Expeditions - 2024 - Q2

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Inside this issue: Jumping for Joey! • New Zoo residents! • The Return of Trumpeter Swans • Wonderful Waterfowl 2024 – Q2 A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE KANSAS CITY ZOO & AQUARIUM

Hello again, Zoo & Aquarium supporters!

I hope that you all have been enjoying the spring. I know many of you have taken advantage of the particularly warm days these past few months by spending time at the Zoo because you’ve helped us set numerous records. We had our biggest February, March, and April with more guests than we’ve ever had in those months. In fact, March was our biggest month ever as over 154,000 guests came through the gates. Though Mother Nature played a large role in this, I also know many of you may have come to visit the Aquarium for the first time. I hope you agree that it is a wonderful addition to the experience here.

Springtime also brings new additions to our animal groups, and you will be able to read about some of them in this Expeditions. Red kangaroo joeys are emerging from the pouch. Cotton-top tamarin twins are being raised by their family inside Sobela Ocean Aquarium. We have had a couple sets of Arapawa goat twins join the herd. In addition to the newborns, we have also added a few new species to the Zoo over the last couple months. Geoffroy’s marmosets can now be seen in the Tropics building, and Vietnam pheasants have joined the flock in the Birds of Australasia habitat. You can also read an update about our newest elephant additions, Christie and Zuri, in this edition. It is hard to believe that they have already been in Kansas City for six months. You’ll be able to learn more about Zuri’s recent health crisis and our staff’s dedication to their care.

As summer approaches, we hope that you enjoy some of the newest improvements. The sea lion area is complete and a much better place for you to watch them frolic. We expect the sea lion training shows to resume Memorial Day weekend. We have a new train station in Australia which is much easier to traverse. Multiple walkways and bridges have also been improved to help you navigate the Zoo with ease. And, there is more to come in 2024.

Work will begin this summer in the area near lions in Africa. Once completed this fall, the pathways will be improved, new bathrooms will replace the port-apotties, and upgrades will be made to many of the habitats, which both animals and guests will hopefully appreciate.

Also coming this summer is our first new ride since the installation of African Sky Safari in 2010. The Flying Flamingo should be an exciting addition that will allow a different kind of experience at the Zoo.

As always, we are working hard to continually improve and build upon the wonderful and safe experience we strive to provide you and the nearly 10,000 animals in our care. I hope to see you all here in the months ahead!


Friends of the Zoo BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Executive Committee

Wesley Fields, Chairperson - Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Tony Reinhart, Secretary - Ford Motor Company

Jan Francis, Treasurer - Community Volunteer

Dr. Yolanda Cargile - Center School District

Jeff Dillon - VanTrust Real Estate LLC

Sean Putney, CEO/Executive Director - Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium


J.C. Alonzo, Black & Veatch

Jennifer Bennett, Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists

Pat Contreras, McCownGordon

Chris Cotten, KC Parks and Recreation

Ana Nubia Duin, La Mega KC Spanish Radio

Sandra Garcia, Metropolitan Community Colleges

Julius Lai, Community Volunteer

Kate Lambert, Dixon Family Foundation

Al Mauro, Jr., Hallmark

Katie McDonald, Evergy

Janet Miles-Bartee, Local Investment Commission (LINC)

Joe Prenger, ECCO Select

Brian Pung, JE Dunn Construction

John Russ, UMB Bank

Mark Swanson - Burns & McDonnell

Trent Todd, Lockton Companies

Representing the City of Kansas City

Andrea Bough, City Council

Brian Platt, City Manager

Zoological District Commissioners

Greg Canuteson, Chair - Clay County

Pat Contreras, KC Parks & Recreation

Charlie Franklin, Treasurer - Jackson County

Carol Hallquist, Vice Chair - Jackson County

Jerry Nolte, Vice Chair - Clay County

Sean Putney, Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium

2 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2
Open daily, year-round. www.KansasCityZoo.org 816.595.1234 The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium, a private, nonprofit organization is operated in agreement with the Kansas City, MO Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners, partially funded by the Zoological District in Jackson and Clay Counties in MO, and is accredited by the Assocation of Zoos and Aquariums.
Sean and his son, Josh, competing in Pickleball for Polar Bears at Chicken N Pickle.

