Tidbits Vol 2 Issue 4

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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read

February 7–13, 2010

Volume 2, Issue 4


Published Weekly by KPA Office Outsource, LLC

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Want a Mortgage You Can Love? February 12 is the start of the Twenty-first Winter Olympics; for cold-weather sports fanatics it’s an every four year TV spectacular. This year, the setting is one of the most beautiful in the world, Vancouver, Canada. Tidbits this week, honors the Games with a look back.


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u The first time a winter sport appeared in the Olympics was in the summer games. Figure skating made its debut in the 1908 Summer Olympics. The top skaters were 10-time world champion Ulrich Salchow of Sweden, who originated the backwards, one revolution jump that bears his name, and Made Syers of Britain. Both were the first singles champions. u Many organizers of the 1916 Summer Games in Berlin planned to introduce a “Skiing Olympia,� featuring nordic events in black forest. But the games were cancelled after the outbreak of World War I in 1914. u Upon the conclusion of World War I, the Games resumed in 1920 at Antwerp, Belgium, where figure skating returned and ice hockey was added as a medal event. Sweden’s Gillis Grafstrom and Magda Julin took individual honors, while Ludovika and Walter Jakobsson were the top skating pair. In hockey, Canada won the gold medal, with the United States second and Czecholslovakia third. u Over the objections of Modern Olympics’ founder Baron Pierre de Coubertin and the resistance of the Scandinavian countries, which had staged their own Nordic championships every four or five years from 1901-26 in Sweden, the International Olympic Committee sanctioned an “International Winter Sports Week� at Chamonix, France, in 1924. u The very first “Winter Sports Week� was an 11-day event, which included nordic skiing, speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and bobsledding. It was a huge success and was later called the first (continued on page 4)

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Don’t Just Sit There

by Matilda Charles

Even if we exercise regularly, too many hours in front of the television can be detrimental to our health. There’s apparently a link between watching television and dying of cardiovascular disease. The culprit? Sitting. Apparently while we’re sitting there, our bodies are mishandling fats and sugars from our diet. There’s a link between muscle movement and “lipoprotein lipase� in the bloodstream. Not using muscles allows that enzyme to temporarily shut down, which in turn lets more of the bad cholesterol get a foothold in the bloodstream. This is true, even if we’re not overweight. According to the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, if we watch more than four hours a day of television, we’re 46 percent more likely to die, period. We’re 80 percent more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than people who sit in front of a television for less than two hours a day. The more hours, the more risk. The study ran for 10 years, and the average age of the participant was 50 years old.

Š 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. The people in the study said they already exercised a half hour or more per day. What are we to do, then? Getting out of the recliner seems to be the only answer. A treadmill in the living room might not be lovely for the decor, but when it comes to saving our health, it could help. Even standing up and lifting a few hand weights while watching television could be beneficial. There’s an additional dilemma here: If it’s “sittingâ€? that causes the problem, then television can’t be the only culprit. What about people who sit at computers for a living? Or customer-service people who are hooked to a headset (while sitting in a chair) for eight hours a day? One way or the other, we have to find ways to move more than we do. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com.


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TOP TEN DVD as of January 30, 2010 Top 10 DVD Sales   1. Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs (PG) (Sony)   2. The Hangover (R) (Warner)   3. Final Destination: In 3-D (R) (New Line)   4. District 9 (R) (Sony)   5. Paranormal Activity (R) (DreamWorks)   6. Inglourious Basterds (R) (Universal)   7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (PG) (Warner)   8. 9 (PG-13) (Universal)   9. Up (PG) (Buena Vista) 10. Chuck: The Complete Second Season (NR) (Warner) Š 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

