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katerina dolejsova . portfolio

education 2006 - 2007

single courses university IUAV of venice, faculty of arts & design, graduate programme in visual and multimedia design communication theory workshop / wolfgang scheppe (studio WSA) editorial design workshop / enrico camplani (studio tapiro) corporate identity workshop / michel de boer (studio dumbar)

2006 >

doctorate in teory of architecture CTU - czech tecnical university of prag, faculty of architecture ‘art and the public space’ / PhDr. oldrich sevcik, CSc

2000 - 2006

graduated in architecture (summa cum laude) CTU - czech tecnical university of prag, faculty of architecture ‘mental disease and the (public) space’ / ing.arch ivan kroupa

2003 - 2004

erasmus scholarship university IUAV of venice, faculty of arts & design, graduate programme in visual and multimedia design artistic techniques and expressions workshop / joseph kosuth signage system workshop - viverevenezia 3 / enrico camplani (studio tapiro) type design workshop / pierpaolo vetta (studio tassinari/vetta) text font design workshop / luciano perondi history of visual communication course / sergio polano

computer skills adobe CS3 (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Acrobat) autocad, cadcon, office, iwork

languages czech /native language italian, english /fluently german, francch /discreetly


37.0 €

48.7 €

4% 2% 1%

Access to an improved water source


8.0 € 3.1 € 1.6 €

Public transport Shopping Recreation Other


25.2 €

7% 4% 2%

3.2 € 1.8 € 0.9 €

The top 12 immigration countries arriving to Venice

United States United Kingdom France Japan Spain Germany China Australia Canada Switzerland Austria Belgium

Bangladesh Moldova Ukraine Romania Albania Macedonia Cina Philippine Serbia e Montenegro Sri Lanka Senegal Morocco

6.37 5.01 3.41 2.80 4.31 4.08 22.12 4.57 4.63 4.28 4.51 4.62


59.12 13.88 9.50 24.60 20.02 9.53 22.12 22.12 11.07 19.45 60.15 38.85

Domestic tourist > 151.4 € International tourist (Europe) > 174.4 € International tourist (Non-Europe) > 204.5 €

Average Daily Spending, Tourists vs. Excursionists, 2002

Domestic excursionist > 45.5 € International excursionist > 45.9 €

m 10 x 10 sq km) re (0.01

San Marco




< 500


1,000-1,499 1,500-1,999 2,000-2,499 2,500-2,999 3,000-3,499 3,500-3,999 4,000-4,499 4,500-4,999 5,000-5,499 5,500-5,999 6,000-6,499

Ship capacity (number of passengers) 400 m

Moldova Romania 300 m Macedonia




Spain 99 m

100 m

Campanile San Marco

Sri Lanka Philippine

Gross tonnage Marocco 'Love Boat'

1970 Song of Norway *


47.25 %

'Das Traumshiff'

1987 Sovereign OTS

0m Ship lenght


1990 Fantasy

2000 Voyager

2003 Queen Mary 2

2006 Freedom OTS

2007 Carnival Freedom

2009 project Genesis Class

If China and India would consume the same quantity of barrels of petroleum per day of USA we would need 6 planets earth. (?)

Oil consumpiton / Oil consumption pro capite (barrels of petroleum per day, 2005) The top 12 immigration countries arriving to Venice:

USA 20,730,000 / 0.069 UK 1,827,000 / 0.030 France 1,970,000 / 0.032 Japan 5,578,000 / 0.044 Spain 1,573,000 / 0.039 Germany 2,650,000 / 0.032 China 6,534,000 / 0.005 Auatralia 877,000 / 0.043 Canada 2,294,000 / 0.069 Switzerland 268,100 / 0.036 Austria 282,000 / 0.034 Belgium 641,000 / 0.062

0.0006 0.0031 0.0061 0.0095 0.0070 0.0112 0.0050 0.0038 0.0086 0.0041 0.0026 0.0051 17

1,881,000 / 0.032

Quotazioni immobilari a Mestre & Marghera Abitazioni civili in ottimo stato (zone centrali / periferia)


Quotazioni immobilari a Venezia Centro Storico Abitazioni civili in ottimo stato (valori in Euro al metro quadrato)

11,000 9,000 7,000

(Post) Panamax ships The maximum size of vessel that can use the canal is known as Panamax; an increasing number of modern ships exceed this limit, and are known as post-Panamax vessels. Ships classified as Panamax are of the maximum dimensions that will fit through the locks of the Panama Canal. This size is determined by the dimensions of the lock chambers, each of which is 33.53 m (110 ft) wide by 320.0 m (1050 ft) long, and 25.9 m (85 ft) deep. The usable length of each lock chamber is 304.8 m (1000 ft). The height of the Bridge of the Americas at Balboa is the limiting factor on a vessel's overall height.

