DAJJAL_the judeo-Christian Civilisation

Page 87


AS I HAVE stated earlier in this book, many 'Sahih' or 'correct' Hadis have been omitted from the exclusive category due to their lack of unbroken 'esnad' or 'reporting'. The same holds true in the case of the Dajjal, where many true Hadis s have been similarly lost, yet one can tell by reading them- that they are genuine ones for they not only are collaborative with the documented and agreed ones, they complement and supplement them as well. One such is, -the Dajjal's mount will have one foot in the east and the other in the west. A few others are presented in the following. One such important Hadis has been derived from Muhammad Assad's, "The Road To Mecca", the book where he first put forward the idea of the western civilization as being the Dajjal. All the Hadis s included therein can be traced back to the Messenger of Allah, except this one- “the Dajjal will have the power to hear and see what is happening on the other side of the earth.� There does not seem any further need to clarify what this Hadis refers to since it is only too obvious that it is indicated towards the mass electronic media, namely radio and television; and also the fact that these are both inventions of the western civilization. Muhammad Assad reports discussing this with Sheikh Ibn Bulaydid, who was one of the foremost Eslamic authorities in Makkah and advisor to King Ibn Saud on religious affairs. Judging from the fact that rather than commenting on the authenticity of this Hadis, the

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