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Across the UK, three times as many children and young people live with life-shortening conditions than 20 years ago; that number could grow by 50 per cent over the coming decade. More seriously-ill babies are surviving, and children and young people with complex conditions are living longer. The health of families caring for a sick child is also at risk.*

The respite and palliative care Julia’s House provides for these families couldn’t be more critical. We start caring when a child is diagnosed and continue caring when they reach the end of their life, supporting grieving parents and siblings for up to five years after a child has died. Our holistic approach and ability to provide a lifeline of care for even more families can’t be found anywhere else.


*Together-for-Short-Lives-Impact-report-2022-1.pdf (togetherforshortlives.org.uk)

188 children registered for care