5,000 3,000 1,000

The maximum dimensions allowed for a ship transiting the canal are: · Length: 294.1 m (965 ft) · Beam (width): 32.3 m (106 ft) · Draft: 12.0 m (39.5 ft) in tropical fresh water (the salinity and temperature of water affect its density, and hence how deeply a ship will sit in the water) · Height: 57.91 m (190 ft) measured from the water line to the vessel's highest point

Mediatized image of cruise ships

Large Cruise Ships History

'Love Boat' The Love Boat is an American television series set on a cruise ship, which aired on the ABC Television Network from 1977 until 1986. It was part of ABC's Saturday night one-two punch along with Fantasy Island until that show ended in 1984. The original made-for-TV movie on which the show was based was itself based on a book, The Love Boats by Jeraldine Saunders, a real-life cruise director. The sitcom was usually set about a cruise liner called the Pacific Princess (no other ship has been more celebrated in recent times ), whose passengers and crew had romantic and funny adventures every week. Other ships used were twin sister Island Princess, the Stella Solaris (for a Mediterranean cruise), Pearl of Scandinavia (for a Chinese


* The first ship purpose-built for cruising in the Caribbean

cruise), the Royal Viking Sky (for European cruises) and the Royal Princess (for a Caribbean cruise).

‘Titanic’ Noch vor wenigen Jahren war "Kreuzfahrtpassagier" ein anderes Wort für Pensionär. Dann kam das Jahr 1997 mit dem erfolgreichsten Film aller Zeiten, "Titanic". Darin blickten Kate Winslet und Leonardo DiCaprio glücklich vereint vom Bug der "Titanic" über das weite Meer - zumindest in der ersten Hälfte des Films.

One House in three is bought by foreigners. In the historic center, during the last 6 months, 30% of the houses on sale was bought by Europeans, and another 5% was bought by non-Europeans. All people, that come to live in these houses just for a few week-ends in an year.

Global Investment in Venice

** Dream Princess is not currently cruising. Following Hurricane Katrina, the vessel was chartered by Tulane University, to provide accommodation for students. On 14 December 2005 she left for New Orleans, Louisiana arriving to the Orange Street Wharf in January 2006

‘Das Traumschiff’ Die deutsche Fernsehserie Das Traumschiff, welche seit 1981 vom ZDF gedreht wird, ist eine Adaption des Love Boats. Wie im Original sind auch hier die Passagiere berühmte (deutsche) Schauspieler. Myanmar Birma version of ‘Love Boat,’

Prices: From 8 to 12 thousand euros a square meter for houses that are new or restructured, 6 to 9 thousand for houses in good conditions and 4 to 6.500 for houses that need to be restructured. The prices are lowering because there are more houses beeing put on sale.


Top 20 World Destinations

Tourist arrivals [million]

10 %

5% of world tourist arrivals

% tourist spendings on “culture” from total tourist spendings

Visitors of Venice monuments (100%)

San Marco Square (all visitors *)

tourist arrivals in 2004 = 1000 visitors * Venezia - San Marco

Padova - Centro

40 km

7.5 km


France Spain United States China Italy United Kingdom Mexico Germany Turkey Austria Russian Fed. Canada Malaysia Ukraine Poland Hong Kong (SAR) Greece Portugal Thailand Hungary

76.0 55.6 49.4 46.8 36.5 30.0 21.9 21.5 20.3 20.0 19.9 18.6 16.4 15.6 * 15.2 14.7 14.3 11.6 * 11.6 10


2.7 (international tourists) 14.6 (all visitors)


reato comesso in totale reato comesso da stranieri

visitors density per 0.01 sq km ( = San Marco Square area)

Core Area of Tourist Range, 2005



Sistema notazionale su questa pagina tenta di rapresentare la vera “area turistica” di Venezia (intesa come lo aperto spazio pubblico dove si muove la maggior parte dei visitatori). Aproximativamente si trata solo di 6% del totale area del Centro Storico. Nel caso di New York (per poter comparare le due citta) operiamo con la stima della area turistica di 25% del totale area di Manhattan - e di questa del 30% dello aperto spazio pubblico.