The Return of Trumpeter Swans

As Midwesterners, we are privileged to have wild trumpeter swans in our region, especially considering they were once on the brink of extinction. It took decades of hard work by many people and organizations working together to return trumpeter swans to this part of their original range. This is work that the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium has supported for many years.

Trumpeter swans were once found across most of the United States and Canada. During the 1800s, they were hunted to near extinction for food, as well as their skin and feathers for exportation. The decline in populations was so severe that in 1930, scientists found only 69 trumpeter swans in the continental United States, with all those occurring in Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in southwest Montana.

Protections were put into place to help maintain swan populations, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. First attempts were then made to reintroduce swans in their native habitats. Midwestern state conservation organizations started major swan conservation programs in the 1980s and 1990s.

The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium has participated in trumpeter swan reintroductions in partnership with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Trumpeter Swan Species Survival Program (SSP) and several AZA-accredited organizations. Through our Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project, the KCZoo has released 22 trumpeter swan offspring that were successfully reared at the Zoo. Due to the overwhelming success of the reintroduction program in Iowa, there is now a sustainable population of nesting swans in that native range and the state ended their release program in 2021.

Even with the success of the Iowa reintroduction program, there is still work to be done. The Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project will continue to support trumpeter swan conservation by reintroducing swans to other parts of the country, specifically the Rocky Mountain population. The KCZoo recently funded the genetic testing of swans at AZA-accredited facilities to determine which pairs had the best genetics for the Rocky Mountain population.

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Locally, swans released through various reintroduction programs have led to an increase in swan populations in Missouri and Kansas as well as many other states. Swans can be found in the Kansas City metro area as they migrate through the area or spend their winter here. There is even hope that they will begin to nest in our region as they have historically done.

As trumpeter swan conservation progresses, we are very hopeful that the KCZoo's pair of trumpeter swans will be able to contribute. If they are successful in raising cygnets this year, they will be released in Oregon next summer after overwintering at a site in Idaho supported by the Zoo.

There are several ways you can help trumpeter swans:

• Visit the Zoo to learn more and see Melvin and Mabel, who reside in the first habitat inside the Zoo's front entrance. If you are lucky, they will trumpet for you!

• During spring and fall migration, turn off unnecessary outdoor lights. Many species of migratory birds travel at night and light from our homes can disorient them.

• Become a citizen scientist and report any tagged or collared swans you may see. For more information, visit the Trumpeter Swan Society website: trumpeterswansociety.org/what-we-do/trumpeter-watch/report-a-swan.html

• Check out the free printable activity books, partially funded by KCZoo, at the Trumpeter Swan Society website: trumpeterswansociety.org/swan-information/swan-activity-books.html

Caring for a Southern Ground Hornbill Chick

On March 5, the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium welcomed a new southern ground hornbill chick that has been named Jupiter! His parents, Mr. and Mrs., sat on the egg for most of the incubation and then the egg was artificially incubated as it neared hatching. This decision was made due to previous challenges Mr. and Mrs. have had raising chicks. Following hatching, animal care specialists monitored the chick as it worked to absorb the remaining nutrients in its yolk sac. We also collected the egg shards and brought them to the Veterinary Health Center to be sent off for lab analysis, which revealed that the new chick is a boy!

The Zoo has a history of succesfully hand-rearing southern ground hornbill chicks. Some of these chicks, such as animal ambassador Peeves, still live at the Zoo today. We used the knowledge developed during these previous experiences to help set the new chick up for success.

We started every morning by checking the temperature and humidity of the chick's brooder to ensure we were providing him with a stable environment. We would then weigh the chick each morning, as southern ground hornbills grow very quickly the first few weeks of life. Checking his weight from day to day was a way of monitoring that he was still developing properly. If he gained too little or lost weight for an extended period,

4 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2
Photo by Brian Dorn, director of animal care

this could be a sign that he was facing a health issue that needed to be addressed.

Once we had the chick’s weight, we could figure out how much food he needed to eat that day to keep growing at the proper rate. When he was first hatched, we would break his diet for the day into feedings every two hours, from 6 am until 6 pm. This was a very time-consuming process, and members from different animal care teams would also lend a hand. In the beginning, we used a small pair of tweezers to help place the food in his beak. By the end of the first week, the chick was being offered 35% of his body weight in food daily. To put that in perspective, if Charlie, our silverback gorilla, was eating 35% of his bodyweight, he would be eating nearly 150 lbs. of food each day!

