Kansas Monks Spring 2012

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Spring 2012

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G r a c e f u l P r e se nc e - Photographer captures beaut y of Arabian horses -


From the Abbot

Kansas Monks


4 . . . . . . . Jubilarians monks celebrating anniversaries

We celebrate the 2011 jubliees of Prior Duane Roy and Subprior Meinrad Miller. Other Monks celebrating anniversaries in 2011: Profession 65 yrs. - Fr. Bertrand LaNoue 65 yrs. - Fr. Ignatius Smith 55 yrs. - Abbot Ralph Koehler 55 yrs. - Fr. Roderic Giller 50 yrs. - -Prior Duane Roy 35 yrs. - Fr. Joaquim Carvalho 35 yrs. - Br. John Peto 30 yrs. - Fr. Josias Dias da Costa 25 yrs. - Fr. Meinrad Miller 15 yrs. - Prior James Albers

Ordination 55 yrs. - Fr. Michael Santa 45 yrs. - Fr. Benjamin Tremmel 25 yrs. - Fr. Josias Dias da Costa 20 yrs. - Fr. Daniel McCarthy 20 yrs. - Fr. Justin D. Dean 10 yrs. - Fr. Kevin Bachmann Blessing as Abbot 30 yrs. - Abbot Ralph Koehler Oblation 5 yrs. - Br. Peter Karasz

6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Desert 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SomosweIrmãos are brothers 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Obl ate s 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graceful Presence Through the encouragement of Abbot Owen Purcell, noted photographer Jerry Sparagowski comes to St. Benedict’s Abbey to capture images of Arabian horses with monastery as backdrop.

faith 13 . . . . . clothed with God’s Will In Our Lives

14 . . .Thank you for your generosity this year 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Abbey notes

Publisher: Abbot Barnabas Senecal, O.S.B., bsenecal@kansasmonks.org Editor: Dan Madden, dmadden@kansasmonks.org Art Direction: J.D. Benning, jbenning@kansasmonks.org

contributing writers: Abbot Barnabas Senecal “The courage for happiness.” From the Abbot (3) | Abbey Notes (23)

Brother John Peto “A Christian is known by his happiness in the Lord!” Oblates (9)

Father Gabriel Landis-

Christ leads me through no darker rooms than he went through before; he that unto God’s kingdom comes must enter by this door. • From the Desert (6)

Abbot Owen Purcell “It’s all a day at a time.” Marked by a Sign of Faith (8)

Prior Duane Roy “Working at the daily task of being a monk” Somos Irmãos (7)

Brother Christopher Start “The modern philosopher had told me again and again that I was in the right place, and I had still felt depressed even in acquiescence. But I had heard that I was in the wrong place, and my soul sang for joy, like a bird in spring. “ -G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy -Clothed With Faith (13)

8. . . . . . . Marked with the sign of Faith We remember Abbot Cuthbert McDonald, third Abbot of St. Benedict’s Abbey and advocate for St. Joseph’s Priory in Brazil.

Catholic Press Association Award Winner General Excellence 2009 2010 2011 Photography: Jerry Sparagowski (cover), J.D. Benning, Abbot Barnabas Senecal, Brother Joseph Ryan Kansas Monks magazine is published by the Office of Development. For a free subscription: 913.360.7906, or development@kansasmonks.org.


From the Abbot

Spring 2012

atrick Carr was invited to address the 270 high school seniors and their parents who came to Benedictine College on Feb. 3-4 for the Presidential Scholarship competition. Each had to have a 28 ACT score and GPA of 3.5. Patrick graduated from Benedictine College in 1994. For the past five years he has been the president of Hallmark Cards Canada, living in a suburb of Toronto. He and his wife Kathleen McClard, a 1993 Benedictine College graduate, have three children, Patrick, Maggie and Teddy. Patrick presented on ideas from his 2009 book, Courage for Happiness. Patrick has found in his own life that achieving happiness takes hard work, discipline, a positive attitude and, most of all, courage. Courage is the one key ingredient that allows us to persevere, giving us the strength and tenacity to effectively deal with setbacks and, most importantly, rise above life’s most challenging obstacles. I found parallels between Patrick’s address and the Sunday readings from the weekend he was in town: Job 7:1-4,6-7, 1 Corinthians 9;1619, 22-23, and Mark 1:29-39. From Corinthians: “To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.” From Job: “Remember that my life is like the wind; I shall not see happiness again.” And from the Gospel: “Let us go to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.”


Courage for Happiness:

• Take the first step. Sometimes, the hardest part about taking action is getting started. • Have character above all else. It’s one of those things no one can take from you.

• The difference between dreams and reality is action. It’s important to act on your ideas. That’s what separates people who watch life go by and people who make things happen. • Think about whom you would spend your time with if you only had a few days to live? What would you tell them? What are you waiting for?

St. Paul was a typical convert to the faith, filled with enthusiasm to share what had been given to him. Job is a person who has lost much and who has accepted an attitude of despair. Jesus wanted to keep moving from village to village, healing many and inviting those healed and those who witnessed healing to join him.

Patrick’s talk did not reflect the attitude of Job, but did reflect the attitude of Paul and Jesus. So much of what he does to form the minds of his three young children is written into his book. “Courage for Happiness began as a handwritten collection of advice for the author’s three small children. Now those loving words are a compass in our daily search for happiness,” said one book reviewer. “Courage for Happiness resonates in the heart with the kind of undeniable, gentle wisdom that instantly motivates change. Your happiness sleeps within. Wake it up! But know this: you will not just read Courage for Happiness. You’ll feel it, follow it, live it; then happiness will happen to you. The genius in Courage for Happiness lies in its utter simplicity. Some pages inspire you to aspire. Others make you smile with a power of revelation so simple and true, you’ll laugh. Happiness is not complicated. It’s not a gift someone gives us. We can’t find it. We can’t conjure it. As Patrick Carr says…happiness takes courage and dedication.” Patrick told of his attempt to encourage his oldest to do better than a C in math. “C is average, you can do better.” “I am happy with average.” The challenge! Patrick is a Paul, for sure. He is trying to be an influence for good. He personifies hope and he is eager to lead in ways possible for him. He is a Christ figure. He enters a room to heal, not to be fed. He responds to individuals and to large groups. He appreciates those who have touched his life, and he wants to return that touch. Patrick would like the opportunity to talk to the Job persons around him, those who see the darkness and remain in the dark. He would want to help them into the light, into some joyful experience. Patrick Carr is not a “rah rah” guy, or a sideline coach, but a motivator who believes that all people can generate and share happiness. His attitude is a statement of character, not a Hallmark advertisement to generate sales. May we be persons of action, even slaves (St. Paul’s term), for the sake of one another.


Kansas Monks

Jubilarians monks celebrating anniversaries Prior Duane Roy is

indeed a man with two homes. A native Kansan, born and raised in rural and tiny Webster, near Stockton, attending a school no longer in existence, now Webster Reservoir. As Benedictine monk he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his profession in 2011, has served most of his monastic life among the people of North Central Brazil. Father Duane professed his vows July 11, 1961 (below). He graduated from St. Benedict’s College in 1963 with a degree in philosophy, and earned a master’s degree in library science from Kansas Teacher’s College -Emporia in 1969. He was assistant librarian for St.Benedict’s College between 1967 and 1971 and during that time also worked as a civilian military chaplain to the U.S. Army at Fort Riley in Junction City, Kan. Father Duane was ordained to the priesthood June 2, 1967, before departing for Brazil four years later, for what would become his life’s work. In 1978 he was appointed Prior and Novice Master of St. Joseph Priory in Mineiros, Goiás, Brazil, holding that position until 1985. During the next 23 years Father Duane would be a busy man in many overlapping tasks – farm administrator, hospital chaplain, pastor and educator - serving the local people and building the monastic community of St. Joseph Priory. In that time he would serve for 15 years as pastor of two parishes. For eight years he served as business manager of the priory, for a decade he was a professor of sociology at the Foun-


dation of Higher Education of Mineiros, an institution for which he also served as vice president of the board of directors. Father Duane was president of the Municipal Council on Religious Education, president of a local Chapter of Human Rights and a member of the diocesan Priest Senate. Father Duane is author of many articles in English and Portuguese. He translated from Portuguese into English a book on Bishop Matthias Schmidt, OSB – To Be Seed - published in 2005. He initiated various project proposals, and administered programs for the benefit of children, church communities and the monks. He returned to his native Kansas on sabbatical in 2001 to serve as the priest Administrator at St. Ann’s parish in Effingham. However, a year later he returned to Brazil, this time to serve under his fellow St. Benedict’s Abbey monk, Bishop Herbert Hermes, as vicar general of the Prelacy of Cristalândia for eight years. Upon the bishop’s retirement in 2010, Father Duane was re-elected to his former position of Prior of St. Joseph Priory.

Subprior Meinrad Miller, recently appointed

novice master of St. Benedict’s Abbey, celebrated 25 years as a professed monks in 2011. The gregarious native of Leoti, Kan., graduated from Wichita County High School in 1983 and left for Atchison. A friendly and outgoing monk, the joke around the abbey is that he is either related to or knows everyone in Kansas. He entered the novitiate while attending Benedictine College and professed first vows in 1986. He graduated from Benedictine in May 1989 and two months later, on July 11, 1989, professed solemn vows. His first assignment was as a theology teacher at Maur Hill Prep. A year later he took on extra duties as director of student activities at Benedictine College. In 1990 he left for St. Vincent Seminary for theology studies and in 1994 was ordained to the priesthood by his confrere, Bishop Herbert Hermes, in the St. Benedict’s Abbey Church. Since that time he has taught theology at Benedictine College and served as director of campus ministry. Until 2005 he also served as the Abbey’s vocation director and postulant director. In 1996 Abbot Barnabas appointed him subprior, and last year he accepted the appointment of novice master. During his monastic life, Father Meinrad has been involved in retreat ministry, including offering retreats to Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, and has involved with the St. Benedict’s College Knights of Columbus Council 4708, the William T. Jochems General Assembly Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus and Communion and Liberation.