* visitors = tourists + excursionists

New York - Manhattan real tourist area > 6.14 sq km

Venice - Centro Storico real tourist area > 0.45 sq km

average daily visitors > 164,400 density per 0.01 sq km > 325 visitors area per 1 tourist > 30.7 sq m

average daily visitors > 44,700 density per 0.01 sq km > 993 visitors area per 1 tourist > 10 sq m

Carta di sioggiorno

Permesso di sioggiorno


peak daily visitors (Carnival) > 150,000 density per 0.01 sq km > 3,333 visitors area per 1 tourist > 3 sq m


Il lavoro domestico è da sempre uno dei principiali settori d’impiego degli immigrati, in particolare le donne. Tra il 2000 e il 2003 i lavoratori domestici stranieri sono quasi triplicati, passando da 134 mila a oltre 400 mila . Questo incremento è in gran parte dovuto alla grande regolarizzazione del 2002; un provedimento che riguardava esplicitamente i lavoratori domestici. Alle regolarizzazioni va poi aggiunto il fenomeno dei lavoratori irregolari che oscilla tra un minimo di 250 mila persone e un massimo di 900 mila ; se si aggiungono i 745 mila domestici stranieri iscritti all’Inps i totali avnno pocco meno di un milione di adetti a 1,600,000 lavoratori. Tenendo conto anche dei collaboratori italiani, si arriva ad un totale di circa 2 milioni di adetti nel comparto domestico, su qui l’incidenza dei stranieri è passata del 51,5% registrata nel 2000 al 80% del 2004.

"Senza di loro il paese crollerebbe. La situazione è preoccupante, per assistere gli anziani e non autosufficienti occorre in tempi brevi un miliardo di euro perché l´aiuto alle famiglie di un paese che invecchia è una sfida, una questione di civiltà", dichiara il ministro della famiglia Rosy Bindi. ‘‘Questo sistema di welfare casalingo non può reggere così per sempre - denuncia il presidente nazionale delle Acli Andrea Olivero - perché estremamente logorante, sia per le famiglie che per le lavoratrici immigrate, legate da una dipendenza reciproca e costrette spesso ad accordi al ribasso. Ma anche perché subordinato ai progetti migratori delle colf straniere di "nuova generazione", orientate più di ieri al rientro a casa in tempi brevi, senza che nessuno possa garantirne il ricambio nel medio e lungo periodo".

Most rapresented nazionalities: (1) 19% Ucraine (2) 17% Rumene (3) 12% Philippine

lungo periodo

nessun progetto

breve periodo





Senza contratto perche irregolare


Rapporto di lavoro in nero

Almeno un rapporto in nero


Nessun rapporto in nero


due o più occupati

un occupato Famiglia con figli

Coppia di anziani

Famiglia con anzianani a carico

Famiglia monogenitoriale Famiglia senza figli

Ve n


almeno un figlio al estero

non rinvia rimesse


40 >


< 25 "Badante" in multicomitenza

Tipo di famiglia (datori di lavoro)

Mensioni svolti

invia rimesse ai familiari




"Badante" in monocomitenza Residenza dei stretti familiari

Lavoratori Domestici, 2004


Cittadinanza italiana Nessun documento

Permesso di sioggiorno

Nessun documento

Carta di sioggiorno Cittadinanza italiana

turistico 50 >




Istruzione primaria (0-8 anni di studio) Coppia - con filgi




associazione di stampo mafioso

Central Venice (peak daily visitors - Carnival)

Situazione familiare

(1,053) (743)

10 visitors =

* stranieri regolari = con permesso di soggiorno

Salario mensile (EUR)

Ore lavorative settimanali

Figure professione del lavoro domestico


libro terzo delle contravvenzioni

contro amm.ne della giustizia

ordine pubblico


legge armi

contro la pubblica amministrazione


Tipologia dei reati commessi dai stranieri nellórdine di frequenza

Lavoratori a bassa vulnerabilita sociale (regolari; da piu di dieci anni in Italia)

2001-2006 (legge Bossi-Fini)


detenuti in totale detenuti stranieri


Lavoratori ad alta vulnerabilita sociale (irregolari; da meno di due anni in Italia)

Numero dei occupati dei Progetto migratorio membri della famiglia d'origine di partenza