As the chick grew, we needed to adapt our feeding approach for his changing needs and ever-growing body. Sometimes, this meant increasing the size of the food items we were offering him. At other times, this meant increasing the amount of time he would go between feedings. At 10 days old, we made one of the biggest changes to his care.

At this point his eyes were starting to open, so we switched to wearing a puppet while feeding him. The puppet was a long sleeve that had been sewn by our animal care

Meet the Marmosets!

specialist Danielle. It looked like the head of an adult southern ground hornbill. The goal was to prevent the chick from imprinting on his human caregivers so that he would instead rely on his parents when introduced to them.

Jupiter is now nearly two months old and he continues to thrive! He is now almost the same size as the adult hornbills and is working on feeding himself. He has also started making visits to his parents' habitat so that he can become familiar with them and start to bond before we introduce him into the family group in the near future.

The next time you visit the Tropics habitat, you’ll see two new faces, Poquito and Ariel! These Geoffroy’s marmosets now reside in the habitat formerly occupied by the cotton-top tamarins, which have moved to Sobela Ocean Aquarium. The Geoffroy’s marmoset is a small monkey native to the lowland forests of Brazil and is known for its distinct ear tufts. This species has handy adaptations such as chisel-like teeth that can gouge holes into trees to eat the oozing gum.

Males are typically larger than their female counterparts, but you’ll be able to identify Poquito more easily by the wide white area covering his face. Both Ariel and Poquito are shy in demeanor, but the duo is becoming more curious about their surroundings at the Zoo.

The Geoffroy’s marmoset is classified as least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) but habitat loss, the pet trade, and rural settlements could pose potential issues for these primates in the future.

Stop by the Tropics at 12:30 pm for the daily informational chat about the marmosets and more!

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Photo by Heidi Fisher, animal care manager Photo by Danielle Staples, animal care specialist

Christie & Zuri Update

In March, we announced on our social media channels that Zuri, a 14-year-old African elephant, was on the mend after becoming ill with a strain of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV), a virus that can be found in elephants worldwide. We are thrilled to report that Zuri has recovered from her illness and has resumed her regular daily activities!

EEHV is a hemorrhagic infection with many strains and unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine. Zuri’s illness was caused by the strain known as EEHV3, to which she was especially susceptible due to her age and her lack of natural antibodies that are usually found in elephants.

Zuri moved to the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium with her mom, Christie, 37, from Utah’s Hogle Zoo in October on the recommendation of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Plan (SSP) for African elephants, which helps to ensure genetic diversity of the species. Knowing Zuri would be susceptible to an active EEHV infection regardless of where she lived, plans were put in motion to give her the best possible chances for survival when that occurred. Before the move, Zuri received two plasma transfusions that could provide her with EEHV3 antibodies to help fight a future infection in a first-of-its-kind preventative measure.

Once Christie and Zuri arrived in Kansas City, regularly scheduled trunk washes, thermographs, and blood samples were conducted, and these diagnostic tests would alert the staff quickly to any concerns. Zuri’s samples first showed an active level of virus in her blood on February 28 and treatment began immediately. Oral medication, oral fluids, and transrectal fluids were all utilized, along with two more plasma transfusions for antibodies and platelets.

Zuri's successful recovery is a testament to the incredible around-the-clock care from the dedicated animal and veterinary care teams at the KCZoo and Utah’s Hogle Zoo, and the power of collaboration and careful planning. Many other zoos also helped to save Zuri, from the Dallas Zoo, Sedgwick County Zoo, and Seneca Park Zoo answering the call for plasma, to Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium and Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute rapidly analyzing blood samples. The North American EEHV Advisory Group and numerous representatives across the Zoo industry also consulted on the case.

Since Zuri’s recovery, giant strides have been made! She and her mother Christie have been undergoing introductions with the herd. They have even shared the elephant habitat with 18-year-old male Tamani.