Through the Lens of a Monk

Spring 2012

N ew E x h ibit of A bbot B arnabas ’ P h otograp h y

What: Photos of faces and places by Abbot Barnabas Senecal. When: Now through the end of the Easter season. Where: Savior Pastoral Center 12601 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, Kansas, 66109 For More Information: Call the Abbey Development Office: 913-360-7906 or e-mail: development@kansasmonks.org


Kansas Monks

From The Desert Praying for Humility

Sometime ago I started praying the “Litany of Humility” right after Morning Prayer. I also pray a Novena to the Archangel Gabriel, which is easy. After all, I’m asking my favorite patron for a favor! The Litany of Humility is almost like purgatory to pray, because it strikes at my pride and fears. There are a lot of “mentalspiritual ouches” that go through my head every time I pray each line! Composed by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val, Pope Pius X’s Secretary of State, it pleads:

The Litany of Humility O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being loved... From the desire of being extolled ... From the desire of being honored ... From the desire of being praised ... From the desire of being preferred to others... From the desire of being consulted ... From the desire of being approved ... From the fear of being humiliated ... From the fear of being despised... From the fear of suffering rebukes ... From the fear of being calumniated ... From the fear of being forgotten ... From the fear of being ridiculed ... From the fear of being wronged ... From the fear of being suspected ... That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I ... That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease ... That others may be chosen and I set aside ... That others may be praised and I unnoticed ... That others may be preferred to me in everything... That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should… **consider cutting this out and praying it daily for the remainder of Lent.

Conquering pride and fear and growing in humility are central to Benedictine spirituality. In his Rule, St. Benedict dedicates Chapter Seven to this virtue, writing: “The seventh step of humility is that a man not only admits with his tongue but is also convinced in his heart that he is inferior to all and of less value, humbling himself and saying with the Prophet: I am truly a worm, not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people (Ps 22:7). I was exalted, then I was humbled and overwhelmed with confusion (Ps 88:16). And again, it is a blessing that you have humbled me so that I can ever learn your commandments (Ps 119: 71, 73)” RB 7:51-54. 6

Does it sound harsh to our ears? Does it feel harsh in our hearts? It is so counter-cultural. Our fallen world is full of pride and fear. Pride and fear keep Christ out of our hearts. Humility is the key that unlocks the gate to heaven. Sometimes I sense I’m on the road to humility, only to be thrown back. St. Benedict and Servant of God Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val have the same point— Father Gabriel Landis pride and fear keep us from fully Pastor - St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s, Atchison loving God. Pride and fear keep us from fully living in the freedom of Christ. St. Benedict ends his chapter on humility, “Now, therefore, after ascending all these steps of humility, the monk will quickly arrive at that perfect love of God which casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Through this love, all that he once performed with dread, he will now begin to observe without effort, as though from habit, no longer out of fear of hell, but out of love for Christ, good habit and delight in virtue.” That is why I pray the Litany of Humility. Re-read what Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val is asking Jesus to deliver him from: the many forms of “desires” and “fears” which can steer us off course as we grow in humility. He does not pull any punches. Honestly, much of what he asks has caused me to search my soul. Many times I have used this Litany in the Sacrament of Confession. There are a few things in this Litany that are hard for me to ask Jesus to deliver me from. The “desire to be esteemed loved… honored… approved… et cetera.” Sigh! This is the sinful and self-centered me expressing itself. Toward the end, Cardinal Merry del Val makes a transition. He is praying to be selfless, not self-centered “that others may be….” Yes, I’ve written before about the need to be selfless and I preach on it, too. But the good Cardinal is reminding us that Jesus says, “The first shall be last, the last shall be first.” This desire to put ourselves above others, to think more highly of ourselves than others, keeps our souls chained to sin. In the end we do not truly see ourselves as we are. We fall for the lie, “Well, that is just who I am.” This spiritual blindness makes the ground fertile for the roots of pride and fear to control our lives. These roots blossom into our patterns of behavior, our insecurities, our sins, and how we react in the world. In the end, pride and fear leave us wretched, insecure, chained and bound. Pope Benedict XVI wrote in Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology: “In what does the human being’s wretchedness actually consist? Above all, in his insecurity; in the uncertainties with which he is burdened; in the limitations that oppress him; in the lack of freedom that binds him; in the pain that makes his life hateful to him. Ultimately there is, behind all this, the meaningless of his existence.” We can say, then, that the root of man’s wretchedness is loneliness, the absence of love. What we need is a communion that goes beyond everything and reaches deep into the heart of man and endures even in death. I guess that is why I have made it a practice to pray this Litany and to recommend it to others. It is really a prayer of purgation. We either do our time of purgatory now, here on earth, or do it in Purgatory itself. I prefer, for you and me, the former. Praised Be Our Savior Jesus Christ! Now and Always! Amen!

Somos Irmãos

Spring 2012

the mid-to-late 1960s laity became equally generous and willing to participate in parish life, as inspired by the Second Vatican Council. Through dedication, long hours, and hard work a solid foundation was The first three monks from Kansas arrived in Brazil early in laid for what we have today. 1960: Matthias Schmidt, Stephen Burns and Otho Sullivan. It was There was a price. Like pioneer only on Jan. 2, 1962, that two Atchison monks, Fathers Matthias Prior Duane Roy men, they died young. Matthias and Stephen, visited Mineiros for the first time with the newly Prior - St. Joseph’s Priory died at 61; Henry Deters, 67; Eric elected diocesan bishop, Benedito Coscia, OFM. Upon this visit, Deitchman, 67; Robert Heiman, 73, their hearts were decided that this is where they wanted to found a and Otho Sullivan, our patriarch, at 76. Luke Wenzel, at 30, was monastery, a decision finalized in April of that same year. permanently paralyzed in a traffic accident. Others went to other Fifty years later, only two monk-pioneers are on the scene in leadership posts: Ralph Koehler served as Abbot of St. Benedict´s Brazil: Bishop Herbert Hermes and me. The legacy of the monk- Abbey from 1980 to 1989; and Herbert Hermes was ordained missioners, however, continues. Our founders were virtuous men Bishop of the Prelacy of Cristalândia, Brazil, in 1990. of goodness, generosity and loving care for people, without air of A new generation of young men from Mineiros became monkgrandeur. Father Matthias Schmidt, for example, was a man of missioners also. Sons and brothers of hardworking parents and decision, noted for his simplicity, durability and service. Being siblings became today´s leaders, carrying forward the Benedictine people-centered he manifested love and respect for all persons. heritage according to the style of the American Cassinese CongreWitty and affable, he enjoyed singing Brazilian folk songs with gation and Saint Benedict´s Abbey. They are few, but dedicated gusto. He was a zealous confessor, devout celebrant of the Eucha- and competent, giving witness in today´s society through teamrist and faithful in praywork, generous service ing the Liturgy of the and joyful giving of Hours. Father Matththemselves, true to the ias made it a point to spirit of our founders. participate in a variety of In our past, candievents. Vocal in defense dates manifested interof the truth, he was a est in church vocation, competent teacher and joined us, made profespreacher. A constant sion, but soon grew collaborator with his weary, or discovered bishop, he was called to their true vocation. The be vicar of religious in limited, but solid educathe diocese in 1965; and tion we Benedictines in 1972, bishop. gave them hopefully has The strong witness made them prayerful of this monk-missioner men, generous husbands, set the pace for other fathers and lay leaders in monks working with their parishes. him and those who came When a new generalater: Ralph Koehler First row (left to right): Sister Stephen, Fr. Duane Roy, Fr. Jose Machado, Fr. tion of youth came and Herbert Hermes Joaquim Carlos Carvalho, Bishop Matthias Schmidt, Novice Antonio Santana. along in the 1980s they in 1962; Eric Deitch- | Second row (left to right): Sister Anne Magdieu, Bishop Herbert Hermes, Fr. presented different man and Luke Wenzel Kieran McInerney, Fr. Josias Dias da Costa, Fr. Henry Deters, Fr. Regis Hickey, values, attitudes and in 1965; Robert Heiman, Fr. Jude Burbach, Fr. Eric Deitchman. work ethics. Perhaps Duane Roy in 1971; and due to the increase in Kieran McInerney, Jude Burbach, Henry Deters and Franklin consumerist society, technology and convenience the new generaHighberger in 1975. Abbot Owen Purcell, after his resignation as tion became convinced that family, society and church should Abbot of St. Benedict´s Abbey, spent some months at the Priory provide them with all their needs. Without patience, effort in 1995. Father Denis Meade spent almost seven years hear - 1987 and capacity to deal with frustration, the “easy life” is attracto 1989, 2002 to 2005.St. Benedict´s Abbey was supportive and tive. Leisure, pleasure, and interfere with hard work, making religenerous in providing monks to staff the budding foundation of St. gious life and ministry less attractive. Joseph Priory. Not discouraged with this analysis, we maintain contact The monks in Brazil cherished the Kansas tradition of unit- with many young adults who show interest in monastic life. The ing monastic chrism and pastoral zeal, supporting one another communal dimension of our life—a strong formation program in community life and working together in parish ministry. Joint and prestige of our past and present witness blended with pastoministry with the Atchison Benedictine Sisters, also established ral ministry—seem to speak to today´s youth. We trust some will in Mineiros, was an enormous asset in witnessing, and enriching participate with the monks who carry our rich monastic heritage catechetical, spiritual and human promotion programs. Parishio- well into the new Millennium. May the next 50 years prove this ners came to expect and received the best of pastoral service. In assertion true, bringing us a most welcome springtime.

we are brothers


Marked with the sign of Faith



Kansas Monks


Abbot Cuthbert McDonald | 1894-1991

bbot Cuthbert was the third abbot of our community and served the community well from 1943 to 1962. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, and came to Kansas City, Mo., at the age of 12. He and his brother, John, and sister, Mary, were raised by an aunt until Francis (later Cuthbert) came to St. Benedict’s for his further education. He completed his high school, college and theological studies here and was ordained June 27, 1921. He professed vows as July 2, 1915. As a monk Abbot Cuthbert taught commercial subjects at St. Benedict’s High School, attended Gregg Normal School in Chicago to learn accounting, began studies in Greek at the University of Michigan and received a master’s degree in 1932. Parallel to this teaching career he was treasurer of the college until being elected abbot in 1943. He was also Dean of Men from 1940 to 1943. Abbot Cuthbert led the community in building the Abbey Church and Guesthouse, two student dormitories at the college, and at Maur Hill a new academic building and new gym. After retirement he served as assistant chaplain in various hospitals conducted by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, ending with St. Joseph’s, Denver, Colo. From 1971 to 1979 he was assistant chaplain at Mount St. Scholastica Monastery, Atchison. Beginning in January 1980 he lived at the abbey where he was fully a part of the life of the community. The monks, college students, alumni, friends and so many religious sisters held Abbot Cuthbert in affectionate esteem. He had a good Irish sense of humor that was contagious. He was a gentle man and was wise to allow trusted confreres to help him wear the miter. One monk said Abbot Cuthbert was “too kind to everyone.” Abbot Cuthbert died March 20, 1991, the feast of St. Cuthbert. It was because of Abbot Cuthbert that we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of our foundation in Mineiros, Goias, Brazil. Pope John XXIII issued a call to the religious superiors of the United States to come to the aid of the very large Catholic population in Central and South America. The deeply Catholic region was then enduring a shortage of ordained priests, sisters and brothers. The archbishop of the newly constructed capitol of Brasilia came to Atchison and spoke to the community. There was a Hungarian Benedictine, a contact to our community, and he accompanied Archbishop Newton to Atchison. The proposal was to found a monastery in Brasilia. Abbot Cuthbert met with the community which readily accepted this plan. Abbot Cuthbert asked for volunteers and many of the monks answered “yes.” From the many volunteers three 8

were selected: Father Matthias Schmidt, Father Otho Sulllivan, and Father Stephen Burns. After a departure ceremony in 1961 the three left for Brazil, but found the plan for the foundation in Brasilia was not feasible. The monks separated to look at more prospects. They found Bishop Coscia of Jatai, Goias, a Franciscan from Holy Name Province in New York, very favorable to their arrival. He offered to the three Kansas monks a large parish in the city of Mineiros. The town then had a population of 10,000. Fifty years later the city has grown to nearly 50,000. The three monks moved to Mineiros in March of 1962 and began their missionary monastic life. The foundation was named Mosteiro São Jose or Saint Joseph’s Priory. Abbot Cuthbert visited the young community and the growing mission several times before resigning as abbot. Subsequent abbots have followed suit. Photos clockwise from upper left: Abbot Cuthbert celebrating a jubilee. • Blessing as Abbot on Sept. 8, 1943. • Receiving an honorary degree from St. Vincent College. • Celebrating Mass at Mount St. Scholastica.