Eta al momento dell'espatrio

almeno un figlio al estero


al estero


Documento poseduto a secondo del periodo d'entrata

prima 1997 (legge Martelli)

prima 2002 (sanatoria) dopo



Documento attualmente poseduto

1997-2000 (legge Turco-Napolitano)

famiglie ricostituite interamente in Italia

24 8 2 5

Periodo di ingresso in Italia a seconda nazionalita

Nazionalita 1 sq km

in Italia


3.9% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3%





0.45 sq km



Ingresso in Italia (tipo di visto)


61% 52% 52% 50% 48% 48% 46% 42% 42% 41% 40% 38% 31% 31% 27% 20% 19% 19% 14% 12%

East Europe

V. Aosta (01) Trentino Alto Adige (02) Veneto (03) Liguria (04) Friuli V. Gulia (05) Emiglia Romagna (06) Piemonte (07) Lombardia (08) Toscana (09) Marche (10) Umbria (11) Lazio (12) Abruzzo (13) Sardegna (14) Molise (15) Sicilia (16) Basilicata (17) Calabria (18) Puglia (19) Campania (20)

Central & South America Africa













Nigeria Moldavia China Senegal

* 2004 ** visitors = tourists + excursionists

Incidenza media nazionale 33%



Serbia & Montenegro

* visitors = tourists + excursionists

Non credente


50th Biennale Internazionale di arti visive (15.6. - 2.11.2003) Mostra "I Faraoni", Palazzo Grassi (2.9.2002 - 5.7.2003)

Top 10 Venice Attractions, 2004

= 100 arrivals per 100 of inhabitants

Istruzione secondaria (12-13 anni di studio)



= 100 inhabitants of the destination country

Istruzione superiora (14-21 anni di studio)


international tourist arrivals per 100 inhabitants of the destination country

almost 10 percentage points since 1950 whereas the Americas lost more than 13 percentage points. Though the Americas’ performance has been most affected by the declines suffered in the past years, the fact is that its annual average growth rate for the period 1950-2000 was 5.8 per cent, also bellow the average for the world (7%). Europe and the Americas were the main touristreceiving regions between 1950 and 2000. Both regions represented a joint market share of over 95 per cent in 1950, 82 per cent forty years later and 76 per cent in 2000. (UNWTO)

Avviamento rofessionale (9-11 anni di studio)




Historical perspective of world tourism The substantial growth of the tourism activity clearly marks tourism as one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena of the past century. The number of international arrivals shows an evolution from a mere 25 million international arrivals in 1950 to an estimated 763 million in 2004, corresponding to an average annual growth rate of 6.5 per cent. During this period, development was particularly strong in Asia and the Pacific (13 per cent on average a year) and in the Middle East (10%) while the Americas (5%) and Europe (6%), grew at a slower pace and slightly below the world’s average growth. New destinations are steadily increasing their market share while more mature regions such as Europe and the Americas tend to have less dynamic growth. Europe’s world share declined by

Incidenza dei detenuti stranieri su tutti i detenuti, divisi per regioni di detenzione

05 03


fede pubblica


Sri Ven Lank ice a > > C Sch olo mb engen o [$ 616 [$8,30 ] 0]


9 07

legge straniera

Philip Venic pines > e>M S anila chengen [$1,1 [$9,3 30] 00]


San Marco Basilique





contro la persona


in Hong Kong during 2005 for each 100 inhabitants there arrived 213 tourists

Coppia - senza filgi




legge droga


Glass Museum of Murano

Anziano solo

Numero dei detenuti stranieri su 1000 immigrati regolari, divisi per nazionalitai



contro il patrimonio

235.784 208.654

Solo lavoro domestico


Commentary DIN reguar 6pt. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Magna am adigna commy nis euis dolobor incipiscip essis accummy nibh eugiam, Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut

2,600 / 3,200 1,600 / 2,000



Archeologic Museum / Museo Correr Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Solo accudimento di persone Lavoro domestico e mansioni familiari


Commentary DIN reguar 6pt. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Magna am adigna commy nis euis dolobor incipiscip essis accummy nibh eugiam, Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut veliquatie digniam, quatin ut velesent la facidunt landre magnibh elessim nim volorer aestrud et aliquate ming et iustrud del dolore tat. Cin ullandre esequat. Pismodipis dunt incillan veros alit am, vulla conullandre dit ut

2,600 / 3,200 1,600 / 2,000



Biennale di Venezia Palazzo Grassi

Tutte mansioni(familiare,domestico e cura)