Much planning went into this process with the focus on allowing the three elephants to get accustomed to each other at their own pace. To keep the experience of sharing space positive for all involved, the girls and Tamani began the day in separate areas of the habitat and were provided a variety of grain and produce. Foraging for food items is a calming activity and helped create the perfect environment leading up to the meeting. Once it was assessed that all were relaxed, the gates were opened fully to connect their spaces. The three interacted and eventually seemed comfortable sharing the habitat. Members of the elephant care team kept watch to ensure the safety of all.

Shared-space introductions will continue with Tamani as well as the other females in the herd throughout the spring. We will keep you posted as Christie and Zuri continue to make themselves at home at the KCZoo!

6 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2

Meet the New Kids in Town!

Two of the Arapawa goats at the Billy Goats Gruff yard gave birth to kids in April. Katara became a mother again on April 6 to a male and female named Zuko and Azula, and they are already starting to show their personalities. Azula has been discovering her jumping skills, while Zuko is quite vocal. You may recall that Katara gave birth in 2022 to Nutmeg and Clove, and she has proven to be a nurturing and protective mother.

On April 23, Poppy also gave birth to two male kids, and marks Poppy’s fourth time kidding! Her new kids have been named Pistachio and Cashew and are already starting to explore the yard, often spending time with Katara’s young ones.

A critically endangered heritage breed of goat, the Arapawa originates in New Zealand. The species has been gaining in numbers due to careful breeding by a handful of zoos in the United States.

Visit the goat kids from 9:30 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday and 9:30 am to 5 pm on weekends!

by Maggie, advanced animal care specialist

Wonderful Waterfowl

Since the last Expeditions publication, the Zoo unveiled updates to the area formerly known as the Asian Waterfowl habitat. Now simply called Waterfowl, this peaceful habitat is home to two white American pelicans and two black-necked swans.

One of the current well-known residents is Fisher, a pelican who formerly resided in the flamingo yard. We are thrilled to share that Fisher now has a pelican companion named Corley, estimated to be less than one-year-old and rescued after suffering a wing injury in the wild that deemed him nonreleasable.

You’ll find the Waterfowl habitat near the Camel Feeding station on your next Zoo visit!



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Photos Top: Renovated waterfowl habitat left: Black-necked swans right: Fisher Bottom: Corley

Get To Know the Red Kangaroo Joeys!

The red kangaroo habitat has been hopping with excitement over the past few months! Kangaroo moms Jeri, Brisby, Martha, and Barb all have joeys that recently emerged from the pouch, and these new residents are already showing their personalities. The next time your visit the UMKC-sponsored red kangaroo habitat, see if you can spot these energetic youngsters!

• He is the youngest joey and son to Barb

• Was named after Walt Disney, who drew the first Roo mascot for our red kangaroo habitat sponsors, UMKC

• According to his care team, Walt is “the best napper –maybe in the world”

• If you can't immediately find Walt, he is likely fast asleep in a bush somewhere

• The most curious of all the joeys, Walt will always be the first to check out anything new in the habitat

• Can be identified by a green ear tag and his red fur

• Turning one in May, this daughter of Jeri is the oldest of the four joeys

• Can be identified by the hole in her ear that once had a tag

• Very independent and smart

• Loves napping, particularly near water

• Confidently navigates the habitat without her mom’s help

• Made her first appearance out of the pouch in January

• Can be identified by a purple ear tag

• Often seen snoozing next to her mom, Brisby, in the main meadow near the overlook

• Considered the feistiest and most vocal joey, Roxby met the other kangaroos with her growl during her first hour out of the pouch

• When it’s time to enter her bedroom quarters, Roxby often takes her time stopping for snacks and water breaks along the way

• This son to Martha made his first appearance in February

• Considered the free spirit among the joeys

• Takes after his mom in speed and allusivity

• Usually seen running around and doesn't sit still very often

• Though his name was originally found on a map of Australia, his care team now thinks “Wee Woo” fits his personality perfectly

• Can be identified by an orange ear tag


Fabulous Pheasants

We are excited to announce the arrival of two Vietnam pheasants (also known as Edwards’s pheasants), Dave and Michelle! These striking birds now reside in the Birds of Australasia aviary near the emus and dingoes. The critically endangered Vietnam pheasant is native to the mountainous forests of central Vietnam, with the last wild sighting reported in 2000. Approximately 1,000 of these pheasants reside in human care in the zoos of Asia, Europe, and North America, and there are plans to help reintroduce them back into the wild.

