The HawkNovember 2016

Page 11

Features // November 4, 2016 // 11

Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Economy: Encourages growth of unions and the middle class, raising minimum wage, and vetoing the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Health care: Strives to amend the Affordable Care Act, organize a crackdown on medicine pricing, and give undocumented immigrants health care. Immigration: Advocates a full path to citizenship, an end to systemic racism and comprehensive immigration reform. She hopes to do this by improving infrastructure as well as creating the Office of Immigration Affairs. Foreign Policy: Emphasizes Israeli security, enforcement of the Iran nuclear deal, and keeping current alliances. Megan Fletcher // Reporter

When senior Sophie Nguyen first heard about the candidates for the 2016 season, she despised both candidates. But after Donald Trump’s stabs at Bill Clinton for his actions in the White House, she realized she truly supported Hillary Clinton. “With being Obama’s Secretary of State for at least one of his terms, she should already have a glimpse of what it’s like to run a country that’s as great and powerful as America,” Nguyen said. “She would help the country gain equality, ensuring the American dream is available to everyone, regardless of their race, regardless of their gender.” Nguyen believes that equality, both social and economic, should be the focus of the election. For her, it’s about the future of women, people of color, and the poor. “Her plans for this country are so much more than just building a wall,” Nguyen said. “I want to be a part of that future. More importantly, I want everyone to have an equal chance of participating in the future she’s planning for America.” While she does believe Clinton has a bright future planned for America, there’s been a great precedent. Since the American Revolution, the country has been considered a force to be reckoned with across the world. “America has always been great, despite our ups and downs throughout history,” Nguyen said. “It can only become greater from here.”

Economy: Plans to reduce taxes across-the-board, and hopes to give working and middle-income Americans a massive tax reduction. Health Care: Hopes to repeal and replace Obamacare and with Health Savings Accounts, which he’ll work with Congress with to make it a patient-centered health care system.

Third Party Candidates Emilio Pla // Reporter

Libertarian: The Libertarian political party was found-

ed on December 11, 1971, in Colorado Springs. Considering itself as culturally liberal, they believe in ending the prohibition of illegal drugs, supporting same-sex marriage, and ending capital punishment. Libertarians also find themselves to be economically conservative, lowering taxes, decreasing national debt, opting out of social security, and eliminating the welfare state. Despite being the third largest party in the United States, they have never won a seat in Congress. However, Libertarians do see success in state legislatures and local offices.

Gary Johnson: Gary Johnson governed New Mexico

from 1995 to 2003 as a republican. In 2012’s election initially ran as a republican on a libertarian platform, but in the middle of his campaign, he ran for the libertarian nomination instead and won. That year he received the most votes of any minor candidate as well as in libertarian history.

Green Party: The Green Party was founded in 2001 as the evolution of the Association of State Green Parties and it soon became the primary green party in the US and the fourth largest political party. The party is described as eco-socialist, and is seen as a left-wing party. The party promotes environmentalism, social justice, nonviolence, anti-war, and anti-racism. It has had several members elected to state legislatures, but a lot of the party holds positions on school boards, or as mayors. Jill Stein: Jill Stein is an American physician from Harvard, who is the Green Party’s nominee for 2016, who also ran in 2012. She has run for multiple state legislatures but has fallen short in all of them however, she was a Lexington Town Meeting Representative in 2005 and 2008. She has been arrested multiple times for protesting, usually due to trespassing. She wants to create a “Green New Deal,” in which new renewable energy jobs would be made to address environmental issues.

Foreign Policy: Plans to rebuild military, enhance and improve intelligence and cyber capabilities, and end the current strategy of nation-building and regime change. Education: Wants to work with Congress to ensure universities are making an effort to reduce student debt in exchange for the federal tax breaks and tax dollars. Therese Espiritu // Reporter

Despite all the conflict against Donald Trump, supporters still stand beside him. One of those advocates amidst the crowd is sophomore Garrett Councilman. Councilman shows his interest in Trump and researched the stances Trump advocates for in his political campaign. “I agree with what he stands for, mainly his economic repair plans and his support for the second amendment.” Councilman said. “I also agree with how Trump plans to register the current immigrants and not allow new ones in to ensure a stable economy.” It’s the 4% decrease in anti-Trump Republicans in the last year that has Councilman confident in Trump’s campaign and possibility of success on his side of the election. “I feel that Americans don’t believe most the liberal led media says, so his chances are as good as they were when he started,” Councilman said, “If anyone can take criticism, it is Trump.” Councilman stands proudly by the running presidential candidate and will not go down without a fight. “I would be extremely disappointed in the American people if Trump does not win presidency.” Councilman said. “I will also be angered and plan to move when I am older, if Trump is not president.”

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