basic sketching

Page 19

The Cube 45/45-degree Cube

Draw the horizon and position the two vanishing points (A and B) on it. Bisect the distance between the vanisching points to find the diagonal vanishing points. Drop a vertical from this point and draw two lines AC and CB from A and B at the desired angle. This will be the angle at the base of the cube nearest to the viewer. Draw two more lines DB and EA. To form the perspective square CDEF. Create 2 more verticals from D and E and. Create a freehand-arc with the center in D. Draw another line from D with an inclination of approximatly 45 degrees. Locate point H at the intersection of the arc and the angled line. Draw a horizontal line trough X to locate I and J, wich completes the diagonal plane DEIJ. Now complete the top plane by drawing lines from both vanishing points trough I and J. Highlight the visible edges to complete the drawing.

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