International Tourist Arrivals, 2005

* visitors = tourists + excursionists

6% detenuti stranieri regolari*

Mestre & Marghera (centro) Mestre & Marghera (periferia)

during 2005 from each 100 inhabitants of the world 12 voyaged as tourists

For each of 52,000 average daily visitors was considered space of 0,75 m

Average Daily Number of Visitors, 2005

Top 10 nazionalita dei detenuti stranieri (incidenza sul totale dei detenuti stranieri in %)

13,000 / 20,000 5,400 / 5,800 4,000 / 4,800 4,000 / 4,800 5,000 / 6,000 4,500 / 5,000 4,000 / 5,000 5,000 / 5,800 4,000 / 5,000


Frari Church

Ca’ Rezzonico

If all the people visiting Venice in one day stayed in a line waiting to enter the Basilique on the San Marco Square ... where would they arrive ?

Shops min. / max.

8,000 / 11,000 4,000 / 5,500 3,800 / 5,000 4,000 / 5,500 4,200 / 6,500 4,000 / 5,200 2,600 / 4,200 3,500 / 4,000 2,800 / 3,500


Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Nuclei monogenitori

2.5 km

0 km

Ponte della Libertà


Appartments min. / max.

San Marco Cannaregio Castello Santa Croce Dorsoduro San Polo Giudecca Lido (centro) Lido (periferia)


Doge’s Palace Galleria dell’Accademia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Quotazioni immobilari (EUR per sq.m)

60% of the houses beeing bought are under 60 square meters, 30% are from 60 to 120 m2 and 10% beyond 120 m2


Lavoro domestico e accudimento di persone Mansioni familiari e accudimento di persone


/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Venice > Tokio [$43

The design and technology of cruise ships has changed considerably since the first purposebuilt cruise ship for the Caribbean market, the Song of Norway, was built in Helsinki in 1970. Major increase in size The size of the world's largest cruise ships has doubled roughly every 10 years. Larger size means increased economy of scale and lower costs per passenger. The economy of scale curve slowly flattens out, however, at 2,000+ passenger capacity. The benefits of larger ships are concentrated in giving passengers a more impressive and exciting onboard experience Design work is also moving ahead on the next generation of large Post-Panamax ships, focusing on making ships more of an onboard destination, reducing the need for port calls.

lavoro stagionale motivi familiari lavoro subordinaro


Bangladesh 85,000 Moldova 14,000 Ukraine 284,600 Romania 212,000 Albania 25,200 Macedonia 23,000 China 6.534,000 Philippines 342,000 Serbia 85,000 Sri Lanka 82,000 Senegal 31,000 Morocco 170,000

Economy of Scale

nessun documento




World oil consumpiton pro capite, 2005: 0.013 barrels of petroleum per day


Collaboratore domestico

World oil consumpiton, 2005: 81,875,000 barrels of petroleum per day

Paris (Intra-muros) area > 105 sq km population > 2.99 million / daily visitors > 92.300 New York (Manhattan) area > 61.4 sq km population > 2.15 million / daily visitors > 164.400

Bangla Venice desh > Italy > Dha ka [$6 [$7,000] 40] Real Estate and

1.65 % Oil consumpiton / Oil consumption pro capite (barrels of petroleum per day, 2005) The top 12 tourism countries arriving to Venice:

World Map of Global Oil Consumption

London (Inner London) area > 316 sq km population > 1.54 million / daily visitors > 327.700

Venice (Central Venice) area > 8 sq km population > 0.06 million / daily visitors > 44.700


* visitors = tourists + excursionists

449 m




* Systema notazionale su questa pagina rapresenta la densita “ideale” media degli abitanti e turisti per 0.1 kmq contata per tutta la area delle zone centrali delle quatro citta scelta. it does not take in acount that the real “tourist area” - where tourists efectively move - is radicaly much more smaller and also less residential. (let see next page)

Urban Structure, Comparision of Density in Top Touristic Cities, Inhabitants in Proportion to Visitors, 2005

20,000 € 23,900 € 30,800 € (5,500 € from tourism)

China > Europe [$10,000-24,000] Venice > Beijing [$735] GDP Poverty Based Mobility


1,140.8 billion € 19.4 billion € 8.7 billion € (1.5 billion € from tourism)

GDP pro capite, 2003: Italy Provincia di Venezia Comune di Venezia


Immigrant Prison, 2005





Gross Domestic Product, 2003: Italy Provincia di Venezia Comune di Venezia


Ve eg ni al ce > > Ita Da l [ ka $6, r [ 00 $7 0] 82 ]