“I look to the future because that’s where I’m going to spend the rest of my life.� — George Burns By Samantha Weaver

z It was American writer Cullen Hightower who made the following sage observation: “Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else’s can shorten it.� z If you were asked to name the northernmost of the United States, I’m sure you’d have no trouble naming Alaska. And you probably also know that Alaska is the westernmost state of the union. You might be surprised, however, to learn that Alaska is also the easternmost state. Yep. The Aleutian Island chain crosses the International Dateline, placing a few of the islands in the Far East. z Thanks to the fact that their eyes are placed on the sides of their heads, rabbits can see behind themselves without turning their heads. z In the town of Arcadia, Calif., there is a law on the books that grants peacocks the legal right

of way when crossing any street or driveway. z Those who study such things claim that there are 293 different ways to make change for a dollar. z In 2002, a research firm conducted a poll on Americans’ beliefs about the existence of alien life in the universe. It seems that a whopping 68 percent of us feel that the U.S. government knows about alien life but refuses to publicize that knowledge. z The Russian Space Agency has a full-fledged space tourism program — and a popular one, at that. Despite the $20 million price tag, all the available trips were fully booked by (wealthy) civilians in 2009. z If you and your spouse are like the average modern married couple, you spent more than $2,500 on photos and videos of your wedding. Š 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Shoreline Ballroom, Hilton Head Beach and Tennis Resort l “We keep our sandbox covered when it’s not in use. We have had two covers made of lattice that worked well, but the wood breaks down quickly with use, and they have to be replaced. I finally got smart and decided to cover the cover. I used a vinyl tablecloth that was colorful, and I stapled the fabric to the lattice. Now it not only keeps out animals, it also keeps out rain and leaves. It’s sturdier than just fabric alone, and it looks much better.” — A.A., via e-mail l Here’s a tip from a car lover in Wisconsin: “I try to wash the car weekly to keep the road dirt off of it, but sometimes life gets away from me. I put a wide strip of masking tape inside the glove box, and note the date it was last washed, waxed and had an oil change. I can use a pencil to update as needed, and it’s handy information.” l I have two driving teens now, and they both share a car with me. Gas money (and maintenance costs) got to be a problem, but not anymore. There’s an odometer log in the car, and my kids pay by the mile. That charge covers gas, oil changes and tires, and even insurance. They drive a bit less now, and that’s all right with me, too!” — K.L. in New Mexico l “I made a nice utensil holder for my mother from a flowerpot. I used paint to decorate it, and lined it with aluminum foil. She put all her spatulas and things in it, and it brightens her kitchen.” — B.R. in New York l To keep Fido’s dish from scooting around the kitchen or porch, hot-glue a piece of non-skid shelf liner that’s been cut to fit on the bottom of his dish. He’ll thank you for it! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Bad Smell Often Indicates Illness By Sam Mazzotta DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My dog “Scraps,” an 8-year-old Lab-collie mix, has a rather embarrassing problem. He has a lot of smelly gas, and when he eliminates, well — his poo smells. Like, to the point that I have to look away when I pick it up because my eyes water. Is this normal? Is there a way to stop this? — Melanie T., via e-mail DEAR MELANIE: You should take Scraps to the veterinarian for a complete checkup, and be sure to mention every delicate detail of his poop and his gassiness. Bring notes to help you remember, in particular: Does the smell have a particular odor? How often is Scraps gassy? Have you noticed a pattern between, for example, when he eats and when he gets gassy? Does his poop always smell? What color is it? Is it firm or runny? (Bring a small sample with you, in a plastic bag or specimen cup.) The reason I want you to consult the vet first is that smelly elimination is often the first indicator

of an illness. The illness may be minor and easy to treat or recover from, but it also may be more serious and need immediate medical attention. Only your vet can say for sure. If Scraps’ problem is not major, then the vet may recommend some changes in his diet. If he eats table scraps or gets into the garbage often, stop both of those behaviors. (Table scraps are often higher in fat than is recommended for pets, and garbage — well, you may have no idea what he’s ingesting.) A supplement or medication also might be recommended, and if Scraps has a weight problem, the vet will recommend a diet to help him shed a few pounds. Send your pet questions to Sam Mazzotta at ask@pawscorner.com, or write to Paw’s Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. And find more pet resources at PawsCorner.com. ©2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


