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Memories; altering and fading the past.

lauren e simonu, Simonu6’s work creates an eerie effect and has shadows creeping into the image. Her work strips things down to their core. It takes reflects on her state of mind at the >me, ‘’ Madness everything, and in exchange offers more madness, and the occasional ability to see things that are not there.’’ Simonu6’s mind allows her to see and believe in things that are not there but at the same >me her work also shows distress and panic. The work has an unseGling feel to it. The colours and shades used are very limp and lifeless, giving off a cold feel. ‘’Sequestered in the house that I had made, a madhouse in its own right’’, This seems that she feels trapped inside her own home and that her home is the inside of her mind, not knowing what is real or what is not. Her chosen techniques show results different from a lot of modern photography, they produce vintage effect photography. ‘’Chemistry does not always react the same; water does not always run in the same direc>on. I have been known to spill things. Each print is different. ‘’ She does not try to perfect her work, it is the mistakes that make the photos, the natural mistakes that occur. The mistakes add an edge to the images. Her photography contains a ‘mist’ effect that makes us wonder what is going through her mind and what reality is to her. Her work suggests being contained and being out of control. Towards the end of her life due to complica>on with her illness, she turned the camera onto herself and show us what isola>on is like, being leK with just your own thoughts. "Over (five) years I have spent alone amidst these 8 rooms, 7 mirrors, 6 clocks, 2 minds and 199 panes of glass. And this is what I saw here. ‘’

•  Bleach develop/ nail varnish remover

MaGhew Brandt

Preserving memories in photography. •  Iden>fy what you want to do

Chen Wei idea 2

Emily Joy

Andy Warhol Andy Warhol’s work creates a parallel world for reality. The colours chosen are deliberately wrong compared to reality. For example his interpreta>on of ‘blondie’ the colours chosen for her hair is not the ordinary blonde but bright pink, taking away her edge. Making a fake world.

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