Spring 2012

Abbot Cuthbert’s Coat of Arms Sinister: on a field of gold (or yellow) is a red rampant lion which represents the first quarter (or the upper left and side of the Macdonnell (McDonald) of the Glens coat of arms in Ireland.) Above on a field of red is a gold cross representing the cross erected by St. Cuthbert at the Dull Oratory in Scotland, the first cross erected there. St. Cuthbert was an Irish monk-missionary who later became Bishop of Lindesfarne. He is considered, after Saints George and Andrew, the most venerated saint in Scotland and England until the time of Henry VIII. St. Cuthbert is buried in the Cathedral of Durham. The motto Vita et Pax (life and peace), is from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:6, which says in part, the wisdom of the Spirit is life and peace. This is Abbot Cuthbert’s prayer: that the Holy Spirit guide him in wisdom so that the community of St. Benedict’s Abbey may enjoy life and peace.

Obl ates Although oblates do not take vows as part of their way of life, the challenge of the vows needs to be part of their lives. The most challenging vow is “conversion of life.” Therein lies the total challenge of the Christian life. The 49th verse of the Prologue to the Rule notes that “as we progress in this way of life and faith, we shall run on the path of God’s commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.” We need to move ahead and not remain in one place. Chapter Four, “The Tools for Good Works,” is an excellent place to make progress in our Christian life. From the first verse there is a challenge. A few examples will help: we are called to love God with our whole heart, whole soul and strength. Such a call must indeed come alive in us each day. We are unable to merely sit back and say I love God with all of my being and let it go at that. Loving God can be a challenge at times, when life sends us hard knocks and we begin to wonder what life is all about. “Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way,” Benedict says. What does that really mean? That we should all be so different, so that everyone will notice us. I don’t think so; rather that in our everyday lives, in our every day jobs and homes others will note something a little different about our response to the situations of life. Maybe we show our difference by not needing to have what everyone else has. Maybe we try to show kindness to all and especially to those shunned by others. The chapter also calls upon us not to grumble. That is a trap one can fall into easily. Know that I have not made much progress here yet. I complain about food or the way it is cooked. I complain about changes in schedule. Would it not be better that I were thankful for the food when so many go to bed hungry and children die from starvation? A changed schedule really only affects my life, my time, my plans. I say that I can’t sleep late with a changed schedule. A more positive response on my part might be thankfulness for more time to spend on a hobby or reading. My progress in living the Rule might well be gratitude that some of my confreres can enjoy a little well needed rest. Yes, I

Abbot Owen Purcell is compiling a necrology of St. Benedict’s Abbey; a series of profiles on the deceased monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey. If you have a comment or insight e-mail Abbot Owen: purcellowen944@gmail.com.

believe that we are all called to progress in the spiritual life and a good place to begin is the Rule of Our Holy Father Benedict. At the present time the abbey has a capital campaign under way to replace the windows in the monastery. I had a letter from the son of a recently deceased oblate and Brother John Peto he wished to send a portion of Director of Oblates his mother’s estate for something needed at the abbey. I thought of the windows in our cottage chapel and asked the superiors if his donation could be earmarked for this project. His gift will go toward replacing one or more windows. It will be a fitting memorial to his mother and father. I have never mentioned donations before in my column, but this is a wonderful opportunity to do so. There are a few things I would like oblates to know. The first being that you may want to inform your family that you are an oblate and would like that mentioned in your death notice. It would be sufficient to say that the deceased was an Oblate of St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kansas. To simply say oblate doesn’t say as much as mentioning the place of your oblate stability. Many years ago oblates were buried in the monastic habit. Today that might be confusing. Two items are available that you might consider using as part of clothing of a deceased oblate: A medal of St. Benedict can be pinned to clothing. Also I do have some scapulars (below) featuring St. Benedict and St. Scholastica crafted from old habits that could be used. If you wish to use either of the above please contact me and I can arrange to send medals and scapulars. Are you interested in becoming an Oblate of St. Benedict’s Abbey? Contact Br. John Peto: johnpeto1@gmail.com 913-360-7896 9

S G r ace ful Pr e senc e Kansas Monks

- P h otog r a p h e r c a pt u r e s b e a u t y of A r a bi a n h o r s e s -

b y l a u r i e s c h m e l z l e | P h oto s b y j e r ry s pa r a g o w s k i



Spring 2012

everal years ago, Laurie Schmelzle of Al Badia Arabian Stud near Seneca Kan. had just finished giving a guest lecture on chinchilla breeding and genetics at Benedictine College. After the lecture most of the biology class, along with the professor and the abbey’s retired abbot, Abbot Owen Purcell, went down to the riverfront for lunch, followed by a tour of the abbey. During the tour Mrs. Schmelzle saw for the first time the breathtaking beauty of the east side of the abbey. Schmelzle sent some pictures of the abbey to prominent Arabian horse photographer Jerry Sparagowski, followed by a request for permission from Abbot Owen to hold a photo shoot with Arabian horses on the east lawn. Fortunately Abbot Owen was encouraging and enthusiastic about the project, allowing the planning to move forward. During early discussions of the photo shoot, either in jest or in earnest, Abbot Owen mentioned that he suffered from congestive heart failure, and said not to delay the project too long because he didn’t expect to live to see his 80th birthday and couldn’t guarantee the availability of the abbey afterwards. Due to the logistics it was five more years before everything finally came together. In the summer of 2011, Sparagowski and David Botha, trainer at Michael Byatt Arabians in Texas, were both available to travel to Kansas at a time when the monastery was also available. The next steps were to select and prepare the horses that could handle the demands of an on-location shoot, and to ask some of the younger and more agile monks to participate. Graciously, they agreed. July 25 dawned crisp, fair, and bright. The Kansas weather had agreed to cooperate, as had the horses by traveling to Atchison in the pre-dawn hours without incident. Sparagowski arrived first on the scene to scout the location and take some test shots as the horses were prepared. The first horse brought out was Hanaa Al Badia (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Shadenn), a 3-year-old gray mare. Hanaa was selected for the shoot because she had already been trained by Botha for the U.S. Egyptian Event, so handler and horse were well acquainted. Additionally, even though she was a ‘hot’ horse to handle, she was attentive and responsive under pressure. Hanaa adapted to the scene on the east lawn quickly and put on a dynamic show. Sparagowski recounted: “I really liked this picture (right), the mare’s expression, and the movement to it. It’s a vertical look. She is animated, looking right at me. The way she looked blended in with the setting. If you had a horse blowing and snorting right there, it just wouldn’t fit. The most defining part of the architecture of the building, the larger arched windows, captured the feel of the monastery with this one picture.” After Hanaa had settled in, Sparagowski decided it was time to try some shots with the monks. Since the posed shots involved people with little or no prior experience with horses, the photographer and the trainer patiently instructed the monks on what to do if the situation went awry. When asked to expand on the shoot from a photographer’s perspective, Sparagowski commented: “You run into scenarios that you don’t have on the farm. The most obvious one is that you are generally in a non captive area, so there are no fences containing the horse. The first concern is that the horse doesn’t get away. The lawn on the east side of the abbey ends abruptly with a 100 foot plummet down to the Missouri River, and there is no knowing where and how far a loose horse will go. The other consideration is that when you are in a public place like the monastery with the college nearby, you have members of the public and non-horse people curiously watching. We have to keep control so no one gets hurt. And posing the horse with non-horsemen is something I continued on next page


Kansas Monks would not have done without David (center, bottom photo) there. You have four monks present who have no experience handling a difficult horse situation. It’s all up to the handler. Additionally, we had to be conservative and not push the horse too hard with the props.” Sparagowski said: “When you go to a beautiful place like this, you must have some element of the monastery in every picture. Otherwise, you may as well be at the farm. In these cases, the background is as important as the horse. Something in the background had to say ‘monastery.’” The next horse photographed was the two year old colt Namir Al Nazarra (Ansata Sinan x BSA Nazarra). Although Namir didn’t have the same level of show training as the mare, he was generally easy to work with and enjoyed interacting with people. Namir especially seemed undaunted with the situation, and enjoyed his day away from the farm. This was to be Namir’s last photo shoot on US soil, before embarking on another adventure. He departed shortly afterwards for his new home near the Julian Alps of Europe. By the time the photo shoot was well under way, it had drawn a small crowd of observers including students, visitors to the college and abbey, and even the Abbey’s current leaders, Abbot Barnabas Senecal, looked in on the proceedings. But the day’s events culminated when Abbot Owen, who originally made the project possible, walked out onto the lawn and happily announced to all “It’s my 80th birthday!” Not only was Abbot Owen able to attend the photo shoot on a day he previously suggested might not come, but he looked spry enough to see his 90th. 12

“In this picture (above), I loved the lighting. It still had the monastery’s feel to it. I changed spots to make sure I had the statue. The monks were so much a part of the whole thing that they defined where we were. Otherwise, it could have been anywhere. I liked the monk’s expressions, especially Brother Christopher’s (third from left) who was touching the mare. It really lit his eyes up and showed in his smile. I thought it was interesting that they just jumped right in there. It was like they wanted to be around the horse, and they wanted the experience. They might remember this for a long time coming. We don’t think of these things because we do this all the time. We are around the horses all the time. But, I don’t think there have been too many Arabian horses back where we were.” - Photographer Jerry Sparagowski