14.6 €


Infant mortality rate The top 12 tourism countries arriving to Venice


33% detenuti stranieri (19,836)

visitors / 0.01 sq km


20% 27%

GDP Wealth Based Mobility

100% detenuti italiani e stranieri (59,523)

inhabitants / 0.01 sq km

About 29,000 children under the age of five – 21 each minute – die every day, mainly from preventable

200 m


75 | 56

visitors / 0.01 sq km



o or

inhabitants / 0.01 sq km

tutti figli in Italia

Global freshwater consumption rose sixfold between 1900 and 1995 - more than twice the rate of population growth. About one third of the world's population already lives in countries considered to be 'water stressed' - that is, where consumption exceeds 10% of total supply. If present trends continue, two out of every three people on Earth will live in that condition by 2025. (Kofi Annan, in We The Peoples, 2000)




251 | 27

visitors / 0.01 sq km


World Population with sustainable access to an improved water source: 83 %

More than 70 per cent of almost 11 million child deaths every year are attributable to six causes: diarrhoea, malaria, neonatal infection, pneumonia, preterm delivery, or lack of oxygen at birth. These deaths occur mainly in the developing world. An Ethiopian child is 30 times more likely to die by his or her fifth birthday than a child in Western Europe. Two-thirds of deaths occur in just 10 countries. And the majority are preventable. Some of the deaths occur from illnesses like measles, malaria or tetanus. Others result indirectly from marginalization, conflict and HIV/AIDS. Malnutrition and the lack of safe water and sanitation contribute to half


0] 50 7] 6, $7 0- a [ 0 0 c 1, an [$ abl pe as o C r Eu > > ice o en cc V

inhabitants / 0.01 sq km


Central Venice (average daily visitors)

c Bar

New York

205 | 9

visitors / 0.01 sq km


N.Y. - Manhattan (average daily visitors)


ic Ven

83.7 €

Post-Panamax ships


a [$ elon

World infant mortality rate: 43.52 deaths of infants one year of age or younger per 1000 live births

Serbia&Mont. > Europe [$3,000] Venice > Pristina [$176] Albania / Macedonia Venice > Tirana / Skop> Italy [$2,600] je [$158 / $290] 17

inhabitants / 0.01 sq km

arrivals = 75% receipts = 40%

Panamax ships

a [$58]





Empire State Building

Venice > Paris [$34]



> Genev




Sri Lanka









Albania, Ukraine


Top 12 tourism countries (except China)



$4 8]





[ gen hen > Sc [$248] v aina Ukr ice > Kie Ven ,500] aly [$5 252] va > It Moldo > Chisinau [$ e Venic World Child Mortality [$5,500] Map / > Schengen 7] ma World Waternia Access Ro > Bucharest [$7 ice Ven





Vie nn

Venice > Berlin [$26]

Ve n

Ve nic e>



95 | 11


arrivals = 25% receipts = 60%

Ve n




tutti figli in Italia senza figli




10% 100%

La ricerca dell’Iref, l’istituto di ricerca delle Acli (Associazioni cristiane lavoratori italiani) sul ''Welfare fatto in casa'', realizzata attraverso un questionario somministrato 'faccia a faccia' tra marzo e aprile di quest'anno ad un campione rappresentativo di 1.000 collaboratrici familiari straniere, di 66 diverse nazionalità, ha cercato di chiarire chi sono e da dove vengono, che famiglie hanno lasciato e che progetti hanno; come sono entrate in Italia e dove lavorano, con quali accordi, quali mansioni, quali rapporti con le famiglie italiane.


Venice - Migropolis® | The Global Atlas of a Situation Research carried out by students of the Communication theory workshop (led by Wolfgang Scheppe at IUAV) on the theme of global migration, focused in detail on the territory of Venice, should materialized after two years of work in a book published by Hatje Cantz Verlag. More than thousand of pages divided between the representation of statistical data in notational systems, photographic analysis of topic and interviews with the protagonists - immigrants and turists. (2006-2008)

IUAV calendar 2008 The last one from already classic set of the Venice University calendars done by Studio Tapiro. Grid altered each month in a different way by movement of a magnifying glass. Disponible in pocket and wall-size version. (2007)

Pala Pa lazzett tto Tito Ti 9.12|07 9.12|07> 13;1~08

91ma Mostra Collettiva Proposal of the poster for the annual collective exhibition of young artists, who live or study in Veneto, organized by the Foundation Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice. (2007)

