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Each year 764 children (both boys and girls) attend the 4 schools in the communities supported by The Karma Foundation. This is made possible through supporting and training the teachers, providing bursary places for the students and maintaining and building schools. 10 years ago there were just 136 children across 3 schools. Together, we’ve built a 140% increase in school attendance over the last decade

In 2022, like every year, 135 girls from the 8 communities have been supported to attend across the 4 schools.

The Karma Foundation also funded salaries for 9 teachers this past year and 2 of those teachers have been funded in completing national teaching qualifications.

There are now 4 young women supported by The Karma Foundation to attend University. They are: Mamie Lukullay who is studying Agricultural Communications and Media, Mariama Komeh who is completing Teacher Training, Hawa Alie studying SRN Nursing and Kadija Kanneh who is studying to become a Community Health Officer.

Significant results have been witnessed across the schools within the communities. Sahun school (seen below) for example saw 22 children take their secondary school exams, with 18 passing, 14 of which were girls. This is a tangible reminder of why the bursary places for girls are so important. The health fund was started 3 years ago, it was