Spring 2012

For more from photographer Jerry Sparagowski see the website: www.sparagowskiphoto.com This article and the accompanying photos originally appeared in the Nov. 2011 edition of Tutto Arabi: Arabian Horses in Europe and worldwide

clothed with faith God’s Will In Our Lives Monasticism and the Real World As I was completing my second year of teaching, just prior to entering the monastery, a colleague commented on how long it was taking the monks to give me a formal acceptance to enter the postulency that summer. Perhaps sensing my impatience, he remarked that if the monks worked like the rest of the “real world,” they would have given me a final answer a month earlier. I have seen this complaint, this critique, in multiple forms: a monk is simply running away, trying to escape the real world. One thing I learned in teaching is that when you hear the same misperception repeated multiple times from different students, you have a great opportunity, a ‘teachable moment.’ What is the monastic doing behind his cloister and what is the real world from which he is accused of fleeing? Scripture and Mother Church are crystal clear on the meaning of life: “Now this is eternal life: that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ,” (John 17:3). God created us to “know, to love, and to serve him, and so to come to paradise,” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1721). The whole point of existence is union with God. Religion, spirituality, is not a warm and fluffy extra to this life. Even less is it a celestial extra given to a person who arrives in heaven. The entire purpose of life is to seek Christ, to serve God. All vocations find their meaning and purpose as a path to union with God: whether single, marriage, consecrated life (religious life), or holy orders. Vocation is not your career. Nor is it wealth, possession, social status, or anything else the world posits as essential (ah, here is a useful connotation of world, to which I intend to return). The call to holiness is universal. All of the vocations, when well lived, aim to this same end: to seek Christ. Whether it be the ordained through ministry and pastoral care of the faithful and the lost; those married through their mutual help and openness to the great mystery of life; and all the faithful through evangelizing their neighbor and society. As for the monastic calling, I shall let St. Benedict speak: Listen carefully, my son, to the master’s instructions, and attend them with the ear of your heart. This is advice from a father who loves you; welcome it and faithfully put it into practice. The labor of obedience will bring you back to him from whom you had drifted through the sloth of disobedience. This message of mine

is for you then, if you are ready to give up your own will, once and for all, and armed with the strong and noble weapons of obedience to do battle for the true King, Christ the Lord. - RB: Prologue 1-3 What is the monk doing with his life? He is putting first things first: seeking Christ. My willfulness, my pride, my sins have estranged me from God. The world from which he flees is the world that suggests man’s happiness can be found in this life, be it in power, pleasure, or money. The Lord, in his graciousness, calls the monk to seek him in a focused, simple life. The monastic, then, is called to forgo so many good things to show that Jesus is worth dropping everything to seek and to serve; through a life of conversion and fidelity, obedience and simplicity. A final reflection on the nature of Goodness. Think of a person in your life who exudes joy and faith. When you are in this person’s presence, life just seems a little bit brighter, the dark and struggles a little less oppressive. This is a mark of the Good: that it spreads beyond itself and lifts others up. The beautiful thing of such goodness is that it knows no boundaries, and seeks simply to love. St. Therese of Lisieux is the paradigmatic example of what I mean here: the patroness of missionaries was a cloistered Carmelite who spent virtually all of her 24 years on this earth in one small village. Yet, her prayers and writings have swept countless souls up into the paths of holiness. For much the same reason, St. Benedict is the patron of Europe. Under his Rule, 1,500 years of monks have prayed and worked in the service to the true King, Christ the Lord. This tradition continues and is, like the Church, ever ancient and ever new. A life devoted to the true, good, and beautiful has a multiplicative (or perhaps exponential) effect for the good on the world around it; even be it unseen, even be it behind the cloister. However, as great and wonderful as that may be, it is ancillary. The beauty of Therese and Benedict is a soul on fire for Jesus, for the Kingdom. This is the ideal of the monk. This, ultimately, is his purpose, and it redounds to the vocation of all the faithful. So, I must ask you: are you seeking the True, the Good, and the Beautiful or are you trying to escape the Real World?

Brother Christopher Start is one

of three junior monks at St. Benedict’s Abbey. He made his simple profession on Dec. 8, 2010. He is currently furthering his theological education at Benedictine College and plans to go on to seminary and be ordained to the priesthood. 13

Our Ministry Kansas Monks

M a d e p oss i b l e by you

The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey gather each day to lift the world to God in prayer. They continue to flourish in their vocation as educators, spiritual directors and chaplains at Benedictine College and Maur Hill-Mount Academy. They serve as pastors in area parishes, chaplains in hospitals, nursing homes and religious communities. The monks open their monastery home to the world as a place of peace and spiritual sustenance, welcoming each visitor as Christ. They seek vocations among the young while caring for their elderly members who have served for so long and diligently. All of this the monks do with a gracious heart. On the following pages we list all of those people who have joined us in our mission of good works with your gifts of financial support in the past calendar year. The list of benefactors includes contributors to the Abbey’s annual fund and to the Share Our Mission capial campaign and those completing pledges to the previous Journey Forward capital campaign. Please know that each of you is remembered in the daily prayers of the monastic community at the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist.


Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Aaron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Aaron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Aaron Ms. Kathryn M. Abels Mr. & Mrs. Lyle R. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. William M. Adams Mr. Stanley A. Adamski Mr. & Mrs. Adebayo Adedokun Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Adrian Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Albers Mr. Donald R. Albers Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Albers

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Albers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sands Mr. & Mrs. Ed Albers Mr. Charles R. Alberts Mrs. Pamela Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Jim F. Allen Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Allen Mr. & Mrs. John N. Altman Ms. Kathleen A. Alvey Mr. Edwin J. Amrein Lt. Col. Marian Amrein Ms. Barbara A. Anders Ms. Anna Marie Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Andra Mr. & Mrs. William P. Andre Mrs. Betty A. Andrews Ms. Annette M. Aragon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Aragon Mr. Gerald A. Archer Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Arensberg Mr. Milton D. Arganbright Mr. Martin F. Armstrong, Jr. Mr. Harold E. Arnold Ms. Ann M. Arp Mr. David W. Artzer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ascolese Mr. & Mrs. James Asher Mr. & Mrs. John P. Asher Ms. Mary M. Asher Mr. Robert M. Asher The Asner Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. John Auer Mr. & Mrs. Jason Austin Dr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Ayer, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Ted D. Ayres Mr. Ronald Aziere Mr. Victor J. Bachechi Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bachkora Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Backes Dr. & Mrs. Scott Baird Mr. & Mrs. Ted Baird Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Baker Mrs. Rita A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baker Rev. Nicholas J. Baker Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Baldwin Mrs. & Mr. Kathleen M. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Banion Rev. Christopher L. Barak Ms. Deborah Barclay Ms. Nichole Bardin

B Father Matthew Habiger continues his fight to promote Natural Family Planning. See the article In the Trenches by Dan Madden in the Spring 2011 issue of Kansas Monks. 14

Mr. & Mrs. John Baricevic Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Barker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Barr Mr. Ed Barr Mr. Robert L. Bartkoski Dr. & Mrs. Mike Bartoletti Mr. & Mrs. John Bates Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Bauman Dr. & Mrs. George J. Baumgartner Ms. Virginia Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Vern H. Baumhover Rev. Henry R. Baxa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bayer Dr. Patricia Bealmear Mr. & Mrs. Steven Becherer Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Bechina Dr. & Mrs. John R. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Becker Mr. Regis J. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Beckman Mr. Richard A. Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bednar Mr. Stephen W. Beggs Mr. & Mrs. Mark Begley Mr. John A. Behrmann Ms. Catherine E. Belden Mr. Joseph E. Belden Mrs. Diane L. Belken Ms. Karen Bell Mr. & Mrs. Rexford A. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bellerive Mrs. Mary Bem Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Bennett Mr. Robert D. Berg

Spring 2012 Col. & Mrs. Jerry Bergeman Mr. John A. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Berges Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O. Berges Mr. Joseph J. Bergkamp Mr. Elmer A. Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Harlan L. Berland Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bernau Ms. Evelyn L. Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. Berning Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Berry Mr. Timothy R. Bersch Fr. George Bertels Lt. Col. Cheney L. Bertholf Jr Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Bianco Mr. Robert A. Bieber Mr. Robert Bieg Mr. Donald E. Biggs Ms. Betty L. Bikson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Billiard Mr. & Mrs. William M. Bing Col. Ellis D. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bird Mr. & Mrs. Greg Birket Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Birzer Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bitter Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Bittner Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Blackwell Mr. Leon P. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Blanchat Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Blevins Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Blocher Mr. Leroy Ed Blocker Mr. & Mrs. George B. Blodig Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blodig Mrs. Rita Bock Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Boddicker Mr. & Mrs. George W. Boddy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boeding Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Boerner Rev. Marvin J. Boes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bohm Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Bohn Mrs. Doris J. Boland Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Bolin Ms. Jessica Boll Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bona Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Bono Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Boos Mr. Edward J. Bott Jr Mr. & Mrs. Lendell F. Boudreau Lt. Col. & Mrs. Archille Bourque, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ron V. Bova Ms. Karmen Bower Mr. & Mrs. David Bowers Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bowler, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Brading Mr. & Mrs. Bob L. Bradley Ms. Judith L. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. George M. Brady Mr. Donald E. Bramble Mr. Larry L. Brandon Mr. & Mrs. James B. Brandt Ms. Mary Anne Brant Mr. & Mrs. Bob Breen Mr. & Mrs. John Brehany Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Breight, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Brickner Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bright Mrs. Frances L. Broderick Ms. Marian C. Brodigan Mr. & Mrs. Karl Brondell Mr. & Mrs. James H. Brooks Mr. Steven D. Brooks Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward Brophy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Brophy

Brother Joseph Ryan greeted Ron Johnson (left) and Jim Wedeking (center) and Reg Robertson (not pictured). Johnson and Robertson accompanied Wedeking on a bicycle ride from Leavenworth to Atchison. It was Wedking’s last ride before undergoing major cancer surgery. Mr. Donley W. Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Randal L. Brown Mr. Douglas Brown Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael D. Brox Mr. & Mrs. Anton R. Brox Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Brox Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Brox Mr. & Mrs. James L. Brull Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Brull Dr. & Mrs. Gerard S. Brungardt Mrs. Helen E. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. John A. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bueltel Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Buessing Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buessing Mr. Charles F. Buhler Dr. & Mrs. Adam Buhman-Wiggs Mrs. Patricia B. Bumgarner Ms. Elizabeth E. Bunck Mr. Max J. Burbach Mr. Les Burchett Rev. Robert A. Burger Msgr. Raymond E. Burger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Burke Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. & Mrs. Clark A. Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Burns Mr. Wendall J. Burns Mr. Jeffrey Buser Mr. Michael B. Buser Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bussell Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Butler Mr. Karl L. Buttron Ms. Tammy Butts Mr. Patrick M. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cacioppo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. James R. Calcara Mr. & Mrs. William R. Callaway Mr. & Mrs. David A. Calvin Mrs. Valeria A. Campbell Ms. Vera C. Campbell Ms. Barbara A. Campbell Ms. Sharon S. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Vincent V. Canning, Jr. Ms. Loretta Cannon Dr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Cappo Mr. James M. Carew Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Carey Mrs. Alice Carey

