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EDITOR Fa m i l y C i r c l e M a g a z i n e DESIGNER K i k o Wu C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H Red Scarf

F I N D U S AT @homeward


等你 回 家

烹 飪 方 法

餐 廳 推 薦 食 譜 用 料 傳 說 故 事 擂 茶 介 紹


目 錄

Introduction to Lei Cha

S t o r i e s a n d Ta l e s

Fo o d I n g r e d i e n t s

The Recipe

Fa v o u r i t e R e s t a u r a n t s






擂 茶 介 紹

Introduction to Lei Cha

Lei Cha (擂茶), originated from Southern China all the way in Han Dynasty, is a traditional beverage or gruel also known as thunder tea or pounded tea. The dish consists of a large bowl of rice topped with chopped up stir-fried greens, preserved radish, tofu and peanuts and a smaller bowl of thick bright green tea grounded from a mix of tea leaves and herbs. Signs boasted the tea would cure all aliments - lower the cholesterol, ease digestion, boost immune system, provide antioxidants and fiber, combat flu, and reinvigoration.

擂茶,又名三生湯,或鹹茶,起源於古代中原,南 遷流傳至廣東,湖南,江西等一帶,是一種特色食 品。主要流傳於廣東汕尾市,益陽安化,桃江,常 德等地,起於漢,盛於明清。擂茶一般都用大米, 花生,芝麻,綠豆,食鹽,茶葉,山蒼子,生薑等為 原料,用擂鉢搗爛成糊狀,衝開水和勻,加上炒 米,清香可口。據說擂茶有解毒的功效,既可作食 用,又可作藥用,既可解渴,又可充飢。

上海青 Bok Choy

傳 說 故 事

Almost two thousand years ago, as a general prepared to capture Guangzhou, his troops were felled by a plague. A Hakka doctor prescribed this unique tea. The soldiers were miraculously cured. Another story claims centuries ago on the mainland, when the Hakka migrated

S t o r i e s a n d Ta l e s

south to Fujian, Jiangxi, and Guangdong provinces, they couldn’t carry much. But tea was light, quenched their thirst, and when they added ingredients from the local area, it filled their stomachs. So the tea gained a reputation for being healthy and filling.

北宋時, 潘仁美奉宋太宗之命南下征服南漢王朝, 派一 小分隊途經揭西進攻廣州。到了河婆因為士兵大都是 北方人, 加之天氣炎熱, 水土不服, 士兵們紛紛上吐下 瀉, 病勢嚴重, 將領們心急火燎, 卻又束手無策。何婆 聞訊趕來, 傳授了一個秘方, 用 "三生湯" 一喝擂茶治 病。根據需要, 她吩咐一些人去摘茶葉, 一些人去挖生 薑, 有些人去碾米, 有些人去找擂鉢和棒子。等把這些 東西辦齊以後, 很快就製成了大量的擂茶。因用擂鉢, 而稱 "擂茶"。何婆說給那些病倒了的士兵每人喝一大 碗滾燙燙的擂茶,

然後蒙頭蓋腦睡上一覺, 次日醒來,

人人渾身大汗, 個個大打噴嚏, 說也奇怪, 病人們都痊 癒了。後來, 徵南人馬有一部分留下來屯田, 於是擂茶 不但在揭西縣, 而且在粵北, 湘西, 贛南等客家人聚居 的地方流傳下來, 成為客家飲食民俗的一大特色。

紫蘇葉 Pe r i ll a L e a v e s

1. 5 h rs

3 per

Lei Cha

擂 茶

上海青 x250g Bok Choy x250g

食 譜 用 料

生菜 x3 Lettuce x3

茴香 x300g Fe n n e l x 3 0 0 g Fo o d I n g r e d i e n t s

紫蘇葉 x50g Pe r i ll a L e a v e s x 5 0 g

薄荷葉 x150g Mint Leaves x150g

花生 x200g Pe a n u t s x 2 0 0 g

魷魚 x200g Chopped Squid x200g

蝦米 x150g Dried Shrimp x150g

一碗米飯 x3 A bowl of rice x3

白芝麻 x200g White Sesame x200g

烹 飪 方 法

The Recipe

生菜 Lettuce

薄荷葉 Mint Leaves

茴香 Fe n n e l

餐 廳 推 薦

Fa v o u r i t e R e s t a u r a n t s

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