La Borsa delle Meravigle My friend Angela makes rare jewellery from old Murano‘ pearls, which then sells on ea-markets together with other more or less precious articles. She asked me to design for her small business called The Bag of the Wonders visiting cards, price tags and wish -tickets that could be attached to the gift parcels. (2007)

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italia t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 pescolderung@njoa.com

gigi pescolderung [art director - multimedia section] calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy t (39) 320 4180661

f (39) 41 527790 gigi pescolderung

nomadic journey of arts

gigi pescolderung [art director - multimedia section]

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italia t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 pescolderung@njoa.com

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy

gigi pescolderung [art director - multimedia section]

nomadic journey of arts

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy

2010 > planet earth

afghanistan bosinia & herzegovina canada czech republic denmark italy morocco new zealand nigeria thailand united arab emirates venezuela

2010 > planet earth


12|1 - 23|1 > kabul 9|2 - 19|2 > sarajevo 1|3 - 17|3 > vancouver 10|4 - 21|4 > prague 14|5 - 29|5 > copenhagen 8|6 - 18|6 > rome 3|7 - 19|7 > marrakech 13|8 - 30|8 > wellington 15|9 - 25|9 > abuja 4|10 - 16|10 > bagkok 12|11 - 22|11 > abu dhabi 5|12 - 18|12 > caracas

2010 > planet earth

afghanistan bosinia & herzegovina canada czech republic denmark italy morocco new zealand nigeria thailand united arab emirates venezuela

nomadic journey of arts [marketing department] calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy t (39) 320 4180661

pescolderung@njoa.com [art director - multimedia section]

marketing@njoa.com [art director - multimedia section]

f (39) 41 527790 gigi pescolderung

gigi pescolderung

nomadic journey of arts

[art director - multimedia section]

[marketing department]

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italia t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 pescolderung@njoa.com

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italia t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 pescolderung@njoa.com

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 pescolderung@njoa.com

calle san domenico 15 30122 venezia italy t (39) 320 4180661 f (39) 41 527790 marketing@njoa.com

Hatje Cantz i.n.c. Marcus Hartmann [chief editor]

Venezia, 21 Decembre 2007

Buttermelcherstrasse 18 89224 Frankfurt a. Mein Germany


afghanistan bosinia & herzegovina canada czech republic denmark italy marocco new zealand nigeria thailand united arab emirates venezuela

nomadic journey of art

2010 > planet earth

Venezia, 21 Decembre 2007

Gentili Signori,


Gentili Signori, Sono docente presso lo IUAV a Venezia e responsabile del laboratorio di Teoria e Prassi delle Comunicazioni Multimediali. Questo laboratorio fonda la sua attività di ricerca sulle relazioni tra turismo e migrazione a Venezia. Si concluderà con una pubblicazione in cui vengono raccolte fotografie e statistiche legate a questi due fenomeni.

Sono docente presso lo IUAV a Venezia e responsabile del laboratorio di Teoria e Prassi d

Lo stabilimento Fincantieri di Marghera, uno dei piu importanti costruttori di navi da crociere e nello stesso tempo significante laboratorio fonda la sua attività di ricerca sulle relazioni tra turismo e migrazione a Venez datore di lavoro a italiani e stranieri, unisce in modo rilevante nella sua attività entrambi questi aspetti. in cui vengono raccolte fotografie e statistiche legate a questi due fenomeni.

Perciò sarebbe importante per la ricerca avere dati (e magari il loro sviluppo negli anni) sulla struttura della forza lavoro occupata Lo stabilimento Fincantieri di Marghera, uno dei piu importanti costruttori di navi da croc nel cantiere. Nello specifico: datore di lavoro a italiani e stranieri, unisce in modo rilevante nella sua attività entrambi q - numero della totale forza lavoro (minimo e massimo delle persone occupate in relazione alla variabile - numero del personale Fincantieri e lavoratori delle ditte appaltatrici Perciò sarebbe importante per la ricerca avere dati (e magari il loro sviluppo negli anni) s - numero dei lavoratori stranieri (per nazionalità e categoria retributiva) in relazionenel al cantiere. punto 2.Nello specifico:

- numero della totale forza lavoro (minimo e massimo delle persone occupate in relazion

- numero del personale Fincantieri e lavoratori delle ditte appaltatrici Sono docente presso lo IUAV a Venezia e responsabile del laboratorio di Teoria e Prassi delle Comunicazioni Multimediali. Questo - numero lavoratoricon stranieri (per nazionalità e categoria retributiva) in relazione al p laboratorio fonda la sua attività di ricerca sulle relazioni tra turismo e migrazione a Venezia. Si dei concluderà una pubblicazione in cui vengono raccolte fotografie e statistiche legate a questi due fenomen