Dr. Thomas E. Carey Mr. & Mrs. James R. Carley Mr. & Mrs. Jon F. Carmain Dr. & Mrs. Francis P. Carpinelli Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Carrigan Ms. Ann Carrigan Ms. Gere Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Carril Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carrington Mr. & Mrs. John E. Carroll, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carroll Capt. & Mrs. Paul F. Carroll

Ms. Lenore B. Carroll Ms. Janice L. Carson Mrs. & Mr. Theonne K. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. David T. Case Mr. & Mrs. James N. Caskey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Caspari Mr. William R. Casserly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cassidy Mr. Custer Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. William H. Castle Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Catanzaro Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Catrambone Mr. John R. Cattanach Ms. Alice T. Cattanach Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Cawley Rev. Thomas Cawley C.M. Mr. & Mrs. David C. Caylor Mr. Frank M. Ceresia Mr. Pius K. Chao Mr. James H. Chappell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Charbonneau Msgr. William G. Charnoki Ms. Maria E. Chastain-Brand Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chenoweth Mr. Robert E. Chisolm Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chmidling Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Chopp Mr. Michael A. Christman Dr. Donald O. Christy Mr. Edmond R. Ciarniello, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cillessen Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Cingoranelli Mr. & Mrs. Vicente Cisneros Mr. Edward P. Clark Ms. Mary Clarkin


Brother Simon Baker began seminary studies in 2011 at St. Meinrad School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Ind. 15

Kansas Monks Mrs. Ellen J. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Clement Mrs. Tina Clements Mr. & Mrs. John R. Clinton Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Clune Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clune Mr. & Mrs. Norman Coakley Jr Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Jason Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. James T. Cody Mr. & Mrs. Colin Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cole Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Colwell, Jr. Mrs. Kitty Colwell Mr. Mortin B. Comer Ms. Virginia P. Conard Mr. Charles A. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Coon Mr. William W. Cooper Mr. Anthony J. Cordie Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Corken Rev. Ronald J. Cornish Mr. & Mrs. Pete Corpstein Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Cory Mr. James J. Cosgrove Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Costigan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cotter Ms. Rita Coupe Ms. Kathryn A. Covey Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cowell Ms. Desirae Cox Mr. Ryan Coyne Fr. Andrew H. Cozzens Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cozzens Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. John W. Creen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Creten Rev. Kenneth Criqui Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Cronan Mr. & Mrs. David Cronin Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cross Mr. James A. Crossley Mr. & Mrs. Tom M. Crowley Deacon & Mrs. Benedict Cruise Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crulcich Ms. Genevieve F. Cuba Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cullan Mr. & Mrs. Jerome C. Culver Mrs. Jean Cummings Mrs. Mary Cummings Ms. Caroline R. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. William Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Curran Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Curry Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curtis Mr. John Cusack Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cusumano Ms. Penny S. Cutler Ms. Carol T. Cyman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cyr Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Dallao Mr. Michael T. Dallavis Mr. & Mrs. John M. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dames Mrs. Marjorie Dampf Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. DaPra Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Davenport Mr. & Mrs. John L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis Msgr. James D. Dawson, V.F. Mrs. Virginia A. Day Ms. Dorothy A. Dean Mr. Barry Dean

D 16

Father Hugh Keefer passed away June 1, 2011, at the age of 83. One of Father Hugh’s most cherished duties was serving as chaplain for the Benedictine College men’s basketball team. Mr. Marion W. Deas Mr. & Mrs. John D. DeBacker Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Debauge Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. DeCarlo Mr. & Mrs. Virgil C. Dechant Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. DeCoursey Mr. Thomas Decoursey Mrs. Therese DeCoursey Foley Mr. & Mrs. James B. Dehner Mrs. Rita Dehner Mr. Richard P. Deitchman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deitchman Rev. Carl M. Dekat, Pastor Rev. Earl Dekat Mr. & Mrs. Damian F. Dekat Dr. & Mrs. John M. Delphia Mr. Leo A. Demmer Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dennis Mr. Jack D. Denzer Mr. & Mrs. Irvin A. Derezinski Mr. Dorus J. Deters Ms. Audrey A. Deters Mr. Ben Deters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Dichiara Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dickason, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dickmann Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Didde Mrs. Mary Lou Diebolt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Diebolt Mr. & Mrs. Dean B. Diederich Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Diederich Mrs. Margaret B. Diedrich Mr. D. Thomas Diedrich Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dier

Mrs. Irene C. Dierks Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Dierks Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dillner Mr. Edward H. Dillon Ms. Olga Dimitrieff Mr. David A. Dinneen Ms. Linda F. Dinsmore Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Dixon Dr. Arthur Dobbelaere Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. David Domann Mr. Lawrence Domann Mr. & Mrs. Joe Domann Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Domann Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Donaldson Dr. & Mrs. Frank A. Donovan Mr. Ronald T. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Mrs. Sarah Dooley Mr. Gerald Dooley Dr. & Mrs. John L. Dornhoffer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dowdy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Downey Mr. Patrick E. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Draftz Mrs. Mary A. Dramann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Drape Mr. Paul J. Drees Mr. & Mrs. David E. Drey Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Driscoll Mr. John Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Droste

Mr. James J. Drotar Mr. & Mrs. Ross Dugan Mrs. Bonnie J. Dulmes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dummermuth Mr. Jack W. Dundon Mr. & Mrs. Terrence P. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Dunphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Dupuis Col. Paul K. Durkin USMC, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dyer, Jr. Ms. Michelle L. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. David B. Dyer Mr. Michael J. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dytrych Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ebner Mr. & Mrs. William Eck Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Eddins Ms. Eileen Edgren Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Edmonds Mr. & Dr. Bob Egbert Mr. & Mrs. John Eggers Ms. Judith Eisenmann Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Elliott Lt. Col. Roy P. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ellison Mr. Nolan Ellsworth Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Elmenhurst Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Elson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Emelianovich Mr. & Mrs. James Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Engelken Ms. Joan M. Engelken Mr. & Mrs. John M. English Mr. Damian W. Enneking Mr. & Mrs. James A. Enneking Dr. & Mrs. John Eplee Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Erpelding Mrs. Mary Ann Eschmann Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Estep Mr. & Mrs. James Ewbank Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ewersmann, II Mr. & Mrs. Peter Faciszewski Mr. Michael E. Fagan Ms. Marilyn E. Falconer Mr. Elmer G. Fangman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fangman Mr. & Mrs. Lester Fangman Mr. Phillip F. Farris Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fassler Ms. Suzanne Faulkner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fayard Mrs. Janice F. Feaster Mr. & Mrs. William Federhofer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feierabend Mr. Robert A. Feldmann Mr. & Mrs. Jerold V. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fernandez Mr. Mark C. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Jon J. Fidero Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Fidler Mr. & Mrs. Warren I. Finch Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Finch, III Ms. Frances M. Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Finnegan Mr. Cryil J. Finnegan Dr. & Mrs. Gunther Fischer Mr. Bobby G. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. James R. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzmaurice Mr. & Mrs. James J. Flanagan


Spring 2012 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Flanagan Rev. Robert W. Fleckenstein Dr. & Mrs. James L. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Fleury Mr. & Mrs. John D. Flynn Mr. Mark R. Flynn Mr. John J. Flynn Mr. Thomas M. Fogarty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Foos Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forge Dr. & Mrs. Henry L. Forge Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Fortin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foster Mr. & Mrs. James F. Foster Mr. John G. Foster Ms. Dorothy E. Fouquet Mrs. Bernadine L. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fox Mr. & Mrs. John P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Buford M. Fraser Mr. Robert J. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. William J. Freeburn Mr. Randall D. Freehling Mr. John R. Fridell Mrs. Judy Fridell Mr. Joseph D. Froehle Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Fry, II Mr. & Mrs. John Funk Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius M. Funk Mr. John A. Gages Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Gaigals Mr. & Mrs. James B. Gales Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Gangel Ms. Eva E. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Gardner Rev. Daniel L. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Garson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gartenmayer Mr. Richard J. Garvey Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Gaspers Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gast Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gates Ms. Sandra K. Gaul Mr. & Mrs. Chris N. Gawarecki Lt. Col. & Mrs. Joseph Gayhart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Geise Dr. Joseph E. Geist Mr. Robert L. Geist Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Gellings Ms. M. Kathryn Gellings Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Gengler Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Gensweider


Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gering Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Geris, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gerst Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gervais Mr. Todd A. Gigstad Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Gilg Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gill Mr. & Mrs. John G. Gillcrist Mr. Paul H. Giller Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Giller Mr. Peter J. Gilligan Mr. John J. Gioia, II Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gishpert Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gladbach Mr. & Mrs. James Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Glavan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan J. Glennon Mrs. Mary Glissman Ms. Sharon Goding Mr. & Mrs. James D. Goetzinger Ms. Lois Golden Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Gonzales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marty Gonzales Mr. Gummie Gonzales Mrs. Ilene M. Good Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gorczyca Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gorman Ms. Lynne Gottesburen Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Gowasack Rev. John M. Grace Mr. & Mrs. John T. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Jake Graves Capt. & Mrs. M. P. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A. Gray Mr. Denis Greene Mr. & Mrs. Denis L. Greene Mr. Don E. Greenwell Ms. Mary A. Greer Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Gregoire Mr. Norbert Gress Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred F. Gress Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Gress Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gress Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Griesbauer Mr. Raymond Griesedieck Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Grindel Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grosdidier Mr. & Mrs. William Gross, Jr. Dr. Stephen B. Gruba, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gruenbacher Ms. Jane F. Guagliardo Mr. & Mrs. Norman Guettermann Mrs. Juanita A. Guilmette Mrs. Claire Haag Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Haase


Father Jeremy Heppler led a group of Benedictine College students on a mission to El Salvador over spring break in 2011. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Haden Ms. Patricia R. Haefling Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Haeger Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Haerle Mr. & Mrs. William Hafeman Mr. W. Mark Hafeman Mr. James T. Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haire Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Hake Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hall Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn W. Hall Mr. James F. Halling Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Halloran Mr. Edward J. Halpin Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Halpin Ms. Rebecca A. Hammel Ms. Marianne Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hansen Mr. Atsuyuki Harada Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Harper Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Harrington Mr. Louis L. Harris Mr. Michael J. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Harrison

Benedictine College has started a wrestling program with the motto “Same tradition, new beginnings.” The 2011-12 team photo (above) was taken at the Abbey and included some of the monks. The monks hosted the team for Midday Prayer and lunch prior to the photo shoot.