TidbitsÂŽ of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort

THE VANCOUVER GAMES (continued): Olympic Winter Games. u Norway is number one, when it comes to most Winter Olympic medals, with 263. u Not surprisingly, no country in the Southern Hemisphere has ever hosted a Winter Games. u U.S. Speed skater Bonnie Blair has won six medals at the Olympic Winter Games. That’s more than any other American athlete. u Nobody has won more medals at the Winter Games than cross-country skier Bjorn Dählie of Norway, who has 12. u Norwegian Sonja Henie won her first gold medal at the 1928 Olympics and at the next three Olympics no female figure skater could compete with her, she was that good. u Sonja Henie’s grace and style sets a new standard for figure skating. And she was young. At 15 years, 10 months, Henie was, at the time, the youngest woman ever to win a gold medal. u The 1940 Games, in Sapporo, Japan, and 1944 Winter Games, scheduled for Corina d’Amerzzo, in Italy, were cancelled due to World War II. u Seventy years after those first cold weather Games, the 17th edition of the Winter Olympics took place in Lillehammer, Norway, in 1994. The event ended the four-year Olympic cycle of staging both Winter and Summer Games in the same year and began a new schedule that calls for the two Games to alternate every two years. u The Soviet Union (USSR) participated in its first Winter Olympics in 1956, and took home the most medals, including the gold medal in ice hockey. u It takes two: 1968 East Germany and West Germany officially send separate teams for the first time and continued to do so through 1988. u After East and West Germany’s unification, the country finally sent a single team in 1990. u Thanks, but no thanks: The International Olympics Committee granted the 1976 Winter Games to Denver in May 1970. But wait a minute: in 1972 Colorado voters reject a $5 million bond issue to finance the undertaking. Denver

immediately withdraws as host and Innsbruck, Austria is chosen as the site of the 1964 Games. u Why the change in cycle? The IOC moved the Winter Games’ four-year cycle in order to separate them from the Summer Games and alternate Olympics every two years. u The Olympic flag’s colors of red, black, blue, green and yellow rings on a field of white are there because at least one of those colors appears on the flag of every nation on the planet. u Number one: The U.S. was the first country to win a Winter Olympic event. Speed skater Charles Jewtraw won the first event of the Games with an upset in the 500 meters. u U.S. figure skater Tara Lipinski, 15, became the youngest woman to win a gold medal at the Winter Games. Sonja Henie would have been proud. u After earning her Olympic gold medal in 1968, Peggy Fleming starred in several television specials and performed in numerous skating exhibitions across the U.S.A. She has also been a popular commentator for ABC Sports, often working with fellow Olympic champ Dick Button. u Jean Claude Killy, the brilliant 24-year-skier, already a world champion, excited the world again

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at the 1968 Winter Games in Grenoble, France, by winning gold medals in all three Alpine skiing events, thus becoming only the second skier to ever accomplish that feat; Austria’s Toni Sailer did it in 1956. u Miracle on Ice: After a group of U.S. amateur hockey players beat the invincible Soviet Union hockey machine at the Lake Placid Olympics of 1980, it was later voted the greatest upset in hockey in the 20th Century. “Do you believe in miracles? Yes,� shouted TV broadcaster Al Michaels, who called the game. In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t so much of a miracle. Of the 20 players on the U.S. team, 13 eventually played in the National Hockey League. u 1980 was not the first time the United States achieved Olympic hockey gold. The less publicized—but no less miraculou—1960 U.S. men’s hockey team also shocked the world with its stunning victory in Squaw Valley, Calif. u Curling — think shuffleboard on ice — debuted in the 1924 Olympics. It came back in the 1932 Lake Placid Games as a demonstration sport, then went on a 56-year Olympic hiatus. It was brought back as an official medal sport at the 1998 Nagano, Japan Games.