Males can be identified by their metallic black/blue shades along with a white crest and red skin around the eyes. Females are chestnut-brown with no crest, but they do have a red patch around their eyes. On your next visit to the Zoo, see if you can spot this new species!

The Flying Flamingo

We are soaring with delight over our new ride coming soon! In the last Expeditions, we announced that a zipline ride called the Flying Flamingo will be arriving at the Zoo and is expected to take flight later this year.

This exciting attraction will accommodate four guests per ride and stretch from the area between Sobela Ocean Aquarium and Elephant Expedition so that riders have birds-eye views of the flamingo habitat as well as elephants. Reaching a top speed of 30 mph, the Flying Flamingo will provide an exhilarating experience that lifts you nearly 130ft in the air. Guests must be at least 48” to ride alone, while those 42-48” in height will need an accompanying adult.

We will keep you updated on this fun new addition to the Zoo!

Lion/Kopje Renovations

Renovations to the kopje section of Africa, which includes lions, fennec foxes, caracal, and others in that area, are now slated to begin in the coming weeks. We are excited to share this preliminary rendering of the project, which is being partially funded by the City of Kansas City’s GO Bonds that were approved in 2017 and designated for ADA updates.

This project includes, but is not limited to:

• ADA-accessible pathways

• ADA-accessible indoor lion viewing area

• New, larger caracal habitat

• New, permanent restrooms and mother’s room

• Expanded rock hyrax habitat

• Expanded black-footed cat habitat

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months!

rendering courtesy of PGAV Architects

10 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2

Trumpeter swan cygnets born at the Zoo for the Wildlife Release program 22

Conservation by the Numbers

To date, 20,502 freshwater mussels raised at the Zoo have been released into the wild

Reforestation of 42 acres of riparian habitat in the tropical floodplain rainforest within the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary in Sabah, Borneo. Over 24,000 tree saplings planted.

2023, about $495,600 was raised from the conservation portion of admission and membership sales $495,600 Raised $718,100 in 2023

Over $75,000 was raised from education programs and events, including the Zoo Run and Brew at the

11 kansascityzoo.org
10+ pollinator gardens at the Zoo 2023 Partnered with 7 AZA SAFE Programs 19 Total Conservation Projects Worldwide 9 Projects within the United States 6 of those at Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium 10 Projects outside the United States CONSERVATION PROJECTS Conservation Fund Investments: $591,032 2023 CONSERVATION FUND REVENUE
Zoo $75,000 $58,500
bird show, coin vortex displays, private donations, and miscellaneous contributions raised over $58,500 Step
gift shops and food and beverage locations along
animal paintings sold
the gift shop accumulated over
$100,000 $300,000 $200,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $318,245 conservation research and field projects $38,894 conservation initiatives supported
conservation $234,393 conservation program support 5 2 2 9 1 Remaining funds reserved for future conservation projects. Funds raised in 2023 will be utilized for conservation investments in 2024. Tree Kangaroo SAFE Orangutan SAFE North American Songbird SAFE Chimpanzee SAFE Asian Hornbill SAFE Sharks and Rays SAFE North American Freshwater Mussel SAFE
Donations from our
Up programs in the
$89,000 $89,000 In
4,294 hours of KC Zoo staff time spent on

Events Calendar



Friday, June 7 | 7:30pm-midnight | 21+

Be a part of the wildest fundraiser in town! Party animals from across the metro will gather to enjoy unlimited food, drinks, and entertainment — all while raising money for the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium. Funds provide food for the animals in our care and educational opportunities for the youth of our community.

Locked Zoo: Amazing Apes

Saturday, June 22 | 5-9pm | 14+

Escape room fans, come take a walk on the wild side! If you love mysteries or puzzles, you won’t want to miss Locked Zoo: Amazing Apes. This interactive event challenges you and your team to explore select areas of the Zoo to search for clues and solve puzzles about apes and conservation.