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harrison Mrs. Joanne Hart Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hartman, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Harton Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hartwell Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hattan Mr. Joseph M. Hattrup Mr. & Mrs. John V. Haug Ms. Carolyn F. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Hayes Mrs. Carol S. Hazlett Hon. & Mrs. Daniel L. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Hegarty Mr. Tim C. Hegarty Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Heideman Mr. Hubert L. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Heideman Ms. Linda A. Heim Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Heim Mr. David L. Heim Mr & Mrs. Peter Heim Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Heim Mrs. Carol A. Heim Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Heim Mr. Justin R. Hein Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Heine Mr. & Mrs. Leon E. Heinen Mr. & Mrs. David L. Heinen Ms. Jeanette A. Heinen Rev. Gregory A. Heinlein Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Heintzelman Mr. Terrence S. Heintzelman Dr. & Mrs. Jon E. Heit Mr. Robert G. Helget Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Helget Dr. Francis H. Heller Mr. Edwin J. Hemberger Mr. & Mrs. John A. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. William Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. John H. Henke Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hennigh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Henningsen Mr. & Mrs. William Henningsen Mrs. Ardith M. Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. Rick Henry


Kansas Monks Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Edgar C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Henry Mr. Terrence E. Henson Mrs. Annabelle Heppler Mr. Paul Heppler Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Herman Mr. & Mrs. Norbert E. Hermes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hermesch Mr. Alan L. Hermesch Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hertel Mr. John B. Heshion Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Hess Rev. Thomas N. Hesse Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heuer Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Heusinkveld Mr. & Mrs. Mark Heusinkveld Mr. & Mrs. Doug D. Hickerson Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Hicks Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Higginbotham Mrs. Madalyn C. Higgins Mr. Paul Highstrom Mrs. Josephine Hildman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hillman Col. & Mrs. Daniel Himmel, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Hiner Mr. Richard H. Hinkson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hahn Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hinz Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hirsch Ltc. & Mrs. John A. Hixson Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hlavacek Mr. & Mrs. William Hodes Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hodge III Dr. William B. Hoffman, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Holmes Mr. George Holthaus Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Homan Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Hopfinger Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Horinek Mr. George Hornick Mrs. Mary R. House Mr. & Mrs. John M. Houts Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Huebner, III Mr. Burton P. Huerter Dr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Huerter Sr. Germaine Hullerman Ms. Rita F. Hulsing Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hund Mr. & Mrs. William Hundelt, Jr. Mr. Larry Hundley Mr. & Mrs. David Hundley Mr. Ray A. Hunsinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hurley Mrs. Mary Lou Hurst Mr. Mark Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Bob E. Husband Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Huseth Mr. Anthony J. Huss Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hutchison Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Ibarra Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Ingalls Mrs. Ina Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Bill Irons Mr. & Mrs. Danny Jackson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Jackson Mrs. Rita M. Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. C.H. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Jacobs Ms. Ada A. Jacobson Mr. H. Knute Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jacquinot Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Jaegle, II

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. James Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Janke Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Janssen Mr. William A. Januszewski Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Jehle Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jenicke Mr. & Mrs. Francis Jennings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Jirak Mr. & Mrs. John C. Johnson Ms. Natalie M. Johnson Mr. Jeremiah H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Johnson Mr. Bruce A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Johnson Rev. Quentin B. Jones Mr. & Mrs. E. Roger Jones Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Jones Mr. William C. Jones Mrs. Nancy L. Jones Col. & Mrs. William J. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jurgensmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Warren Kaemmerer Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kaminski Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kaminsky Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kampeter Ms. Gina Kanan Mr. & Mrs. S. William Kapranos Br. Peter Karasz, O.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne H. Kasl Mr. & Mrs. Jesse M. Kasler Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kastens Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kauffman Ms. M. S. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. George R. Kautz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Kautz Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keefer Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore P. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Keithline Mr. Theodore Kelly Drs. Brian & Maria Kelly Mr. Ronald V. Kelly Mr. Lawrence F. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kermashek Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kern Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Kerr


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A statue of Saint Benedict, sculpted by Tim Mispagel, was placed in front of the Haverty Center on the Benedictine College campus in 2011. The hands were modeled from a photo of the hands of Abbot Barnabas Senecal.

monk s Winter 2011

Kansas Monks was honored with the first place Catholic Press Award for ‘General Excellence’ 1

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Kerr Mr. & Mrs. J David Kerr Mrs. Mildred J. Ketter Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kettler Ms. Kim V. Kettler Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Keutzer Mr. James A. Kew Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. A. F. Kiefer Mrs. Genevieve C. Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kil Mr. Donald E. Kilkenny Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Kilmer Mr. & Mrs. John P. King Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. King Maj. & Mrs. James King, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kirby Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kirk Rev. George W. Klasinski Mr. Peter L. Klebba Mr. & Mrs. John M. Klebba Mr. & Mrs. John A. Klebba Mr. Thomas R. Klein Mr. & Mrs. James R. Klenke Ms. Rachel A. Klevar Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Klevorn Ms. Carol A. Kleweno Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kloppenberg Ms. Megan J. Klump Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Knapczyk Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Knapp Mrs. Anna M. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius D. Koch Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Kocour Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Kocour Mr. Frank G. Kodell Mr. & Mrs. Cecil A. Koechner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Koechner Mr. Michael C. Koechner Lt. Col. & Mrs. Walter Koehler, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Koehler Mrs. Dorothy M. Kohake Mr. Leonard Kohake Dr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Kohake

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Kohake Mrs. Joan M. Kohake Mr. & Mrs. John Kohake Mr. & Mrs. Al Kolarik Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kolich Mr. & Mrs. Richard Komarewich Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Konjura Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kopp Ms. Gladys E. Koska Mrs. Netti Kostecki Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Krall Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Kram Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kram Ms. Bernice K. Krasovec Mr. Stephen T. Kraus Ms. Kathryn Kraus Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Duane Kreiensieck Mr. Francis Krier Msgr. Vincent E. Krische Mr. Eugene G. Kristof Mr. Robert H. Krogmeier Mr. & Mrs. James Krone Mr. & Mrs. Nelson L. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kuckelman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kummer Rev. Kenneth E. Kuntz Ms. Jeanne L. Kuretich Mr. & Mrs. George Kutey Fr. Jay K. Kythe Mrs. Martha E. La Van Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Laffleur Mr. Brian J. Lager Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Laird, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Lammers Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lampton Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. Rex Lane Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanfermann II Mrs. Sherry A. Lange Dr. & Mrs. James Langley



Spring 2012 Ms. Mary A. Larkin Mrs. Elizabeth J. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Lasater Mr. & Mrs. John R. Latenser Mr. & Mrs. William A. Latz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Latz Mrs. Sally A. Lauer Mrs. Courtney Laurie Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Laven Mr. & Mrs. Mel Lavery Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Duwayne LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Ledom Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Lees, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William LeFevers Ms. Crescentia Lehmkuhl Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Leise Mr. Kenneth A. Leitner Mr. Dennis J. Leman Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Lenhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Lester Mr. & Mrs. George Letcher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lewis Mr. Francis W. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. James N. Lewis, III Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Ley, Jr. Ms. Phyllis A. Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Richard Liebsch, Jr. Ms. Gladys E. Linck Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Lind Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lindley Ms. Lyllis Ling Mr. & Mrs. George Lingenfelser Dr. & Mrs. Gary P. Lipe Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lippold Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lister Mr. & Mrs. J R Loch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lock Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Loehr Ms. Mary Frances Loeniskar Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lomshek Mr. Robert B. Long Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Long Mr. & Mrs. George Long Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Longstaff Mr. & Mrs. James L. Losey Mrs. Patricia Louko Mr. & Mrs. John Lovorn Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Lowder Dr. & Mrs. Michael Ludlow Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Luehrs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Luetkenhaus Mr. William J. Luff, Jr. Mr. Frank R. Luke Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lyke Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lykins Mr. & Mrs. Tim K. Lykins Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lyons Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mabry Jr Mr. & Mrs. Ed J. Macan Ms. Jane A. Macke Mr. Daniel A. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Mader III Mr. & Mrs. Brook D. Maese Mr. & Mrs. Greg Maher Ms. Roseann Mahieu Ms. Alberta C. Mahoney Dr. Richard M. Majetic, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Malkus, Jr. Ms. Rose Mary Malm Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mangimelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mapes Ms. Mary L. Mariani, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Bernie J. Marino Mr. & Mrs. William R. Markey

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Markey Mr. Roy Marlatt Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Marshall Mr. Michael J. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Marx Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Marx Mr. & Mrs. William Matzeder Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Maude Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Maune Mr. Michael C. Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Dave May Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Mazur Mr. & Mrs. William Mazzolini Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. McAdams Mr. James P. McAnerney Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. McAvoy Ms. Mary A. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. McBride Mrs. Dorothy L. McBride Ms. Pamela K. McCann Mr. Paul A. McCann Mrs. Marian McCarthy Dr. Aine E. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy, Jr. Rev. Donald P. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCarthy Sr. Katherine McCarthy, SFCC Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Karl McCarty Ms. Barbara J. McCauley Mr. Donald W. McConachie Dr. James E. McCormick Cm. Sgt. & Mrs. James McCoy, Ret. Mrs. Evelyn V. McCoy Ms. Sue McCoy Col. & Mrs. James McDade, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. McDermed Mr. & Mrs. Tom McDonough

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McFadden Mr. Michael McGargill Mr. & Mrs. David G. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McGinness Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGuire Mrs. Marita A. McGurk Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McHugh Mr. Sean McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Michael McInerney Mrs. Mary M. McInerney Mr. Dolan M. McKelvy Ms. Kathleen M. McKelvy Dr. Eugene F. McKenzie, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard McKinzie Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. McKinzie The Hon. & Mrs. Thomas McKnew, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles McLaughlin Mr. Joseph A. McLiney Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McManaman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McMurtray Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Michael McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Neil McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Michael McReynolds Mr. & Mrs. Edward McShane, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Meade Mr. John Meade Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Meara Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Meier Mr. & Mrs. Ray Meier Mr. Eugene G. Meiners Col. & Mrs. Harry Meinhardt, Ret. Ms. Sarah F. Mele Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Melichar Dr. & Mrs. Richard Melichar Mr. Marvin J. Menke

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Mense Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mertes Rev. David J. Metz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Meyer Mr. Glen J. Meyer Mrs. Mary L. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Meyers Ms. Christine A. Michaelis Mr. Lawrence C. Mikesic Mr. Richard Miles Mr. & Mrs. David D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William L. Miller Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George D. Miller Mr. Millard W. Miller Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Ms. Vickie S. Mills Mr. & Mrs. D. Douglas Minnis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Minnis Mr. & Mrs. Dee A. Minnis Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Miossi, III Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mischlich Ms. Mary C. Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Moccia Mr. & Mrs. John Modlin Mr. & Mrs. Tibor G. Mohacsi Mr. Henry J. Moll Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Montoya Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Montoya Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mooney Jr. Mrs. Brenda A. Moran Dr. Timothy J. Moreland Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Morgan Mr. David L. Moritz Mr. & Mrs. Ryan J. Morrell Mr. Sylvester C. Morris Mrs. Ruth C. Morrow Ms. Betty L. Mossman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Motil Mr. & Mrs. James Muckenthaler


