Top 4 most common pr myths busted

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Top 4 most common PR Myths busted

One of the most undervalued and underutilised marketing tactics is public relations (PR). Most people don’t even know what exactly PR is. Professionals working in PR companies in Delhi usually have to face the questions like are you a journalist? Do you take interviews of celebrities or is your company a type of event management?” Even some of the small business owners and startups are unaware about the working of PR due to some of the very common myths prevailing in the industry. In this article, we will debunk the top four most common PR myths and help you better understand the PR companies in Delhi. Myth #1: PR equals to press releases The press release is the must have and an important instrument in the PR toolkit — the method that PR agencies in Delhi continue to use to communicate their stories to media. But one thing to keep in mind is that press release can be an effective tool only when used properly. The inexperienced PR agencies in Delhi mostly send their untargeted press release to every single media outlet that they can think of reaching, without drafting any real strategy or considering the journalist’s specific areas of interest. This way of working has made the press release a much less effective tool for PR professionals. Instead of doing this spray and pray method go with a more effective way of using a pitch letter to deliver message/story idea to the media. A pitch letter is an email, which outlines the newsworthy story behind the news. Myth #2: Effective PR can replace the efforts of a sales team PR is not at all equals to sales. Instead, this marketing function is used to generate brand awareness and credibility of the company. This in turn helps the sales team in approaching the potential vendors as they are already familiar with your company. With PR professionals dedicatedly working on your campaign all the cold leads will turn into warm leads, resulting in a drastic increase in the sales team’s efficacy over time.

Myth #3: Using PR, my company will become famous overnight Building a brand and creating awareness in a customer’s mind is not a thing that will happen overnight. With a huge number of PR campaigns happening in the city, PR Consultants in Delhi expect to start seeing media placements at approximately three months into the campaign. As long as the campaign continues, the number of PR placements will increase exponentially. So, instead of creating a ruckus for not getting stories in media outlets instantly, wait and help the PR team in better drafting some impactful stories. It is recommended to consider PR a basic necessity for marketing your business and with outreach done on a regular basis, as long as the company is in existence. Myth #4: PR is easy, so I’ll just do it myself This is probably one of the biggest myths about PR industry. Many business owners think that they can handle PR themselves in order to save money; after all, it’s all about writing a press release and getting journalists to your door asking for interviews. PR is not just about press releases... or even about media pitching. PR is all about creating a consistent brand, writing well, communicating effectively, acting strategically, and creating relationships with media.

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