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The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) received the Excellence for Green Building award from the Globe Foundation and the World Green Building Council. The award is in recognition of the Organizing Committee’s leadership in establishing green building criteria for the 2010 Winter Games venues. In addition, 15 architects who designed the venues also received awards of recognition for their excellence in green building practices.



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Page A Who is the Dodgers’ all-time leader in shutouts? B When the Texas Rangers had their first winning season in 1974, who was the team’s manager? C Name the last conference before the SEC to win at least three straight national championships in college football. D Who is the only player in NBA history to have four seasons of 100 blocks and 100 three-pointers made? E Name the only player to have 600-plus goals and 2,000-plus penalty minutes for his NHL career. F Who was the last U.S. man before Meb Keflezighi in 2009 to win the New York City Marathon? G Name the last Grand Slam golf event Tiger Woods won in consecutive years. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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David Ragan Has Room to Grow If driving styles matched “There were times when I was sick at my stomach, so much personalities, David Ragan that I couldn’t eat supper,” Ragan said. “We just couldn’t run any better than 25th, and I remember when we’d come to the couldn’t possibly be erratic. The second-generation driver -- race track in 2008, and I’d make more mistakes than I should father Ken drove in major NASCAR races during the 1980s -- have, and we’d run 12th. It was frustrating, but I’m a man, and fell from 13th in 2008 Sprint Cup points to 27th in 2009. The I can admit it when I do things wrong. (Owner) Jack Roush is a man, and he can admit it when driver some predicted might things are not right on the make the Chase if he could performance side, and by being move up just one position, honest, we can work together and instead fell 14 spots. fix it.” Ragan, still just 24 years old, Ragan knows he has to regain his can’t understand it either. form this year. “It’s pretty simple,” No one in NASCAR seems he said. “We’ve got to win races in more calm and unflappable 2010. than Ragan, who is from “We’ve got to be competitive, Unadilla, Ga. from the short tracks to the mile“I spent a lot of nights and-a-half tracks to the (restrictorwondering what’s going on,” Second-generation NASCAR driver David plate) tracks, so I’m pretty excited he said. “I guess it’s just that Ragan may have to break out of his laidabout going to Daytona. We’re Southern man, or Southern back style for a successful season in 2010. ready to go.” guy, in me. Maybe it’s my (John Clark/NASCAR This Week photo) Monte Dutton has covered granddad rubbing off on me. ­motorsports for The ­Gaston (N.C.) Gazette since 1993. He “A quick story: I was with him one day and we ran out of gas. I was named writer of the year by the National ­Motorsports asked, ‘What are we going to do? Are we going to get some Press Association in 2008. His blog ­ NASCAR This Week gas?’ It was 15 years ago. We didn’t have a cell phone then. (http://nascar.rbma.com) features all of his reporting on “He said, ‘Nah, I’m going to take a nap. Somebody will come racing, roots music and life on the road. E-mail Monte at ­nascar_thisweek@yahoo.com. by in a little while.’ He never worried about much.” In one sense, though, the laidback style is just a front. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


