What is seo in public relations

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What is SEO in Public Relations?

Public relations as a function is concerned about getting a market presence for the client and with both the customers and investors are spending most of their time online; it’s high time to grab attention for the clients through the online portals. And, in getting such attention, it is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that helps the PR firms the most. Although website management is not a thing that usually falls under the PR team’s umbrella, whereas executing simple SEO tricks and techniques communicators can improve the brand’s search rank. This, in turn, would bring greater market acceptance for the client’s media stories as the market believes in confirming what that is claimed in write up, and nothing is more valid than the information available online. Follow this simple 5-step formula to make the best possible use of SEO in your PR Campaigns: 1. Consult with the digital or web team and ascertain some priority key term(s) or phrase that hold the potential to bring forward the company’s name whenever used or talked about in the PR Campaigns and accompanying news. 2. Make it a point to use these designated keywords on the on-site content as much as possible in the places like page title, page URL, first header (H1), copy text, etc. But be careful while using the key terms as the overuse can lead to penalization of the website. 3. Incorporate these keywords into the traditional PR tools like press releases, pitch notes and messaging material like you are doing with the on-site content. Because, ultimately these press releases will get some media coverage that have the potential to appear in search engine’s search.

4. While pitching the media for your story, always remember to ask them for the inclusion of client’s website link in their article. Because it is these backlinks from the trusted media outlets that can create a much stronger impact on a website’s search-rank. 5. Whether it is the tweets, Instagram or the Google+ posts, they all are right there in the search engine’s domain. So, to gain extra visibility for the brand make it a point to incorporate the assigned keywords in the social media posts as naturally as possible. SEO is an important tool for the brand promotion that most PR Consultants in Delhi and around the nation are ignoring. But it is The Yellow Coin Communication that brings in the best of all media presence for its clients by adequately using SEO and other brand promotion tools.

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