September 2024


3rd & 4th: Pride in Belper, starts 12noon on Saturday 3rd, Belper Market Place. Fun Dog Show on Belper Memorial Gardens, 2pm Sunday 4th. For info on the weekend’s events see

4th, 11th, 18th, 25th: Larks in the Park at The Bandstand, Belper River Gardens. 2pm – 4pm. 4th Makeney Morris, 11th Latin Voices, 18th Brassington, Middleton & Wirksworth Brass Band, 25th Belper Jazz Company

4th: Direct from Hawaii and Sheffield: ‘The Finest Father & Son Ukulele Duos in the World’ on tour together. 7.30pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. Tickets £15 from

10th: Belper Organ and Keyboard Club concert: Phil Brown. 2pm, Congregational Church, Church Walk, Belper DE56 1DB. £10 admission. Refreshments available.

16th: Cancer Support Café 10am – 12pm, free drop in event at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ 23rd: Belper Welcome Meal 12-2pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. Soup/bread & pudding, No need to book, pay what you can. Welcome Meal Project volunteers supported by Unite, Belper Town Council, Co-op.


1st: Larks in the Park: Derwent Valley Wind Band. The Bandstand, Belper River Gardens. 2pm – 4pm. 7th: The Bohemians Queen Tribute Band at St Peter’s Church, Belper. 7.45pm (doors 6.30pm). Bar available. Adults £18/u18 £13. Tickets:

8th: Belper Food Festival 10am – 4pm, King Street, Strutt Street & Campbell Street. (Quiet shopping 9.30am – 10am)

13th & 14th: Belper Musical Theatre presents ‘Crescendo’ at Belper Community Theatre, Belper School DE56 0DA. 13th: 7.30pm. 14th: 2.30pm & 7.30pm. Tickets from £10:

14th: Belper Organ and Keyboard Club concert: Brett Wales. 2pm, Congregational Church, Church Walk, Belper DE56 1DB. £10 admission. Refreshments available.

20th: Cancer Support Café 10am – 12pm, free drop in event at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ 21st: Ship of Fools stand-up comedy at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. 7.30 for 8pm, BYO drinks. £10 book online at Info:

27th: Belper Welcome Meal 12-2pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. Soup/bread & pudding, No need to book, pay what you can. Welcome Meal Project volunteers supported by Unite, Belper Town Council, Co-op.

Please check events with the venue/organiser as the publisher accepts no responsibility if events are changed/cancelled following publication. If you have a one-off event or special excursion for October / November 2024 please email it to Deadline is 21st August 2024.

Bereavement Matters

No sooner did I write an article about how the Competitions and Marketing Authority has brought in rules to make funeral firms more transparent on pricing, then we get a phone call from Amber Valley Borough Council’s environmental health department. Under a new directive brought in by the Government, the borough council is inspecting funeral homes within the area to ensure compliance with standards in procedure associated with the care for deceased persons. And, it seems, we were the first funeral home in Amber Valley to be inspected as part of the new local directive.

A council official carried out a thorough inspection of our premises and our procedures, from the moment we accept the deceased person into our home to the point of the carrying out of the funeral service and, in the case of cremation, the paperwork, collection and hand over of the cremated remains, paying particular attention to identification and correct legal documentation.

The inspector asked us about our qualifications – and we showed him our certificates of accreditation to carry out our duties hanging on the wall – the cleanliness of the

Useful Numbers

viewing rooms and facilities, which we pride ourselves on, in order to ensure our families’ loved ones are looked after in a caring and respectful manner.

Although we are now waiting for an official report, I am very proud to say we passed with flying colours and a 100% record.

These inspections are going to take place in all funeral homes in the borough and across the country in the hope that we raise standards within the profession and funeral homes can be more accountable.

As a family business, we strive to be professional, but at the same time very caring and understanding to the families we serve. The inspection is a reminder of the need to be constantly seeking the highest possible standards in our work and across the industry. We are looking forward to receiving our official accreditation, which will further show our families that we offer the very best service to our clients.

Doctors & Hospitals, Emergencies

Post Offices


Tel (24 hrs): 01773 713484

Nottingham Rd, Selston NG16 6BT Tel (24 hrs): 01773 306909

NG9 7AY Tel (24 hrs): 0115 949 1534 1a Abbott Street, Heanor DE75 7QD Tel (24 hrs):01773 713921 Our Heanor Funeral Home, located just off Ray Street, serves families throughout a wide area.

Tel (24 hrs): 0115 938 6720



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