Tidbits® of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort

Best Times to Buy When you need to buy something right away, you do the best you can to find what you want at a good price. But with most items, it’s possible to time your purchase to when you’re more likely to get a real deal. Here are some suggested times to buy: Vacuum cleaners — Shop for older models just in time for spring cleaning. Air conditioners — anytime between October and March, before new models arrive in early spring. Camping, hiking, biking and outdoor equipment — Shop just as the newest gear hits the stores in January and February. Cars and trucks — Many people believe that the best time to buy a car is at the end of the month, when sales personnel are desperate to meet their quotas. Instead, consider shopping for a car at the beginning of the month when the quota meter is reset to zero and sales staff hope to get a jump on filling that month’s quota. Cameras — Keep an eye out for new models coming out — and buy an older model. Airline tickets — Book your flight at least 21 days in advance, but less than three months ahead of time. However, if you’re buying tickets for your family’s annual vacation, don’t play the waiting game for too long. Consult a travel agent early to nail down your best price, especially if you’ll also need a rental car and accommodations at the other end. Appliances — look for sales in September and October. Negotiate for free delivery and setup, as well as taking the old item away. Furniture — The best times to buy are February and August, when showrooms are cleared for new furniture after the holidays. Gym memberships — It’s true that you’ll get the best deals in December and January as people gear up for their New Year’s resolutions. But if there’s a gym near you, approach them at any time to ask for their best possible deal. They might surprise you. As always, do your homework before you buy. Make comparisons. Look online for competitor pricing and coupons. The biggest way to save money is to plan ahead: If you know your window air conditioner likely won’t make it through another summer, start looking now. Don’t wait until July, when prices will be high and stock low. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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1. Is the book of Romans in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From II Chronicles 14, where was Abijah buried? City of David, Jerusalem, City of Gath, Nazareth 3. According to Numbers 33, how old was Aaron when he died? 100, 113, 123, 132 4. Of these sons of Jesse, which did not go into battle with Saul? Eliab, David, Abinadab, Shammah 5. From 2 Kings, who was Elijah’s successor? Solomon, Elisha, Nimshi, Nimrod 6. Which of Saul’s daughters loved David? Merab, Michal, Cornelius, Paulus Wilson Casey’s trivia book “Know It?‌or Not?â€? is available from BearManorMedia.com. Š 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Answers on Page 8


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New Ways to Treat Varicose Veins DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have varicose veins on both of my legs. I wear only long dresses and slacks to hide them. My legs don’t hurt, but I would like to be rid of these veins. What can I do for them? At this point, I am not interested in surgery. — L.H. ANSWER: Leg veins face a Herculean task. They have to return blood to the heart in the face of gravity, which works to keep blood from moving upward. They couldn’t accomplish their task if they didn’t have valves. As blood moves upward in the vein, its valves close so that it can’t fall back down. The problem with varicose veins is a valve problem. Their valves no longer work. Blood stays in the leg veins, distends them and stretches them out of shape — varicose veins. Varicose veins can make the legs ache or cause them to tire quickly. Sometimes, the pooled blood leaks fluid out of the veins, so the ankles and feet swell, and open ulcers — most often around the ankle — might form. And then there is the cosmetic aspect, about which I’m not qualified to comment. Things you can do for varicose veins are limited but worth trying. One is compression stockings. The very best stockings are the ones with graduated

compression, with the compressive force greatest in the lowermost part of the leg and with lesser force in the upper parts of the leg. Compression moves blood upward. Another way to keep blood from pooling is lying down with your legs higher than your heart. That position empties blood out of leg veins. Admittedly, you can’t spend the entire day with your legs elevated, but elevate them as often as you can. Never stand for long in one place. If you have to stay still, contract your calf and leg muscles to push blood out of the legs. Should you change your mind about surgical vein removal, you should know that today there are many methods of getting rid of these veins. Endovascular lasers, radiofrequency catheters and sclerotherapy are recent-vintage techniques. Surgical removal has been refined to the point that most patients return home on the day of operation. i i i Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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1) New; 2) City of David; 3) 123; 4) David; 5) Elisha; 6) Michal




1. Don Sutton, with 52. 2. Billy Martin led the Rangers to an 84-76 mark. 3. The Big Ten in 1940-42. 4. Rasheed Wallace. 5. Brendan Shanahan. 6. Alberto Salazar in 1982. 7. The PGA Championship (2006 and 2007).

HOCUS FOCUS DIFFERENCES 1. Dress is different. 2. Man has glasses. 3. Tree is wider. 4. Suitcase is different. 5. House is gone. 6. Dog’s collar is missing.

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