Sono docente presso lo IUAV a Venezia e responsabile del laboratorio di Teoria e Prassi d laboratorio fonda la sua attività di ricerca sulle relazioni tra turismo e migrazione a Venez in cui vengono raccolte fotografie e statistiche legate a questi due fenomen

In attesa di una pronta risposta, ringrazio per la cortese attenzione e porgo cordiali saluti. In attesa di una pronta risposta, ringrazio per la cortese attenzione e porgo cordiali saluti.

nomadic journey of art

Prof. Wolfgang Scheppe Prof. Wolfgang Scheppe

NJOA | Nomadic Journey of Arts The brief of the Corporate identity workshop led by Michel de Boer (from Studio Dumbar) at IUAV was to create the identity for NJOA - new international festival traveling all around the world with tents, held every four years for 12 month in turn in 12 different countries, whose main strategy is to make culture popular to the mainstream public - not via advertisment, but thanks to the interaction between art and audience showing the power of communication of arts. Visual image of the festival is based on its immaterial character of transition together with the creative potential and active participation of the public. Fluid logo of the festival is projected as a light from the moving reflector on the screen composed from the continuous stream of images, done by audience themself and uploaded to the NJOA webpage. (2007)

Ritorno al mio paese natale An old venetian monastery and the text of croatian writer Predrag Matvejevic Return to the native village used to illustrate the post-traumatic syndrom of the inhabitants of ex-Jugoslavia. Outcome of the Joseph Kosuth Workhop of art techniques at IUAV which task was to make a short film constructing a critical narrative of a country that was currently in conflict. The filming must take place in Venice, but Venice mustn‘t be identifiable. Important was to look at venetian architecture with different eyes; decontextualize it by stripping off the inherited meaning, drain it of your everyday associations and instead appropriate the physical part of the buildings and focus on the psychological and social aspects. The aim was to an exercise in the psychology of perception, the use of appropriation and the construction of meaning as part of a cultural production whose issue is seeing architecture. (2004)

fig.1 La coppa dell‘amicizia. La sua origine risale a tempi antichi, quando era utilizzata quotidianamente come scodella di legno Derivata dalla grolla ma più bassa e panciuta, con più beccucci e generalmente con il coperchio scolpito a grappolo, viene usata per il vino ma soprattutto per il “caffé alla valdostana” (caffé misto a grappa, zucchero e spezie, servito fiammeggiante). La coppa si presenta in una grande varietà di interpretazioni, di linea semplice con poche decorazioni o molto scolpita e intagliata. Simbolo di amicizia, viene usata durante le bevute conviviali à la ronde.

Regional promotional mark for tourism of Valle d’Aosta Proposal of promotional mark for the international competition launched by autonomous italian Valle d‘Aosta region is based on perhaps the strongest visual symbol of this mountainous territory - famous traditional wooden cup (coppa dell’amicizia / friendship cup) used for drinking specially prepared coffee in a good company of friends. (2004)

working experiences 2006 - 2008


– wolfgang scheppe associates /munich

collaborator as freelance graphic designer 2007

studio tapiro /venice collaborator as freelance graphic designer

2004 - 2005

studio cascade /pilsen graphic design intership

2000 >

d-projekt /pilsen collaborator as designer and architect

awards 2006

josef hlavka award scholarship for the best graduates and young researchers from the czech republic

2004, 2005

oloveny dusan award for the best workshop-projects on the faculty of architecture CTU in prag

exhibitions & publications 2006

10. international architecture exhibition /venice biennale catalogue and exposition in the czech pavilion of the student projects from the workshop led by ivan kroupa on the faculty of architecture ctu in prag


diplomky /fragnerova galerie, prag exposition of the thesis awarded by the chamber of architects of czech republic


viverevenezia 3 /palazzo fortuny, venice catalogue and exposition of the projects from the international competition workshop on the signage system for venice


transmission - progetto + /bassano di grappa exposition of the projects from the workshop led by joseph kosuth on IUAV, published in the international newspapers workout

k.dolejsova @ volny.cz 13.10.1980 */pilsen


calle ruga 157, venezia 30122 - it +39 320 41 80 661 soubezna 3, plzen 31200 - cz +420 777 64 33 65

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