Brother Leven Harton made his solemn profession Aug. 8, 2011; seen here thanking his family and friends for attending, saying of the community, “It is my identity. It made me who I am, it formed me entirely, as a human, as a monk, as a child of God.” | photo by JD Benning 19

Kansas Monks

Floods devestated the Missouri River Valley in 2011. Brother Joseph Ryan frequently journeyed to the Abbey’s roof to check the progress of the flood waters. | photo by JD Benning


Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Muenks Mr. & Mrs. Marion G. Mufich Ms. Anne Muhich Msgr. Michael J. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Muller Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Mullins Mr. & Mrs. John Mulryan Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Muraski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Muraski Dr. & Mrs. John L. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Murphy Dr. Donn B. Murphy, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Murray Dr. & Mrs. Kent B. Murray Lt. Col. & Mrs. Charles Murrell, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Muzyka Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Myers Mr. & Mrs. William E. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Myzer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nachbar Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nadeau Ms. Kathleen Nafus Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. John B. Nagle Ms. Dolores I. Nangle Mr. & Mrs. James V. Napier Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Nasche Mr. & Mrs. James W. Nass Mr. & Mrs. John G. Nass Archbishop Joseph Naumann Mr. Frank J. Nedrow Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Neenan Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Neidert Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Chad D. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Nerney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neumann Dr. Charles F. Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Keith P. Nevins Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Newman Jr Mr. & Mrs. Charles Newman Mrs. Sarah E. Nguyen Mrs. Anthony A. Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Nick

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Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pickman Mrs. Edith Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Piezuch Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pillar Mr. & Mrs. John C. Pillar SgM. Leo J. Pimple, Ret. Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pirotte Mr. Eugene Pitts Dr. & Mrs. William C. Pivonka Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pivonka Mr. & Mrs. Boyd W. Plankinton Mr. & Mrs. Calvin E. Plitt Dr. & Mrs. Charles Podrebarac Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Podry Msgr. Daniel J. Pohl Mr. Daniel T. Politoske Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. Fred Poppler Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Poston Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Powers Ms. Teresa Powers Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Prellwitz Dr. James B. Pretz Dr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Price Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Prisk Mrs. Judith A. Proctor Mr. John W. Proffitt Ms. Esther K. Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. Larry Prohaska Mr. & Mrs. Don Prohaska Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Pronechen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Protti Ms. Shelley Pruett Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Purslow Mrs. Rosette Putaturo Mr. William T. Putthoff Dr. & Mrs. David A. Pyne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Quick Mr. J. Kelly Quick Col. & Mrs. Richard Quinn, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Quintana Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Rabjohns Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Racki Ms. Joann M. Rader Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Radetic Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raplinger Ms. Kristin M. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. John S. Raydo Mr. & Mrs. Dan Rayman Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Real Dr. & Mrs. Allen B. Reavis Dr. & Mrs. Donald T. Reay Mr. David J. Rebein Mrs. Irene I. Reece Mrs. Margaret A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Tim Regan Ms. Veronica S. Regan Mr. Eugene P. Regan Jr Mrs. Mary Lou Regan Mr. Thomas E. Regnary Mrs. Patricia L. Reid Very Rev. Thomas Reidy, Chancellor Dr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Reilly Ms. Patricia Reinoehl Dr. & Mrs. John Rempel Mr. Ronald V. Repplinger Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rethman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Reuter Mr. & Mrs. James L. Rezac Mr. Joseph W. Reznik Mr. & Mrs. Dean B. Rice Mrs. Ruth L. Rice Mr. John D. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Chris D. Ricketts

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Nickel Mr. Benjamin A. Nicks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Niehues Mrs. Katherine L. Nilles Mr. James T. Nixon, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Nold Mrs. Lucille Noll Ms. Cleta M. Nolte Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Ted P. Noravong Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nordhus Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nordhus Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Nourie Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Nowatzke Mr. Byron L. O’Bayley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Oberle Mr. & Mrs. James T. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Terry O’Brien Mr. William W. O’Bryan Mr. Brian O’Connell Mrs. Doris O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. O’Connor Mr. Daniel S. O’Connor III Msgr. James O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O’Dell Mr. Edward I. Odower Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Odum Dr. & Mrs. John P. O’Gara, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. O’Gara Dr. & Mrs. Reuben Ogbudinkpa Mr. Brian O’Grady Mrs. Joan O’Halloran Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Oidtman The Hon. & Mrs. Maurice O’Keefe Mr. August Olberding Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Oliver Ms. Virginia Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. O’Malley Mr. Frank B. O’Malley Mr. Almy J. O’Neal , Jr. Mr. Henry C. O’Reilly, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. O’Reilly Mr. Leo J. Orth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Osborne III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Osdieck Mr. & Mrs. Leland J. Ostdiek Mr. & Mrs. Kim M. Osterhaus Mr. & Mrs. John O’Sullivan Jr. Mr. Dru G. Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Otke Mr. & Mrs. James J. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Ozbolt Ms. Laurie Paige Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Palazzolo Mr. & Mrs. Ted F. Palsmeier Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Paolucci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Paolucci Mr. Bernard J. Pappert Mr. & Mrs. Jack Paradise Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Parcell Mr. Stephen D. Park Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Parr Ms. Diana T. Pascarella Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Paul Mr. & Mrs. James A. Paunovich Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pavlu Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Pawlowicz Mr. Patrick J. Peddecord Mr. & Mrs. William R. Pedley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Peltzer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Penka Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Penny Mr. & Mrs. Leroy W. Penrod Dr. & Mrs. Gail Person Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Peters, Jr. Ms. Bobbie R. Petesch Mr. Nick C. Petros Ms. Loring Pfeiffer Ms. Betsy Phelan Ms. Carolyn M. Phelps Col. & Mrs. Albert Pianalto, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Pick Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Pickman Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Pickman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Pickman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pickman

Spring 2012 Mr. Tylan Ricketts Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ridder Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Rieke Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Riley Mr. & Mrs. William J. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Hobart M. Riney Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Ring, Jr. Ms. Maurene M. Rinker Lt. Col. & Mrs. Charles Riordan, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Riordan Dr. & Mrs. Jean Rioux Mr. Eric B. Rittenhouse Drs. John & Kathy Ritter, Jr Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Rizzo Ms. Sandra S. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Roberson Mr. Harold I. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Robl Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Robson Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Roche II Mr. & Mrs. David Drevits Rev. Alfred Rockers Mr. Celestino Rodriguez, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Roe Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Roeder Mr. Melvin F. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Rogan, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John L. Rogers Mrs. Catherine Rogowski Mr. L. James Roh Mrs. Cindy Rohm Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Romero Mrs. Theresa L. Romero Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Ronnebaum Mr. Leonard Ronnebaum Mr. & Mrs. Albert Q. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Roseberry Rev. William B. Ross Mrs. Margaret Roth Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Rottinghaus Mr. Robert Rottinghaus Ms. Anne E. Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Rodney G. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Rubinelli, Jr. Mr. Duane J. Rueb Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Ruhl Mr. & Mrs. Jim Runnebaum Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rus Dr. John L. Ruskusky Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russo

Mr. Donald C. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. David S. Rutkowski Mrs. Catherine A. Ryan Mr. David Ryan Fr. Thomas Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ryan Mrs. Rosemary Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John Rziha Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Sabatini Ms. Loretta J. Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Fred Saiz Mr. & Mrs. Chris Salanski Mr. Robert J. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sandoval, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saunders Mr & Mrs. John Saunders Mr. J. Norman Sayles Mr. & Mrs. William B. Schaad Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Schaefer Mr. James E. Scheid Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schell Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schellenberg Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Scheopner Mr. & Mrs. David H. Scheu Dr. & Mrs. Sylvester Schieber Fr. Matthew Schiffelbein Mr. Michael Schindler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schleicher Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schletzbaum Mr. Charles A. Schletzbaum Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Schmalz Ms. Leona Schmelzle Mr. & Mrs. Martin Schmelzle Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David J. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Dean Schmidt Ms. Kathleen Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schmidt Ms. Elaine P. Schmidtberger Mr. & Mrs. John L. Schmiedeler Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Schmitz Mr. Dennis E. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmitz Mr. Norbert G. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schmitz Mr. Roger W. Schmitz, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schneickert Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schneider Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schneller Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schnitker


Brother John Peto hosted his eleventh ‘Ignite the Spirit’ seminar to educate medical students on how Benedictines deal with life issues. The Schnoebelen Family Trust Mrs. Jeanne T. Schnurr Mrs. Frances M. Schoenfelder Ms. Evelyn Schramek Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Schramp Mr. Anthony J. Schrick Mr. & Mrs. Randy Schrick Mr. & Mrs. Phil Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Schuele Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Schuele Mr. Thomas C. Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Homer Schuler Dr. & Mrs. Emmett E. Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Schulte Col. & Mrs. James Schultz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Schultz Ms. Jan M. Schultz Mrs. Jacqueline L. Schuster Rev. Donald M. Schwalm Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwind Ms. Abigail Searle Sr. Irene Sebo, O.S.B., Prioress Mr. & Mrs. David F. Sedeno, Jr. Mr. David Seefeldt Mr. & Mrs. Jerome R. Seeger Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Seib Mr. Donald J. Seifert Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Seiwald Col. & Mrs. Robert A. Sempek Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Seprino Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sexton Mr. Paul A. Seymour, III

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Shaffer Mr. & Dr. Donald H. Shankman Mrs. Roberta J. Sharp Dr. & Mrs. John W. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. George W. Shomin Ms. Carol M. Shomin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shrimplin Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sieben Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Sierzant Mr. Lawrence J. Sieve, Sr. Mr. Gregory M. Sieve Mr. Lawrence J. Sieve Mr. Tim Sieve Mr. George J. Silovsky, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Simonich Mr. & Mrs. George Sittenauer Mr. Isidor G. Sittenauer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sittenauer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sittenauer Rev. Eugene E. Sitzmann Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Sivula Mr. & Mrs. James R. Skain Mr. Charles F. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Slater The Hon. & Mrs. Jim Slattery Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Slattery Mr. John T. Slayman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff W. Slipke Mr. Bert Smice Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Smith

St. Benedict’s Abbey hosted the St. Francis of Assisi blessing of pets again in 2011. Father Gabriel Landis led the ceremony, blessing over 20 pets including his own dog Anna. | photo by Vernon Randall 21