Friday Flamingle Happy Hour - Christmas in July

Friday, July 12 | 5-9pm | 21+

Get in the holiday spirit zoo style at our Christmas in July-themed Friday Flamingle. Treat yourself to a unique 21-and-over event where you can enjoy food trucks, cash bars, trivia, free train and carousel rides, and visits with your favorite animals. Show off your competitive spirit in our Reindeer Games. It may be hot outside so don’t forget to wear your favorite Christmas sweater! We hope you aren’t on the naughty list, as you may spot the jolly old elf himself. You don't want to miss this unique and fun-filled summer event.

Friday, September 6Saturday, December 29

Saturday, October 12

Scan the code or visit kansascityzoo.org/events for more information on each event.

Interested in being a vendor or sponsor at one of these events? Email askthezoo@fotzkc.org

12 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2
Save the Dates! Wine Walk for Wildlife
Zoo Run for the Sea Lions Saturday,
Brew at the Zoo
Saturday, August 24
September 21
GloWild: Legends

Meet the Team: Fleet

One of the KCZoo’s essential departments often goes unseen by guests, but the fleet team ensures that day-to-day operations run smoothly and safely. They attend to golf carts and trucks, ensuring employees can accomplish their tasks, and also maintain the Zoo's rides that create happy memories for so many guests.

Maintenance of the Endangered Species Carousel, KCZoo Railroad, African Tram, Kenyan Cruise, and African Sky Safari are overseen by the fleet team, and each ride has unique needs. For the African Tram, regular tasks include replacing air compressors, tires, and rubber bushings, as well as keeping the trams in alignment. The African Sky Safari and Endangered Species Carousel are kept greased and free of debris. Golf carts utilized by employees require wheel and battery changes. While the team is always on call to fix problems, their goal is to prevent issues from ever occurring by taking great care of all the equipment at the Zoo.

Led by Russell Jacobs, fleet services manager, this hard-working team may not be in the public eye, but you can be assured that they are working diligently to ensure your next visit is world-class!

Front row: Nicholas, Tristan; Back row: Lloyd, Russell, Marcus

Education Programs

For more information, call 816-595-1765 or email education@fotzkc.org.

School's Out Camps

School's out! Join us at the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium for an exciting day filled with activities to learn about your favorite animals. These single-day and multiple-day camps are available for ages 5 - 12.

Single-day cost: $65 per camp (FOTZ members get a 10% discount) kansascityzoo.org/camp/schools-out-camp


Spend the night at the Zoo! It is the WILDEST place in town for an overnight adventure! Want an experience and memories that will last a lifetime? We are now booking private overnights. Stay in Helzberg Penguin Plaza or Sobela Ocean Aquarium, take a night hike through the Zoo, and enjoy a movie. Feeling more adventurous? Pitch your tent for one-of-a-kind camping in our Outback or African campgrounds! Overnights are scheduled for Friday or Saturday nights only. kansascityzoo.org/overnights

Sponsored by

13 kansascityzoo.org

Host your event at the Zoo!

The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium is the purrfect location for your next event. See the Rent the Zoo section at kansascityzoo.org to learn more about company outings, evening rentals, birthday parties, and more.

Contact Group Sales at 816-595-1210 or at groupsales@fotzkc.org for all event options.

In Memoriam


The Zoo is sad to announce the passing of Haka, a Maori Wrasse who was one of Sobela Ocean Aquarium’s most beloved residents. Haka passed away in March due to chronic renal disease. This larger-than-life fish was always aware of his surroundings and would often observe human activities through the glass or at the surface of the water. His care team will remember him as fearless around the sand tiger sharks; he could often be seen chasing them away during feeding sessions. Big in stature and personality, Haka will be missed by all.


We are saddened to share that Marquis, a bald eagle and animal ambassador, passed away at the age of approximately 14 in March due to aspergillus, a common fungal infection of birds. Marquis originally came to the University of Missouri Raptor Rehabilitation Project after being hit by a car. Following an 11-month rehabilitation, she was released mid-April of 2014. Unfortunately, she once again was rescued after an injury she incurred and found a home at the KCZoo. As an animal ambassador for her species, Marquis helped the public understand the importance of creating a more sustainable environment for the species. She will be dearly missed.


The Zoo is mourning the loss of fennec fox Merlin, who was euthanized at the age of 11 after no longer responding to treatment for incurable cancer. Merlin arrived at the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium in 2017 and quickly showed his intelligence to his care team. Known for his "zoomies" and squeals of excitement when his favorite care specialists arrived, Merlin was also very fond of his habitat mate, Beshte. A fox who always looked handsome in photos, Merlin will be remembered for his outgoing personality. He will be missed by staff and guests alike.

