Generation Z Report TEASER

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GENERATION Z TOMORROW’S SHOPPER TODAY (Edited Version – Full Report Now Available)

Welcome to the KAM Media report into Generation Z, Tomorrow’s Shoppers Today. The perception is that this is the generation that would rather use social media than have an actual conversation. They'd rather sit at home and watch Netflix than go to the pub and they're only interested in healthy bowls of colourful food that looks great on Instagram. How much of this is truth and how much is, well, wack? Having grown up with technology as a standard part of everyday life, it's not a stretch to assume that they are also the most connected generation ever, in more ways than one. Connected to each other but also to the wider world - including social issues, environmental and health concerns. Essentially an innate desire for knowledge. If you search the internet there are a lot of thoughts and opinions about Generation Z, some with facts and some without. One thing for sure though, is that a lot of people are talking about them, and with good reason. In fact, a quick Google search shows 356 million search results for 'Generation Z' compared to 96 million for 'Millennials'. So why are they so important? Put simply, they will shape the way we will shop, eat, drink and interact with brands, because technology will lead the way and it's being driven by the influencers and no generation is more influential than Generation Z. This report is the result of a research study speaking to 500 of the UK’s Generation Z between the ages of 18-24 to uncover the FACTS, and not just about who they are, but what they do and above all what influences them to do it. Ultimately this research can provide brands and retailers in the off and on trade with essential insight into what Generation Z want from them and how you can deliver against it in order to ensure that your influencing the influencers and not being left in the past. It was recently announced that the Blockbuster video chain was down to it's very last physical store left standing in the world. In 2004 they had over 9,000 stores internationally. Netflix made $12 Billion in 2017. Can you afford to ignore the influencers of the future?

Blake Gladman, Strategy & Insight Director

Report Contents Building an influencer

Consumption and spending power

Beliefs, ideals and ethics

Influences upon purchasing decisions

Expectations and needs from brands of today

Building an influencer Who are Generation Z?

App Culture

90% 80%



own a smartphone

own a tablet device

70% 60% 50%

It’s no surprise to learn that pretty much every single member of Gen Z has a smartphone, in fact only 0.8% of them don’t have either a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop/desktop computer, so in one way or another they are ‘connected’ Half of the most popular apps on the phones of Generation Z are messaging/communication apps. They love to share and interact with each other as well as with their favourite celebrities, social issues and brands. The perceived death of Facebook amongst this generations is perhaps a tad premature as, indeed, it’s more popular than Snapchat and WhatsApp. YouTube is the most popular app, which is not surprising when you consider it combines a lot of the key touchpoints that resonate so much with this generation – content, sharing, commenting and creating.

40% 30% 20% 10%

Have on phone

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Yo uT ub In e st ag Fa ra ce m Fa bo ce ok bo M ok es se ng er Sn ap ch at W ha ts G Ap oo p gl e M ap s Sp ot ify N et fli Am x az on Tw itt er


Have used in last 4 wks

Single purpose apps, i.e. eBay, Uber, Deliveroo, etc. whilst still featuring, are less likely to feature on every Gen Z phone and also, by their nature, are used less frequently. Brands therefore, that are able to interact and integrate with social and content sharing apps will be able to increase their engagement and resonate better with this customer. It’s not simply the case that they want to purchase a product they also want to be a part of the story and feel like the brand is part of them – it’s more than just a transactional relationship that really wins over this generation.

“.” Voice of a generation

YouTube is massively important to me. It’s addictive as you always want to know what the people you follow are up to next. I follow about 200 YouTubers and I would probably watch 510 of them religiously. It’s very obvious when they put paid-for content on there, so you know that it’s being sponsored by somebody, but I watch it because it’s still related to what I wanted to watch the video for anyway. So I don’t mind advertising as much on YouTube…if it was on TV I’d just turn over as it’s nothing to do with what I’m interested in.


That was just a short snippet of what to expect from the full 45 page report. Which features these other sections and full research from our 500 interviews with 18-24 year olds. As well as commentary from leading industry figures and follow up quotes from real Gen Z’ers about what this research means to them. All this available for just £695 (+VAT)

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KAM Media are a creative insight agency generating multimedia content and research-led solutions through trend watching, innovation and thought leadership Working across both on trade and off trade retail channels, offering our clients tailored and creative insight solutions that provide value for money and fast turnaround with a personal touch.

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CONTENT MEDIA A unique video production service for the FMCG industry offering brand films, internal communications, viral marketing, training films, show reels and more


Across the team we have an unrivalled level of experience. Our approach has lent itself to establishing training programs, conference speaking and director level engagement.

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Editorial for trade press, blogs and conferences– creating content that has a unique voice. Tackling issues close to our hearts, with expertise and a dash of irreverence they aim to inform and entertain.

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