Kansas Monks



Lt. Col. & Mrs. Clarence Smith, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Smith Mr. H. Eddie Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Sole Mr. & Mrs. James D. Soloperto Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Spellmeier Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Spensieri Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Splichal Ms. Bernadette Spradling Mr. & Mrs. Kreston Spurling Dr. & Mrs. Edward P. Sri Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Staelens Mr. Matthew T. Stallbaumer Rev. Edwin L. Stander Mr. & Mrs. William Stanton Ms. Mary A. Stark Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Starke Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stecher Mr. David P. Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steingreaber Dr. & Mrs. Donald Steingreaber Mr. & Mrs. John G. Steinhauser Mr. James F. Stejskal Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stewart Mrs. Helen F. Stewart Ms. Debora Stewart Mr. & Mrs. James R. Stigall Ms. Dorothy Stoffel Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stolwyk Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strathman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Strathman Mr. Richard R. Strathman Mr. & Mrs. Lyle R. Strathman Mr. William F. Strathman Ms. Ann C. Strecker Mrs. Sally F. Stricca Mr. & Mrs. James E. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Strohmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Studer Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Stueve Dr. Robert H. Sueper Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Sullivan Ms. Gerva E. Sunneberg Mr. James H. Suther Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy H. Sutlief Ms. Susan E. Sweeney Mr. Clarence B. Synakiewicz

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Szott Mrs. Corrine S. Tafoya Mrs. Judith F. Taggart Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Tangeman Rev. Msgr. Thomas Tank, Pastor Ms. Patricia L. Tanner Rev. Joseph C. Taphorn Mr. George F. Tardiff Mr. Steve Tasker Ms. Patricia A. Taylor Mr. Jack E. Teegarden Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Tharman Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Thissen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Thompson Mrs. Gloria L. Throne Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Throop Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tibbetts Mr. William V. Tiemeyer Mr. Michael Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Gordon T. Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Russ Toates Mr. & Mrs. David Tobben Mr. & Mrs. William Todhunter Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Tomasko Mr. & Mrs. John Toms Mr. & Mrs. William J. Toner Mr. & Mrs. James R. Toplicar Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Torchia Mr. Raymond C. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. John R. Traffas Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Traffas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tremmel Mr. Mark A. Tremmel Mr. & Mrs. Jodi Trevino Mr. & Mrs. Loren J. Trimble Mr. & Mrs. Leo P. Tritsch Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trompeter Mr. & Mrs. Milton M. Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. L. Patrick Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tulipana Mr. & Mrs. John G. Turek Br. Luke Turner Dr. Fernando Ugarte Mr. & Mrs. George Underwood Mr. & Mrs. John R. Uphaus Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Uphaus Mr. & Mrs. Francis Uryasz, III


Business & Orginizations:

Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Antique Tractor Acres April Valley Farms LLC Assoc. of the Apostles of the Interior Life Atchison Hospital Auxiliary Benedictine Mission House Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative Delphia Enterprises, Inc DST Systems Inc. Ferche Millwork, Inc. Forte Plastics Company Great Beginnings Early Childhood Great West Life & Annuity Insurance Co. Heartland Women’s Health Care, P.C. J. E. Dunn Construction Company Kansas City Southern Lines 22

Father Meinrad Miller, subprior of the Abbey, added Novice Master to his long list of duties in 2011. He succeeded Father Bruce Swift who had been novice master for 10 years. | photo by J.D. Benning


Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Vader, Jr. Mr. Albert J. Van Hoecke Mr. & Mrs. David V. Van Laar Mr. Frank J. Vance Ms. Kathy Vandeloo Mr. Virgil F. Vanderfeltz Mr. & Mrs. John Van Dyke, Sr. Ms. Sue VanGordon Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vehige Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Vertin Ms. Marianne E. Vespa Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Veth Mr. & Ms. Matthew W. Vettel Ms. Della J. Vigil Mr. Innes J. Villalpando

Kearney Construction, Inc. Kil Construction Company Knights of Columbus #10321 Knights of Columbus #723 Knights of Columbus #7781 Knights of Columbus #818 Knights of Columbus #9532 Knights of Columbus No. 675 Knights of Columbus, #1769 Lathrop & Gage LLP Marty’s Coaches Corner Inc. Michael J McInerney, LLC Mission Center MJ Widmer Jewelry Co Mount St. Scholastica, Inc. Oak Springs Ranch PepsiCo Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Vinduska Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Viscek Mr. Denis Viscek Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Viscek Mr. Frank J. Viscek Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Vitt Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Vogrin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Vogt Mr. Richard C. Vogt Rev. Gerald Volz Mr. & Mrs. Dick Vomund Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vondemkamp Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Voorhies Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Vorwerk The Hon. & Mrs. Ralph Voss

Price Systems, Inc R. E. Baker Contracting Schurman Farms Serra Club of Kansas City Missouri Serra Club of Kansas City, Kansas Serra Club of Southeast Kansas City Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Smith Bros., Inc. Style Promotions LLC Target Insurance Services, Inc. The Scanlon Family Trust The Trinity Foundation The Westerman Foundation Trilogy Appraisal Solutions, LLC Unipro Graphics Inc. Waldo Rentals LLC Ward & Ward Custom Picture Framing Warren P. & Joanne C. Powers Charitable Foundation Inc.


Dr. Paul E. Wack Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Stan D. Wagstaff Col. & Mrs. Anthony Waite, Ret. Ms. Lucy A. Walker Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Walsh Dr. & Mrs. W. D. Walton Rev. Thomas J. Ward Fr. William C. Warman Mr. Charles E. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Jon Warren Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert O. Watowa Mr. & Mrs. Caleb W. Wayne Mr. & Mrs. James J. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wedeking Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Weglarz Mrs. Theresa L. Wehkamp Mr. Erich J. Weidner Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Weigel Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Weinmann Mrs. Kathleen P. Weishaar Mrs. Laverne Weishaar Fr. James F. Weldon Ms. Vicki A. Weldon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welsh

Spring 2012 Mr. & Mrs. Agnes A. Wenig Mr. Dennis Wenzl Mr. & Mrs. Melvin B. Werner Ms. Mary B. Werring Mr. John S. Werth Dr. & Mrs. John M. Wertin Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wessel Jr Mr. & Mrs. Leander Wessel Ms. Karen West Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Westerman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Westerman, Jr. Mrs. Lene Westerman Pecorari Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Westhoff Ms. Carolee Westlind Dr. Dawn M. Weston Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wetta Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wetta Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen Mr. Richard L. Wheeler Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. White, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. White Mr. Thomas G. White Mr. & Mrs. William B. White Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. White Mr. & Mrs. Francis Whitesell Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Wholey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wichorek Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wickenheiser Mr. & Mrs. Gerard T. Wickey Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wiedeman

abbey notes Father Aaron Peters continues his project of hanging and rearranging art works on the monastery halls. This project involves display of art that we have had in storage. The new arrangements and additions are appreciated. Watercolors by Fathers Victor Gellhaus, Peter Beckman and Angelus Lingenfelser are among the works. Prior James Albers, Fathers Brendan Rolling, Justin Dean, and Brothers Leven Harton and Christopher Start accompanied four bus loads of Benedictine College students to the January March for Life in Washington D.C. Abbot Barnabas Senecal participated in the annual winter workshop for abbots, Feb. 10-14, at St. Joseph’s Abbey, near Covington, La. Presenter was Jonah Paffhausen, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America; he is primate of the Orthodox Church in America. A group of 14 monks participated in the annual Celebration of Consecrated Life at Savior of the World in Kansas City, Kan., Feb. 2. Approximately 150 religious men and women living in the archdiocese gathered for Vespers and refreshments. Archbishop Joseph Naumann led the group in prayer, welcoming and thanking them for their work and witness for the good of the Church. Richard Piezuch of Paola, Kan., donated 16 containers of honey, gathered from his hives to the Abbey tables. Father Aaron Peters was the bearer of these gifts to the Abbey. Dennis Dunleavy, PhD, a Benedictine College faculty member and experienced photographer, has viewed our collection of 28

Mrs. Louise Wiederkehr Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wieliczka Ms. Mary Ann Wiggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Wigley Mrs. Annabel J. Willcott Rev. Anthony C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Tom Williams Ms. Karen Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Willie Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Wills Ms. Marie A. Willy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wilmes Mr. & Mrs. James C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Wilson Ms. Carolyn A. Wilson Mr. Alvin L. Wilson Ms. Renee K. Winkel Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Winzer Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Wisehart Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wissman Mr. Rudy Woerndle Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wohler Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Walt Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Lyle S. Woita Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wolfe Mr. Joseph F. Wollet, II Mr. & Mrs. William Wolters, Jr. Lt. Col. & Mrs. William Wolvington, Ret.

Mr. Richard C. Wood Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wood Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wood Mr. Franklin B. W. Woodbury Ms. Florentina C. Worthman Mrs. Patricia Worthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Wulff Mr. Daniel P. Wulff Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wyatt Mr. Thomas L. Yancey Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yanow Mr. & Mrs. David Yasenchok Mr. James L. Yoest Rev. Patrick York Dr. & Mrs. Lionel Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Young Mr. & Mrs. Norman Youngberg Mr. Fred F. Zabel Mr. Paul W. Zagorski Dr. Myron J. Zeller, M.D. Mr. William L. Zielinski Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Zigtema Mr. Kenneth M. Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Zogelman Mr. & Mrs. John E. Zook Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Zubradt Col. John F. Zugschwert The Hon. & Mrs. Lawrence Zukel


Gordon Parks photos and recommended a system of vertical storage, protecting each photo with foam dividers. He also wants to photograph each framed photo, creating accurate copies for necessary replacement if the originals deteriorate. The Community Concert Series organization no longer exists. However, a concert series will continue. It will be called “Concerts at the Mount.” Father Blaine Schultz, Sisters Susan Barber, Janelle Maes and JoAnn Fellin are planning it. The first concert will be this spring at 3 p.m. April 15 in St. Scholastica Chapel. It will feature the Kansas City Concert Chorale. The reading book for Lent is Praying the Bible, an introduction to lectio divina by Archbishop Mariano Magrassi, OSB, published by Liturgical Press. “Fascinated by meditation books of Columba Marmion, he was attracted to the monastic life. He then entered the Benedictine monastery of Genoa. He graduated in theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome where he defended a thesis on “Theology and history in the thought of Rupert of Deutz.“ He then returned to Genoa where he was master of novices from 1961 to 1968. During this period he devoted himself to preach spiritual exercises in monastery to priests and laity. So began to spread the fame of his preaching, especially in conferences dealing with liturgy. He was elected Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of our Lady of La Scala in Noci (BA) in 1972. During Lent, 1977 he was called to preach the spiritual exercises at the Vatican to Pope Paul VI and in the Papal household.” From the publisher Web site. Carol Scheiber, content editor for VISION vocation guide, contacted Abbot Barnabas Senecal about St. Benedict’s Abbey submitting a story with pictures for the 2012 Guide. This has been accomplished, using photos shot by Chris Bronson, a photomedia student at the University of Kansas; he was working with us on his own project and we asked him to take pictures during the beginning of novitiate on Dec. 7. Copy has been submitted. The silhouette above and on pg. 9 is Abbot Cuthbert McDonald 23

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Spring 2012 | Volume 7 | Number 1



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