14 Expeditions – 2024 – Q2

Lion’s Pride Society

The Lion's Pride Society was founded in 2011 to recognize and honor the valuable contributions of friends who express their commitment to our mission by including the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium in their estate plans. Over the years, the "pride" has grown strong. We invite you to join us!

Our benefits include:

Introduction at the Friends of the Zoo (FOTZ) Annual Meeting

Invitations to sneak previews and exhibit openings

Invitations to estate-planning seminars

Frequent mention in the Expeditions newsletter

Create your legacy

With a little planning, you have the opportunity to ensure that future generations are able to experience the adventure and wonder of the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium. By including a charitable gift within your overall estate and financial plans, you can provide your support far into the future.

Why Barb is giving...

"The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium gives me hope for the future of this planet. By allowing us to see and experience animals in natural habitats and by educating us about our connectedness with these animals, the zoo inspires us to conserve the earth for future generations."

– Barb Sherer, Lion’s Pride Society member

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thank you to all of our 1909 Lion’s Pride Society members for their continued support.


Jan Armstrong

Kenneth Campbell

Dorothy & Joe Carlisle

Marlee Carroll

Teri Chandler

Debbie & James Eads

Jeanne Hays

Betty & Leonard Hershman

Louise & Gary Hicks

Sarah Hopkins

Harold Hudson

Joanna Ioannidis

Richard Jensen

Audrey Keairnes

Patricia Keairnes

Gayle & Bruce Krigel

Judith Layton

Kay Lippincott

Leslie & John Martin

Kentucky McDaniel & Carol Murphy

Patrick & Amy McHenry

Mary & Michael McNiel

Anne & Sam Mollet

Debra Myers

Elizabeth Norton

Richard Ong

Sean & Cyndie Putney

Brad Redburn

Marjorie Roberts

Debra & Michael Ryder

Dianne Schmidt

Don Shanks

Barb Sherer

Kathy Smith

Linda & Harlan Smith

T.J. Snyder

Juston Taylor

Grace Thornton

Sandie & John Valentine

Frank & Gerry Victor

Jean & Don Wagner

Richard Wells

Barb & Randy Wisthoff

Contact Richard Wells, donor relations manager, at richardwells@fotzkc.org or 816-595-1217 to explore the many ways you can extend your legacy at the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium for years to come.

We are grateful for the continued generosity of our sponsors. Thank you for your steadfast support that helps make our world-class Zoo & Aquarium possible.

If your company would be interested in sponsoring an animal or area of the Zoo, please contact lisafickenscher@fotzkc.org. Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium sponsorship is a great way to increase visibility for your business and support the incredible work that our Zoo does year-round.

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• • • •
Campground Stingray Bay
African Tram Sea
Kangaroo Outback
Sumatran Tiger KCZoo Railroad

6800 Zoo Drive | Kansas City, MO 64132 816-595-1234 | KansasCityZoo.org

If you would like to work in a fun, unique environment and help families create lasting memories, you’ll feel right at home as a part of our Guest Services team. In this role, you’ll be providing customer service in retail, rides, or admissions.

The Zoo is an equal opportunity employer that offers a starting rate of $14.25 an hour. Flexible, weekend and/or weekday shifts are available! No nights. Flexible schedules for students/retirees. Visit kansascityzoo.org/careers to apply.

– 4pm

We’re on a mission to improve our map! Our new digital map shows realtime updates about which animals are on habitat, as well as expanded info about attractions and amenities. If you’re at the Zoo, open the map on your mobile phone to view your own location as you move through the park, to make finding your way around easier.


Sat-Sun NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID KANSAS CITY, MO #4831 Let’s Get Social! LOOK INSIDE! MISSION: The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium connects all people to each other and the natural world to promote understanding, appreciation, and conservation. OPEN DAILY! Meet Jupiter! See page 4 Sign up for our weekly insider email and stay up to date on all the Zoo News! Sign up online at kansascityzoo.org/zoonews or scan the QR code. Work
the Zoo!
- October
9:30am – 5pm
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.